As children, we often watched Indian films and were touched by the beauty of unsurpassed flowers. India cannot be imagined without piercing aromas. Lotus is considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge, hibiscus - a symbol of beauty, plumeria - a symbol of immortality.
There is another flower in India that is gradually winning the hearts of flower growers. This is Dendrobium Nobile. The flower has never been a symbol, but its flowers have always been used to decorate holiday tables.
Orchid Care dendrobium at home is not difficult, it is important to know the climate, where it comes from and provide it with similar content.

Botanical description

The unsurpassed beauty of Dendrobium nobile
Dendrobium noble or noble (Dendrobium nobile) leads an epiphytic lifestyle, grows at an altitude of 1800 m above sea level in the Indian state of Sikiim.
Dendrobium is a sympodial orchid. This means that after the mother plant dies, daughter shoots appear in its place. It is they who continue the life of the plant.
The roots are hard, painted white. Cylindrical pseudobulbs are located at the base of the straight stem. The next arrangement of lanceolate or linear leaves is characteristic.
The flower buds are in the axils of the leaves. The life of each shoot is short - only 2-3 years. Then death occurs.
Fragrant snow-white, lilac, orange, red, yellow flowers densely cover long shoots. Thanks to the selection work, hybrid varieties with a tricolor color have been bred.
Dendrobium noble is a bestseller. Before entering the store, it is grown with the use of stimulants. Therefore, after the purchase, it can also bloom beautifully a few more times. Then you have to organize proper care for him in order to enjoy his flowering.

Types of dendrobium orchids

Dendrobium - the most beautiful flower
Among the variety of species and varieties of orchids, it is impossible to single out any special variety that would gain universal popularity. They are all beautiful in their own way.
Noble Dendrobium (Dendrobium nobile)

Photo: Dendrobium nobile
Homeland are Vietnam and the Himalayas. Shiny thick pseudobulbs are characterized by rapid growth and reach 0.5 m in length in the first year of life. In the next season, flower stalks are formed, of which there are from 1 to 3 on one plant. The flowers are large, saturated colors, up to 10 cm in diameter.
The flowers of the natural type are pure white, the tips of the petals are tinted with lilac, the lip is cream, and the throat is dark purple in color. Hybrids have different colors and bloom several times a year.
Dendrobium phalaenopsis (Dendrobium phalaenopsis)

Dendrobium phalaenopsis
The orchid got its name due to the identical shape of flowers with phalaenopsis. Naturally distributed in Australia.
Pseudobulbs, together with leathery glossy leaves, reach 0.7 m in length. The species simultaneously forms up to 10 flowers, 8 cm in diameter, which are located on a high peduncle. Most often the petals are painted in burgundy.
Flowering is long, up to 2 months. Falls at the end of November - beginning of December. On the same pseudobulb, several peduncles may appear in one season. The best view for beginner growers.
Dendrobium moniliforme (Dendrobium moniliforme)

Dendrobium moniliforme
Moniliforme - a noble dendrobium in miniature. The stem of the bush reaches a height of no more than 15 cm, the rosette is very beautiful. Inexperienced flower growers should have this species at home, as it is unpretentious in care, especially since it blooms with beautiful "butterflies".
Dendrobium Parish (Dendrobium parishii)

Dendrobium parishii
Hanging shoots of an epiphthal plant reach 0.3 m in length. There are also more powerful specimens.
The pointed oblong-lanceolate leaves grow up to 12 cm long. Single flowers bloom on the dendrobium, painted in an amethyst-purple tone. The rounded lip is densely strewn with purple-brown spots, the anther is purple, the column is snow-white. Characterized by summer flowering.
Dendrobium Kinga (Dendrobium kingianum)

Dendrobium kingianum
Originally from Australia. The lower part of the cylindrical stems has a noticeable thickening, and wide leaves are located at the top of the stem.
Flowering is plentiful, buds are formed in large numbers, falls on February. At this time, King's dendrobium produces a long peduncle, on which 5 pink flowers bloom, thinning out a pleasant aroma.
Dendrobium densely colored (Dendrobium densiflorum)

Dendrobium densiflorum
It is found naturally in the Himalayas. Unusual coloration. All flowers have a rich orange color, which even slightly cuts the eye. Flowering is very abundant. On racemose inflorescences 0.3 m long, up to 50 flowers can bloom at the same time.
You can learn more about the representatives of the orchid family from the video below.

