Diseases of cucumbers: a description with photos of 14 main problems, as well as ways to treat them | + Reviews

Cucumbers are grown almost everywhere. Cucumber farming is simple: with regular care procedures (watering, fertilizing, lash formation) ...

Wood ash as a fertilizer for horticultural and horticultural crops, methods of application

Everyone knows about the benefits of wood ash in "gardening matters". Without hesitation, it is applied under any plants and in any growing season. Natural ...

How to permanently get rid of dandelions on the site or lawn?

Dandelion can be safely attributed to cosmopolitan plants that quickly spread due to volatile seeds and boldly take their place in the meadow or in the garden. ...

Why do plants curl their leaves?

Growing ornamental plants is not as easy as it seems at first glance. For many flower crops, room conditions ...

How to grow rosemary at home from seeds or stem cuttings

Spicy plants are quickly gaining a place in the gardens and apartments of amateur gardeners. Housewives try not to buy dried herbs in bags, but ...

Work in the garden and garden in spring (March, April and May): basic and preventive

Spring is the start of a new growing season. The success of the garden depends on how work will be started in the garden, garden or summer cottage.

How to deoxidize the soil in the garden?

Before planting any plants in his garden, vegetable garden or summer cottage, the gardener must examine the condition of the soil. It is important to know not only the composition of the soil and its ...

Harvesting cuttings for grafting trees: basic information about cuttings, when to harvest, storing cuttings in the refrigerator

Despite its apparent simplicity, grafting is one of the most complex manipulations carried out with fruit trees. The success of this procedure depends on...

Processing the garden in the spring from diseases and pests is a guarantee of good growth, development and fruiting of trees and shrubs

The most pressing "spring" issue for gardeners is the cultivation of the garden. Malicious larvae, bacteria, fungi, viruses that survived the winter in the old ...

Proper watering of seedlings on the windowsill, in peat tablets

If in the southern latitudes the seeds of vegetables and flowers are sown in the ground and get an excellent harvest, then in the middle lane and northern regions without pre-obtained ...

Hay stick: use for the garden and vegetable garden, how to grow. Significance for a person

A garden hay stick is a good tool for protecting crops. Suppresses many pathogenic microorganisms in the soil by ...

What can be grown from a bone at home?

Growing a plant from a seed is a very interesting, exciting activity, although not an easy one. The nucleolus acts as a bone, which is covered ...

Stratification of seeds at home: how to properly enlighten the procedure in the refrigerator

With seed cultivation, it is important to achieve high germination rates. For this, it is necessary to carry out special processing of seed material, ...

editor's choice
Natural fertilizers for the garden and indoor flowers: description and their application

The efficiency of agriculture directly depends on soil fertility. Over time, the supply of nutrients in them decreases and plants become ...

How to make heating in a greenhouse: the best project to protect seedlings ??? from frost

Everyone who grows seedlings in greenhouses has faced such a problem as spring frosts. Although they are short-lived, they can destroy the fruits of your ...

Planting plants in March for seedlings: table by day and crop + lunar calendar for March

At the beginning of the season, the activity of gardeners and gardeners can begin quite early. The first plantings for seedlings can begin as early as February, but most ...

Do I need to dig up the ground before planting in autumn or spring: necessity or habit? Tips for a beginner gardener

Few of the Russian people imagine their life without a garden and a kitchen garden. This is not just a work "up to a sweat", but also self-realization, an opportunity to be alone with ...

Why do fruit tree seedlings not take root? TOP 15 Causes of Poor Growth

Modern gardening, even in comparison with the achievements of half a century ago, is very well developed. Breeding work, as well as the results of the application ...

Soil mulching with various materials

Mulching is an important agricultural practice used in the cultivation of almost all crops. The essence of the technique is to create ...

editor's choice
How to improve soil fertility? TOP-8 environmentally friendly options + agrotechnical methods

Land is the main component of the future harvest. Information about it is important in the smallest detail. You need to know it in order to find opportunities ...

editor's choice
How to get rid of midges in indoor flowers and plants? TOP 10 ways including folk remedies

Growing flowers at home is a very common hobby, to which almost all residents of our country devote their time to one degree or another.

editor's choice
How to prepare the land for seedlings: rules for self-cooking at home

All gardeners and summer residents want to get a big and healthy harvest in their summer cottages. To grow good seedlings, which is the main step, ...

