Cabbage: types (white, Savoy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), description of the 33 best varieties, features of agricultural technology (Photo & Video) + Reviews


The varieties of cabbage known to us, according to the description, can differ strikingly from each other. Of course, we, knowing the theory, understand that they all belong to the Cruciferous family. Savoy, white, red, all these types of cabbage are similar to each other. But let's take kohlrabi, which looks like a turnip, or Brussels sprout.

The content of the article:

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Types of cabbage

Cabbage, so different

Cabbage, so different

You can’t tell right away that they are relatives, they are so different. But the whole variety of species suffers from the same diseases, the main pests they also have in common. The benefits brought by representatives of the Cabbage genus are identical, with a slight difference in the ratio of vitamins, macro- and microelements.

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Without white cabbage cabbage we cannot imagine the daily diet. It is included in many national dishes and is an excellent cure for all diseases.

Cabbage grows in most of our gardeners

Cabbage grows in most of our gardeners

Many plant several varieties at once for different purposes. At first glance, the varieties do not differ from each other. But if you look closely, you can see a slight difference.

Differences are manifested not only in the form of heads of cabbage: they are elongated, rounded, flat and flat-rounded. The taste, sugar content of cabbage is also different. Not only a professional can determine varieties, but also an ordinary experienced gardener.

White cabbage

White cabbage

Density can also be determined "by eye". In strong heads of cabbage, the leaves fit snugly to each other; on the cut, the layers are barely visible. In loose heads of cabbage, voids are clearly visible on the cut between the leaves. Such cabbage is much lighter in weight even with the same volume.

Cabbage in central Russia, in Siberia and the Urals is most often grown in seedlings. For seedlings, special rooms with a certain temperature, humidity and lighting are needed. The hot, dry air of apartments is not suitable for these purposes.

Therefore, unheated greenhouses are used for seedlings in large farms. Now there are several hundred varieties of only white cabbage. They are divided into varieties and hybrids.

Another, no less well-known division is according to the ripening time: early, middle and late. Each type and variety has its own advantages and disadvantages.

early ripe

Early ripe white cabbage ripens 90-100 after germination. Usually, early-ripening varieties are distinguished by a small head size and increased friability.

Such cabbage cannot be fermented, it is not suitable for storage. From it prepare the first and second courses, as well as fresh salads.
early cabbage

early cabbage

Early ripe varieties are planted in open ground with seedlings in late March-early April, depending on the region. With normal development, the first crop can be harvested as early as mid-late June.Consider the most popular varieties and hybrids of early cabbage.




  • This variety has been known for a very long time, it is exactly half a century old.
  • It has proven itself well, its resistance to spring frosts for several decades. There is no area where it would not be planted.
  • Known for its taste and juiciness.
  • Of the minuses, only the tendency to cracking and all the listed disadvantages of early varieties can be called.
  • Maturing term 90-110.

golden hectare

Golden hectare variety of cabbage

golden hectare

  • This variety is even older. He, too, was tested not only in research institutes, but also in our gardens.
  • Its name is fully justified,
  • The golden hectare is indeed very productive.
  • For an early variety, it has a fairly dense head of cabbage, not prone to cracking.
  • Can tolerate short-term drought, but not lack of light.
  • Maturing term 100-110.




  • This variety was created specifically for Siberia and the Urals. Cold-resistant and resistant to temperature fluctuations.
  • Heads of cabbage are small, 0.5-1.5 kg, but the harvest is stable.
  • Medium density heads, suitable for vegetable salads and hot dishes.

Rinda F1



  • This hybrid was originally zoned in the southern regions.
  • With the seedling method, it can also be grown in the central part of Russia.
  • Ripens 100 days after germination.
  • The head of cabbage is light yellow on the cut, round in shape, quite dense.
  • Its weight is about 3-4 kg. Productivity and disease resistance are high.
  • Unlike other early-ripening hybrids, it can be stored for a short time.
  • At ideal temperature and humidity - up to 4 months.

