With the onset of autumn, the colors of the surrounding nature are gradually lost, dullness and gloom set in. The site will be significantly transformed with plants that have a flowering period in the fall, or they simply have bright and colorful foliage.
Such species continue to thrive under conditions of short daylight hours and lack of abundance of solar heat.
You should not expect a great variety, but everything presented will be quite enough to fill the area with flowers of bright colors with a wonderful and unique fragrance.
In this article, we propose to consider the names and descriptions with photos of the most popular autumn flowers.

General placement rules

There are certain rules that must be followed when placing plants.
The main ones are a combination of:
- colors
- size
- heights
- flowering volume

In any combination, harmony must be observed
Compliance with this will create harmony in the composition, and plantings will not interfere with each other in growth and full development.
The following properties of each constituent element are also taken into account:
- period of time for flowering
- how wide can a plant grow
- having access to weed
Some species are well suited for winning lawn highlights or to hide outbuildings. Others begin to please the eye as soon as the snow melts. As for autumn flowers, they are slightly moved away, planted behind varieties whose flowering period falls on an earlier date. Also important is the selection of the appropriate location, as well as the composition of the soil.


Colorful landscape of september
The difference between September and other summer months is insignificant, because the weather is not much different. Obvious changes appear in the last days of the month.
At the beginning of the autumn period, there are still many flowering summer plants. But they are very sensitive to cold weather, a small amount of sunlight, and because of this, their flowering ends quickly. They are replaced by September flowers that bloom in the autumn. Thanks to this, the colorful flower carpet in the summer cottage is preserved for a long time.
They bloom profusely and for a long time. For this reason, they are popular. There are a large number of varieties that bloom in September and October. They also vary in size, blooming splendor and colors.
Asters are easy to care for. Reproduction is easy. They are not afraid of a little cold. Abundant flowering decorates the territory of the garden with its diversity for a very long time. Sometimes the bush is so strewn with flowering buds that the leaves are almost invisible.
There are annual and perennial varieties.
Excellent garden decoration. Can grow in shady places with almost any soil composition. They love moisture, although its excess is not desirable.
There are the most common types:
- anemoid
- collared
- nymphaeaceae
- peony
- spherical
- needle-like
Currently, there are about 20,000 varieties.
The salient features are:
- form
- terry
- length (10-12 cm)
It will look more advantageous if you place these flowers as a frame for the path, as a decorating element of parterres and composite flower beds against the grass cover.
Rudbeckia hairy

Rudbeckia hairy
Few people do not know bright yellow and orange flowers with a brown center. They look like daisies, only multi-colored and large. Grown as an annual flower, because. it is the flowering of the first year that is the most charming, and later its decorative appearance is quickly lost or the plant dies completely.
The stem of the plant is straight. Its surface, like the foliage cover, is elastic and rough. The length of the trunk is 45-65 cm. Rudbeckia blooms for a long time (before the first frost).
Refers to unpretentious plants. Prefers good moisture and fertilized soil. Can grow in shady areas.
Looks great in combination with coniferous plants, in rockeries and against the background of a green carpet lawn.
Majors (Zinnia graceful)

Majors (Zinnia graceful)
Perennial flower. Its trunk is smooth, reaching a height of 20-90 cm. The foliage is bright green in color, small in size. Its shape is heart-shaped. The inflorescence, located on an elongated peduncle, has splendor.
In shape, the flower resembles a basket with a tiled arrangement of petals with edges concave inward. Its diameter is about 10 cm.
For good development, the following conditions are preferred:
- nutrient soil
- well lit location
- wind protection
More commonly known under a different name - oaks. They will brighten up any landscape. They have a great variety. They differ in height, size, many colors of flowers. The shape of the inflorescence is similar to asters.
The open sun is not detrimental to the plant. The soil prefers rich, moderately moist. The flowering period for chrysanthemums is the end of summer - the whole autumn.
Among all species, Korean chrysanthemums are the most popular. They are unassuming. Small flowers literally shower the entire bush.
Also, recently, more and more often you can see oaks, which have a surprisingly regular, spherical appearance of a shrub and lush flowering. This beauty is called - a spherical chrysanthemum. Its height is not more than 0.5 m. The flowers of this species are medium-sized, double or semi-double, with a wide variety of colors.
This shrub chrysanthemum is particularly undemanding to the conditions, in which it develops. The flowering period is from August to November. It also propagates easily: cuttings, dividing the bush and root system.
Also, plants that bloom in early autumn include:
This is just a small list of all kinds, with the help of which the territory will acquire a colorful and joyful look.


