[Instructions] Do-it-yourself installation and connection of the dishwasher: to the water supply, sewerage and electricity | Photo & Video

Installation and connection of the dishwasher

The dishwasher is being used more and more in everyday life. This device has a lot of advantages, consisting not only in the absence of the need to wash dishes by hand. The operation of the "dishwasher" is much more profitable than washing dishes with detergent in the sink. Collecting dirty dishes throughout the day and using this appliance for washing it once give a very significant savings in water and detergent. The financial equivalent of such savings is so great that it even pays for the cost of electricity during the operation of the dishwasher (PMM). The article will consider various nuances of self-installation and connection of a dishwasher in a modern apartment.

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Basic connection steps

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Successful connection of communications (electricity, water, sewerage)

Successful connection of communications (electricity, water, sewerage)

Conventionally, the process of putting the PMM into operation can be divided into three main stages:

  • installation of the dishwasher at the installation site
  • connection to water communications (sources of water and sewerage)
  • connection to electricity

The principles that guide each stage of the connection are quite simple and are based on the rules for the operation of a particular type of resource (water and electricity).

Failure to comply with certain standards can lead to emergency situations in the operation of the machine and be a source of danger during its operation.

To install the machine, additional parts are required:

  • specialized siphon for draining (installed on the sink)
  • water ball valve
  • connecting hoses (if they are not included with the dishwasher)
  • clamps for fixing
  • earthed socket
  • protective differential automata or residual current device (RCD), if they were not provided for in the project power supply of the premises

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Dishwasher connection

Elements for connecting the dishwasher to the water supply

Tools required for installation:

At each stage of the installation, various errors may appear. These mistakes, initially insignificant, can later lead to undesirable consequences. To avoid them, consider each of the stages in more detail,
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Dishwasher installation

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Structurally, dishwashers can be of two types: freestanding and built-in. The former represent the failure of individual electrical appliances in their own housing, which can be installed almost anywhere in the kitchen. The main thing is that it is convenient to bring communications to them and that all necessary norms are observed when they are connected.

Dishwasher installation

Installation and connection of the dishwasher

Built-in dishwashers are installed in ready-made kitchen elements (cupboards and niches), to which water and electricity input points are pre-connected. Such PMMs can either have their own front panel with controls, or use a decorative plate made of wood or MDF as a front panel. In this case, the PMM controls will be hidden; most often they are located on the door from the end.

Free standing PMM

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Tabletop dishwasher

Outdoor tabletop dishwasher

Depending on the dimensions of such a dishwasher, it can be installed on the floor or on a special stand. In the role of a stand, for example, a tabletop can act. Usually, PMM with a height of more than 60 cm is installed on the floor, and with a height of 45-60 cm - on a stand.

There are only two main requirements for this installation method:

  1. The dishwasher must be placed on a level surface. This is necessary, since any violation of perpendicularity in the installation of the machine is fraught not only with instability, but also with water flowing out of it during operation.

  2. The dishwasher should be located at least 5 cm from the wall. Here, too, everything is simple - a shorter distance will not allow you to properly dilute the communications, and there may be cases when the water hoses are pinched, which will lead to blocking the access of water to the machine

The deviation from the horizontal plane during the installation of the PPM should be no more than 2 °.

Checking the correct installation is done using level, which is applied to the lid of the dishwasher. All machines are equipped with height-adjustable feet, so leveling the machine should not be a problem.

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Adjusting the height of the machine with a special screw

Adjusting the height of the machine with a special screw

If communications are already connected to the installation site, then there will be no special problems during the installation of the PPM, if they are not there, then you will have to supply electricity and water to the installation site of the device.

It should be remembered here that the length of the standard hoses and the electrical connection cable supplied with the machine does not exceed 1.5 m. Therefore, its location should be chosen based on these distances. The use of additional extension cords for water and electricity supply is highly undesirable.

Usually, when choosing a place to install a machine, they try to place it closer to water communications. - cold water and sewage, and already electricity is supplied in any convenient way, since the installation of electricians is less time-consuming than the installation of water supply. If, in order to conduct electricity, the maximum that has to be done is to punch a wall for wiring and install a socket for an outlet, then in the case of water, the list of activities will be much longer.

Embedded PMM

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In this situation, everything is much simpler.

In this situation, everything is much easier

All built-in dishwashers (except for a very limited number of models) have not only standard dimensions, but also standard positions for the entry points of electricity and water.

The dimensions of dishwashers are quite strictly standardized:

  • height - no more than 82 cm for full-size and no more than 46 cm for small-sized
  • width - 60 cm for full-size and 45 for narrow or small
  • depth - 48 or 58 cm

Before you firmly fix the PMM in niches or cabinets, they must also be leveled with a level. This is easy to do, as built-in machines are also equipped with height-adjustable feet.

When installing the machine, it should be raised as much as possible on adjustable legs so that there are no gaps between the top cover of the machine and the table top.

An important detail for built-in PMM is vapor protection in the form of a special metal plate. It is installed in the front upper part of the niche and is fixed with self-tapping screws to the bottom of the tabletop. Thanks to the use of this device, the countertop will not swell from steam when the dishwasher door is opened. Sometimes, instead of this plate, aluminum foil or adhesive tape is used, which is fixed along the perimeter of the door (on the table top and side walls).

