Honeysuckle berries give pleasure and a vitamin charge, necessary after long cold weather. And the beauty of the bush allows you to create landscape compositions that delight the eye. A description of the varieties will allow you to decide which variety to choose for your garden.

honeysuckle blue - This is a low, perennial shrub. His height is 60 cm and above. In Russia, it grows in the Central part, Eastern Siberia and the Far East, it is also found in other areas. There are wild and cultivated plant species.
- floodplain forests
- tundra
- wetlands
- river valleys
Many varieties of plants easily tolerate frost and are unpretentious. For successful growth requires regular watering, loosening the soil under the bush. It should be noted that the root system is close to the surface of the earth.
The procedure must be carried out carefully so as not to damage it:
- When individual branches dry, they must be removed. secateurs.
- Experienced gardeners advise planting different varieties.
- This will ensure the harvest of fruits.
- This happens due to mutual pollination.
Berries are oblong, deep blue. They have a sweet and sour taste. Some species have bitterness. When choosing a variety, you need to know that there are edible and poisonous fruits.

Farms specializing in the breeding of honeysuckle varieties
The horticultural enterprise "Bakcharskoye" is located in the Tomsk region. For 84 years, varieties of fruit and berry crops have been bred in it. Unique, frost-resistant species are grown here. At the moment, honeysuckle is the main crop of this farm.
Her plantation covers an area of 50 hectares. Many of its varieties are created here: Bakcharsky Giant, Tomichka, Bakcharskaya, Bakcharskaya Jubilee, Daughter of the Giant, Yugan and many others. Below we consider each type in detail.
In 1926, the Pavlovsk Experimental Station of the All-Russian Research Institute of Plant Industry named after Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov was opened near St. Petersburg. There are 4 plant research laboratories. Employees study, grow plants, cross them and breed new species.
MN Plekhanova specializes in varieties of honeysuckle.
- Moraine
- Nymph
- Amphora
- Violet
- Yoke
- Vlad and many others.
In addition to Russian breeders and biologists, this crop is propagated in other countries, for example, in Canada, China.

Description of varieties
Pride of Bakchar

Pride of Bakchar
- This is an early variety. Its fruits ripen in early June. Honeysuckle Pride Bakchara withstands severe frosts in winter.
- Also, spring frosts do not interfere with its flowering and fruit set.
- The weight of the berries reaches 1.2 grams, their length reaches 5.5 cm. They have a spindle shape.
- Their color is purple-blue, and the taste is sweet and sour. They are heavily coated. Due to the thick skin, the fruits of this variety are easy to transport.
- They make delicious jam or compote.
- For better pollination, other varieties should be planted nearby: Daughter of the Giant, Rapture or Bakcharsky Giant. This variety will bear fruit for over 30 years.
Bakchar Giant

Bakchar Giant
- One of the largest types of honeysuckle. Its berries reach a length of 4 cm, weigh about 2.5 grams.
- They have an elongated, cylindrical shape. The skin is tender with a touch of wax.
- They are sweet and sour in taste and have a bright aroma.
- Up to 4 kg of crop can be harvested from one bush. The Bakchar giant is grown in all regions of Russia.
- This variety is disease and frost resistant. He loves cleanliness, so you need to regularly weed weeds growing nearby.
- Ideal neighborhood with honeysuckle Nymph or Giant's Daughter. The fruits on the bush grow for 2 - 3 years of cultivation.
- The bushes of the Bakchar giant can grow up to 2 meters, 1.3 meters wide.
- Straight branches form a dense oval crown. It is convenient to collect fruits from them by shaking, having previously laid a cloth under the bush.
- The berries of this variety crumble easily.
- Judging by the reviews of gardeners on the Internet, this variety has the largest fruits.
- Despite meager harvests, thanks to its excellent taste, it is very popular.
- Wine, juices, jelly are made from the berries of this variety.
Bakcharskaya Jubilee

Bakcharskaya Jubilee
- The variety is included in the Russian State Register. Its bushes are oval, medium sprawling.
- Its shoots are painted brown.
- The difference of this type of honeysuckle is that it tolerates heat and drought well.
- It is a mid-late variety in maturity.
- The berries grow quite large from 1.4 to 2.1 grams.
- They have a refreshing aroma. Their taste is completely devoid of bitterness.
Their use is universal:
- fresh
- frozen
- compotes and jams

