The description of various varieties of pions is given. The features of growing each variety are considered. Recommendations are given for growing peonies in a temperate climate.

General information
In beauty they are second only to roses, and care for them is simple and unpretentious. Even an inexperienced person in floriculture can handle it.
The main points in growing peonies are quite simple: Every year it is desirable to feed them twice. Once - with organic fertilizers (at the beginning or at the end of the season), the second - with complex mineral fertilizers during flowering or before it.
At the end of autumn, dead peony stems are cut off, and the plant takes cover for the winter. Often the cover is made with compost or peat mixtures, which are organic fertilizer.

Peonies are one of my favorite garden plants.
In addition, these perennials in the bulk perfectly tolerate the winter conditions of our climate, often without any shelters and additional measures. Reproduction of peonies also does not present any particular problems.
A large number of hybrids of these plants that have appeared at the present time with a wide variety of forms of both bushes and flowers can satisfy the tastes of any grower.

Consider the most popular varieties of peonies
Currently cultivated:
This variety was bred about fifty years ago in the USA. It is a hybrid of the Burmese ruby and a local variety. The plant is very decorative, belongs to the herbaceous peonies.
It has light green strong stems, up to 75 cm high. It blooms in early summer. Flowers are large, up to 20 cm in diameter. It reproduces exclusively vegetatively, since it does not produce seeds.
About three years after planting, the bush grows densely. By this time, the number of buds reaches one or two dozen. Over time, up to four buds can form on each stem.
A distinctive feature of the flower is a yellow core and a two-row arrangement of terry petals. It has a faint rose scent.
One of the most luxurious varieties. The height of the stems reaches 1 m. The flowers are large, up to 20 cm in diameter. It has a dark burgundy color, becoming darker every day of flowering.
Petals are terry, dense. The number of petals exceeds a hundred; they are distributed evenly throughout the flower. Closer to the center, the petals become smaller in size. Peony does not lose its decorative properties even after flowering. Foliage turns dark green towards the end of summer, and dark red in September.
Planting a plant is carried out in fertile or well-fertilized soil. The best option is to apply fertilizer to the bottom of the pit prepared for planting. In this case, the plant can not be fertilized for the first three years.
The first two years the plant needs shelter for the winter.In this case, it is necessary to cut the stems at a level of at least 2 cm above the kidneys. Shelter is made with a layer of peat or compost; adult plants can not be covered.
Bred in the USA from the Japanese tree peony. A plant with dense yellow foliage, which is actually a hybrid of woody and herbaceous peonies.
The upper part dies off during wintering, but thanks to the woody “base”, the plant is able to endure harsh winters.
The height of the plant sometimes exceeds 1 m. The stems are strong, capable of holding flowers without a garter. It has large flowers, from 20 to 30 cm in diameter. Flowering lasts up to 20 days; blooms twice under favorable conditions.
The traditional color is yellow, but apricot and pink varieties are also found.
It is a photophilous plant, easy to care for. This variety must be planted in such a way that the buds are at a depth of about 5 cm under the ground, otherwise flowering may not occur.
Growth and flowering can be stimulated with the help of fertilizers: from organic compost with the addition of wood ash; of the mineral, complex phosphorus-potassium is best suited.
blush queen
Terry peony, pink type. Plant height up to 90 cm, flowers up to 15-20 cm in diameter. It has an interesting feature: the color of the petals evenly changes from pinkish in the center to light beige along the edges.
Flowering occurs in early summer and lasts up to four weeks. Unpretentious in care, winter hardy. Without shelter, it tolerates frosts down to -30°С, with shelter - up to -40°С.
Prefers full sun but can grow in partial shade. It is advisable to mulch the soil around the bush with hay or gravel; sawdust is better not to use. The bush is quite spreading, so the recommended distance between flowers is at least 1 m.
Fertilizers, except for periods of budding and flowering, are not required. Prefers clay soils, but is critical to drainage. Water abundantly up to twice a week. When planting, tubers should be immersed in the ground so that their tops are covered with a soil layer of more than 5 cm.
Herbaceous peony. Petals are terry, multi-row, white or white-yellow. The height of the plant reaches 90 cm, the diameter of the flowering part is up to 22 cm.
Blooms once a year in mid-summer. Flowering is abundant and long - up to 3.5-4 weeks. The plant remains elegant until the end of autumn. By August, the stems and leaves darken, and from the second decade of September they change their color to bright red.