Tobia F1

Tobia variety of cabbage


  • Tobia hybrid is high-yielding, heads of cabbage are aligned in size.
  • The heads are beautiful, shiny, do not crack.
  • The average weight is 3.5 kg.
  • The cabbage is green on the outside, light yellow on the inside.
  • In general, early-ripening varieties and hybrids ripen in central Russia already in June, subject to proper agricultural practices.
  • If other varieties can be grown by direct sowing in open ground, then early ripe ones must be bred through seedlings.


cabbage field

cabbage field

Mid-season varieties ripen 120-145 days after germination. Ripening time is the only unifying feature, otherwise there is a large variation in features. Some varieties have a salad purpose, others are recommended for pickling and pickling, there are universal specimens. During storage, they also behave differently.


Slava variety of cabbage


  • One of the oldest, still pre-war, varieties.
  • It will soon be 80 years since he appeared in Russian gardens.
  • At first it was zoned only in the Chernozem region. But it has long established itself as a reliable variety throughout central Russia, even in the Urals and Siberia.
  • It is one of the reliable varieties that are extremely tasty in pickling and pickling.


Nadezhda cabbage variety


  • Also an old proven variety. He turns 50 next year.
  • In everything, including in terms of ripening, this is an average variety.
  • It is quite resistant to all diseases, its taste and structure are suitable both for cooking and for harvesting for future use.
  • Well kept in winter.

Belarusian 455

Belarusian 455 cabbage variety

Belarusian 455

  • It has a medium-late ripening period.
  • Differs in the high density of a head of cabbage.
  • When cut, the leaves are so close to each other that the impression of a single surface is created.
  • The head has a flat-rounded shape and small size.
  • Belarusian cabbage is very good fresh, and especially sauerkraut.
  • It is also suitable for storage, but heads of cabbage must be carefully selected so that there is no infection with vascular bacteriosis and rot.
  • Of the minuses: relatively unstable to the keel. Suitable for growing in Siberia and the Urals.


Gift variety of cabbage


  • Gift is a mid-season variety that has proven itself in salting and pickling.
  • It has a ripening period of 120-125 days.
  • During this time, it forms flat-round, rather dense heads of cabbage weighing from 2.5 to 4.5 kg.
  • This grade is not prone to cracking.

Russian size

Russian size cabbage variety

Russian size

  • This variety differs from others in the size of the heads.
  • With systematic watering, top dressing and proper agricultural technology, it can grow up to 15-20 kg.
  • It does not have a high head density, it has a white color on the cut.
  • Its use is the preparation of various dishes, salting, and other types of canning.

Megaton F1

Megaton variety of cabbage


  • This is a Dutch hybrid, which is classified as medium-early, up to 112 days of ripening.
  • Consists of some pluses: dense and large, slightly flattened, more than 5 kg, high taste.
  • Unlike its early "colleagues" it is used in fermentation.
  • But there is a minus: it is not stored.

Aggressor F1

Aggressor F1 cabbage variety

Aggressor F1

  • This is a Dutch hybrid that lives up to its name.
  • This is a strong plant that can grow even with a lack of nitrogen.
  • Not afraid of disease or extreme conditions.
  • Where other varieties do not grow, it reaches a weight of 2.5 kg.
  • With normal care, it can pull more than 5 kg.
  • Good pickling qualities and presentation made it popular among farmers.

Krautman F1

Krautman variety of cabbage


  • Mid-season hybrid, the ripening period of which is approximately 120 days. Krautman F1 has a dense head structure.
  • All heads are aligned in size and not very large, which is especially liked by buyers.
  • Heads of rounded shape, reach 3.5-4.5 kg of weight.
  • This hybrid has good taste qualities, it goes to first courses and salting.
  • But Krautman F1 is not stored for a very long time, so it is better to use it fresh.
  • Suitable for growing in the Urals and Siberia.

late ripening

Late ripe cabbage

Late ripe cabbage

Late-ripening varieties have a ripening period of at least 140-145 days. Some specimens ripen 5 months after germination. They go for conservation or for long-term storage.

This is due not only to timing, but also to taste, sugar content, and moisture. During storage, the taste of cabbage does not deteriorate, but vice versa. It becomes tastier and sweeter.

