The peach tree is an example of what can be achieved through successful breeding. As a result of artificial selection and numerous hybridizations, an extremely interesting plant was obtained, which has fruits with excellent taste and aroma. Among the starting material in the production of peach were plants such as almonds, plum, apricot and cherry plum.
Peach is not found in the wild. As a result of such hybridization, many varieties of peaches have appeared, differing not only in taste or appearance, but also in growing conditions. Currently, there are descriptions of about a thousand varieties of peach and nectarine.

It is believed that the first peaches were obtained in China or Japan about 6 thousand years ago.. During this time, the plant has spread almost all over the world. Currently, peach trees can be cultivated not only in the tropics, but also in colder climates.

peach blossom
Peach yield depends on several factors. These include: climatic conditions of the area, plant variety and care features. These factors are interconnected with each other, therefore, in order to get good yields, they need the right combination. The main point in the proper cultivation of peaches is the timing of their ripening, so most often varieties are classified precisely on this basis.
Depending on the time of fruiting, peaches are divided into three large groups:
- early maturing varieties. They ripen in the middle of summer.
- mid-season begin to bear fruit in late July, and end in early September
- fruiting time of late-ripening varieties falls on September
Let's consider each group in more detail.

Early ripe varieties
White Swan
The variety was bred in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. It was originally planned for cultivation in the central zone of a temperate climate, as a medium-late one. However, over time it was successfully brought to early ripening. Flowering begins in late April - early May, and the harvest time is in July.
The plant reaches 4 m in height, the diameter of the spherical crown is about 5 m. It begins to bear fruit in the fourth year of life, high yields persist for ten years. Depending on growing conditions, the yield is up to 60 kg per tree.
The flesh of the fruit is white or creamy, the peel and stone are easily separated from the pulp. The fruits are juicy and sweet, with a characteristic peach aroma. At full ripening, the sourness is completely absent. They are recommended for use freshly harvested, since the pulp is not dense and is completely unsuitable for transportation.
- good drought tolerance
- resistance to frost (up to -25 ° C), buds are able to tolerate spring frosts
- great taste
- resistance to fungal diseases
- Vulnerable to pests and bacterial infections
- requires additional care in cold climates (feeding during short summers and shelter in frosts down to -30°C)
A relatively young variety, bred in the middle of the last century in Michigan.The most popular variety in North America, for example, in the USA, 70% of the area under peach trees is occupied by Redhaven.
The height of the Redhaven tree is from 4.5 to 5 meters, but the girth of its crown can reach 10 meters. If a peach is grafted on almonds, its height is 3 m, and if on an apricot, then about 4 m. The variety is considered a long-liver among peaches - the plant is able to maintain good yields up to 25-30 years, and some specimens up to 40 years.
The plant has large and stiff foliage (18 cm long and 4.5 wide), so sometimes there is confusion in its identification, especially before flowering and fruiting.
Fruits can have a large variation in size: from 100 to 200 g. Regardless of the size of the fruit, its pulp is always juicy and tasty, having an orange color. The stone and peel are well separated from the pulp.
Fruiting occurs in the 3rd year of life. In the sixth year, the plant reaches a yield of up to 50 kg, and from 10 years old - up to 110 kg per tree.
- great taste
- good storage and transportability
- winter hardiness
- stable yields for decades
- susceptibility to fungi - powdery mildew and clasterosporiasis
- dense crown of the plant requires regular professional pruning
Kiev early
It is a hybrid of Gros Mignon and Kashchenko varieties. Used for both private and industrial cultivation. It was created as a variety capable of growing in the warm climate of Ukraine, however, it is perfectly adapted for growing in more northern regions. In Russia, it is found even in the Middle Urals.
Compact tree about 3.5 m high and about 2.5 wide. Branching is low, so it is convenient when harvesting. Medium-sized fruits - from 80 to 110 g. The color of the fruits is white or white-pink with a pronounced "blush" of red or purple hue. Fruit ripening occurs three months after flowering. Depending on the temperature, flowering occurs in late April or early May, respectively, fruit ripening occurs in early July.
