Reusing engine oil saves a lot of money. To do this, it is enough to do it yourself or buy a ready-made furnace for testing. Such structures are used mainly in utility rooms that do not require constant heating.

Operating principle
If you just take and set fire to mining, it will immediately begin to smoke. Therefore, the fuel must be heated to a certain temperature at which it will begin to evaporate. That is, only volatile substances released from the oil should burn.
To do this, it is necessary to provide not one, but two chambers in the design of the furnace for mining (see video below). In the first, lower, fuel will be poured through a small hole. For ignition, an ignited rag or paper is thrown into the same hole.

Drawing of a simple furnace
After boiling the fuel (not burning, but only boiling), the resulting volatile substances enter through the pipe into the second chamber. At the same time, when passing through it, the gases will be saturated with oxygen, which promotes combustion. For these purposes, perforation is provided in the pipe. Gases begin to ignite already in the pipe, and burn out in the second chamber. Moreover, the supply should be carried out in small doses.
In order for hot air to linger in the pipe longer, and not to fly into the chimney, a partition is made in the upper chamber. To ensure air supply in the first chamber, it is necessary to make a damper. After boiling the oil, it is blocked. The damper can be installed on the fuel filling port.
For such furnaces, a chimney of considerable length is required - from 4 m. In a heated room for the removal of combustion waste, it will be necessary to provide reliable ventilation.
Thanks to this design, smoke and soot are not generated during combustion. When correctly calculated, only a bluish-white flame appears during the combustion of gases. Fuel consumption in such structures is about 1-2 l / h.

Chimney arrangement

Furnace chimney
For such structures, stable powerful traction is very important. Otherwise, the fuel will begin to fade and smoke. Therefore, the chimney is made from 4 m long. An increase in draft helps to remove combustion products from the room, which reduces the likelihood of poisoning by them.
The diameter of the pipe must be sufficient - on average about 100 mm. Soot in such structures is collected much faster than in conventional furnaces, so bends, as well as slopes, are unacceptable - the pipe should be installed strictly vertically. Therefore, when choosing a place to install a potbelly stove, you should first find a convenient hole for the chimney.
The part of the pipe that goes outside should be insulated. Otherwise, the stove will have to be cleaned more often - condensate, mixing with soot, will settle on the walls. The chimney in such devices is made collapsible so that it can be easily removed and removed soot.

Varieties of furnaces in development

Types of furnaces in development
There are a lot of drawings of furnaces for working out. Let's talk about the most popular of them:
- the simplest design consists of two chambers of equal size, interconnected by a pipe with perforation; for heating small rooms, a stove measuring 70x40x30 cm is enough; while the size of the tanks should be 30x10 cm
- supercharged: a small fan installed separately and connected to the oven with an air duct; more often it is installed in place of the blower in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lower tank; such a device allows you to increase the combustion temperature and the absence of smoke
- drip type: the lower fuel tank is transferred in such furnaces to a separate chamber installed above the afterburner; similar ovens are considered more stable and safer
- with additional flue gas afterburner: to increase efficiency, the second chamber is made with a turn
- with expansion tank for loading fuel and a valve for adjusting its supply
The disadvantage of such structures is the uneven heating of the room. A more advanced version of modern furnaces is a working furnace with water contour - systems in which heated water is mixed through pipes to the radiator. After heat is released, it returns to boiler through the return water line.
A variation of such furnaces is a device with a water jacket - a pipe that goes around the furnace, or a container for water, which surrounds the device on all sides. The liquid in this case will heat up much faster.