Moscow late

Moscow late cabbage variety

Moscow late

  • Without exaggeration, we can say that this is a tested variety that we inherited from our grandmothers.
  • Last year marked exactly 80 years since it was launched. Since then, new varieties and hybrids have come, and Moscow Late has always remained as a productive and tasty late-ripening variety, which is famous for its long storage period.
  • It is very easy to distinguish from others by its dark green leaves and waxy coating.
  • According to its qualities, this cabbage is quite suitable for planting in the Urals and Siberia.


Wintering variety of cabbage


  • Great option for long term storage.
  • When growing this late-ripening variety, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is insensitive to changes in the weather. Sharp cold snaps do nothing for her.
  • Plants of this variety are gray-green in color, heads are dense, 4-5 kg ​​in weight.
  • The leaves are spreading, the rosette is more than a meter in diameter.

sugar loaf

Sugar loaf cabbage variety

sugar loaf

  • It got its name because of the extremely dense, tight heads of cabbage.
  • Differs in a huge, up to 80 cm, sprawling rosette of leaves.
  • The color is light green with a strong wax coating.
  • The main plus of this is its resistance to keel and fusarium, the most important diseases among cabbage.
  • Suitable for fermentation, salting and long-term storage.


Amager cabbage variety


  • An old well-known late-ripening variety, created in the Soviet Union more than 70 years ago on the basis of a Swiss variety.
  • Until now, this variety has not lost either popularity or leadership in certain parameters.
  • The first is storage. Included in the top five most popular varieties in terms of duration.
  • Amager heads are medium-sized, their average weight is 1.5-2 kg.
  • Of course, using modern agricultural technology, you can grow significantly larger heads of cabbage.
  • But excess moisture in the leaves can adversely affect the shelf life.

Winter storm

Blizzard variety cabbage

Winter storm

  • Late ripe, which is suitable for the Central part of Russia, Siberia and the Urals.
  • Blizzard is a very cold-resistant variety, heads of cabbage do not grow very large, 1.5-3.5 kg, but very dense and tasty.
  • This variety is suitable for cooking and long-term storage.

Valentine F1

Valentina variety of cabbage


  • Refers to late-ripening hybrids.
  • She was registered in 2004 and has already been able to fall in love with gardeners for her keeping quality.
  • Heads of Valentine's cabbage can be stored until spring, and some specimens - until the next harvest.
  • Such qualities are due to a high degree of resistance to various kinds of rot.

Quilaton F1

Quilaton F1 cabbage variety

Quilaton F1

  • It is famous not only for its productivity, but also for its increased resistance to keel. Whoever has this misfortune settled in the garden knows how important it is.
  • Resistance to rot and necrosis makes it super soft among other varieties and hybrids.
  • On average, Quilaton F1 can be stored for about 7 months after harvest.

Kolobok F1

Kolobok cabbage variety


  • The hybrid is not named so by chance. The head of cabbage is round, even and rather dense.
  • The heads are large, weighing from 4 kg. Gingerbread man F1 is resistant to various diseases.
  • Good both fresh and processed. Keeps well.

Atria F1

Atria F1 cabbage variety

Atria F1

  • The result of the work of Dutch breeders. The ripening period occurs on the 141-150th day after the emergence of seedlings.
  • Like most of these hybrids, the heads are uniform in shape and size.
  • Heads with proper care and watering can reach a mass of 10 kg.
  • On average, they grow 4-5 kg.
  • This is a versatile hybrid that performs equally well fresh, pickled, pickled and stored.

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The most common type of cabbage after white cabbage. Cauliflower, like the Romanesco belonging to this group, has become very popular in recent times. Color - from boiling white to purple. There are also light green colors of the heads.

Unlike other types of cauliflower, it is very demanding on growing conditions.

Unlike other types of cauliflower, it is very demanding on growing conditions.

With changes in the irrigation regime or temperature fluctuations, it will not be possible to obtain a full-fledged crop. For good results, cauliflower is grown through seedlings.