Dendrobium: planting and care

dendrobium orchid
Providing the plant with proper care, it will delight with its flowering several times a year.
Growing features: caring for a dendrobium orchid after purchase

white orchid flowers
After the purchase, homemade orchids please the owner with luxurious flowers for a long time and it seems to the floristthat it will always be so. But! It wasn't here!
The fact is that cultivation for industrial purposes is carried out on the use of growth and flowering stimulants. Prolonged fertilizers provide the flower with the nutrients necessary for normal development, just for a couple of months. Therefore, bringing the dendrobium home, the maximum number of times it can still flourish on its own is one time.
To enjoy frequent and long flowering, it is necessary to adhere to agrotechnical methods of cultivation and care.
Content temperature

Variety of varieties
Active growth of orchids is observed in conditions of moderate temperature. During the growing season, you will have to maintain the temperature at + 20-25 ° C. It is important that the night temperature differs from the daytime temperature. +15-18°C is enough at night.
Therefore, the best choice would be a balcony or veranda. Day and night temperature differences provide the plant with flower buds, which will contribute to lush flowering in winter.And also the plant will be better grow.
In autumn, growth slows down, so it is important to follow the life cycle of the plant, it is desirable to reduce the temperature regime of the content. During the day it is necessary to maintain + 12-15 ° C, at night - + 10 ° C is enough. It's mandatory condition.
In addition to lowering the temperature for further flowering, it is necessary to put a pot with a dendrobium orchid on the lightest window sill or organize artificial lighting.
Too high a temperature will result in that the roots will stop drinking water. Therefore, the leaves will dry up.

Tropical beauty prefers bright but diffused light.
The window sill on the south side is not the most suitable place for the dendrobium, as the plant is harmed by temperatures above + 27 ° C. The south side is suitable for keeping orchids only in late autumn and in winter. With a lack of natural light, a pot with a plant needs to be illuminated with fluorescent lamps 4 hours a day.
The color of the leaves indicates sufficient or insufficient natural light.
Watering rules and maintaining humidity

Ambient lighting and moderate watering are the main conditions for successful growth.
During the period of active growth, the plant needs 2-time watering. In autumn, once a week is enough, and in winter - once a month. Watering an orchid at rest should be done carefully so as not to destroy the plant. It is best to water by immersion, that is, the pot with the mother plant is immersed in another container with warm water poured into it.
When kept in an apartment, it should be remembered that the dendrobium comes from a hot tropical climate with high humidity., therefore, at home, approximately the same conditions of detention should be organized for him.
To soften dry air and increase air humidity, it is recommended to spray the foliage daily. It is necessary to ventilate the room. A pot with a plant can be placed on a pallet with wet pebbles or expanded clay, or put sphagnum moss.
The lack of moisture also affects the quality of the sheet plates - they grow crooked and shriveled.
Transplant rules

Dendrobium transplant
Orchid is transplanted 1 time in 3 years. A signal that a transplant is needed, are the roots sticking out of the drainage holes.
In addition, you need to transplant in that caseif the soil is oxidized or light-loving plants are sick.
It is necessary to transplant carefully, into a special substrate. The composition of the soil includes bark, moss and foam balls.
Transplanted into special pots for orchids. A layer of drainage is poured at the bottom of the container from large pieces of pine bark, then moss is placed, then the plant is transplanted and covered with a new substrate. Watering is needed no earlier than a week after transplantation.

Dendrobium in a pot
Top dressing is applied during the period of vegetative growth, starting in April and ending in September. You can feed once a week or 2 times a month. The concentration of applied fertilizers depends on the frequency of top dressing. The more often top dressing is carried out, the weaker it should be.

Features of flowering
Flowering captures the last months of winter and spring. To enjoy flowering, proper care is needed at this time.
How to care during flowering?

Photo of an orchid: chic flowering captivates the eye
In order for an adult plant to feel comfortable and release a peduncle, it is necessary to ensure the correct development cycle, which should include a phase of active growth and rest. If these conditions are neglected, instead of a peduncle, the orchid will please the owner with young shoots - babies that will develop from a pseudobulb.
Thanks to selection work, you can see the different colors of dendrobium flowers. Flowering lasts from 2 weeks to 1.5 months.
In January, you need to reduce watering and rearrange the pot with the plant in the most illuminated place. But from direct sunlight, the plant can get burned.
If flower stalks do not want to appear, flowering can be stimulated by applying a phosphorus-containing fertilizer.
If that didn't work either, the dendrobium is satisfied with a shower with optimal water with a temperature of + 35-40 degrees, no more.
How to care after flowering?