Making a simple potbelly stove at work
In order for the furnace to work out, it lasts longer, for its manufacture it is better to take thick-walled metal - for the upper chamber, heated more strongly, 6 mm thick, for the remaining parts 4 mm sheets. If there are no sheets of a suitable size at hand, you can use old gas cylinders or barrels to assemble the furnace.
- Product dimensions are random. For example, a stove measuring 75x35x50 cm will be able to heat a room up to 120-130 cubic meters. m
- The volume of both chambers must be equal. There is no need to make them too big, otherwise the hot gas will immediately cool down. Enough 10-30 liters
- The standard width of the cells is 30-40 cm. The height should be small - 10-15 cm
- The pipe connecting the chambers is made perforated. The distance between the holes is 7-10 cm. Their diameter should be 10-16 mm. Pipe length depending on the volume of chambers 35-65 cm
- The number of holes directly depends on the length of the pipe. Their area should be equal to 10% of the total surface. Its length to diameter ratio is 4:1
- So that the metal does not deform during overheating, in order to reduce the load on the chamber pipe, it is better to connect them together with a thick rod
- The furnace also provides a damper for adjusting the air supply. When ignited, it is completely opened, and after boiling the oil is blocked. Most often, such a valve is combined with an oil fill hole.
- To ensure sufficient blowing, the oven is installed on legs. The floors in the utility rooms are rarely too flat, so it is better to make the legs adjustable. You can replace them with bricks fastened together with mortar
- In order to avoid fire hazard situations, there should not be any distortions - the furnace is installed strictly horizontally, checking its location with the building level
- Due to the small weight of the product (it is about 30 kg), there is a high probability of tipping over. Therefore, it is better to fasten the legs to the floor

Potbelly stove from a balloon

Potbelly stove from a balloon
A working furnace made from an old 50-liter balloon, capable of delivering 11-12 kW of power, Therefore, it is suitable for heating small rooms. It is better to take not oxygen, but Soviet-style propane cylinders with a wall thickness of 5 mm. Oxygen, firstly, are too massive, and secondly, they have thick walls, which will make heating the furnace difficult.
- To cut metal, you must first unscrew the valve, and fill the cylinder with water
- It will need to be cut into 2 parts - the bottom 1/3 will be used as an oil reservoir, and the top 2/3 will be used for the afterburner
- With the help of a grinder, the upper part is first cut off, then holes for the chimney and afterburner are prepared. A hole will also need to be made in the lower part for the inspection hatch. Later it is bolted on.
- We make an afterburner from a thick-walled pipe, making holes in it
- A bowl for a drip oven can be made from a car brake disc. It is mounted on the bottom of the firebox, slightly raised above the surface by 3-5 cm
- We put on the bottle cap. We insert the oil pipe so that it is located exactly above the bowl
- We hang an expansion tank. We connect the chimney. Checking the operation of the oven
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Furnace with expansion tank

Furnace with expansion tank
As we have already found out, it is forbidden to add oil during the operation of the furnace. It also makes no sense to increase the volume of the tank - it is unlikely that it will be able to warm up properly. Thus, there is only one way to ensure continuous refueling - by adding an expansion tank.
The operation of such a device is based on the simplest principle of communicating vessels. As soon as the oil level drops, a new dose of fuel begins to flow into the chamber from the tank. To regulate its supply in the pipeline, a special valve is provided.

Pressurized furnace design

Structural drawing of a pressurized furnace
Such a unit is considered safer - after all, the combustion zone in it is completely closed. The pressurization method helps to reduce fuel consumption - it will take not two, but one and a half liters per hour. Plus, the power in such a furnace can be easily adjusted. The device is also less demanding on the height of the chimney. And yes, you don't have to clean it as often.
As a fan, you can use the old VAZ 2108 from the oven. The Chinese equivalent will do. You can adjust the fan speed with an inexpensive PWM controller.
Perhaps the only drawback of the supercharged mining furnace is the strong burnout of the metal in the place where the flame jet deviates. But for a collapsible structure, this is not so important - a burnt sheet of metal can be easily replaced.

Furnace with afterburner

Furnace with afterburner
So that precious heat does not fly away quickly into the pipe, you can organize its additional collection. To do this, the second chamber is bent at an angle of 90 ° or a little more (but it should not be sharp).
The assembly principle of such a device is conventional. The only difference is that you will need two pipes. To connect them at an angle of 90 ° when cutting workpieces, they should be sawn at an angle of 45 °.