Before wintering, it requires cutting the stems (standard, at a level of 2-3 cm above the buds) and covering with foliage. When using these shelters, it tolerates winters well with temperatures down to -45 ° C. In the spring, in order to avoid overheating of the peony, the shelter is removed as soon as the first thawed patches appear.
Grows on any soil, however, loves top dressing; with top dressing in early spring, the number of buds set can be 1.5 times more. Reproduction is vegetative, carried out by dividing the bush. 3 years after transplantation, the plant develops enough to be planted again.
Henry Boxtos
A hybrid of medicinal and lactiflora peonies, bred in the middle of the 20th century. Terry petals. A distinctive feature - the inner part of the flower is like a separate bud.
Height reaches 90 cm. Flowers are large, up to 20 cm, heavy. In some cases, the bush requires support, especially when there are several flowers on the stems. Colors: burgundy, rarely red.
Blooms in the first half of summer. Flowering time is about three weeks.
Grows well in neutral or slightly alkaline soils. Planted in full sun or partial shade.
Propagation is vegetative, preferably by dividing the bush, but cuttings can also be used. After three years, it is capable of subsequent transplants. Frost resistance without shelter - up to -20 ° С.
The variety was bred in 2004 in the USA. It is a so-called "chameleon python": its color changes with each day of flowering.On the first day, the color is pale pink, more intense towards the edges of the petals, by the end of flowering it becomes pink-red.
The height of the stem is about 75 cm, but the size of the flowers reaches 30 cm. The bush is slightly elongated upwards with brown-green foliage. On each stem there can be up to 5 buds, blooming with short breaks. Stem support is not required.
Flowering time - the end of June, duration - up to 20 days. The petals are double, about two-thirds of the flowering time have a slight difference in shades along the edges and in the center. The smell is weak, almost imperceptible.
Grows on neutral or slightly alkaline soils. Prefers sunny areas, blooms poorly in the shade. The fertilizer scheme is standard - either 2 times a year in early spring and before frost, or 1 time - during budding and flowering.

Tree varieties
These plants, unlike herbaceous peonies, are bushes. Their homeland is East Asia. They have tree-like stems on which foliage and flowers are shed for the winter. All tree peonies are winter hardy.
The height of these bushes can reach two or more meters.
Flowers are large, from 20 cm in diameter or more; they are located at the ends of the shoots in 1-3 pieces. On average, the beginning of flowering in tree peonies occurs about 2-3 weeks earlier than in herbaceous ones.
Tree peonies should be grown in full sun in loamy soils. If the soil is clayey, it is necessary to add sand and organic fertilizers to the plant pit; sandy soil will require the addition of clay and humus.
Strongly acidic soils must be limed. The life time of a peony depends on the quality of the soil - with the right choice of soil and appropriate care, tree-like varieties can exist in one place for more than a hundred years.
Variety "Du Tell"
Herbaceous plant, up to 0.8 m high with large fragrant flowers. A feature of this variety is the presence inside the flower of a large number of modified stamens or staminodes. Set apart from the innermost petals, the staminodes create the illusion of a "flower within a flower".
Peony has thin but powerful stems that can hold the flower on their own. In adult peonies, in addition to the main flower, up to 3-5 additional buds appear on the stems. The flowers are medium in size - about 15 cm in diameter.
Flowering occurs in June and lasts up to 2 weeks. The color of the petals is usually always pink; the color of staminodes can be very different: from white-pink to bright red.
Duchesse de Nemours
The variety was bred in Holland, where it is the most popular peony. It is a herbaceous plant growing up to 1 m and flowers up to 16 cm in diameter. The color is white with a yellow center.
Flowering later, begins in August and lasts 2 weeks. The aroma of Duchesse de Nemours is reminiscent of lily of the valley. Resistant to diseases, tolerates frosts down to -20 ° C without shelter.
The variety is quite unpretentious. Grows in both sun and partial shade. The intensity of watering depends on the air temperature. In the first two years, it is fertilized with superphosphate (once in early spring, and once before flowering), later humus is used instead of superphosphate. The life span of a bush can be up to 10 years.
Propagated by dividing the bush. The distance between the holes is at least 70 cm, since the bushes are quite sprawling. The root system penetrates deep into the ground, but the peony should be planted to a depth of no more than 50 cm.
Herbaceous peony, bred in the USA. Height - up to 1 m, flowers up to 20 cm. Color - shades of pink or crimson.
