Climbing rose is a perennial shrub with long shoots, climbing along a support or creeping along the ground, which is highly decorative during flowering. The most popular decorative culture in landscape vertical gardening.
These plants are not as capricious as they seem, but planting and caring for a climbing rose should be carried out in accordance with all the rules of agricultural technology. Only in this case, the shrub will develop powerful healthy shoots and delight with abundant flowering 2 times per season.
- Classification of climbing roses
- Popular varieties
- Reproduction methods
- Choice of landing site
- Planting hole preparation
- Preparing roses for planting
- Features and rules of autumn planting
- Features of spring planting
- Care during the growing season
- Cropping Features
- Climbing rose support
- winter shelter
- conclusions

Classification of climbing roses

climbing rose
There are hundreds of varieties of climbing roses, the history of their appearance is centuries-old, there are dozens of characteristics and distinctive features. All this abundance of information makes it difficult to clearly classify these magnificent shrubs.
But the basics of dividing roses into groups will help beginner flower growers understand all the variety of varieties and decide on the choice of the most suitable seedlings.
Red Parfum (Rambler)

Red Parfum (Rambler)
So, China is considered the birthplace of roses. It was from there that the first specimens arrived in Europe and became the basis for the work of breeders. In the work of botanists, roses of the following forms were used:
- Multiflora (multiflora)
- Vihura
- McCartney
- Banks
- hybrid tea
The work of breeders resulted in two groups of roses: small-flowered with a flower diameter of up to 4 cm and large-flowered (diameter up to 15 cm or more).
These two groups in the international classification combine 3 more subgroups of roses.
- Rambler
- Climber
- Climbing
Ramblers are true small-flowered climbing, climbing or semi-climbing roses. Their shoots are long, flexible, reaching 5 meters, covered with thorns. It blooms on last year's shoots with small flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter.
The flowers are simple or double, slightly fragrant, collected in bunches of several inflorescences. Flowering is usually one per season, lasting up to 35 days. All varieties need shelter for the winter.
Сompassion (Climber)

Сompassion (Climber)
Climbers come from remontant, hybrid tea roses and floribunda. These are large-flowered climbing roses with climbing shoots. Their height can reach and exceed 4 meters.
The flowers are semi-double, loose, in diameter from 4-5 cm to 15 cm. They winter well without shelter, as they tolerate frosts down to -23 degrees. Climbers are re-flowering. The first wave in June, the second - in September.
Cecile-Brunner (Climing)

Cecile-Brunner (Climing)
Claimings - a representative of weaving roses that grow over large areas. They have a variety of flower shapes and colors. It is semi-double, goblet, peony, reaching 11-12 cm in diameter.
Are re-flowering on old last year and young shoots. This distinguishes them from other varieties and subgroups.
Berolina (Kordesa)

Berolina (Kordesa)
In the classification of climbing roses, there is another variety or intermediate group - these are Kordes roses. They differ from others in the average size of the bush - up to 2 meters in height.
They are diverse in brightness of colors and terry, although among the varietal hybrids there are representatives with simple flowers collected in rich brushes. Castings are usually shiny, there are thorns on the shoots.
Since all climbing roses grow quickly and have strong shoots, they tolerate pruning well and quickly form a growth. For this reason, after heavy pruning, they can resemble bush ones, and with special shaping, standard ones can be grown from them.

Popular varieties
Varieties of climbing roses are numerous and varied. Among them there are giants up to 5 meters tall, representatives with lush inflorescences, pom-pom roses and many others in the most unusual colors.
Below are descriptions of climbing roses with photos that can be grown in the middle lane with a light shelter for the winter.
Elf (elfe)

Elf (elfe)
Medium-sized rose of German selection, reaching a height of 3 m. The flowers are lush, delicate lemon-cream color with a light green tint. The diameter of lush flowers up to 14 cm with outward-curling petals.
The leaves are dark green glossy, the shoots are strong, bending. Flowers can be either single or collected in brushes of 3 pieces. Blooms almost continuously with short dormant periods. Resistant to frost and most diseases. Loses decorative effect in rainy summer.
Rosarium Uetersen