Varieties of cauliflower, description:


Express cauliflower


  • Early maturing.
  • The socket is large, up to half a kilogram.
  • The inflorescence is white, slightly raised on the stem.
  • The value of the variety lies in the high degree of resistance to various diseases.

Cheddar F1

Cheddar F1 cabbage variety

Cheddar F1

  • Medium early variety.
  • The head is rich yellow in color due to the content of carotene.
  • Weight from 1 to 2 kg.
  • Romanesco Emerald Cup
  • Heads weighing from 300 to 500 g.

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Even in appearance, it is clear that she is the closest relative of cauliflower. Some varieties of cauliflower that have a green tint can be confused with broccoli.

broccoli cabbage

Broccoli is very common in England and America

In Russia, it is in third place in terms of prevalence after white and cauliflower.

Description of some varieties of broccoli:


Tonus variety of broccoli


  • Early maturing variety.
  • The head weighs about 300 g.
  • After cutting, lateral shoots develop, it is possible to get an additional crop.


cabbage broccoli gnome variety


  • Mid-season variety, the head has a weight of 500 g.
  • The color is dark green with a waxy coating.
  • After cutting, a new crop is formed.

Marathon F1

cabbage broccoli f1 marathon

Marathon F1

  • This hybrid is characterized by a long growing season, high palatability and a good harvest. One head "pulls" 800 g.
  • There is an opportunity to collect additional crops.

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One of the types of garden cabbage. Came to the rest of Europe from Belgium, hence the name. It is not found anywhere in the wild, which suggests that it was bred by selection. This happened before the 50s of the 18th century, when Brussels sprouts were first described.

It came to Russia in the 19th century, but did not take root.We grow only a few of them. Meanwhile, in the UK, USA and Canada, it has become widespread.

This type of cabbage is unlike any other, it is so original: small heads of cabbage are located on a thick stem (20-60 cm). From one plant you can collect from 20 to 40 pieces.

Brussels sprouts

Brussels sprouts are especially rich in protein and folic acid.

The most favorable temperature for the development of this species is 13-14 C during the day and 9 C at night.

The difference from other types of cabbage is the reduced demands on moisture. They plant it in central Russia only through seedlings, since the growing season is from 4 to 5.5 months.


hercules brussels sprouts


  • Early variety.
  • From one bush you can collect 30 heads of 15 g.
  • Disease resistant.

Bunch of grapes

bunch of grapes brussels sprouts

Bunch of grapes

  • The beautiful ruby ​​color and nutty flavor of the sprouts distinguishes this variety of Brussels sprouts from others.
  • The variety is late, the growing season is 160 days.
  • The harvest from one stem will be 30-40 pieces of 12-15 g.


Brussels sprouts sapphire


  • A beautiful, brightly colored variety, with rows of identical small heads of 9-13 g.
  • Their number is 30-35 pieces. The variety is mid-season.

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It occupies a special place among cabbage varieties. In structure, it is similar to white-headed, but the leaves themselves, wavy and bubbly, form a completely different picture. Due to the strong corrugation, the sheet has a more delicate structure.

Savoy cabbage makes excellent cabbage rolls, delicate salads and delicious cabbage soup.

Savoy cabbage makes excellent cabbage rolls, tender salads and delicious cabbage soup.

Unfortunately, it does not lie for a long time, and therefore is not very popular in Russia. Although, compared with white cabbage, it is more resistant to early and late frosts.

Of the advantages, the exceptional taste of this species can be noted.

A more delicate taste, compared to white cabbage, is provided due to the absence of mustard oils and a low content of coarse dietary fiber. Due to the content of alcohol in the leaves of Savoy cabbage, which belongs to the group of sugars, a noticeable sweet aftertaste is provided.


Savoy cabbage Petrovna


  • Early maturing variety, 110 days. When cut, it has a beautiful yellowish-cream hue.
  • The mass of the head is small, 1.1-1.3 kg.
  • The taste is pleasant, rich in vitamins and minerals.