In October, you want brightness so much
These species have not only brightness, but they are resistant to light frosts that come at night.
Colchicum (colchicum)

Colchicum (colchicum)
From the genus of tuberous-bulbous and herbaceous perennial plants. It is elegant and splendid. Flashes with the brightness of spring shades and tenderness against the fading background of the autumn period.
Low appearance (about 20 cm), unpretentious care. The soil prefers light and loose, location - with good illumination. It acquires a spectacular look in rock gardens.
There are approximately 70 varieties with a variety of shapes and colors.
The flower is poisonous, therefore, when working with it, safety precautions are required.
Helenium autumn

Helenium autumn
An amazing perennial natural creation. It contains all the sunny shades, which delights the eyes, causes joy. The inflorescence is small in size (about 3-4 cm), but the plant itself can reach a height of 70-150 cm.
Caring for a gelenium is easy. It prefers nutritious soil and a good amount of moisture. It can look good by a pond, as a hedge, in a flower bed as a background or medium plan.
It is a perennial species, but grown as annuals. Translated from Latin, antirrinum (Antirrhinum majus) sounds “like a muzzle”, and the flowers look very unusual, resembling the mouth of a lion (hence the name).
Snapdragon is popular for its variety of color shades. This is possible brightness of white color, turning into a maroon color.
The height of the plant depends on the variety. It can be high (up to 80 cm), low and dwarf (up to 20 cm). The inflorescence is cone-shaped, reaching a length of 35 cm. The stem is straight and strong. Flowering is long, not stopping even with the onset of frost.
It is better to have in areas with space and good lighting. The composition of the soil is light loamy. Care is not difficult. If faded flowers are regularly removed, shoots begin to develop from the side, which are later covered with abundant bright flowering.
Pansies (violet Witrocca, viola)
Low growing and perennial. Has cold resistance. It looks like violet flowers. Has a great color variety.
The plant is not picky about the location, but when in a shaded corner does not have abundant flowering. Too much moisture is not desirable. The soil is better to choose loamy.
Viola looks great in many places, for example, as a decoration of balconies, borders located along the paths, in flowerpots in garden plots.
The most popular autumn plant. When planted in heavily fertilized soil, only foliage begins to grow, and flowering ceases to be plentiful. If the earth is not nutritious in sufficient quantities, the flower will lose its decorative effect.
Most types of nasturtium are annuals. The following common types are distinguished:
- Bush – has small dimensions (height is about 30 cm). Annual shrub. Used in creating landscape design, planted along the borders, in flowerpots
- Curly - used as a living fence, to decorate balconies, walls. annual view
- Ampelny - used as an outdoor vertical decorating element of houses or other areas of the territory. annual plant
- Terry - one-year-old type. Used in landscape design
- climbing – perennial type, decorates terraces, gazebos, flower beds
The height of all types of nasturtium can vary from 25-30 cm to 2-3 m. It is desirable to locate where there is good lighting.
Today there are about 90 plant varieties. For cold regions, perennial species are chosen because they are resistant to low temperatures (up to -200WITH).

The plant is tall and dwarf (from 15 cm to 90 cm), depending on the variety. Its thin erect stems are pubescent, forming a sparse shrub. It can reach a width of up to 60-70 cm. The color of the foliage is bright green, the shape is lanceolate, oblong.
Inflorescences are large (diameter 6-8 cm) in the form of a basket, with serrated edges and are located at the top of the trunk. Their color is bright yellow, red, pink.
It usually blooms from the end of June to the end of summer, but with systematic cutting of inflorescences at the end of flowering, coreopsis will bloom again in the autumn.
It is easy to care for and grow. It has an interesting combination with summer floral arrangements.

It may be known by another name - black cohosh. It is a perennial plant with grace and elegance.
Black cohosh is tall (up to 2 m) with a branching stem. Foliage - dissected, openwork. Inflorescences are medium-sized, white, forming a paniculate tassel.
The flowering period falls on September and October.
Also, plants that bloom in October include:
The above and many other plants with October flowering, like a particle of summer heat, they will be able to warm with their aromas and splendor of flowering.