Fruits can be stored assembled for about a week. The pulp is quite firm, however, the variety is poorly adapted to transportation.
- high frost resistance
- high yield (up to 50 kg per tree)
- resistance to most fungal diseases
- does not tolerate drought well
- prone to curl
- sometimes affected by fruit rot
- the bone is poorly separated from the pulp
Favorite Morettini
Relatively young variety obtained in Italy about 30 years ago. It is considered one of the earliest varieties - ripening can begin as early as June. Plants are medium tall, about 3-4 m, crowns are relatively compact.
The fruits are medium in size, about 80-90 g, they have an oval shape. Fruit color is rich yellow. The peel of the fruit is covered with noticeable pubescence and is quite dense to the touch. Red or burgundy "blush" has a pronounced hatched texture and occupies most of the fruit.
The pulp of the fruit is yellow in color, has a pronounced fibrous structure. However, the fruits are very juicy and fragrant. The stone is relatively small, it is mediocrely separated from the pulp.
The yield of a tree can be up to 50 kg, however, it is very dependent on the temperature in late spring and early summer. This peach needs moderate watering until the topsoil is completely dry.
- very early fruiting
- excellent taste qualities
- relatively high winter hardiness (up to -20°С)
- high risk of fungal diseases
- the fruit bone often cracks and begins to rot
- vulnerability to moniliosis
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Varieties of medium ripening
A medium-sized peach - its fruits have a mass of more than 140 g. The height of the trees is small - up to 250 cm, while the crown of the plant has a high density. The fruits are located on the branches quite densely. They have a yellow pulp with slightly pronounced fibrous. The skin of the fruit is also yellow; it has a distinct “blush” on it. Taste qualities are excellent: moderately sweet and sour fruit is the winner of many tasting competitions.
The plant begins to bear fruit in the second year after planting or transplanting. All the time of vegetation, flowering and fruiting requires constant feeding and regular watering. Estimated yield - from 30 to 50 kg per tree, depending on the number of warm days and the quality of care.
On the site is located in a bright and wind-protected place. It tolerates many diseases well; resistant to pests. It does not tolerate frost, so it needs additional care measures.
- excellent taste; considered one of the most delicious varieties
- stored for a long time
- perfectly transported
- resistant to diseases caused by fungus
- low frost resistance
- vulnerability to strong winds
The variety was bred in the USA through complex selection from the Jersey Land variety. Thus, it was possible to develop a frost-resistant variety with larger and juicier fruits.
Its fruits are of medium size (110-150 g), they ripen within a month, so the crop is removed gradually. Harvest time is during July. The skin of the peach is velvety, bright orange with a raspberry blush; it is easily separated from the pulp. The flesh is yellow, near the stone a reddish hue. The stone is poorly separated from the pulp.
The plant itself has a height of about 3.5 m. The active growth of the tree occurs in the first 3-4 years, later, with the onset of abundant fruiting, it slows down significantly.
The yield of this variety is from 40 to 50 kg per tree.
The plant needs constant care: regular watering and top dressing, twice a season the crown needs formative pruning. During flowering and fruiting, the use of potash fertilizers is mandatory.
- good frost resistance
- preservation of fruits within a week after harvest
- uneven maturation lasting about a month
- the bone is difficult to separate from the pulp
- vulnerable to fungal diseases in humid climates
Golden Moscow
A variety obtained in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden as a result of crossing the varieties "Elberta" and "Salvey". It is considered a mid-season variety, which in a warm climate can be considered as an early one.
A medium-sized plant with a round crown with a diameter of about 3.5 m. A distinctive feature of this variety is that it begins flowering even before the leaves appear. The leaves themselves, which have teeth along the edges, appear about a week after fruit set.