Rosarium Uetersen
One of the most famous German varieties, 1977 selection. The bush is medium tall, sprawling with a length of lashes 2-3 m. The leaves are large glossy, the stems are covered with thorns. Flowers of juicy pink color are densely double with a diameter of up to 12 cm. The petals are wavy, tightly adjacent to each other, so the rose keeps its shape well even in heavy rains.
Blooms 2 times per season, but the second wave is less abundant than the first. At the end of flowering, the petals acquire a delicate pink hue. The variety is distinguished by stable immunity and good winter hardiness, therefore it is suitable for the harsh Moscow region.
The Albrighton Rambler

The Albrighton Rambler
One of the new English Austin hybrids. The bush grows up to 4 m, inflorescences are formed 4-5 per shoot. The flowers are small, delicate pink, double in diameter up to 5 cm.
Blooms continuously throughout the warm season. It has an average strength immunity, therefore, when grown, it requires preventive treatments. During flowering exudes a musky aroma. The flowers fade in the sun to cream. The plant is strong, resistant to precipitation.
Perennial Blue

Perennial Blue
Bright early climbing rose of English selection in 2003. Forms a tall ornamental shrub up to 3.5 m high. The leaves are small, shiny. Blooms profusely once a season. Re-blooms under special favorable conditions.
The flowers are small terry with a diameter of up to 4 cm, collected in lush inflorescences of 5-8 pieces per shoot. The flowers at the beginning of flowering are bright purple with a creamy center, then fade to light purple. Light honey aroma. Winters well under light cover, strong immunity.

One of the popular bright pink dews with a pronounced sweet aroma. The flowers are densely double, large in diameter up to 8 cm. Forms a bush up to 3 m high. Blooms up to 7-9 buds on shoots.
Flowering is long 1 time per season. Immunity stable, frost-resistant. The lagoon tolerates pruning well, can be shaped like a trunk.
Pierre de Ronsard

Pierre de Ronsard
Representative of the French selection. Medium-sized compact shrub with a height of 1.5 meters to 3.Forms strong shoots slightly studded. The flowers are large, soft pink, densely double, up to 12 cm in diameter. In cool summers, the flowers do not bloom completely, keeping a compact, slightly open bud with folded petals inside.
In hot climates, the flowers bloom into a rosette, the edges of the petals often have a slightly greenish tint. The leaves are smooth, glossy, dark green. On one shoot 1-3 inflorescences are formed. Bloom for a long time. The first wave is magnificent, the second is more modest. Disease resistance is high, as is frost resistance.
Ilse Crown Superior

Ilse Crown Superior
Srednerosly voluminous bush up to 2-2.5 m high. Shoots are bending, covered with thorns. The flowers are large, white, with a slight creamy hue at the beginning of flowering. Diameter 10-13 cm. Buds appear along the entire length of the shoot. It blooms twice a season, with the second flowering continuing until frost.
Due to good flexibility, shoots can braid any structures from arches and pergola to others, more complex. Winter hardiness and disease resistance is high, it can be grown in Siberia and the Leningrad region.
William Shakespeare 2000

William Shakespeare 2000
The best winter-hardy climbing rose, almost disease-free. Suitable for growing in the harsh Siberian climate. Representative of the English selection of D. Austin. The height of the bush is 1.2-1.5 m, the leaves are dull green.
Terry raspberry flowers with purple burnout. Flower diameter 9-10 cm. Blooms 2 times per season. The first in June is very plentiful, the second in August-September. The aroma is pronounced, sweetish. One of the few roses that tolerates shade well.
Golden Celebration

Golden Celebration
Low-growing variety of climbing roses of English selection. It is the owner of a rare yellow color with peach ends of the petals at the end of flowering. The flowers are very large, full with a diameter of up to 16 cm. They have a light sweetish caramel aroma.
Blooms in June and under good weather conditions in September until frost. It is characterized by good winter hardiness and strong immunity. Only black spot is affected. Possesses average shade tolerance.

Magnificent shrub with lilac-pink terry inflorescences. The diameter of the inflorescences is 7 cm, up to 15 buds are formed on one brush. Tall shrub, reaches 3 m in height.
It is distinguished by good flexibility of shoots, therefore it is used to create various forms and compositions on supports. Can curl along hedges. The aroma is pleasant, strong. Frost resistance is good, the plant is resistant to powdery mildew and black spot.