Brightness of November
Autumn ends, the trees shed their last leaves, the site becomes empty. An atmosphere of sadness, grayness and gloom hovers around. At the moment, when a long cold period is approaching, the eye especially lacks bright colors. There are a lot of flowers left in November. They haven't bloomed yet from the previous months.
November flowers with their attractive appearance will be able to delight until the very frost.
There are annual and perennial species. There are over 50 different types. All of them are different in their beauty, color palette (from rich yellow to brick red). It is a small bush with a height of 0.2 m to 1.2 m. During the period when marigolds bloom, an unsurpassed aroma hovers in the air.
Subdivide the following types:
- terry
- semi-double
- carnations
- simple
- chrysanthemum-shaped
Another herald of the past warm season. There are about 20 species. These are both annual and perennial species.
It has absolute unpretentiousness to the conditions, location and soil composition in which it will grow. For these qualities and for the saturation of colors, petunia is found in almost all garden plots.
The flower stem is small (up to 10 cm). It can be straight and standing, as well as creeping along the flower bed.
Petunia - incredibly beautiful decoration of any corner of the territory, especially at the end of the autumn season.
Evergreen decorating element of the landscape. The flowering of the plant falls in June, but its leaves retain an amazing emerald color until the end of November.
Rhododendron Katevbinsky grandiflorum - the most resistant variety to frost. Height - up to 4 m. It is distinguished by a dense deciduous part.
The flower grows very quickly (8-12 cm / year), and lives up to 100 years. Unpretentious in care. It has a good development with the following soil composition:
- subacid
- sour
- peat
- loamy
This flower delights with its magnificence at the moment, when it blooms. The color scheme has a great variety.
Panicled phlox is the latest species. It is a tall shrub with lush flowering. Its color varies from pink or bright red to purple.
the Rose
This is a beauty queen. It blooms for a very long time and endures the first mild frosts. Today there are a large number of different varieties. They safely survive the winter period and continue to bloom even under the onset of cold weather conditions.
The most frost-resistant species include park, American and Canadian varieties. Has a wide variety of colors. It is able to satisfy even the most demanding needs of every gardener.
The birthplace of the ageratum is India and America (some of its regions). If translated from Latin Ageratum means ageless, because the bush remains with green foliage for a long time.
Refers to perennial shrubs. Height is not more than 0.5 m. It is widely used in landscape design. Ageratum has stamina.
The density of the flowering crown is formed by the arrangement of peduncles in several paths, therefore flowering is lush, beautiful, spherical. The color of the flowers is striking in a variety of shades.

Fast growing herbaceous plant. Like weeds, it is able, if possible, to fill any area in the garden.
Some cultivars are almost leafless or look like small hairs. Their color has a delicate bright golden color. The structure of the inflorescence is as umbrellas, panicles or spike-shaped.
Goldenrod is able to bloom until late autumn. Looks great in the compositions of alpine slides, rockeries and other modern elements in landscape design. Bouquets are also decorated with inflorescences when cut.
Blooming until the end of the autumn period, stonecrop is able to decorate the garden with the brightness of its flowers. It has an unpretentious character. It's easy to take care of him.
The size of the inflorescences united by buds reaches 25 cm. The set of their color shades is unimaginable:
- White
- purple
- purple
- pink
- Violet
The height of the flower depends on the variety. It can be 35 cm and reach up to 80 cm.
The variety also affects the period when the stonecrop begins to bloom. The plant is frost-resistant. Widely used in landscape design. It has a great combination with red plants and white, blue and silver foliage.
There are a lot of names of flowers that continue to bloom in the last month of autumn.
It can also be:
- echinacea
- aster
- chrysanthemum
- Waller's balsam
- fuchsia
- gazing
- nemesia
- notched dimorphotheca
- phlox Drumonda
- pansies
- and many others that will turn the territory into a real summer corner amid the onset of cold weather on the eve of winter

Colors for all seasons

Flowering for more than one season
The most popular among flower growers are plants whose flowering falls not only on a certain period (summer, autumn), but those which can bloom from the beginning of summer to the very cold. If the seeds were sown in a timely manner and the seedlings were grown, flowering can begin as early as spring.

There are varieties of annuals and those that are able to live for a very long time and please themselves. Colors may vary:
- dark blue
- burgundy
- red
All inflorescences in the central part are white.
Verbena is thermophilic and prefers loose soil. Cultivation can be not only in open spaces, but also develops with good results on home window sills in pots.

Undersized view (25 cm). Loves good lighting. It is a perennial, but grown for one season. The shape of the foliage is linear. Flowers in the form of baskets. Their size is average (7 cm). The shape of the petals is reed. The colors are varied.

Tolerant of hot and cold conditions. Pleases with abundant flowering even in autumn. The stem of the plant is strong and reaches a height of 55 cm. The inflorescence is large (4.5 cm) in the form of a chamomile. Its color is white with a blue center. There are other varieties that have other colors:
- purple
- yellow
- Orange
Grows well in fertile soil.
It is a branching and creeping small shrub. Height - 0.3-0.7 m. Refers to evergreen species. The foliage is trihedral and, as it were, folds into a tube. The inflorescences are small. Their shape is similar to bells. When they bloom, a strong smell spreads.
Heather blooms in the second half of the summer season. It looks more wonderful with the onset of frost, because the foliage changes its color. It becomes burgundy or yellow.
This species is used for food purposes. And heather honey is considered one of the most useful.
In landscape decoration, it is used in the creation of alpine slides, borders along garden paths, and discounts. It acquires a spectacular appearance against the background of coniferous plants of small size.