- Honeysuckle Morena was bred at the Pavlovsk Experimental Station.
- The variety has a second name "Mermaid". She matures early.
- Fruits weigh 1.2 g., Their length is 3 cm. They have low shedding. From the bush you can collect 1 kg of berries.
- This is an early ripe species, the harvest is ready for harvest in the second half of June.
- Bushes are low. In the garden they act not only as a fruit-bearing plant, but also as an ornamental.
- The branches have a beautiful bend and brown bark.
- For productive pollination, the proximity to the Nymfa and Blue Spindle varieties is desirable. Morena bears fruit for 20-25 years.
- The species is in good health.
- But in years with cold summers and frequent rains, it is attacked by aphids, spider mites, powdery mildew, and rust.
- To combat them, special preparations are used, for example, the follicle.
- During flowering and fruit ripening, chemical agents for the treatment of shrubs should not be used.
- The variety takes root well in many regions of Russia. Tolerates winter frosts down to -40C.
Leningrad Giant

Leningrad Giant
- The variety was bred by biologists of the St. Petersburg Experimental Station. Refers to mid-season species.
- The shrub is erect, grows in height from 1 to 2.5 meters.
- The branches form into a round crown.
- The peculiarity of this species is that the berries grow in clusters. This makes it easier to collect them. Fruiting during July. The Leningrad Giant loves loose soil and abundant watering.
- The berries are large, their weight reaches 4 grams, length 3.5 cm. They are elongated in shape, slightly flattened.
- The surface of the fruit is smooth with minimal tuberosity.
- The skin is saturated blue, dense with a touch of medium degree.
- They have a refreshing sour taste, with a slight sweetness. Without mustard.
- The variety is used for harvesting for the winter and for medicinal purposes.
- The first berries appear 3-4 years after planting. From one bush you can collect up to 3 kg of fruit. The variety is self-infertile.
- The best neighborhood for pollination is honeysuckle Morena or Blue Bird.
- But it can be combined with Malvina, Gzhelka, Blue Spindle.
- According to reviews, the Leningrad Giant is resistant to various diseases.
- It is chosen for frost resistance, ease of picking fruits, low shattering of berries.

- A variety of medium early maturation.Berries are sweet, contain a minimum of acid.
- Silginka is a combination of the decorative beauty of the bush and the dessert taste of the fruit.
- The tasters gave it a high score of 4.9. The average berry weighs 1.4 gr. Their shape is oval, elongated with a pointed top.
- The fruits have a high content of vitamin C 42.3%. The color of the berries is classic - dark blue. They are coated with silver wax.
- The height of the bushes is small, usually up to 1.5 m. The crown is moderately spreading, round in shape.
- Shoots of green color with a slight bend, grow up. It grows up to 3 kg of berries.
- For pollination, the best companion is the Bakcharsky Giant. Both varieties ripen at the same time.
- Cross-pollination will increase the yield of both of them.
- Reviews about Silginka are only positive. It tolerates heat and drought well, resists diseases, parasites.
- Big plus grade - simultaneous ripening of fruits. Ripe berries do not crumble, they can wait a long time to harvest.
- This fact is convenient for those who want to plant honeysuckle in the country, but do not have the opportunity to go there often.

- A late-ripening variety obtained by the labors of the employees of the Pavlovsk Experimental Station.
- It has large berries: 3 cm in length, weighing 1.2 g. The skin is soft, covered with a touch characteristic of honeysuckle.
- Fruits differ in big tuberosity.
- They are bluish-blue in color.
- The pulp is fibrous, sweet, with a spicy bitterness. She received a high score in the tasting - 4.8.
- The Nymph begins to ripen at the end of June. From one bush you can collect 1.5 kg of honeysuckle.
- The variety is not whimsical, but loves fertilized soil. Seedlings need to be fertilized in the second year.
- Organic and mineral mixtures are suitable. It bears fruit 2-3 years after planting.
- The nymph can be prone to diseases, you need to carefully monitor the bush. Remove damaged branches promptly.
- The area under the bush and around must be weeded from weeds.
- Like most varieties, Nymph is self-fertile. Together with it, you need to plant bushes of the Amphora, Azure, Pavlovskaya species.
- Gardeners call this variety cost-effective. It bears fruit for 30 years, this eliminates the need to often replace the bushes with new ones.
- Her care is easy.

- A hybrid variety of honeysuckle, bred in 2012. It was bred by Bakchar biologists. The bush has a round shape.
- Its height and width reaches 1.7 meters. The berries are purple, by weight they reach 2.6 grams. Their shape is fusiform.
- The wax coating is very thick.
- When tasting, the taste of the fruit was assessed on a five-point scale at 4.8 points. They contain 8.9% sugar.
- The berries ripen in the second decade of June. They have an average shedding. One bush gives from 3.5 to 5 kg of crop.
- Due to the dense skin, the variety tolerates transportation well.
- Gardeners note the convenience of picking fruits, due to the shape of the bush.
- The variety loves the sun, with its lack, the size of the berries decreases. It is not pretentious to the soil.
- Under favorable conditions, it will give the first crop in the year of planting.
- For pollination, varieties of Yugan, Bakcharsky Giant are suitable.