The fruits are predominantly elongated-oval, however, they are often found and have an almost and ideal spherical shape. The mass of fruits reaches 180 g. The color of the skin is bright yellow, the “blush” is red; it takes up about half of the fruit. The skin is slightly pubescent. The skin and stone are easily separated from the pulp. The taste of the fruit is one of the best, slightly inferior to the "Cardinal". Fruits are best consumed raw on the spot or used for conservation.
The plant bears fruit in the 4th year of life. Winter hardiness is average. At temperatures below -15°C, additional plant shelters are recommended.
- high and stable yield
- great fruit taste
- almost complete immunity to powdery mildew, high resistance to other fungi
- impossibility of transportation
- the need to wrap up for the winter already with medium frosts
Refers to the so-called fig peaches for the characteristic shape of the fruit. It is flattened and resembles a large donut. The variety was bred in the USA specifically for ease of transportation while maintaining all taste qualities.
The fruits of the plant are medium in size, their weight is about 110-130g. Almost completely they are covered with a "blush", which has a pronounced roughness and red color.
Ripening occurs by mid-August. Fruits can be stored for a long time and are well transported. At the same time, against the background of typically "operational" qualities, the creators did not forget about the main thing - the taste of peach. The flesh has a creamy flavor, it is sweet and very juicy.
The fruits are very densely arranged on the branches. With industrial cultivation, it is possible to obtain about 60 kg of fruits from a tree, the results of private cultivation are somewhat more modest - no more than 40 kg per tree.
- ease of cultivation and transportation
- good taste qualities
- high winter hardiness (up to -27°C)
- vulnerability to bacterial infections
The variety has an interesting structure: a tree in diameter reaches about 4.5 m, despite the fact that its height is only about 3 m. From the side, the peach looks more like a bush than a tree. At the same time, the plant is not thickened, the degree of its branching is low.
The tree is formed relatively quickly: in 2-3 years the main branches appear, and already by 3-4 years it acquires its permanent shape and practically does not change anymore.
It has small fruits, weighing from 25 to 50 g, densely sticking to the branches of the tree. The yield in the first years is relatively small, about 20 kg per tree. However, at the age of 5-6, it begins to increase, reaching the highest values (about 55 kg per tree) from about the 10th to the 12th years of life. In the future, the yield drops to the "initial" 20 kg.
The pulp of the fruit has a moderate density. It is orange in color with a pleasant taste and aroma. The stone of a peach is well separated from the pulp; in addition, this bone is edible.
A distinctive feature of the variety is its high winter hardiness.
- high winter hardiness (up to -35°С)
- collected fruits in a cold room are stored for a month
- fruits are relatively small.
- the plant needs regular pruning of branches growing in breadth
A versatile variety with high frost resistance. Ripening dates can fall both at the end of July and in mid-September, depending on climatic conditions. The height of the tree is about 3.5 m, it is compact, no more than 2 m in diameter. The branches have an average degree of branching and density.
The fruits are relatively small - 60-80 g. The skin on them is thin, yellow in color with a blush that occupies about half of the fruit. The flesh has a creamy, rarely yellow color.
The taste of the pulp is sweet and sour. The skin and stone are well separated from the pulp.
Fruiting in the plant begins at 3 years of age. The peak yield (about 40-50 kg per tree) occurs by the age of 10 and lasts almost the entire life of the plant.
Most often used in home and industrial conservation.
The plant needs an annual formative pruning - in early spring and late autumn.
- high frost resistance (up to -30°C)
- drought tolerance
- long storage and transportability
- predisposition to curly
- the plant is susceptible to bacterial infections
A tall plant, over 5 m tall. The crown of the tree has an oval shape, elongated upwards. The branches are thickened medium. Despite the name, the plant is more southern than northern. It can be found on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in the south of Ukraine or in Moldova. At the same time, the variety is able to endure winters with air temperatures down to -30 ° C without any shelter.
The fruits of the plant are large, can reach from 100 to 200 g. They are located quite closely on the branches.The yield of this variety is about 100 kg per tree, however, given its growth, harvesting can be a challenge. To avoid this, they begin to form the crown of the plant from two years old, so that they have everything necessary for setting fruits and harvesting them. Usually the crown is formed in such a way as to provide unhindered and easy access to any part of the plant.
