Fir: description and characteristics of the 10 most popular species, varieties, planting and care (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

fir description, varieties

More than 50 species of fir are found in nature, which occupy the geographical areas of Central and Eastern Europe, the northern regions of Central Asia, and are widespread in Siberia and the Far East. In ornamental gardening, the 10 most popular representatives of the fir genus are used, the description of which is given in the article.

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General characteristics

Most natural species of fir are large-sized trees.

Most natural species of fir are large-sized trees.

Most representatives of the genus Fir (Abies) combine such morphological and ecological features as:

  • large-sized trees with a crown in the form of a regular cone
  • in many species the bark is smooth, light gray in color
  • the root system is a rod structure, deep into the depths. The largest mass of fibrous roots is located in the upper layers of the soil

At first glance, in appearance, fir resembles spruce. They are especially similar to each other from afar. Coniferous trees are close not only in appearance, but also in names. In Old Slavonic, spruce is called "yalina", and fir is called "yalitsya". However, there are significant differences between them:

  • most species of fir have smooth gray trunks with thin bark and numerous resinous nodules
  • branches form a crown of the correct conical shape, narrower and more accurate than that of spruce
  • needles at the ends are blunt with white longitudinal stripes

Fir is easy to distinguish when it bears fruit.. In spruce, the cones hang down, and the fir "cobs" stick straight up. When the seeds ripen, they immediately spill out. It is impossible to pick up a cone filled with grains from the ground. If they are needed for sowing, then they are looked for below or cut off along with the cones until they fall.

Fir cones are directed upwards, unlike other conifers, in which the fruits hang down.

Fir cones are directed upwards, unlike other conifers, in which the fruits hang down.

Most species of fir need fertile, well-aerated, moist soils.

Ornamental varieties are extremely sensitive to an excess of harmful substances in the air, especially carbon dioxide and car exhaust smoke. This is the reason why, in urban environments, they are much rarer than other conifers.

In landscape gardening, 9 species are most often used, as well as their breeding varieties, which are similar to each other in terms of living conditions.

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In the first five years of life, fir requires a lot of light.

In the first five years of life, fir requires a lot of light.

  1. Fir trees are shade-tolerant plants.but grow themselves better with sufficient light. They need a lot of light in the first five years after planting. Optimal conditions are sun in the morning and light partial shade in the afternoon.
  2. They are wind resistant plants., although it is better to protect them from strong turbulence. It will survive in a draft, but will suffer and lose its decorative effect
  3. Need high humidity.
  4. Plants are demanding on soil conditions.

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Fir will grow well in fertile and rich soil.

Fir will grow well in fertile and rich soil.

The life span of most cultivated species and varieties is several decades. They require fertile rich soil with good drainage for normal growth. They absolutely do not tolerate stagnant moisture. Even with short-term flooding, plants quickly die.

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Terms and features of landing

The best time in spring is April. Another date is the end of August, the beginning of September.Although, trees with a clod of earth can be planted at any time of the year when the earth is being dug.

Seedlings take root better from 5 to 10 years.

Fir seedlings

Fir seedlings

The size of the landing pit should be twice the size of the coma, but not less than 60 cm in diameter and 60 cm in depth. When planting, the plant is positioned so that the root neck is flush with the edge of the pit.

The soil mixture for planting fir consists of the following components:

  • medium loam - 2 hours
  • leaf ground or humus - 3 hours
  • bottom peat - 1 hour
  • coarse-grained river sand - 1 hour

When planting, full mineral fertilizer nitroammophoska is applied, at the rate of 250 - 300 g in each pit, as well as 10 kg of forest land or sawdust.

If fir is planted on heavy natural soils, drainage at the bottom of the pit is required. It is formed from crushed stone or crushed brick, with a layer of 15 - 20 cm, and only after that the pit is filled with nutrient soil.

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Top dressing is carried out 2-3 years after planting. Usually, a universal fertilizer for coniferous plants is used - 150 g per 1 m2.

Water the fir as needed, when the top layer of soil dries out, at the rate of 15-20 liters per tree. In the hot season, crown sprinkling is carried out, once every two weeks.