When to plant seeds for seedlings?

It will take quite a bit of time and the days will come of turning the window sills of city apartments into small plantations for vegetable and flower seedlings. Many...

How to permanently remove the fungus from the walls in the bathroom and other rooms in the apartment: causes, types of mold, methods of control and prevention | + Reviews

Mold spots appear on the walls in almost every living space where there is high humidity or poor ventilation. Most often, the fungus occurs in ...

Ginura - home care: planting and pruning, growing conditions, methods of reproduction. Signs and medicinal properties

Photo of a plant with exotic coloring of cilia on leaves Ginura (from lat. Gynura) is an exotic plant with soft, pubescent leaves. Belongs to...

editor's choice
How to whitewash the trees in the garden: description, timing (autumn, spring), compositions, preparation, tools

Usually, at the sight of snow-white whitewashed trees (especially in a well-groomed garden), an inexperienced viewer has a strong association with putting things in order ...

How to germinate seeds for seedlings in just 48 hours: 2 ways

The process of growing many crops, especially those with a thick shell, can be significantly accelerated if it is first softened in some way or ...

How to prune grapes: in autumn and before shelter for the winter

Of all the crops cultivated by man, grapes occupy a special place. This plant, despite its thermophilicity, can grow in quite cold ...

How to make a wasp trap from a plastic bottle: a simple step-by-step instruction

Despite the fact that wasps are beneficial insects that destroy pests, they can cause a lot of trouble. First of all, these are their bites. They ...

TOP 8 Ways to get rid of fleas in the house: chemicals, as well as proven folk remedies

Fleas are parasitic insects that live in the fur or hairline of mammals, or in the feathers of birds. They feed on the blood of their hosts. Besides...

TOP-5 Ways to deal with the bear in the garden, garden plot: effective remedies and preventive measures

Such a pest as a bear is unique in its own way. Firstly, this is a creature capable of moving in all available ways: from underground to air; ...

TOP 5 Ways to get rid of wasps on the site: the reasons for their appearance, the effective means to combat them

Wasps is the common name for a large number of insects belonging to different genera or even families. There are quite a few varieties of wasps, however ...

TOP 10 Best remedies for cockroaches in an apartment or private house (2019) + Reviews

Remedies for Cockroaches These small insects lived on Earth long before us. With the advent of man, or rather, his dwellings, cockroaches got bored with wild life, and ...

Making a compost box with your own hands: a description of the main technical points, recipes for making compost (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Experienced gardeners always monitor the level of soil fertility. After all, a depleted plot is unlikely to give a good harvest. DIY compost bins...

How to permanently get rid of snakes in a summer cottage: the reasons for their appearance, the effective means to combat them and preventive measures

Snakes are legless representatives of the world of reptiles. These cold-blooded creatures, distributed almost all over the world, except for a few ...

[Instruction] How to effectively deal with moles in a summer cottage: modern and folk remedies

Animals are the most unpleasant of all garden pests, because, unlike other types of animals, they have advanced intelligence and ...

editor's choice
[Encyclopedia] Pests of garden trees and other garden crops: how to identify and neutralize them

Plants are a source of food not only for humans, but also for a large number of other living beings. It can be said that to some extent the inhabitants ...

TOP 10 Best fitolamps for growing seedlings and indoor plants: choose which one is better?

Indoor plants often suffer from a lack of sunlight even on windowsills, may stop blooming and die. To prevent this from happening, they...

TOP 10 Best remedies for mice and rats in a private house: we fight rodents effectively! +Reviews

Mouse Remedy Rodents have been companions of man since the discovery of agriculture. As soon as a person began to cultivate the land and receive the first crops, ...

TOP 7 Best Tick and Flea Remedies for People, Dogs and Cats

Tick ​​and flea remedy Ticks are arthropods belonging to the class of arachnids. There are quite a lot of them, in total the class has several ...




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