Representative of the German selection in 2006. Medium-sized plant with a height of 60 to 120 cm. Shoots are strong, erect. The leaves are dark green, oblong, glossy. The flowers are medium-sized, bright dark pink, similar to an unblown peony bud.
In one inflorescence, up to 15 buds are formed. Blooms throughout the warm season. The beginning of flowering is early - at the end of May and continues until autumn, subject to good maintenance. Winter hardiness is average, immunity is stable. In view of the fact that many inflorescences form on the shoots, they bend and droop to the ground, so the plant needs a strong support.

Snow-white climbing rose 1.5-2 m high. English selection (D. Austin). Blooms profusely throughout the warm season. The flowers are small, 6 cm in diameter, sometimes with a pink edge. Each inflorescence consists of 6-10 buds.
The aroma of flowers is delicate and pleasant. The stems are bending, the leaves are bright green, glossy. The plant has good immunity and adaptive abilities, therefore it can be grown in different climatic zones.
Bobby James

Bobby James
Climbing small-flowered rose of English selection. The flowers are semi-double, creamy white, collected 10-15 pieces in one inflorescence. The shape of the flower is like a cherry, the aroma is strong musky.
It reaches a height of 2 or more meters, grows strongly in volume, therefore it requires a lot of space. Flowering is very abundant once. It has an average winter hardiness and good immunity.
Don Juan

Don Juan
Powerful tall shrub reaching 3 m in height and 2 m in volume. The flowers are scarlet, double, 10-11 cm in diameter, very fragrant. Blooms continuously throughout the summer season. The plant withstands frosts down to -25°C.
Eutersen rosarium

Eutersen rosarium
A plant with densely double dark pink flowers and shiny foliage. Forms large brushes of inflorescences of 6-7 buds. Blooms all summer. Flower diameter 10-12 cm.
The plant is tall, up to 3.5 m in height with a slight apple aroma. Shoots are strong, thick, covered with thorns. Winters well under light covering material.

Scarlet rose of German selection. The flowers are red, up to 11 cm in diameter. A powerful tall shrub with glossy, very decorative foliage.
The plant branches well, the shoots are flexible, therefore, it is widely used for braiding hedges, trellises, etc. Resistant to frost, heavy rains and diseases. Blooms for a long time 1 time per season.
Gloria Day

Gloria Day
One of the most titled climbing roses in yellow-lemon color. Flowers in the process of blooming gradually change color to pale pink amber. Flower diameter 12-15 cm.
The plant is medium-sized, up to 1.5 m high, bushes well. The foliage is glossy green, the aroma is fruity with notes of honey. Representative of the French selection.

Highly ornamental early blooming yellow rose. The flowers are double, small, up to 6 cm in diameter. The aroma is weakly expressed.
In height, the plant reaches 3 m, releasing long shoots, completely strewn with flowers. Blooms in May 1 time per season, but very plentiful. Frost-resistant.
Ilse Krohn Superior

Ilse Krohn Superior
Frost-resistant, disease-resistant snow-white rose. Height up to 3 m, shoots strong, straight. The flowers are double, creamy at the beginning of flowering, later white.
Diameter 10 cm. The aroma is sweet, pronounced. Flowers do not lose their decorative effect in the sun and in the rain. Flowering is abundant 1 time per season, more than a month.
American Pillar

American Pillar
Bicolor rose Vihura. The flowers are small, simple, consisting of 5 petals cream inside and purple outside. Collected in graceful inflorescences. There are yellow stamens. The shrub is very massive, reaching 4-5 meters in height and 2-3 in width.
It blooms in spring 1 time per season, abundantly and for a long time. The shoots are flexible, quickly braid the support. Reliable, resistant to frost, drought and rain plant.

Reproduction methods

The cuttings are cut with a sharp, necessarily disinfected secateurs.
There are several ways to propagate climbing roses. Some give a 100% result, others may surprise you with a discrepancy between the initial characteristics obtained.
So, you can propagate a rose:
- multiflora (multiflora)
- Vihura
- McCartney
- Banks
- hybrid tea
Cuttings are the most popular option, as they give 100% rooting. Cuttings are cut from unripened shoots that have buds. The length of the cutting is about 15-20 cm with 4-5 buds. The leaves at the base of the cutting are removed, and the upper ones are cut in half.
At the base of the cutting, an oblique medium is made almost under the very kidney, from here the roots will begin to develop. The top cut is straight. To increase the likelihood of root formation, the cutting is dipped in a solution of Heteroauxin for 12 hours.
The soil is prepared from river coarse sand or a mixture of earth and sand. The stalk is lowered into the ground not deep, by about 1 - 1.5 cm and trampled with a palm, moistened. Then the pot is covered with a film with holes and left in a warm, bright place.
The ideal room temperature is 22 degrees. Rooting occurs within a few weeks. During this time, the earth is moistened as it dries.It is possible to transplant a young seedling only after good rooting and the appearance of a young growth.