Flowering is single, but plentiful; starts in June and lasts almost a month. Numerous terry petals create the illusion of large fluffy balls. In flowerbeds, it can occupy a central place in the composition.
It grows on any soil, even with high acidity.If the soil is rich, the first 3-4 years can grow without fertilizer at all. Frost resistance up to -30°С.
The bushes are compact, so the distance between peonies during planting can be small - from 40 to 50 cm.
Reproduction is standard - not the third year by dividing the bush.
The first 2-3 years in young peonies, the stems are cut in October (leaving up to 2 cm above the buds) and covered with peat for the winter.
In the future, shelter is not applied.
Karl Rosenfeld
Bushes of medium height, about 90-100 cm. Inflorescences of medium size 12-20 cm. Flowering is abundant, long. Flowering starts in August.
Violet-red or raspberry color. The shape of the petals is wavy, terry. Has a sweetish aroma.
The plant does best in sunny areas. Requires mandatory mineral top dressing in early spring and organic during budding. Watering is moderate, the soil should be well-drained.
This variety is often attacked by mites and aphids; in addition, the plant is susceptible to attacks by a fungus, the carrier of which can be ants that appear on the plant together with aphids. Treatment with insecticides and fungicides before flowering is recommended.
Bark Stubbs
A variety bred in Germany at the end of the 20th century from a traditional Japanese herbaceous peony. It has thin stems, up to 80-90 cm high, on which purple flowers are located with characteristic petals around the perimeter.
Flower diameter is about 15 cm.
The bush is slender, not sprawling, so it is allowed to plant plants close to each other. Grows in both sun and partial shade.
There are several varieties that are frost-resistant; some varieties are able to winter at temperatures down to -30 ° C without shelter.
The plant comes into full force at the age of 4. Before this period, flowering is weak. It blooms in early summer, flowering time is about 2.5 weeks. Doesn't have a strong odor.
Plant care is standard: moderate watering and double fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.
Variety Coral (Sunset, Charm and others)
Variety Coral has several varieties that differ in color and, to a small extent, in the shape of a flower:
- Sunset - peach color
- Fey - red-violet
- Charm - dark pink
- Pink - pink
- Beach - coral
Almost all varieties have a large number of petals (more than a hundred); the exception is Fay, this variety has about three dozen petals. The shape of the flowers is the same for all: a large group of bright yellow modified stamens is surrounded by terry petals around the perimeter.
The growth of the stems ranges from 80 to 100 cm, the diameter of the flowering part is about 16-18 cm. Sharma has slightly larger flowers - from 20 to 22 cm. Almost all varieties of this peony have a pronounced smell.
Flowering begins at the end of May. Coral blooms profusely for 2-3 weeks. Sunset flowers last longer, and their foliage retains a fresh appearance throughout the season.
The root system is powerful, branched. Peonies should be planted in increments of at least 80 cm. Standard care. All varieties tolerate frosts down to -30 ° C without shelter. They can reproduce both by dividing the bush and by seeds.
Laura dessert
Herbaceous peony of white, yellow or cream flowers. Stems of medium thickness, up to 1 m high. Terry or semi-double flowers of small diameter (up to 14 cm), however, their number on one stem can exceed 5 pieces.
Flowering lasts up to 2.5 weeks, begins at the end of June. During flowering, the outer petals may change color towards a lighter one. The aroma is strong.
Grows on any fertile soils practically without top dressings. The main requirement for the soil is lightness and friability; on too hard soils, the plant may die. It is important to monitor the level of the kidneys: not higher than 3 and not lower than 5 cm; with a higher or lower planting, flowering may not occur.
For the period of wintering, it is desirable to cover the cut stems with a layer of peat; under peat, the peony easily tolerates frosts down to -35 ° C.Under the right growing conditions, it can grow in the same place for several decades.
Nippon beauty
Despite the "Japanese" name, it was bred in the USA at the beginning of the 20th century. It has the "classic layout" of a Japanese grass peony (the stamens are clearly separated from the petals), but the petals are arranged almost in one row.
The plant has a height of up to 90 cm. The flowers are small, 13-14 cm in diameter, very decorative and eye-catching. Color - purple or ruby.
The bush is slender, not sprawling. Each stem has 3-4 buds. Flowering is long, up to 3-4 weeks, begins in July-August. During flowering, new buds may form. The latter implies the use of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers during the period of budding and flowering.