Automatic watering

Automatic watering

Fir favors loosening the soil and removing weeds. Recently, this process has successfully replaced mulching. As a protective material, it is better to use forest litter, bark, wood chips, cones, sawdust of coniferous species.

Due to the natural shape of the crown, fir does not need to be trimmed. with the exception of dry, broken and diseased branches.

Most ornamental varieties are frost-resistant plants that do not need protection for the winter. But in the first years of life, young plants are best covered to protect them from low temperatures. For this purpose, a modern material called "Spunbond" is used.

Fir shelter for the winter

Fir shelter for the winter

Varieties of spunbond have different names assigned by manufacturers in different countries. The following assortment is offered for sale: Agrofibre, Agrotex, Agril, Lutrasil, AgroSUF, etc.

Any of the listed types is a white non-woven fabric that passes air and moisture well, retains heat, increasing the temperature inside the shelter from 2 to 9 degrees compared to the environment.

In areas with a cold climate, the material is often used to protect heat-loving varieties of fir from severe frosts.

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Description of species and varieties

About 10 plant species are used in ornamental gardening

About 10 plant species are used in ornamental gardening

Of the several dozen natural species in ornamental gardening, the following botanical species of fir are most often used:

  • European or white
  • balsamic
  • Single color
  • Korean
  • Mountain or subalpine
  • Caucasian or Norman
  • tall or tall
  • Spanish
  • Vicha
  • Arnold

Some species have breeding varieties of different sizes, shapes and colors.More about those that are successfully used for landscaping parks, squares and household plots.

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European – Abies alba

European fir

Botanical synonyms of the species - P. white or P. comb. In nature, it is most often found in most of Europe.

The average life expectancy is 350-400 years. There are many cases of fir centenarians, whose age is more than 700 years.

Average height - 50 m.

Crown diameter 7 - 8 m.

The bark is smooth, light gray.

Needles, 2.5 cm long, dark green in color. The underside of the plate has two longitudinal white stripes.

The size of the cones is 15 - 16 cm.

The species has good winter hardiness, which gains strength as the tree grows older. In especially cold winters, young plants freeze over. As a result, they need shelter.

It suffers greatly in conditions of increased air pollution, up to complete death. It is absent in mass plantings; it is easier to meet the species in a botanical garden or in a well-groomed area where a professional works.

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Balsamic - Abies balsamea

Balsam fir

The natural habitat of the species is the North American continent in Canada and the USA.

The average duration of growth is 150-200 years.

Among species firs, they are considered a relatively low tree that grows up to 25 m.

It has a dense, cone-shaped crown.

The color of the smooth bark is a pale gray shade. Soft needles characteristic of fir, dark green on top. There are two thin whitish stripes on the reverse side of the plate.

When young buds appear, their color is dark purple, changing to light brown when ripe.

The fruits reach such sizes - in length - 70 cm, in diameter - 3 cm.

Frost resistance surpasses other types of fir.

In landscape design, the following selection forms are used:


Balsamic "Nana" - Abies balsamea Nana

Balsam fir nana

Slow growing miniature shrub. At the age of ten, it reaches 50 cm in height, and the same in width.

Detailed description:

  • maximum dimensions of the variety - height 80 - 100 cm, diameter - up to 2 m
  • crown shape - flat-round
  • flowers and fruits are not decorative value
  • grows successfully on fresh humus soils, suffers from extreme heat and dryness
  • has a high demand for fertility and soil moisture
The variety is recommended for cultivation in climatic zones - 4 - 6 (according to USDA). It is used in rocky gardens, mixborders, container plantings.


Balsamic "Piccolo" - Abies balsamea Piccollo

balsam piccolo fir

  • The bush is a dwarf spherical shape.
  • Growth is slow, at the age of ten years the crown is formed on average up to 30 cm in diameter.
  • The needles are short and dense. Needles close to each other form a "brush".
  • They need fertile, loose soil, without stagnant water. Does not tolerate the scorching sun and drought.
  • Optimal climate in zones 4 - 6.

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Single color - Abies concolor

silver fir

A coniferous tree of medium size, up to 25 m high. At a young age, the shape of the crown is sharply cone-shaped, with time it changes to a broadly pyramidal. Differs in strictly horizontal growth of branches.