An example of propagation by layering from two adult shoots
Propagation by layering is best done in spring. To do this, choose a strong annual stem and bend it to the ground so that the top is vertical. Next, next to the bush, they dig a hole up to 20 cm deep and fill it with humus. At the points of contact of the shoot with the ground, small cuts are made in the bark. This is where roots will form.
The shoot is pressed to the ground, fixed, the top is tied to a vertical support. Part of the rooting shoot is covered with peat or other light soil. Be sure to water. Dry soil is not conducive to root formation.
The layering method is a very reliable method of reproduction, it definitely turns out high-quality planting material for next year. The young bush is cut off from the parent and transplanted to a permanent place. In the first year, all buds need to be cut off to allow the skeleton to grow and strengthen the root system. The rose needs to be fed, protected from pests and diseases, covered before wintering.

Detailed budding scheme
Budding is a propagation method that involves the use of a maternal rootstock (rose hip) and part of a varietal rose, which merge with each other. The result is not 100%, there are frequent cases of rejection, but the method works well on Climber roses.

Ripe fresh rose fruits with seeds
Reproduction by seeds has many disadvantages. The main one is the duration of the period itself. Only after 3-4 years can you get a bush ready for planting in a permanent place. The second disadvantage is that a plant obtained from seeds may have completely different characteristics than the parent plant. This applies to the shape of the flower, its color, aroma.
Seeds can be sown at home in a pot, or in the garden under a nonwoven cover. Seed material can be bought or collected independently from ripened fruits. Before sowing, they are treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide.
To accelerate germination, the following activities are carried out:
- withstand seeds in a humid environment at high temperatures, for example, on a battery in a container of water
- then refrigerate for a few days
Such stress activates seed germination, seedlings will appear in 1.5 months. Seedlings are protected from drying out, bright sun, waterlogging, drafts. A young annual rose bush is not planted in open ground, it is kept at home in a cool room. Only next year it can be transferred to the garden, followed by a transplant to a permanent place.

Choice of landing site

There are no shade-loving representatives among roses, so seedlings are planted only in areas open to the sun with sufficient morning and evening lighting.
All roses are prone to the development of fungal diseases, mold, which affect the foliage, inflorescences and trunk, contributing to the wilting and death of the plant. They are loved by many pests, especially aphids and spider mites. The coma of this shrub is considered sun-loving, moisture-loving, but does not tolerate stagnant water and the proximity of groundwater. Taking into account these characteristics, they select a place for landing in a summer cottage or a city yard.
Ideal for any rose would be the south side of the site, protected from drafts, north and northeast winds, which in the winter season can provoke freezing of the shoots, and in the rainy summer - the spread of the mycelium of pathogenic fungi.
Do not plant shrubs on the corner of the house, near buildings or a metal fence. From any blank wall, a rose is placed at a distance of at least 50 cm. The place is chosen so that from early morning until 12 o'clock the shrub is illuminated by light. At noon, and this is from 12 to 15 hours, the rose should be in partial shade, it really needs shading to maintain the brightness of the inflorescences. The fact is that bright sunlight can burn delicate foliage and buds, from which the plant looks untidy.
The soil rose loves loamy, nutritious.If groundwater is close at the site (closer than 200 cm), a special embankment with a slope is built for planting. This is because an adult mature bush can develop a root system longer than 200 cm. Direct contact with water is detrimental to the roots, they rot and the plant dies.

Strong support is a prerequisite for growing shrubs
Since the climbing rose forms a powerful bush, other large plants should be at least 1 meter away from it. The trunk circle is left clean, not planted with ground cover and other plants. When the ideal place is chosen, proceeds to prepare the pit and soil.