The variety requires regular fertilization and frequent watering. Does not tolerate drought well. A month after fruiting, anti-aging pruning is recommended - removing part of the shoots from last year's growth.
- high frost resistance
- high yield
- the need for frequent pruning
- vulnerability to fungal diseases
golden anniversary
The variety comes from Uzbekistan, where it was obtained by hybridization of an American peach and an already unknown local variety. It is a low-growing tree (no more than 2.5 m in height) with a spreading crown and profusely branching branches. Caring for such a tree and harvesting from it is very simple and convenient. However, this plant requires regular pruning.
The fruits of this variety have a mass of about 140-180 g, occasionally reaching 210 g. Ini have a slightly elongated oval shape and golden skin, almost completely covered with a reddish “blush”. The flesh is orange-yellow in color and relatively soft in texture. When the fetus is compressed, dents remain on it. The pulp tastes sweet, with a clearly distinguishable sourness, sometimes even a slight bitterness can be felt. The pulp, even in slightly unripe fruits, is juicy.
The peel of the fruit is quite dense, with difficulty separating from the pulp. The stone is separated from the pulp easily, it is of medium size.
The yield is about 60 kg per tree. The peak of productivity falls on plants of 5-10 years of age. Over time, these figures fall, but not significantly. So, at the age of 20 years, the plant is able to produce about 40 kg of fruit. The frost resistance of the plant is average: without shelters, it is able to tolerate frosts down to -20 ° C.
- good taste, juicy fruit
- ease of use with the plant
- good resistance to fungal diseases
- poor transportability and safety
- vulnerability to certain bacterial diseases
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Late varieties
The variety was bred in the USA about 20 years ago. Record holder for fruit size. Their mass can reach 300-400 g. The color of the fruits is predominantly orange, sometimes yellow-red varieties are also found. "Blush" can either be absent altogether or cover most of the fruit.
The variety is the dream of any lazy gardener, it requires almost no care. The only exception is relatively regular watering. Naturally, it will not work to get fruits weighing almost half a kilogram with this approach, but it is quite possible to reach a mass of about half as much.
The fruits of the plant have juicy and very tasty pulp. It is easily separated from the bone and from the skin. The pulp fibers are almost imperceptible, however, it is quite dense and suitable for transportation.
In addition to these advantages, the plant also has high frost resistance. It perfectly withstands temperatures down to -28°C. Currently, this variety is gaining more and more popularity and its appearance threatens to reshape the entire peach growing market, perhaps even on a global scale.
Indeed, with a minimum of costs and care time, you can get fruits weighing up to 200 g (which in other varieties requires constant watering and top dressing).With minimal effort, you can get twice as many fruits (by weight), and, despite the late ripening period, the economic effect will still be for this variety.
The only circumstance preventing the wide distribution of the Fury variety is its long growing time (it takes up to 5 months from flowering in May to fruiting at the end of September). In addition, the plant has some vulnerabilities from pests and diseases.
- high frost resistance
- excellent taste qualities
- huge fruits
- unpretentiousness in care
- too long maturity
- vulnerability to fungal diseases
Also released in the USA. It is a hybrid of the Weinberger variety. Most often grown as a graft to an apricot (as a rootstock). It was intended not only for wintering in harsh areas, but also for growing in a cold climate, in conditions of a short summer. Despite the high complexity of the task, the breeders coped with it perfectly, minimizing the ripening time for this kind of peach.
Harvest dates are at the beginning of September, despite the fact that flowering occurs around the beginning of June. Among late-ripening varieties, such a gap between flowering and fruiting is a significant achievement.
The plant is a tree with a round crown about 3.5 m in diameter, moderately spreading and not too dense.
