Do-it-yourself paper pencil stand [Master Class]

Pencil stand

Many parents are familiar with the problem when pens and pencils are as restless as their owners. And, at times, it is very difficult to put things in order on the children's desktop. But there is a way out! We invite you, together with fidgets, to make a bright and convenient organizer with six spacious compartments.

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Materials for manufacturing

To make a pencil holder you will need:

  • 6 sheets of colored paper (preferably different colors);
  • 1 sheet of thick cardboard;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • glue "Moment";
  • stapler.

Step 1. Making modules


To begin with, we measure a square measuring 20x20 cm and cut it out with scissors.

Cut out the square

We do not throw away the cut off part, it will still be useful to us.

We fold our square in half.

We fold our square in half


Open and fold in half again, perpendicular to the fold already made.

fold in half


Having unfolded the square, fold the sides to the central fold.

fold the sides to the center fold


Returning the paper to its original position, rotate it 90 degrees and repeat the previous step, folding the two sides to the central fold.

Unfold and fold the two sides to the center fold


Expanding our workpiece, we see a large number of squares. But now we will work with 4 extreme ones, bending their corners inward.

fold these corners inward


Now we bend the bottom part to the center.

Now bend the bottom to the center


We do the same with the top.

We do the same with the top


We turn the workpiece over and bend the right side to the center, along the fold already made earlier.

fold right side to center



We do the same with the left side.

Do the same with the left side


We turn our workpiece over and go through the horizontal fold.

walk along a horizontal fold


Turning the workpiece back, we connect the right and left sides. We fill the upper right corner under the upper left triangle, we do the same with the lower part.

We fill the upper right corner under the upper left triangle


After that, we push the corners into triangles completely. We have a trihedral prism.

push the corners into triangles completely


At this point, we need that piece of paper that we cut off in point 1. We insert it carefully into the lower part of our workpiece.

We insert it carefully into the lower part of our workpiece.

A piece of paper is better to choose a different color for originality.

We cut off the excess.

We cut off the excess


Slightly push the edges of our base, and fill the rectangle of a different color inward.

directing a rectangle of a different color inside


Using the same technology, we add the remaining 5 modules.

Using the same technology, we add the remaining 5 modules

Step 2 Connecting the Modules


We glue 2 modules together, well smearing the sides with a glue stick.

We glue 2 modules together


Hold the parts together for a few minutes so that they stick together better. You can also fasten them with a stapler.

Glue the next module to one of the inner sides of this design.

glue the next module


So, in order, we attach the remaining 3 modules.

remaining 3 modules

Step 3. Making the bottom for the stand


We apply glue "Moment" on all the edges of the lower part of our workpiece.

We apply glue Moment to all the edges of the lower part of our workpiece


After applying the glue, put our stand on the cardboard and press it tightly with your hand.

put our stand on cardboard


When the glue has dried, cut off all the excess.

You can retreat from the edge by 2 mm, so it will be prettier.
When the glue has dried, cut off all the excess



Our stand is ready!

Our stand is ready.


Do-it-yourself paper pencil stand [Master Class]

Paper origami. Pencil stand

Do-it-yourself paper pencil stand [Master Class]

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