Planting hole preparation

Planting material is chosen with a strong, developed root system.
Experienced gardeners recommend preparing a planting hole 4-6 months before the intended planting. In reality, not many people do this. Why is such preparation necessary? In order for the soil to shrink, the contents of the pit rotted, useful microflora formed, earthworms worked and made the soil loose.
If such preparation is not carried out, the pit is prepared at least 1 day before planting. What should be done? Remove the top fertile layer, dig a hole with a diameter of 50 cm. Mix the earth with humus, humus, rotted manure in a ratio of 2: 1. If the soil is sandy, add clay. If clayey - make sand.
The earth is slightly shed with water and left for a day before direct planting. In advance, along the edges of the pit, you can make supports, to which the stems will later be tied. This condition is optional. A beautiful trellis can be made during the growing season of the bush.

Preparing roses for planting

The planting hole is dug based on the size of the root system, but not less than 50 cm deep
The root system of a climbing rose, although quite powerful, is fragile and sensitive. In order for it to quickly adapt to new growing conditions, the roots are immersed in water for a day, treated with root. Some gardeners recommend making a clay mash, into which the roots are dipped and kept for about a day. Such manipulations are performed with seedlings with an open root system. If the rose was bought in a store indoors, such events are not needed.
In addition to working with the roots, any plant needs a disinfecting treatment before planting. This is an additional measure to protect the plants already on the site and the rose itself from pathogenic microflora. As a disinfectant solution, take 3% copper sulfate. The solution is poured into a spray bottle and the trunk and shoots are sprayed. Now the plant is almost ready for planting. Only pruning remains, the appearance of which depends on the time of planting.

Features and rules of autumn planting

Transplantation of an adult plant is carried out only in the fall
The best time for autumn planting roses is from mid-September to mid-October. Landing is carried out in the evening or during the day in cloudy weather. First, the root system is slightly shortened. This is necessary to stimulate the formation of new root processes.
Before planting, determine whether the plant is grafted or has its own roots. Roses are usually grafted on wild roses. To prevent the plant from producing wild shoots, all buds or shoots below the grafting site are removed. The bush itself needs to be deepened by about 10 cm so that the plant can give its own roots. Then the need for a rootstock will disappear, its roots will atrophy and the risk of developing wild growth will be eliminated.
If the plant is rooted, its root neck is deepened only by 5 cm.
So, landing technique:
- make a mound in the landing pit
- the root system is distributed on a mound, lightly pressed with hands
- sprinkle with a layer of fertile soil to the root neck, tamp and water
- then pour the remaining soil above the root neck, tamp again
There should be no voids in the landing pit, which is why it is so important to compact the earth ball tightly and spill a bucket of water. From above, the near-trunk circle is spudded, earth is sprinkled and mulched with peat, sawdust or expanded clay by about 10 cm.
Next is the cutting. In autumn, with the help of a pruner, all unripened shoots are cut out, the leaves are removed. Good branches are shortened by 1/3. They will bud next year. In this form, the plant is left until frost-resistant, watered once every 7 days in the absence of rain. Secateurs are treated with potassium permanganate.

Features of spring planting

A rose planted in spring can be formed with a trunk
In spring, a rose is planted between mid-April and May. The principle is identical to planting in the autumn, with only a few amendments. The roots are pinched, but the buds and foliage are not removed. If there are damaged branches, they are cut or shortened, weak shoots are removed not a stump, strong ones are slightly pruned. The plant after planting is immediately tied to a support.
During this period, the risks of spring frosts are still high, so after planting a rose, it is covered with non-woven material, making it look like a mini-greenhouse. Every day the greenhouse is slightly opened for airing, gradually increasing the time. Under cover, the rose will take root faster and will not freeze.

Care during the growing season

To make the bush look neat and bloom for a long time, wilted inflorescences are regularly removed.
If the rose was planted in fertile soil, during the first year of life in the feeding area, she does not need it. Only in autumn, in August-September, potash fertilizers can be applied to the soil to help the plant overwinter better. As a source of potassium, wood ash infused in water in a proportion of 250 g per 10 liters of water is used.
Climbing roses are drought tolerant and do not like waterlogging. Therefore, if natural precipitation does not fall, water the plant once a week in a bucket of water under a bush. To prevent water from spreading, a small groove is made around the bush.
The rose does not tolerate weeds in the near-stem circle. Therefore, weeding is a must. To devote less time to the plant, the circle is generously mulched, then the earth will have to be loosened less often and weeds will not appear.

