Orchid phalaenopsis at home: care after purchase, cultivation, breeding rules | (110+ Photos and Videos)

phalaenopsis orchid


Phalaenopsis (from lat. Phalaenopsis) - perennial herbaceous plants from the Orchid family. Beautiful butterflies are native to the rainforests of the Philippines and Southeast Asia.

These are predominantly epiphytic plants, since most of them grow on trees, less often they can be found on stones. Karl Blum, looking at the mysterious orchid through binoculars, gave it the name phalaenopsis - that is, similar to a butterfly.

Caring for a phalaenopsis orchid at home has its own nuances, the neglect of which can destroy the plant.


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Botanical description

Orchid flower looks like a butterfly

Flower orchids looks like a butterfly

It is impossible to describe phalaenopsis in one word, since orchids are diametrically opposed and differ from each other. There are over 750 genera and 25,000 species in the world.

Depending on the variety, you can find orchids with short and long, creeping and straight stems. Leaves are simple and alternate. The color of the flowers is very diverse: from snow-white to sky-blue and plants with purple flowers, the naturalness of the color of which is still in doubt among flower growers. 

At the top of the flower are 3 sepals, below - 3 petals. It is noteworthy, but often you can find sepals fused together. The lower petal, located in the middle, resembles a boot. It is also called "lip". It is in it that the nectary is located.

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Phalaenopsis varieties

Charming blue butterfly orchid

Charming blue butterfly orchid

Breeders have been breeding new varieties of the royal flower for a long time. Among them there are very rare plants. They cost a fortune.

For beginners in cultivation, hybrids are recommended. They are easy to care for and do not require close attention.

Pleasant or Amabilis (Amabilis)

Phalaenopsis Amabilis: white flowers with a light lilac coating on the edge of the petal

Phalaenopsis Amabilis: white flowers with a light lilac coating on the edge of the petal

Pleasant or Amabilis (Amabilis)

The fleshy leaves of phalaenopsis are dark green in color, arranged in 2 rows. Peduncles are long, curved in shape, can reach 0.5 m in length.

In place of the cut peduncle, a replacement immediately develops. Phalaenopsis Amabilis is a fertile material for crossing. It is this beauty that is the progenitor of many new varieties.

Flowering is long. Flowers appear mainly in autumn.






It is considered a miniature plant. Bright pink or white flowers do not exceed 3 cm in diameter and are located in a peduncle, 30 cm long.


Schiller (Schilleriana)

Schiller (Schilleriana)

Schiller (Schilleriana)

Schiller (Schilleriana)

Beautiful exotic foliage is completely covered with silvery spots, the bottom of the leaf with a reddish tint. Huge flowers, reaching a diameter of 7 cm, hang in a beautiful cascade from long peduncles. Stems can be 0.5 m long.


Stuart (Stuartiana)

Stuart (Stuartiana)

Stuart (Stuartiana)

Stuart (Stuartiana)

An interesting plant with variegated foliage and silvery roots. The variety has gained popularity due to its abundant flowering: at the same time, up to 60 snow-white flowers decorated with purple spots can bloom on one peduncle.


Phalaenopsis Cleopatra

Phalaenopsis Cleopatra

Phalaenopsis Cleopatra

Phalaenopsis Cleopatra

An unpretentious hybrid variety with beautiful yellow flowers. The entire surface of the petals is generously dotted with burgundy spots. The flowers are large.

Phalaenopsis hybrids have an affordable price, varieties are slightly more expensive.

Currently, orchid collectors are chasing pelorics. This is the name of a variety of orchids (mutants) that bloom differently each time.

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Growing Features

Blooming phalaenopsis Sakura

Blooming phalaenopsis Sakura

The homeland of exotic representatives is moist lowland forests and uplands, which determines the peculiarities of growing at home.

  1. Green orchid rhizomes in natural conditions receive nutrition from the bark of trees. And since photosynthesis takes place in the roots, you need to grow a flower in a transparent pot so that a sufficient amount of light enters the roots

  2. Aerial roots are constantly in search of food. It is necessary to ensure that they do not penetrate into neighboring pots.

  3. Properly caring for phalaenopsis means ensuring a long life of epiphytes and flowering

It is believed that butterfly orchids do not have a pronounced dormant period, so they can easily delight in flowering twice a year. Some flower growers make the orchid bloom 3 times a year. 

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Planting and caring for a phalaenopsis orchid at home

Phalaenopsis Legato

Phalaenopsis Legato

To get a gorgeous blooming orchid, you will need to follow some growing conditions, you need to know how to care for an orchid. For good growth, development and flowering, you need to find a well-lit place. Equally important are watering, fertilizing, maintaining the optimum temperature and pest control, if any. The orchid does not tolerate drafts, but the ventilation regime must be observed.

Light mode

phalaenopsis orchid

phalaenopsis orchid

You need to choose the right place in the house. All window sills in the house are suitable for growing orchids, except for the south orientation. The orchid needs partial shade, and also needs an influx of fresh air.