I turn

savoy cabbage vertu

I turn

  • Medium maturing variety. Has a denser head than regular savoy cabbage varieties.
  • Weight - from 3 kg.
  • It is even suitable for storage.
  • The maximum period is 2 months.

winter delicacy

savoy cabbage winter delicacy

winter delicacy

  • Beautiful late-ripening variety with a red tint of leaves.
  • Suitable for use in various dishes, and for short (1-2.5 months) storage.

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Specific features of agricultural technology and application

Agricultural technology

cabbage seedling

Seedling cabbage

Agrotechnics for growing cabbage consists in observing the following rules:

Site selection

  • The structure of the soil should be loose. All types of cabbage do not tolerate acidic soils.
  • If the place is acidified, then high yields are not to be expected. Therefore, you need to carefully approach the choice of soil. You can “deacidify” the earth with the help of ash or chalk.
  • Ash serves as an additional source of phosphorus and potassium.
  • The predecessors of cabbage should not be other types of cabbage or any cruciferous crops: turnip, radish, radish.
  • All types of cabbage love to "eat", so the soil should be richly seasoned with compost or rotted manure.
  • But cauliflower is especially demanding on the soil composition. It has the weakest root system, so nutrition occurs near the soil surface.


  • Both at the stages of growing seedlings and in the open field, the vegetable should grow in bright places.
  • Shading leads to a sharp drop in yield.
  • All types of cabbage are equally demanding on lighting.


  • Cabbage loves water. It should be watered abundantly and regularly. Inconsistent watering leads to cracking of heads of cabbage.
  • Particular attention should be paid to those varieties that are prone to cracking. But there are exceptions.
  • Brussels sprouts, for example, can temporarily survive a lack of watering.
  • Cauliflower, on the other hand, does not tolerate interruptions in watering at all.
  • When dry, the heads are loose, weak and small in size.


  • To get the harvest early, it is advisable to grow cabbage through seedlings.
  • It must be strong and well formed.
  • The age of seedlings should be approximately 30-40 days, but should not exceed 50 days.


  • Cabbage grows well and develops even in relatively cold summers.
  • For example, Savoy cabbage is the champion among its counterparts in terms of hardening. It withstands not only temperature extremes, but also their decrease up to frost.
  • But the color one is the most tender specimen among the cabbage ones.
  • Even lowering the temperature below 10 C leads to a slowdown in growth and a deterioration in the quality of the heads. They shrink and become more rigid.


  • Plants need to be fed both at the seedling stage and when planting in open ground.
  • Seedlings are fed with complex fertilizers that contain: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, etc.
  • When transplanting, the hole is dug 2-3 times more than the root system. Fill it with rotted manure or compost. Put in each teaspoon of superphosphate and half a glass of ash.
  • Throughout the growing season, cabbage needs to be fed several times with complex fertilizer. Or first, before tying the head, - nitrogen, and then mainly phosphorus and potassium.
  • Cabbage is very fond of watering with "green" fertilizer (fermented infusion of grass), infusion of mullein or bird droppings, and also - infusion of ash.
  • When preparing the soil, pay attention to carefully filling the pit or furrow with fertilizer.
  • Watering should be wise. On rainy days, when moisture has moistened not only the surface of the soil, cabbage can not be watered.
  • On dry days, you need to water abundantly. After transplanting seedlings, plants need to be shaded so that the root system can develop.

In case of diseases or pests, you must first try natural remedies. Such as tobacco, ash, soap, etc. Only in case of failure, it is necessary to apply chemistry.


Cabbage has a wide range of applications. Without exaggeration, we can say that this is one of the favorite vegetables in Russia. The main Russian first dish - cabbage soup is cooked only with cabbage.

Can do without carrots and potatoes, even meat (mushroom, empty cabbage soup), but cabbage is the main ingredient. Cabbage main dishes are common with us. Such as stewed cabbage, cabbage rolls.

Stewed cabbage

Stewed cabbage

In fried form, such species as colored, broccoli, Romanesque, Brussels sprouts are used. Cabbage rolls are well obtained on the basis of Savoy cabbage. It is so tender that it is not necessary to beat it off.