Climbing roses in landscape design
You need to feed the bush before and after flowering. During flowering, only watering and removal of faded inflorescences are needed. The better the care of the plant after the first wave of flowering, the more abundantly it will bloom again.
If a rose is planted in spring, all emerging buds are plucked, to allow the plant to grow stronger and gain strength. If the plant is in autumn, it is allowed to bloom.
Here are some more important care tips:
- regularly examine the plant in order to identify diseases or detect aphids in the early stages. If it has already appeared on nearby plants, it is imperative to carry out preventive treatment.
- during periods of heavy rains and prolonged rains, periodically shake off excess moisture from the bush to prevent the development of rot and fungal diseases
- keep the circle clean

Cropping Features
Climbing roses, like most ornamental shrubs, require sanitary and formative pruning. The rose should have a beautiful crown and a sufficient number of shoots for lush flowering. Sanitary pruning involves the removal in spring and autumn of weak shoots, underdeveloped, wind-damaged, diseased or not overwintered.
Formative pruning is done in the spring and during the growing season, if necessary. In early spring, the tops of strong shoots are shortened to a strong bud. This is a way to stimulate branching and flowering splendor.

The correct scheme for pruning a plant by year
Each adult bush during the spring-summer season gives an additional increase in shoots. He does not need all the young shoots. By autumn, 5-7 adults are left on the bush, ripened shoots, on which there were already flowers and from 3 to 7 young shoots that will bloom in 1-2 years.
The rest of the young shoots are removed at the root. If the rose is grafted on a wild rose, the first 2 years remove all root shoots, otherwise the hybrid shoots may die.
Pruning is done with a clean, disinfected pruner. For disinfection, an ordinary solution of potassium permanganate is suitable. Sections are treated with crushed charcoal.
Climbing rose support

The most spectacular type of support for a climbing shrub is an arch
Climbing roses require support. Lattices, arches, pergolas are used as such. Shoots are firmly tied to a support with twine in several places.
The support must be necessarily through in order to ensure high-quality air exchange and prevent leaf rotting. If you need to beautifully decorate the wall of the building, the support is dug in at a distance of 30-40 cm from the wall and 30 cm from the rose itself.
winter shelter

It looks like a rose prepared for winter. With the onset of frost, it will be wrapped in non-woven material
Many climbing roses, especially tall roses, often freeze in harsh winters. In this case, flowering occurs only after a year, when new shoots grow. To protect the bush from freezing, carry out the following activities.
- Disconnect the plant from the support
- Around the bush make a small hill of sawdust or peat
- Bend the shoots to the ground, pinch with wire or wooden horns
- Top covered with non-woven covering material or spruce branches

climbing roses
These events are carried out after persistent frosty weather down to -5 ° C is established on the street. If this is done earlier, there is a high probability of aging.
If the plant is planted in autumn and does not have a significant increase, its shoots are short, the shelter is produced differently. The trunk circle is generously covered with sawdust or peat. An impromptu hut is built from spruce spruce branches.
If there is no spruce, the hut is built from non-woven material. If the plant is very small, it is wrapped with non-woven material, and a regular container from plants purchased at the garden center or an ordinary plastic planter with holes in the bottom is placed on top.
Caring for climbing roses is not so difficult, good disease-resistant varieties marked with a quality mark do not create problems for flower growers at all. They form chic rose gardens that bloom all summer, from May to October. Not many ornamental plants can boast of such qualities.
The fact that a blooming climbing rose is a garden decoration is an indisputable fact. It transforms the walls of buildings, arbors, hedges, it can be grown on a support or on a trunk. But many are afraid to start a shrub in the garden, considering it whimsical and capricious. In fact, the right hybrids are almost never a problem. It is enough to choose a sunny place and plant the plant in fertile soil. Everything else is just a matter of time.
Climbing roses: description of the 20 best varieties, planting and care, reproduction, pruning | (75 Photos & Videos) +Reviews
Thanks for the great content! It is informative and accessible, the doubts are left, I will certainly decorate the estate with a climbing beauty!!!
Natalia Nikolaevna, thank you for such a warm review?