If the apartment has a southern room, you will need to place the flower on the table, at some distance from the window. The leaves will not get burned, as the plant will shade the curtain.

Direct sunlight on Phalaenopsis foliage is detrimental to the plant. Burns will appear on the leaf plates that cannot be cured by anything.

If there is not enough daylight, the bush may lean to one side. No problem. Occasionally it needs to be rotated 180°.

During the laying of buds, you cannot turn the flower pot!

Temperature regime

White flowers with a delicate crimson coating

White flowers with a delicate crimson coating

The optimum temperature of the content is + 18-25 ° degrees. However, for an orchid, it is not important to constantly maintain the temperature at the same level.

For winter maintenance, a cool room is perfect.

It can easily endure a short-term increase and decrease in temperature. But do not test the plant for strength. The more familiar the conditions of detention are for her, the less energy she will spend on the process of adaptation to new conditions. 


phalaenopsis orchid

phalaenopsis orchid

The optimum humidity is 30°. The flower does not need high humidity, so it does not need to be sprayed. It is advisable to keep Phalaenopsis in a well-ventilated area, otherwise hot and dry air will affect the foliage turgor - it will simply become lethargic, flowering will become short-lived.

If the room cannot be constantly ventilated, it is important to place the pot with the plant on a pallet.

Too much moisture is detrimental. As a result of constant moisture in the container, the roots can rot.

Do not spray the orchid even at a time when the room is hot. All the water that gets on the stem will subsequently drain into the axils of the leaves. And this is fraught with decay.


phalaenopsis orchid

phalaenopsis orchid

In order for the dendrobium to bloom, do not forget to fertilize the plants! The best fertilizer as top dressing is Kemira-Lux. You need to feed during or after watering. It is advisable to moisten the earth before making nutrients. Prepare the working solution in accordance with the instructions. Fertilizers should be applied once every 2 weeks.

How to water correctly?

Watering should be done after the soil dries out. But it is impossible to allow the soil mixture to be without moisture for a long time. 

You can understand that your orchid needs watering by condensate, located on the walls of a transparent pot. If not, watering is required!

Lack of moisture leads to discoloration of the roots. When growing in a dark pot, you will not be able to see the presence of condensation. In this case, you need to dig the soil to make sure how many centimeters the soil has dried out.

When watering, care must be taken to prevent water from entering the foliage. The best way to water is by submerging the plant pot into a larger pot of water. Then the excess water should drain.

phalaenopsis orchid at home

Water procedures

Watering should be clean, soft water. The orchid loves to take rain baths, so it is advisable to wash your collection in the shower once a month. After taking baths, the plant will need to be wiped dry to prevent the growing point from rotting.

Trimming Rules

Features of pruning phalaenopsis

Features of pruning phalaenopsis

After flowering, flower growers watch the flower arrow. If she loses turgor, changes in color and begins to fade, she will have to be cut off.

If the arrow does not change its color, remains the same juicy and rich green, it is possible that the plant is resting and after a while will please flowering again. But! In order for flowers to reappear on it, it is necessary to shorten it so that it can grow and flower buds can form on it.

It is necessary to consider a developed bud on the stem, step back up 10 cm and shorten the peduncle.

If you cut the peduncle below 3 buds, flowering will be short!
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Care during flowering and after

Intergeneric hybrid: Doritaenopsis Liu's Sakura 'KF#2'

Intergeneric hybrid: Doritaenopsis Liu's Sakura 'KF#2'

For an orchid to bloom, certain conditions are necessary:

  • it is necessary to maintain optimal humidity
  • sufficient natural light
  • try to avoid rearranging the pot
  • constant temperature

It is impossible to say unequivocally, non-observance of which condition will lead to the absence of flowering. They are all needed together.

Phalaenosis after flowering requires special care. It needs rest to re-bloom. After pruning, the flower is left alone and wait until it shoots a new flower arrow. Care is similar.

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Phalaenopsis transplant rules

Phalaenopsis transplant rules

Phalaenopsis transplant rules

Phalaenopsis transplantation is done 1 time in 3 years. The process is best postponed until the spring. However, you need to look at the condition of the plant, especially if it grows poorly or was purchased in a store. But still need to be transplanted after flowering.

You need to transplant into a new substrate, which can be purchased at a specialized store.

If it is not possible to buy ready-made soil, transplantation can also be carried out in the old soil mixture, after drying it.

Before planting in a new pot, the plant is removed from the old container, the root system is cleaned of bark, and roots that have changed color are removed.

After the cut, they must be treated with an antiseptic or charcoal powder. There must be holes in the bottom of the pot. It is better to buy a special pot. 

First, a drainage layer is laid, then a flower is installed and the free space is covered with new soil.

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Orchid Phalaenopsis

Orchid Phalaenopsis

For propagation of orchids, the seed method is used, reproduction by children and layering, that is, vegetatively. Only experienced collectors can obtain new specimens through cloning.

seed way

seed orchid

seed orchid

The main condition for seed germination is nutrient soil. And you can get it only in a laboratory. Here you can achieve sterility.