The pride of our cuisine is sauerkraut

The pride of our cuisine is sauerkraut

Its benefits are known, it can successfully replace several drugs. In addition to vitamins A, C, K, it contains many trace elements and beneficial lactic acid. Sauerkraut cooked without the use of vinegar is good for both children and the elderly.

Recently, more cauliflower and broccoli have appeared in baby food. These species are used as purees, casseroles.The use of cabbage in baby food helps to strengthen and maintain their health.

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Cabbage is very healthy for children

It is very useful for children

Cabbage is a dietary vegetable, which is recommended for various diseases as a diet.

It is used:

  • with obesity
  • excess cholesterol
  • gallbladder diseases
  • diabetes
  • atherosclerosis and vascular disease
  • heart disease
  • some diseases of the stomach
  • gout

Cabbage contains a lot of valuable and healthy fiber, vitamins A, C, B, K, U vitamins, proteins, mineral salts.

It is very useful, even healthy, to drink juice from cabbage leaves.

It is very useful, even healthy, to drink juice from cabbage leaves.

One of the first medical recommendations for the use of this product concerned patients with stomach ulcers. And also for those who have gastritis.

All varieties of cabbage are very useful for dietary and clinical nutrition. But everyone has a different ratio of trace elements and vitamins, which makes them useful in different cases.

For example, Savoy cabbage contains ascorbigen. This is a substance that, decomposing in the human body, inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
Cauliflower has many advantages over other types

Cauliflower has many advantages over other types

It is absorbed better, therefore, a greater percentage of useful substances enter the body. If ordinary white cabbage can cause bloating, then this is excluded in cauliflower. It is gently digested and does not irritate the mucosa.

That is why cauliflower is most often used in baby food. But for gout, it is not recommended. But color is richer than white cabbage in terms of the percentage of proteins twice, vitamin C - three times.

Broccoli is rich in vitamin A (more than other species). This species also contains a substance that fights cancer cells. Broccoli seed sprouts are especially rich in this substance: 50 times more than cabbage itself.

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Reviews (summary)

I have been planting different types and varieties of cabbage for more than twenty years. I have 20 acres and I like that there is a wide variety in my garden. Some are delayed, but not all. Broccoli did not take root with us. Do not get large large heads, as in the photographs, at least cry. We decided to refuse. Of the white cabbage, our favorites are the old varieties: June for summer cabbage soup, Amager and Belorusskaya. Already used to them. Of the new ones, only Krumont liked it. He is good at pickling.
Valentina Ivanovna, Nizhny Novgorod
Most of all I like to grow cauliflower. In summer and autumn, the whole family eats only her. Variety Summer resident, I plant only him. Grows a lot, even freeze.
Polina, Moscow
Cabbage: types (white, Savoy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), description of the 33 best varieties, features of agricultural technology (Photo & Video) + Reviews

White cabbage. Tips and secrets.

Cabbage: types (white, Savoy, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), description of the 33 best varieties, features of agricultural technology (Photo & Video) + Reviews

5.3 Total Score
Description of cabbage

We have tried to collect for you the most popular varieties and give them the main characteristics. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

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  1. I have been growing cabbage all my life and I realized one thing, thanks to which you can get consistently large yields of this vegetable. It's about proper watering.After trying a bunch of options, I came to the only right decision. This is drip irrigation. Better than him, perhaps, nothing has been invented, especially for such a water-loving plant as cabbage. Drip irrigation is good because it is able to constantly keep the soil moist. It is this factor that is key in the cultivation of cabbage. Yes, the drip irrigation system costs money, but it quickly pays off with gorgeous crops.

  2. I have been growing cabbage all my life and I realized one thing, thanks to which you can get consistently large yields of this vegetable. It's about proper watering. After trying a bunch of options, I came to the only right decision. This is drip irrigation. Better than him, perhaps, nothing has been invented, especially for such a water-loving plant as cabbage. Drip irrigation is good because it is able to constantly keep the soil moist. It is this factor that is key in the cultivation of cabbage. Yes, the drip irrigation system costs money, but it quickly pays off with gorgeous crops.

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