- The variety was bred in 2010 by breeders of the Tomsk region. Its fruits are large 4 cm in length, weight reaches 2 grams.
- The taste during tasting was rated with the highest score of 5 out of 5. The berries are pitcher-shaped in shape. Yugana has a high yield.
- One bush per season gives up to 6.5 kg of berries.
- The shrub is low. Grows up to one and a half meters. Its crown is like a hemisphere. It is sprawling, can reach 1.9 meters.
- They ripen unevenly, which allows harvesting 3 times. The warmer the climate, the faster the maturation occurs.
- Upon ripening, they do not crumble immediately, remaining on the bush of berries, they are filled with sweetness.
- It is recommended to collect them by shaking off a cloth laid on the ground. This will allow the green fruit to remain ripe on the branches.
- Unlike the species described above, Yugana is self-fertile. But planting next to another representative will provide an increase in yield.
- Varieties such as Rapture, the Giant's Daughter are suitable for the neighborhood.

- The variety is the most winter-hardy and unpretentious.He is named "Cinderella" for his industriousness in the production of the crop.
- Berries have a sour taste with strawberry notes.
- Berry 1.5 cm long, weighing 1.4 g. Their color is dark, close to black.
- From above covered with a touch of a bluish tint. One bush gives 1.5 kg of fruit.
This variety has disadvantages:
- the crop does not ripen at the same time
- ripe berries immediately fall to the ground
- Bushes are not tall. It grows to a maximum of 0.7 m. The crown has a round crown formed by curved branches.
- According to reviews, picking berries is inconvenient. The mechanical way to use the short stature of the shrub does not allow.
- The variety is not suitable for commercial cultivation.
- For pollination, the neighborhood with the Leningrad Giant, Blue Spindle, Amphora is recommended. Tomichka.

- This is a young type of honeysuckle. Very sweet variety, thanks to this it got its name.
- The berries are large, weigh 1.5 grams. They are nearly cylindrical in shape.
- The color of the fruit is purple, with a dense coating of wax. They have a bright aroma.
- Bushes Slastena medium height. Their crown is oval.
- The best neighbor for cross-pollination is Nymph honeysuckle.

- Honeysuckle Borealis was bred in Canada in 2007 by scientists from the University of Saskatchewan.
- Represents a mixture of Tomichka and Kiev 8. This is a low-growing variety, it grows up to only 1.2 m.
- The berries are oval in shape, similar to boxes. They are hidden under the foliage of the shrub, firmly attached to the stalks.
- Due to this, fruit shedding is low. Their weight is 1.6 grams. They have a tart taste, natural juice of excellent taste is obtained from them.
- The subspecies is resistant to pests and frost. Designed for suburban areas, because the collection of fruits is possible only by hand. Bush harvest per season 2 kg. Aurora honeysuckle is recommended for pollination.

- The variety was bred by the specialists of the Pavlovsk Experimental Station for regions with a very cold climate.
- Its bushes are straight, with an average height of up to 1.5 m. The branches are thick, tend upward at an angle.
- This variety has crimson bark. Amphora is used in decorative designs.
- The berries are large, by weight up to 3 gr. 2 cm long. The peel is dense, traditional blue with a whitish coating.
- The pulp has no aroma. There is bitterness and lingonberry flavor in its taste.
- The tasters gave it a score of 4.5 points.
- Amphora gives the first harvest in the third year of growth. From one bush you can remove 1.3 kg of fruit.
- Ripens towards the end of June. Berries can hang on branches for a long time without crumbling to the ground.
- The best pollinators for him are Altair. Nymph, Morena, Bazhovskaya.

- An early variety of honeysuckle, bred in the Bakchar farm. Obtained by crossing Kamchatka and Turchaninov honeysuckles. Well takes root in regions with severe winter frosts. One bush gives a rich harvest, about 3.5 kg.
- Siberian bush is medium-sized, decorative. Branches and foliage form a semicircular crown.
- The species is actively used to decorate personal plots. Shoots moderately curved, grow horizontally.
- They have an anthocyanin streak in areas exposed to sunlight. This is a distinctive feature of this variety of honeysuckle.
- It is undesirable to grow Siberian in regions with a warm climate. In a warm winter, it can bloom and dissolve the buds. This will negatively affect the quality of the fruit.
- Berries are sweet with slight sourness and astringency. They are large - 1.4 gr. The shape is like a spindle.
- The fruits are purple in color, with a blue bloom characteristic of honeysuckle. They are very delicate, so they can not be stored for a long time. Transportation is also detrimental to them.
- The variety is universal, jams, compotes, jams are made from it.
- Siberian is resistant to diseases and pests. Does not like excessive moisture. Abundant watering or a damp climate can lead to shrub disease.
- The Siberian does not like drafts. Strong gusts of wind can pluck flowers or set fruits. The harvest will be lost.
- Like many varieties of honeysuckle, this one is self-fertile.
Varieties suitable for pollination:
- In memory of Gidzyuk
- Tomichka
- Narymskaya