The frost resistance of the plant is high, it tolerates temperatures up to -35 ° C without shelter. Peony is resistant to diseases and most pests. It prefers loamy soils, but when organic matter is added during planting, it can also grow well on sandy soils.
Nancy Nora
It was bred in the middle of the last century in the USA. The stems are straight, thick, up to 80 cm high. The flowers are large, up to 18 cm in diameter, various shades of pink. Petals are terry, very dense.
Blooms in the first half of summer, duration - up to 2.5 weeks. The smell is not strong, but very pleasant.
Prefers sunny places with loose soils; on dense soils or in the shade blooms much worse. It is desirable to keep the soil dry, so watering should not be plentiful.
The variety is very resistant to adverse factors: it practically does not get sick and tolerates frosts down to -40 ° C in a sheltered state. When planting, it requires a distance between the bushes of at least 60 cm. It is propagated in the third year by dividing the bush.
Pink Hawaiyan
It is a variety of Coral Pink, but less frost-resistant. On the other hand, it has earlier flowering (early May) and a more developed root system.
Due to this circumstance, the bushes of this variety are very sprawling and have a large number of stems. A five-year-old plant may have more than 30.
Plant height reaches 100 cm, flowers are large, up to 22 cm in diameter. The color is dark pink, the petals are densely arranged, the central part of the flowering part is almost invisible.
Up to 4 buds are located on one stem, which, together with a large number of shoots, gives a very abundant and long flowering, which can last until mid-June.
It is unpretentious in care, although it prefers a warm climate and sunny areas. For the winter, be sure to cut the stems and cover the plant with peat or foliage. In this state, it tolerates frosts down to -25 ° C. Agrotechnics and growing conditions are standard for peonies.
Peter Brand
Bred in the late 30s of the last century in Holland. The appearance of the plant is very original: bright yellow stamens are framed by several rows of dark burgundy petals.
An additional grace to the plant gives a glossy shade of petals, so that they sparkle in the sun.
Plant height up to 90 cm, flowers are large (up to 18 cm in diameter). Flowering occurs in the second half of summer and lasts 3 weeks.
Cultivation is desirable to produce in sunny areas, with protection from the wind. In the same place it can bloom for up to ten years.
If flowering ends, the bush is transplanted to another place; transplantation is often combined with reproduction by dividing the bush.
These operations must be carried out in early autumn.
The root system is quite powerful, so the plant is not critical to the composition and hardness of the soil. On the other hand, plants should be planted at a considerable distance from bushes both from each other and from large trees or shrubs.
Plant care is standard for peonies: moderate watering and fertilizing twice a season.
Bred in France at the beginning of the last century. Plant height up to 90 cm. Flower diameter up to 18 cm.
It has an interesting shape and color of the flower: the outer leaves are wide, white-pink; internal - narrow, yellowish-white.
Flowering begins in mid-summer and lasts up to 2.5 weeks. Aroma is moderate and pleasant.
By the end of the flowering process, the middle of the flower becomes closer to white, the outer edge to pink.
The stems of this variety are thin, often requiring additional support to hold heavy flowers. The number of buds on the stem is 3-4 pieces.
Red peonies
A group of varieties of peony Red (Red Sharm, Magic and others) was bred in the middle of the last century in the USA. This is a sprawling herbaceous peony up to 80 cm tall with large red flowers (up to 20 cm in diameter).
The stems of the plant are thin, requiring a garter, since each has up to three heavy flowers.
Flowering begins in early June and lasts 3 weeks. Peony foliage changes color to dark green by autumn, and later to burgundy. Frost resistance is good, down to -25°C.
Plant care is standard, but you should pay attention to the vulnerability of the Red variety to fungal infections.
There are some other features: in particular, the plant prefers acidic soils and has a developed root system, which requires planting bushes at a distance of at least 1 meter from each other or large plants and objects in the garden.
Sarah Bernard
Terry herbaceous peony, bred over 120 years ago.
On stems up to 85 cm tall, there can be up to 3-4 heavy flowers up to 15 cm in diameter. Color - all shades of pink. The stems are very strong, no additional supports are required.
Flowering occurs in June, lasts up to 3 weeks. Grows on any soil, but prefers slightly acidic. If the soil is fertile, the first 3-5 years does not need top dressing.
In the future, it is recommended to add compost to the soil and add mineral fertilizers before flowering.
Unpretentious in care. Possesses high frost resistance: up to -35°С without shelters. It can grow in one place for more than 30 years. Reproduction is carried out by dividing the bush.