The needles are long, as for fir, up to 8 cm, painted gray-green.

Young fruits pointing upwards, reddish hue. As they mature, they become pale brown.

Unlike most species of fir, growing conditions are treated with medium demands. Grow best in fresh, fertile, humus-rich soils.

P. monochromatic is considered the most unpretentious species.

The optimal growing zones are 4 - 5.During the first 5 years after planting, young plants require shelter for the winter if extremely low temperatures are expected.

More than other firs tolerate urban conditions.

Due to its large size, it is used in park construction and landscaping of large areas.


Single color f. "Compact" - Abies concolor "Compacta"

compact fir

  • A slow-growing, undersized variety that reaches only three meters by the age of 30.
  • The needles are thick, short, dark green, shiny on top and matte on the reverse side of the plate. Their length is shorter than that of the original species.
  • The breeding form is good for single plantings, which are called "Solitaire" in landscape design. Suitable for small plots, often used as a Christmas tree.
  • More than other species and varieties of fir can withstand gas pollution in settlements.
  • Recommended climatic regions - 4 - 5.


Single color - Abies concolor f. "Violacea"

fir single color violacea

  • The selection of the variety, begun in 1879, was aimed at securing unique decorative properties. The form differs from other representatives of the genus "Fir" in the unusual color of the needles. Under certain lighting, it has a purple hue, hence the name Violacea, which literally means “violet”.
  • Despite the sophistication, the variety resists air pollution more than others, differs in rather high drought resistance, well winters.
  • The average plant height is 7 - 8 m. It grows quickly compared to other species.
  • When propagated by seeds, it almost always retains the decorative properties of the variety, which is extremely rare among plants - hybrids.
  • Gardeners try to place the tree alone or in a conspicuous place so that its showiness is visible from everywhere.

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Korean – Abies koreana

Korean fir

Medium tree of slow growth. At the age of 30, it grows to a height of 3 - 4 m. The needles are short, shiny on the outside, and whitish on the back of the needle.

Spectacular decorativeness of the variety is given by blue purple cones directed upwards. They appear even on young plants, about one meter high.

The species is highly demanding on light and soil fertility.

Successfully used in single and group plantings. Recommended for small areas as a Christmas tree.

Climatic zones - 4 - 6.

Brefolia and Silberlok varieties are popular on sale.


Korean - Abies koreana f. "Brefolia"


  • The appearance of the crown is radically different from the cone familiar to fir, since the branches are arranged asymmetrically.
  • Dwarf shrub grows slowly, its maximum height is about 1 m, after thirty years of life.
  • Shoots are hard, short, openwork.
  • It is extremely demanding on lighting and soil. Needs high fertility and painstaking care.
  • Most often grown in the fifth climatic zone.
  • In the landscape, it leads in rocky gardens and mixborders.


Korean - Abies koreana f. Silberlocke

Abies korean Silberlocke

  • Srednerosly grade of slow growth.
  • The conical crown is rounded, gaining width after 10 years of life. Approximate height 3 - 4 m at the age of 25-30 years.
  • A distinctive feature is flexible, curved shoots, uncharacteristic of fir.
  • Used in mixed tree and shrub plantings or as a single copy in an open area.
  • One of the recommended options for decorating for the New Year.
  • The optimal geographical zone of growth is 4 - 5.

Mountain - Abies lasiocarpa

mountain fir

Another botanical name is P. subalpine.

In landscaping, the breeding form "Compacta" is used:

Tree of medium size, 2 - 3 m high.

The maximum width of the crown in the lower part is 2 - 2.5 m.

The shape of the tree is conical. The degree of overgrowth of branches is high.

The needles of a green shade at a young age acquire a silvery coating when fully blooming.

Flowers and cones are inconspicuous, do not represent decorative value. growing conditions.

A characteristic feature is slow growth.

Requirements for growing conditions:

  • Grows well with sufficient light on humus-rich soils.
  • Tolerant of short-term drought, but responsive to soil moisture and air.
  • It reacts negatively to soil compaction and salinization.
  • It suffers in a strongly acidic environment, up to death.
  • Normally grows in 4 - 5 - 6 climatic zones.

V landscape compositions used in rock gardens, container plantings, as a tapeworm.