An evergreen plant belonging to the type of shrubs. Its branches are very tender and brittle. The inflorescences are small racemose, with flowers resembling bells in appearance. Their color is: white, purple, lilac.
It is unpretentious, so it is often planted in garden plots.
The coloring of the buds begins in mid-autumn and this brightness fades into winter. If there is little snow, Erica's beauty will continue to bring joy until it is covered with snow. Flowering seems long, because. faded inflorescences do not fall off for a very long time, but hang on a bush. Buds, even when closed, do not lose saturation and charm. With the advent of spring, the bush is one of the first to paint the landscape with the brightness of color.

The most common varieties for the climate of Russia are spikelet celosia and comb celosia. The plant is sun-loving, prefers to develop in fertile loose soil.
Celosia blooms from the middle of the summer season until October (ceases to bloom with the onset of cold weather).
It is often used in the design of borders on garden paths or planted in pots to decorate balconies and terraces.

Another name for shiritsa. Perfectly decorates any personal plot. Differs in attractiveness, unpretentiousness, fast growth. It is a medicinal plant.
The natural environment of the flower - America, China, India.
The inflorescences have an unusual axillary shape and are collected in spicate panicles. Their shades are varied: golden, red, purple, green.
The flowering period begins in June and ends with the onset of cold weather.

No less beautiful plant is also referred to as montbrecia. Inflorescence color: orange, yellow, red. Ideal in compositions with lilac or dark purple asters.
He loves the sun very much. The soil is fertilized before planting. A mixture of lime and bone meal is also added to it. With heavy poorly drained soil, a small amount of snow, severe frosts, the tubers are necessarily dug out for the winter period.
Flowering is long, plentiful. It falls in the middle of summer and before the beginning of autumn, and maybe before cold weather. It depends on the weather, climate. Cut flowers stay fresh for up to 2 weeks. The perfect decoration for an open flower bed or bouquet.

field paints

field paints
Despite their modesty, wild flowers are no less loved by gardeners. They give the flower beds a natural look.
Field crops on the territory give their advantages:
- the flower bed looks more attractive and vital, because. it is visited by bees, butterflies
- thanks to naturalness, a cozy and unique atmosphere is created
- in most cases, these plants are medicinal, which can be very useful
Medicinal plant. Even in combination with other colors, it does not lose its individuality and attractiveness. It grows well in any conditions and soil composition.

Flower of tenderness and romance. It also has properties in which there are many benefits. It looks very colorful. In caring for him is not difficult. Has a pleasant aroma. Creates an ideal combination in a group with other flowers and in border plantings.

It has many great features:
- beautifully decorates the flower garden
- looks beautiful in a bouquet on the table
- due to medicinal properties should be in every first aid kit
Gardeners also love this plant because that it is unpretentious in care, blooms for a long time and profusely.

Preparing for winter

Winter coming in color
If perennial crops are planted for flower decoration of the territory, then they need to be prepared for the winter.
First of all, plants that are not dug up for wintering are pruned. This is done so that with the onset of spring, nothing interferes with the growth of young shoots. When pruning dried stems, a small part of them with leaves is left. These shoots will accumulate nutrients that the plant will need for development for the next year. After the pruning procedure, the ground around the plant needs loosening and top dressing (humus, compost).
Also, preparation for the winter period consists of the following actions:
- Planting bulbous species (daffodils, tulips, crocuses). It is better to do this at the end of the summer period - the beginning of the autumn. If the action took place at a later date, the planting is covered with foliage, straw or dry twigs
- Before the cold sets in, perennial plants (irises, phloxes, primroses) divide
- Seeds are collected from annual species (asters, marigolds). They will be used next year.
- When the temperature drops 0…+50With shelter clematis. The easiest way to do this is to wrap their own shoots.
- The green part is cut off from the peonies, the earth around is loosened, sprinkled with ash
- Before the onset of frost, roses are spudded (with peat, sand). They hide after the onset of frost.
- In the later stages of the autumn period, summer plants are sown. Their seeds should have time to swell, but germination should not occur. They will germinate with the advent of spring after the snow melts.

Autumn flowers in the garden
Having completed all of the above, as soon as the first snow falls, the flower garden will be fully prepared for winter.
The names of colors described in the article - this is only a small part, the flowering of which begins in autumn or does not end when the cold weather has already arrived. In fact, there are a lot of species that are unpretentious and frost-resistant. But do not rush and plant all available flowers just because they will bloom for a very long time.
There will be enough several species that can decorate the territory in the country. They should not only please the eye, but it is desirable that they be easy to care for. Autumn time is when all work is completed, and a well-arranged flower garden will allow you to enjoy your efforts and relax with joy.
September garden flowers. My autumn garden
Autumn flowers in the garden: catalog with photos and names | TOP 30 Best
After the outgoing summer, for continuous flowering, delphinium, monards, tagetes, tricyrtis, luxurious saxifrage, California poppy, larkspur, larkspur, immortelle, escholzia, datura, iberis, septembrins