Top Drip Device

Plasma bowl oven
An oil furnace for testing with a fuel chamber located at the bottom is structurally much simpler. In this case, the ratio of the dimensions of the upper and lower chambers is also insignificant. However, the efficiency of such devices is low.
To increase it allows the arrangement of the upper fuel supply. Such furnaces in mining are called drip. The fuel supplied through a small stainless steel tube with a diameter of 8-10 mm enters them on a heated bowl and, completely burning, emits much more heat. This can be determined by the color of the flame - in them it is not yellow, but white-blue. Drip furnaces have another name - furnaces with a plasma bowl. To increase traction, it is better to supply the unit with pressurization - a fan connected to the air duct.
There is a fundamental difference in the design of such furnaces for mining drip type - the perforated pipe in them is located inside the body. For this reason, devices are considered more secure. The plasma bowl can be made from a piece of pipe or a thick-walled steel container. You should not make the tray too high - when cleaning the oven, the bowl should be easily removed.
Some craftsmen, without bothering, make the fuel supply single-stage. But such devices are very dangerous - the supply tube, located close to the furnace, is very hot. Plus, the fuel supply will be unstable - the heated oil will thin and drip faster. Yes, and accidentally open the valve to the stop can cause a fire.
More advanced is the two-stage feed, at which a safety float valve is provided. The capillator in such devices is made necessarily dosing.

Drip feed in the furnace
In drip ovens, it is also possible to fine-tune the air supply. To do this, the number of holes in the pipe and the diameter are gradually reduced in height. In the bottom row, they can be replaced with vertical slots. In this case, oxygen will be supplied to the combustion chamber in exact portions in accordance with the needs of the burning gases.

Disadvantages of the furnace in mining

Furnaces in development
Of course, the advantage of such structures is significant - the cheapness of fuel. But there are also many disadvantages:
- to ensure uninterrupted combustion of the furnace, a constant and sufficiently strong draft is required
- high fire hazard (we will discuss the rules for operating the furnace during mining below)
- frequent cleaning of soot: if you make the body one-piece, after a couple of months you simply won’t be able to use the oven - it will start to smoke mercilessly
- high fuel consumption - you will need at least 2 l / hour
- the heat transfer of devices is not so great, most of the energy, unfortunately, flies into the pipe
Most of these shortcomings can be smoothed out by improving the design - installing a fan to increase the combustion temperature, an expansion tank, etc. But due to the listed shortcomings, the furnaces are used mainly for temporary heating of utility rooms.

Oil filling
Before putting the furnace into operation, check the integrity of all seams, the absence of blockages, and the cleanliness of the blower. To avoid a fire hazard, there should be no water residues on the walls of the chambers and pipes - when it is mixed with oil, a splash of fuel is possible.
You need to get used to the ignition of the potbelly stove during working off. After filling the oil, you should not immediately throw a burning torch or rag into the filling hole. It is necessary to wait some time for the vapors to be well saturated with oxygen.
The drip furnace is started more smoothly. After opening the fuel supply valve, the torch with rags wound around it or a piece of foam rubber attached to it should be ignited only when a small puddle accumulates in the bowl. We emphasize once again - at first it is not oil that is set on fire, but a torch. You can just throw a piece of toilet paper into the bowl. You can do this without fear - the paper will burn almost without residue.
After 5 minutes, the oil will heat up, boil, and it will no longer be necessary to maintain combustion. It remains only to adjust the air supply and fuel consumption.
Operating rules

Furnace in production
Furnaces in mining are devices with increased fire hazard, therefore, when installing and operating it, the following rules should be observed:
- The potbelly stove should not be located in a draft
- In a furnace clogged with soot, the likelihood of a splash of boiling oil is very high. Therefore, such structures require regular cleaning.
- It is strictly forbidden to fill the chamber with oil completely in order to avoid splashing it out when heated - it is filled only 2/3, and even better half the tank, so that there is enough space for the formation of vapors
- Topping up fuel during the operation of the furnace is also prohibited.
- Oils mixed with other substances, petrol or diesel fuel must not be used. There might be an explosion
- The distance between the potbelly stove and the wall is at least 0.5 m
- It can only be installed on a metal sheet or concrete floor.
- If the walls of the room are upholstered with combustible material, they must be additionally sheathed with sheet metal in the area where the furnace is located. This will also help to redirect the flow of warm air into the room and increase the efficiency of the device.
- Do not store any flammable objects or substances in the stoker
The author of the next video has studied the entire process of manufacturing such structures to the subtleties and is happy to share his own developments with his subscribers.
A detailed video on the manufacture of the furnace for testing can be viewed at the link:
VIDEO: Do-it-yourself oven for testing.
Furnace in development: views, device, drawings, instructions for making your own hands (Photo & Video) + Reviews
normal oven. what is the end of the chimney?