It has large fruits, weighing from 180 to 200 g, with a specific color. The fruits themselves are yellow, but about 95% of their area is occupied by a beautiful red or burgundy "blush". At the same time, the fruits are slightly unevenly pubescent, which creates the illusion of frost on them. In general, the name "Frost" fully corresponds not only to the frost resistance of the plant, but also to the appearance of the fruit.
The taste of "Frost" is an original sweet and sour combination, but the sourness in it is barely noticeable. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, with a strong aroma, and barely noticeable fiber. The stone is well separated from both the fruit and the skin. At the same time, the pulp for almost two weeks after harvest is able to retain not only its taste, but also its structure, which makes it possible to store peaches for a long time and easily transport them.
The variety has good resistance to a variety of peach diseases and is completely immune to curl and powdery mildew.
All this splendor is possible only with proper care of the plant. The variety requires regular and proper watering. Watering is accompanied by loosening the soil and removing weeds. Mulching in this case is like a half measure and is usually not used.
It should also be said about pruning the plant. In addition to the usual spring and autumn pruning for peaches, the Frost variety needs corrective pruning during the season.
- high frost resistance (up to -35°C without any shelter)
- excellent taste qualities
- long shelf life and transportability
- immunity to major diseases
- the complexity of agricultural technology and care
- the need for frequent pruning
Plants with a small height (up to 4 m) and a significantly thickened spherical crown with a diameter of about 3.5 m. The variety is similar to the previously described Golden Moscow variety, but has slightly larger fruits (average - 180 g, maximum 200 g) and slightly longer growing times.
It is a plant with high frost resistance and one of the shortest period between flowering and fruiting. Flowering occurs in late May, fruiting - late August, early September. That is, its maturation time, if not ahead of Frost, then at least the same.
The fruits are almost round in shape. They are covered with white, white-yellow or cream-colored skin. "Blush" takes up about half the surface area of a peach. Its color is pink or reddish.
The flesh of the fruit is yellow, not very fragrant, however, quite juicy and sweet.The taste of the fruit is excellent; the taste for late-ripening fruits, one might say, is standard - pronounced sweet with a slight sourness. The peel will separate well from the pulp, which cannot be said about the bone. At the same time, the size of the bone relative to the fetus is small, so this is not a particular problem.
The yield of "Veteran" is about 30-40 kg per tree up to 5 years old. Older trees give about 60 kg. Theoretically, this is not the limit, since the plant forms an excessive number of generative buds, which almost all of them are tied. Perhaps there is an agricultural technique that allows you to form more fruits. Although, this will seem irrelevant to many, since a yield of 60 kg from a tree 3.5 meters high is a more than worthy indicator.
- high frost resistance (up to -35°C)
- excellent taste qualities
- vulnerability to certain fungi
- the need for constant shaping pruning
The peach tree is one of the most successful breeding results in the history of mankind. Gardeners managed not only to create a sustainable hybrid that is not found in the wild, but also to obtain several hundred of its varieties that can exist and produce crops in relatively difficult climatic conditions.
The choice of peach varieties is currently unusually large, which makes it possible for any gardener to purchase exactly what he needs.
Himself agronomist - Peach tasting
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Quite recently, in the last year, they planted a peach in their area. Actually, I think that this is a whimsical tree, afraid of frost, drafts ... But I really want to have my own peaches. In the city I see a lot where there are peaches in the yards and even with a good harvest. We live in the east, we have enough heat and the soil is sandy. So far, there have been no fruits, but watering and top dressing are constantly present. For the winter, it is necessary to insulate, even though peaches are quite frost-resistant plants. They planted in a secluded place where there is no wind and at the same time there is enough light. Let's wait for the bloom.
In our region, peaches are also not very common, but apparently due to climate change, they slowly began to bear fruit in our country. I don’t remember which variety I planted, the one in which the bone is separated, my favorite))
For me, Golden Moscow will sing from July 15, and RedHaven from the first days of August (Krasnodar Territory), but here everything is the opposite in terms of timing ...
Alexander, hello! What region do you live in? I compared in other sources, the characteristics are the same.