Sword dance
It is a hybrid of the Japanese herbaceous peony, but is rare. It differs from its counterparts in its original coloring: the outer edge of the flower is bright red, the core is red-yellow or lemon. In the center of the modified stamens, there is always a red stripe.
Plant height up to 1 meter, flower diameter 20-25 cm. Flowering is single, but quite plentiful. It comes at the end of June and lasts up to three weeks.
Prefers sunny areas, but develops normally and blooms in partial shade. It is undemanding to soils, the main thing is that good drainage is provided. In the first 2-3 years, it needs shelters for the winter, in the future it is not needed. Tolerates frost down to -30°C.
Bred in France at the beginning of the 20th century. The height of the stems is small, up to 80 cm. The flowers are large, heavy, white or white-pink. On the stem can be located from 3 to 5 flowers.
A feature of this peony is the long opening of the bud and the long preservation of the flower. In fact, flowering, which begins in mid-summer, lasts until its end. The aroma is strong and pleasant.
Care is standard, but top dressing is desirable, regardless of the composition of the soil. At the beginning of the season, you can feed with compost, during budding and flowering - with mineral complexes. Shelter for the winter is desirable to make a peat mixture.
Peony Sorbet
Herbaceous peony up to 90 cm high. The stems are strong, bearing up to 7 buds. The size of the flowers is small - about 14 cm, but their number leads to an almost complete coverage of the bush with flowers. Shades are mostly pink or pink-purple.
Blooms in June. Flowering time - up to 4 weeks. The aroma is weak.
The plant prefers sunny areas. Blooms poorly in shade and partial shade. Also, you should not plant it next to obstacles or near other large plants - there will be a lack of light or nutrition. Care is standard.
Black Pearl
Chinese variety, up to 80 cm tall.Flowers up to 13 cm in diameter, with a dense arrangement of petals, burgundy or dark pink. The stem is stiff and does not require props.
It blooms in the second half of summer, the duration of flowering is up to 3 weeks. Up to 5 flowers can bloom on each stem. The aroma is weak, slightly sweet.
Grows in sunny areas, does not impose requirements on the composition of the soil. Needs top dressing, especially before flowering. Frost resistance is average, shelter for the winter is necessary.
Shirley Temple
Herbaceous peony with a slender bush, up to 80 cm high. The flowers are large, 20-25 cm in diameter, white or white-pink. The foliage is dark green, turning red in autumn.
Flowering is single, occurs in the middle of summer and lasts 2.5 weeks. Virtually no maintenance is required. Watering should be rare, the soil is loose and well drained. Every autumn, the application of organic fertilizers is mandatory, which, as a rule, is combined with the shelter of the plant for the winter.
They grow on any soil, but on very poor ones they require a large amount of mineral supplements. Resistant to diseases and pests.
Propagated by dividing the bush. The best time for breeding is the end of summer. Transplanted plants must be freed from shelter as soon as possible in the spring so that they have time to grow; as a rule, flowering occurs already in the first year after planting. Frost resistance up to -30°С.

Thin-leaved or narrow-leaved peony
The first mention of it dates back to the beginning of the 18th century. A rare species included in the Red Book, despite a fairly long history of cultivation. A distinctive feature of this variety is the peculiar shape of the leaves.
Timing flowering early, most often this is the beginning or middle of May. Flowering lasts up to 2.5 weeks. After flowering, seed pods appear on the stems.
Grows in full sun or partial shade. Prefers alkaline soils, often grows naturally on calcareous soils. It can die on acidic soil, therefore, with such cultivation, liming of the soil is necessary.
Winters without shelter, tolerates frosts down to -35°C. It is unpretentious in care, but subject to attack by aphids. Of the fertilizers, the use of ammonium nitrate is recommended at the very beginning of spring.
Top breaststroke
An interesting variety, the flowers of which have several different shades at once. For example, most often there are varieties with a pink core, yellow petals framing it and large white ones around the perimeter.
Tall plant, with strong stems up to 120 cm in length. Flowers are large, from 22 cm or more. Each stem can have up to three buds. They bloom in late June and bloom for up to 3 weeks. The aroma is pleasant, medium.
Grows in both sun and partial shade. Care, as for ordinary peonies. Watering is moderate.
Maxim festival
Herbaceous peony up to 110 cm tall. The flowers are large, heavy, with a diameter of more than 25 cm. Despite the abundance of flowers and their size, the stems hold them perfectly, without additional supports.