Orchid transplant
After flowering, you need to cut off the peduncle, if it has changed its color, reduce watering and put it on the windowsill in a cool room. Constantly wet soil will lead to rotting of the rhizome.
In its natural environment, the dendrobium is always in active growth. Therefore, if the plant has not hibernated, it is recommended that it organize additional lighting by installing a phytolamp above it.

Reproduction methods

Orchid Dendrobium - reproduction at home
Dendrobium propagates by cuttings and dividing the bush.
The division of the bush

Division of the mother bush
It is recommended to divide the bush in the spring, after the plant has faded. Usually this process coincides with transplantation.
How to perform division step by step: basic rules?
- The mother plant must be removed from the pot, shake off all the earth
- Then you need to unravel the roots, and very tangled ones will have to be cut with a sharp knife.
- When dividing, you need to make sure that each part contains at least 2 bulbs and the same number of sprouts.
The cut must be carried out with a disinfected knife. Places of cuts are recommended to be powdered with activated carbon powder.

Reproduction of Dendrobium
After the pseudobulb is cut off from the mother bush, it must be cut into cuttings 10 cm long.
Next, you should take a bag with a Zip-fastener, fill it with nutritious substrate or sphagnum moss, moisten.
1 cutting is planted in each package, fastened and placed on a light place.
Good rooting is observed at a temperature of + 23-24°C. Further care consists in daily airing the mini-greenhouse, moistening the substrate as needed.
Rooting occurs within 3 weeks. Then you need to transplant into new pots. Sprouts must be protected from the scorching sun. Orchids bloom for 2-3 years.

Possible problems: diseases, pests

dendrobium orchid
Improper care affects the quality of plant growth and development. At this time, fungal diseases that lead to death can connect.
bacterial rot

bacterial rot
Waterlogging of the soil contributes to the development of root rot. If this happened, the flower is unlikely to be saved. But you need to try. It will be necessary to immediately transplant the diseased specimen into a new one. priming.
During transplantation, you need to inspect the root system, remove all rotten roots, cut them to healthy tissue. Sprinkle the cuts with charcoal and place the plant in a pot with new soil.
In addition to various diseases, pests such as spider mites, thrips, and scale insects attack the orchid and all members of the Orchid family. Before using insecticides, damaged leaves are removed and plants are treated.

Dendrobium transplant
Why are the stems wrinkled? If the pseudobulbs wrinkled during the growth of young shoots, then this phenomenon is considered the norm and you should not pay attention to this.
Shrinkage occurs because that young sprouts do not yet have their roots, so their nutrition comes from the mother plant.
During this period, do not overmoisten the soil, as this will lead to root rot.
Pseudobulbs shrivel in the period before flowering, but you can't water it either.
Why did babies appear instead of flowers? Abundant flowering should be preceded by period rest, in which certain conditions must be met:
- the plant pot should be in a well-lit place, but you need to know that the orchid does not tolerate drafts
- the difference between day and night temperatures must be at least 10°
- do not water or fertilize
If you do not watch the plant and start watering it earlier, flower buds will be reborn into vegetative ones and babies will appear.

Proper care is the key to a healthy plant!
What causes leaf fall? If during flowering the leaves turn yellow and fall (lower) - this is considered the norm, the upper - necessary observe the flower to find out the cause and determine the disease.
Young shoots grow too thin. That's the way it should be. Sprouts become habitual in appearance only after growth stops and the formation of pseudobulbs begins.
There is no flowering. If the dendrobium does not bloom, then the plant is not provided with a sufficient level of illumination, or it did not have a period rest.
The pseudobulb has turned brown or yellow. The natural state is a slight shrinkage, but with the preservation of the brightness of the green color. Slight yellowing is allowed. If the pseudobulb has turned brown or yellow, then the roots have begun to rot and will soon begin to die.
In order to prevent, it is recommended to inspect landings more often. Timely inspection of plants will help prevent various diseases and begin timely treatment. Caring for a dendrobium orchid is not at all complicated, it is not much different from caring for other houseplants. Therefore, do not be afraid to breed it at home.
VIDEO: Flowers. Lesson 2.2. Orchid family. Part 1
Flowers. Lesson 2.2. Orchid family. Part 1
Dendrobium orchid - home care. Common types. What to do with a flower after purchase? Rules of care and reproduction | (110+ Photos and Videos)