Caucasian - Abies nordmanniana

Caucasian fir

In Europe, the species is known under the name - P. Nordman.

A tree with slightly raised branches, the crown is pyramidal. The lower tier of branches is preserved at any age.

The height of an adult plant is 25 - 30 m. At the age of thirty it reaches 10 m.

The color of the bark of the trunk and shoots is gray with different shades.

In adult plants, the lower part of the trunk is cracked.

The length of the needles is up to 4 cm.

Shoots are densely covered with needles with blunt ends.

A special decorative effect is given by the silvery shade of needles, which is most noticeable in strong gusts of wind.

Renewal of the needle cover occurs, on average, once every 9 - 13 years.

The lifespan of a species is calculated in centuries. The Nordmann fir lives for about 500 years.

The maximum tree height is over 50 meters.

Conditions necessary for successful and long-term growth:

  • Penumbra.
  • Rich, moist, well-drained soil. It grows best on fertile loams of medium severity.
  • Fir is wind resistant.
  • Withstands low temperatures characteristic of warm climatic zones, the sixth and seventh.
  • When grown in zone 5, they require shelter for the winter. Not recommended for colder regions.

Due to slow growth, it is used in small-sized gardens as a New Year's object for decoration. Perhaps the most common type in Europe, as an attribute of Christmas.

The species has a number of breeding forms:

  • "Erecta"
  • "Pendula"
  • "Aurea"
  • "Aurea spicata"
  • Golden Sprelder
  • "Ambolouri"
  • Jadwiga

Learn more about the most popular varieties.


Caucasian (Nordman) - f. Abies nordmanniana 'Golden Sprelder'

Abies nordmanniana Golden Sprelder

  • Miniature bushy form, with an interesting depression in the middle of the crown.
  • The average height of the plant is about 1 m in height and the same in width.
  • The decorativeness of the variety is determined by the density of the branches and the color of the needles. At the base of the shoots, the needles are green, closer to the edges, bright yellow. The reverse side of the plates is dark green.
  • To maintain a bright color, the variety is planted in well-lit places, from a lack of light, the needles turn green, losing their effect.
  • Uniform growth and decorative qualities are achieved on loose soils with a high nutrient content. On poor soils, an expensive shrub will not have breeding properties.
  • In landscaping, it looks good in rocky compositions, so it is often used in rock gardens and rockeries.
  • Decorate tree and shrub groups at any time of the year, and flower beds in winter.
  • The variety is thermophilic, intended for the sixth and seventh zones. In colder climates, it requires shelter for the winter.


Caucasian (Nordmann) - Abies nordmanniana f. "Pendula"

Caucasian fir

Literally translated from Latin, "pendula" means - "hanging". More often they say about such varieties: “Weeping form”.

The variety requires the close attention of the gardener, as it grows in individual conditions.

  • the decorative effect will be fully revealed if the bush is planted in a well-lit place, which is protected from wind and draft
  • "Pendula" demanding on soil fertility
  • needs regular watering and weeding
  • negatively react to adverse weather conditions and to the slightest error in care
  • cultivated in warm climates, from the sixth zone and south

If garden difficulties do not scare the owner, weeping fir will become one of the exotic plants on your site.

Spanish - Abies pinsapo


Variety Kelleriis

fir Kelleriis

Corresponds to the following characteristics:

  • coniferous tree 10 - 15 m high
  • diameter of branches at the base - 5-7 m
  • compact crown shape - cone-shaped
  • growth rate - moderately fast
  • the needles are green, with a bluish tinge, hard to the touch. The needles are located on the shoots radially, that is, in a circle
  • during flowering are not highly decorative. When cones appear, the effect increases. During ripening, the fruits change the shade of brown, from light to dark.

Compared to other species, soil conditions are relatively unpretentious.. The peculiarity is that the variety grows better on slightly alkaline soils with good drainage and sufficient watering.

Young plants must be protected from sunburn at the end of winter, beginning of spring. To do this, they are shaded with white spunbond.

The most favorable climatic conditions - the sixth zone. In the colder fifth region, cold winters require shelter. The variety is not suitable for cultivation in the fourth zone, especially in areas with even more severe frosts.