If someone at home decides on this time-consuming process - germination of seeds, you need to adjust yourself to the fact that this is a long process and it takes 9 months.

The rastyushki grow within 3 years, and only after 4 years you can see the flowering of phalaenopsis. Some flowers do not want to please their owner and do not bloom for 10 years.

Let's consider the process step by step. In the prepared moistened soil, consisting of moss and leafy soil, you should place the seeds and cover the bowl with glass. There should be drainage at the bottom. Germination requires high temperature and humidity.

Picking is carried out with tweezers when one leaf develops on the seedlings. Planting in separate pots - after the appearance of 4 leaves on the plant.

How to propagate by cuttings?

Division of shoots into cuttings

Division of shoots into cuttings

For propagation by cuttings, you need to choose a plant that has only one growth point. 

Cuttings should be taken from a healthy mother plant; a damaged cutting can be discarded. Brown spots on the stems of indoor orchids most often indicate that that non-infectious or fungal diseases are present may be a sign of rot or spotting.

The shoots should be cut only with a sharp pruner, scissors can damage the inner tissue. The lower incision must be sprinkled with crushed crushed coal.

When rooting, the bottom of the container should be filled with drainage material. These can be pieces of foam, small fractions of expanded clay, sphagnum moss. You can fall asleep with pebbles.

All planted cuttings must be covered with polyethylene, or a plastic container should be placed in a greenhouse, in which the necessary microclimate will be created. Orchids will grow and develop well.

It is necessary to water the plantings from a spray gun, with warm water, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. Too much moisture will cause rot.

Planting kids

The baby appeared on the peduncle

The baby appeared on the peduncle

Only some phalaenopsis, grown in suitable conditions, can produce lateral processes - babies. Separate them from an adult specimen should be carefully, otherwise they will not give their own roots. To obtain planting material, mother plants must stand in a room with a high temperature.

And also to obtain them, it is necessary to apply fertilizers with a high concentration of nitrogen.

After the appearance of the baby, it must be protected. And when the root appears - carefully separate, process the cut with charcoal and transplant it into a new pot.




Propagate an orchid by cloning - only for academic staff. No one can do it at home.

All work on the preparation of material for reproduction is carried out under a microscope in the laboratory. The taken cells are placed in a nutrient mixture. When the nutrient medium turns into clots, it is replaced with a new one. As a result of cell division, many plants are obtained.

A good way to do business in the sale of flowers.

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Diseases and pests

Small parasite on a leaf plate

Small parasite on a leaf plate

Improper care of phalaenopsis during the growing season entails a lot of problems. The flower may become sick, or insects may appear on it.





A small parasite that infects all indoor plants and feeds on their juice. As a result of vital activity, the leaves turn yellow and disappear. For processing, you can use laundry soap, which is whipped into foam and applied to the foliage. After 30 minutes, the foam must be removed and the plant washed with a clean cloth.


The result of the vital activity of thrips

The result of the vital activity of thrips


Insects damage leaves and flowers. You can understand that thrips have appeared by brown, randomly scattered spots. They subsequently turn yellow. The view of the sheet plate becomes nondescript. For the fight, you can use drugs: "Aktellik", "Khostavik", "Fitoverm". The latter is less toxic. 

spider mite

Spider mite - an insidious pest of orchids

Spider mite - an insidious pest of orchids

spider mite

With increased dryness of the air, a spider mite will certainly start. Its appearance is evidenced by a silver cobweb that wraps around the stems of the plant.

In addition, if your orchid begins to turn yellow at room conditions, the flowers quickly wither, leaves fall - it is urgent to examine the plant and begin treatment.

With a weak lesion, a soapy solution will help. But with a mass infection, you can not do without special drugs. Processing should be carried out 3 times with an interval of 7 days, diluting the purchased drug according to the instructions.

You should know that spider mites carry viral diseases.


Small parasites in a protective shell

Small parasites in a protective "shell"


No less nasty creatures that are not so easy to get rid of. The fact is that their body is covered with a chitinous cover through which chemicals do not penetrate.

And these creatures are alive and well! To get rid of scale insects, you will first have to treat the phalaenopsis with laundry soap foam, then rinse, dry the plant and spray it with water, in which a few drops of sewing machine oil are dissolved.

Only this way gives 100% result. The fact is that when spraying, a film is created on the stems and leaves, to which scale insects cannot stick. 

Growing phalaenopsis does not cause difficulties, which cannot be said about other types of orchids. It is important to follow the rules of care, the only way to achieve chic flowering. With good care, phalaenopsis will please the eye 2 times a year, and flowering will last at least 3 months. The video below discusses 4 ways to propagate phalaenopsis.


Phalaenopsis orchid at home: care after purchase, cultivation, breeding rules


Orchid phalaenopsis at home: care after purchase, cultivation, breeding rules | (110+ Photos and Videos)

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