The petals are terry, the color is white, only the core has pink or purple edging along the edges. Flowering is single, but very effective: due to the large size of the flower and several buds on the stem, sometimes foliage in the upper part of the bush is not visible behind the flowers.
Blooms in mid-summer, flowering time up to 3 weeks. The foliage retains its decorative effect until late autumn: in September it changes its color to burgundy red.
Grows in light and partial shade. Requires ample moisture, but needs well-drained soil. Otherwise, it is not demanding in care, it manages with practically no top dressing, however, for the winter it is advisable to cover the cut stems with compost.
Prefers neutral soils; acidic require liming. Frost resistance is high, up to -40°C.
Quite a rare variety, because it has a very dark saturated color. Dense double flowers of almost spherical shape are large (up to 25 cm). During flowering, the color changes slightly - from dark burgundy it becomes almost chocolate.
The height of the stems is about 80-90 cm. The stems are strong, capable of holding up to three giant flowers without supports. They have a light pleasant aroma. They bloom relatively late - in the middle or end of August, bloom up to 3 weeks.
Sunny areas are preferred. They need loose soil with good drainage and neutral acidity. Even weak acidity is unacceptable for this variety - it is necessary to apply liming. The rest of the requirements for growing are standard.
A hybrid of a milky-flowered peony and Lobata Solnechnaya variety. It was bred in the middle of the last century in the USA. It differs in the shape of the flowering part in the form of a bowl with characteristic stamens in the middle of the flower. The arrangement of the leaves is almost always symmetrical.
A plant of low growth, up to 65 cm with bright red flowers of medium size (15-16 cm in diameter). Blooms in mid or early summer, flowering lasts 2.5 weeks.
The bush is compact in size, 1-2 buds are located on each stem. Despite such a small size, it is very popular because it has very attractive flowers that bloom for a relatively long time. He has received many awards from various horticultural societies.
Unpretentious in care. It grows on any soil, but requires the application of mineral and organic fertilizers (organics in spring and autumn, phosphorus-potassium complexes during flowering). It is very frost-resistant: uncovered it tolerates frosts down to -40°C, with shelter down to -45°C. Watering is moderate, in dry times - plentiful.
Herbaceous plant with double or semi-double flowers. Growth up to 90 cm, flower diameter from 20 cm or more. The colors are quite diverse: from white and yellow with pink elements to bright pink, almost monotonous.
In fact, the flowers are three-layer structures that have different shades, which are almost evened out by the end of flowering. Flowering is single, with a large number of buds, occurs in mid-summer and lasts 3 weeks.
Virtually no maintenance is required. Grows in both sun and partial shade. They are not critical to soils, although liming of too acidic soils will not hurt. Watering is plentiful, however, drainage, as is the case with many plants, is required.
High frost resistance: when covered, they tolerate frosts down to -40 ° C

Varieties for the Moscow region
Selection of varieties for a particular area should take into account its climatic features. The middle zone is characterized by frosts down to -20°С (temperature drops down to -40°С were recorded several times), a small amount of precipitation and about a hundred sunny days per year during the summer season (from mid-April to mid-September).
Considering that almost all peonies are frost-resistant and perfectly tolerate temperatures down to -20 ° C without shelter, the main criterion in choosing them for a given climatic zone is the amount of light received plants.
With so many sunny days, planting exclusively warm and sun-loving peonies is not recommended. It is better to stop your choice on varieties that feel good in penumbra.
Among herbaceous peonies, these include:
- Armani
- Blush Queen
- Kansas
- Black Pearl
- narrow-leaved varieties
- Bartzella
- Hoffman
- The flight of a swallow
In general, any Chinese or Japanese plants can be suitable as tree varieties, the main thing is that they meet the conditions in terms of the amount of light.
PEONY. Care and top dressing in SPRING before flowering
Peonies - competitors of roses: description and characteristics of 30 varieties, everything you need to know about them (50 Photos & Videos) + Reviews
I just adore peonies, but my favorite variety is “Nancy Nora”)) They are the most beautiful and, I would even say, delicate flowers for me. Plus, they are very hardy, the main thing is to keep them in the sun and everything will be fine with them, since they really do not need abundant watering. As soon as my husband and I moved out of town, I immediately planted them almost all over the southwestern side of our yard)) And, by the way, they all took root, for the second year they have been growing and everything is fine with them. So what exactly is the “Nancy Nora” variety I vouch for))
Interesting site with a lot of useful information.