Another heat-loving representative of the Spanish species is Abies pinsapo.


Variety "Glauka" - f. «Glauca»

Glauca spaniscus

  • When choosing this breeding form, it is important to take into account its extremely slow growth. By the age of thirty, it grows up to 5 m. This allows it to be used as a Christmas tree for planting in an open area.
  • A distinctive feature is short, thick, prickly needles.
  • We remind you! In most species of fir, the ends of the needles are not sharp, but rounded.
  • The color of the needle cover of the variety is bluish silver. Therefore, the variety is called "Glauka" - "Blue".
  • It does not tolerate drafts and strong gusts of wind. It is better to plant in cozy, protected from turbulence places, with good lighting.
  • Successfully used as a tapeworm and in the neighborhood with other ornamental trees and shrubs.

Tall - Abies procera

fir tall

Otherwise, the species is simply called P. high. Thanks to selection, a large-sized variety with silver needles was obtained.

Glauka "Glauka"


Unlike the Spanish fir variety of the same name, the tall "Glauka" grows over 20 m.

The crown diameter in the widest part is 7-8 m.

The shape of the tree changes with age, in the first years the branches are unevenly spreading, over the years the cone acquires the correct shape.

The color of the needles is blue with a silvery whitish coating.

When cones appear, the decorative effect is enhanced by the color of the fruit. At first, they are red-brown, when ripe they turn pale to a sandy shade.

A large tree needs a large amount of nutrients, therefore, before planting, a large pit is prepared and filled with fertile soil of a neutral reaction, pH 6.5.

The variety has a high frost resistance. Winters without shelter in the fifth zone, but in abnormally cold frosts, young plants need to be protected.

The disadvantages include high sensitivity to soil compaction, drought and waterlogging.

Due to their solid size, they are more often used in country parks and for landscaping large-scale areas.

Vicha - Abies veitchii

Vicha fir

The area of ​​natural growth is the Far East, where it forms pure plantations or is adjacent to other coniferous trees:

  • prickly spruce
  • hemlock
  • other types of fir

Tall representatives of the genus "Fir", over 25 m in height, with a crown diameter of up to 5 m.

During growth, it is interesting to observe the change in the shape of the crown. In youth, the branches form a narrow pyramid, later they grow into a wide column.

It differs from other species by fast, intensive growth. At 25-30 years old, it reaches a height of 8 m.

The location of the needles on the shoots is unique not only for fir, but for all conifers. The needles are directed upward obliquely, so that their lower part with a white coating is visible. This gives the impression of silver.

The view requires the following conditions:

  • Fresh, fertile soil with good drainage.
  • Grows well on loamy soils. Trees planted on sandy soils need frequent watering.
  • It does not tolerate excess alkalinity at all. The acidity of the soil should not exceed pH 7.
  • It reacts extremely negatively to excessive heat and dry air.
  • For normal growth, sufficient moisture of the soil and crown is necessary, but without stagnant water.
  • Attitudes towards light change with age. In the first years of life, it is better to place the fir in partial shade. Over time, as the tree gets stronger, it will need more sun.
  • It winters well in the fifth climatic zone, withstands the conditions of the southeastern part of Europe.
  • It does not tolerate environmental pollution at all, therefore it is not found in urban plantations.
  • It is better to use "Vichi" for suburban areas of a large area.

Arnold - Abies arnoldiana

arnold fir

The species was obtained by crossing Korean fir and Wicha fir in 1953 in Switzerland. Similar work was carried out in Denmark. In ornamental gardening, the variety "Jan Pawel 1" is used.

Tree of medium size over ten meters tall.

The crown is formed in the form of a regular cone.

The branches are arranged in a circle with a slight upward slope.

Wide needles up to 3 mm, grow up to 2.5 - 3 cm in length.

The color of the needles is green, shiny above, on the reverse side it is matte white, like chalk.

For normal growth and decorativeness, the tree requires a rich, moist soil, but without stagnant water.

When choosing a type or variety of fir from the proposed range, it is important to remember that any of these plants does not belong to the category of unpretentious crops. To get a full-fledged decorative effect for many years, you need to be prepared for the fact that planting and care will require a lot of time, effort and attention of the gardener.

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