Solder paste is mainly used in manufacturing when assembling printed circuit boards using surface mount technology (that is, when components are not inserted into holes in the board, but simply soldered onto contact tracks on its surface). But such a paste is very popular among ordinary radio amateurs. After all, at its core, it is solder and flux gathered together, which are easy to apply to the soldering points. In our article we will tell you how to make solder paste with your own hands from the available components.

Materials for manufacturing
To make solder paste you will need:
- tin-lead solder;
- vise;
- needle file or file;
- petrolatum;
- soldering flux LTI-120 (or any other rosin-containing flux);
- plastic cup, wooden stick;
- a syringe with a thick needle;
- circuit board, resistor, wire cutters, soldering iron for testing.
Step 1. Get lead-tin shavings
The main component of solder paste is, of course, solder. It needs to be crushed into chips. The fastest way to do this is on an emery machine, but if it is not, then you can do it manually.
We clamp a piece of solder in a vise.

File or file grind off the required amount of solder.

Step 2. Making Pasta
Add Vaseline to the shavings in a ratio of 1: 3 and mix everything well.

Then add 8-10 drops of LTI-120 soldering flux and also mix.
As a result, we get such a solder paste, which turned out to be viscous and homogeneous.

For storage and use, we place the resulting solder paste in a medical syringe with a thick needle.

Step 3. Testing
We place a resistor on the circuit board.

We turn the board over, bite off one leg of the resistor and place a little solder paste on the soldering place.

After heating with a soldering iron, the resistor was securely soldered to the board, and the soldering place turned out to be even and smooth.

We carry out the same operations with the second leg of the resistor. The result is again excellent.

How to make DIY solder paste
How to make solder paste with your own hands: we speed up soldering at times!