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Connection to water supply and sewerage

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Faucet for connecting the dishwasher to the water outlet

Faucet for connecting the dishwasher to the water outlet

When connecting to a water supply system, it is necessary to connect the hose from the PMM to the water outlet not directly, but using special shut-off valves. It is a special tap, one end of which is connected to a water outlet, and the other (with a ¾ inch thread) to a hose from the PMM. The use of this device will help to shut off the water in the event of a malfunction in the inlet valve of the machine.

Further connection is quite simple - the end of the hose from the PPM is connected to the stopcock. The other end of the connecting hose is connected directly to the machine. At the same time, it is desirable that the hose be equipped with the AquaStop system (for some models it is called AuqaControl). The use of such a system protects the machine from leaks by blocking the water supply in the event of a malfunction of the main valve in the machine.

Hose with AquaStop system

Hose with AquaStop system

After the hoses are connected, their tightness is checked by opening the water supply tap in the absence of voltage.

The drain is connected either directly to a separate outlet sewers (if it was provided), or using a specialized sink drain siphon. The latter method is currently used much more often, since it greatly simplifies the design of the drain in the kitchen, because. there is no need for a separate drain for the dishwasher.

The design of such a siphon provides a place for connecting an additional drain hose. Sometimes there are several such assignments.

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Specialized siphon for draining PMM with two additional outlets

Specialized siphon for draining PMM with two additional outlets

An alternative way to connect to the sewer is to use an additional tee in the sink drain.

Additional tee in the sink drain

Additional tee in the sink drain

In the case of using an additional tee, it is recommended to connect the PMM drain to it using a check valve.

The drain hose of the dishwasher should have a bend of about 50-70 cm from the base of the machine. For this purpose, a mount is provided on the back of the machine.
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Electrical connection

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An example of the implementation of a socket for a free-standing PMM

An example of the implementation of a socket for a free-standing PMM

According to the rules for the operation of electrical installations, all electrical appliances that work with water must be grounded and connected to the network using special protective equipment - an RCD or a differential machine. It is advisable even at the initial breeding of the wiring for each of these consumers, including the dishwasher, to take a separate power line.

The maximum power of the dishwasher is about 2.5 kW, so the socket for it is selected with a current load of 16A. This value of the rated current corresponds to a maximum power consumption of 3.52 kW, that is, the socket is used with a current margin of 40%.

It may seem that this is too much stock, however, sockets for less current (10A - the closest standard) may not be suitable, since in this case the maximum power will be 2.2 kW.

The socket must have a grounding contact connected to the common ground of the dwelling.

In order to increase fire safety, it is recommended to choose sockets for the dishwasher made of non-combustible polycarbonate.

The machine, which will be installed on the power line of the machine, is selected for a maximum current of the same 16A as the outlet.

Connection of a stand-alone machine is carried out using a socket located at a distance of no more than 1-1.5 m from it. It is highly undesirable to use extension cords in this case. Firstly, this results in two additional electrical connections, and secondly, there is a high probability that the extension cord does not have a ground circuit at all.

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An option for those who do not want to change the wiring: dishwasher outlet with built-in RCD

An option for those who do not want to change the wiring: dishwasher outlet with built-in RCD

The outlet must be located to the left or right of the machine, but in no case, not behind it. The wire for the outlet is copper, soft, with a cross section of 1.5-2 mm square.

The residual current device is selected for a current difference of 30 mA - this corresponds to approximately 30-40% of the dangerous value for humans. That is, upon contact with a faulty device, the owner of the machine may fall under the short-term effect of an electric current. Although it will not be fatal, it cannot be called pleasant either.

To reduce the effect of current on a person at the moment of contact, an RCD can be used, with a leakage current of less than 30 mA, for example, 10 mA. However, in this case, the number of false positives of protection will be quite frequent, which will also be inconvenient. In general, in this situation, the choice of RCD leakage current depends on the desire of the user.

Sometimes when connecting a dishwasher, a diff is used. machine - a device that combines the functions of a conventional machine and an RCD. The use of such a machine is also recommended for all electrical appliances that work with water (washing machine, water heater, etc.)

This is the most correct and simple solution, however, it has one drawback - the price. For example, the introduction of an RCD into the power supply circuit increases the cost of materials by 1.5 times.. The use of a differential machine (depending on the manufacturer) can increase the cost of the power supply circuit from 2 to 5 times.


Connecting a dishwasher to communications is a fairly simple task, and, one might say, trivial. This will require relatively few tools and additional materials. Moreover, in most cases, almost all materials come with the machine. The main thing in the installation process is to follow all the rules for working with water and electrical networks.

VIDEO: How to connect a dishwasher with your own hands

[Instructions] Do-it-yourself installation and connection of the dishwasher: to the water supply, sewerage and electricity

How to connect a dishwasher

[Instructions] Do-it-yourself installation and connection of the dishwasher: to the water supply, sewerage and electricity | Photo & Video

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Dishwasher connection

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