- The variety was bred at the Institute named after Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov.
- The bushes are tall, have the shape of an inverted cone.
- A distinctive feature of the bullfinch honeysuckle is the abundant peeling of the bark on the branches.
- Berries are medium in size. Their average weight reaches 0.9 grams. The taste is sweet with sourness.
- Spindle-shaped in shape. They ripen at the end of June.
- One bush gives up to 2.5 kg of crop. Suitable for fresh consumption, in the form of jams, compotes, etc.
- This variety grows well in sun and shade. Tolerates frost well.
- It does not require special care. For cross-pollination, neighbors are needed, such as the Blue Bird, Magadanskaya.
blue spindle

blue spindle
- The variety was bred by breeders in Barnaul. The growth of the bush is on average 1 meter. The crown is an oval, formed by rather rare branches and foliage. Shoots are green and grow straight.
- The fruits of the Blue Spindle are large from 0.9 to 1.5 gr. Length 2.7 cm.
- The shape resembles an elongated spindle, in honor of which the variety got its name. The berries are blue in color, covered with a thick bloom and tubercles.
- The pulp has a sweet taste with acidity. With drought and insufficient watering, bitterness appears in it.
- The crop ripens after June 12. It must be collected immediately. This variety is heavily shed.
- You can lose up to 15% of the fruit. From one bush comes out up to 2.5 kg of berries.
Suitable varieties for pollination:
- Tomichka
- Blue bird
- Cinderella
According to reviews, the Blue Spindle has a number of advantages:
- early ripeness
- drought tolerance
- High yield
- large berries
But there are also disadvantages to this variety:
- High fruit shedding
- Bitterness in taste
Blue bird

Blue bird
- The variety is the most adaptable to many weather conditions. The Bluebird is valued for its sweet taste.
- Acid is present, but to a lesser extent compared to other varieties.
- The fruits ripen early, already at the end of spring you can treat yourself to them.
- Bushes grow up to 1.8 m. The crown is oval. Form its straight shoots with dense foliage.
- Berries weigh up to 0.9 gr., Their length is about 2 cm. For honeysuckle, this is an average size.
- They are in the shape of an ellipse. Their color is dark, almost black with a blue tint.
- Fruiting begins 3 years after planting. The blue bird will delight the host with a harvest for 30 years.
- The variety is self-infertile.
To increase the yield, the neighborhood with honeysuckle varieties is favorable:
- Cinderella
- Moraine
- blue spindle
- Malvina
In order for the Blue Bird to bear many fruits, it is necessary to follow several rules in caring for it:
- Should be planted on the sunny side
- Fertilize the soil every two years
- Excess branches need to be cut
- In regions with a harsh climate, cover shrubs for the winter

- Honeysuckle Bazhovskaya was obtained by Ural breeders. It was bred by crossing Altai and Kamchatka varieties.
- The variety is famous for its hardiness.
- The bush is tall and spreading with many shoots. Its height can reach 2 meters. The bark on the branches has a purple tint.
- The berries are dark blue with a touch of wax. Their shape is similar to elongated barrels. Their surface is bumpy.
- By weight, they reach 1.8 grams. The pulp is tasty, without an admixture of bitterness. The tasters gave them the highest rating - 5 points.
- The yield of one bush is 2.5 kg.
- After planting, the fruits on the Bazhov honeysuckle appear for 4 years.
- To increase the yield, the varieties Long-fruited, Blue Spindle, Amphora are recommended as neighbors.
- The disadvantage of this variety is that it is attacked by aphids. She loves regular watering, without it the berries begin to taste bitter.
- It is necessary to harvest the crop as the fruits ripen, otherwise they will crumble and be spoiled.
Giant's daughter

Giant's daughter
- Variety Daughter of the Giant was bred by crossing wild varieties growing in the territory
- Far East. It is distinguished by very large berries and high yields.
- The fruit is 3.5 cm long and can weigh up to 2.5 grams. One bush gives up to 5.5 kg of crop.
- Berries hold tightly, which allows you to collect them together. For pollination, you need to plant honeysuckle Rapture or Bakcharsky Giant nearby.
- Medium maturing variety. Flowering begins in April, the fruits are ready to eat in early July.
- They have a rich purple color with blue. The berries are very sweet in taste. They are pear-shaped in shape.
- The bush of this species is 180 cm high and 130 cm wide. Its branches form an oval-shaped crown.
- Fruiting begins at 3-4 years.
- The variety tolerates winter frosts very well. It is not whimsical to the soil, suitable for any region.
- He loves moisture, so in arid areas the shrub needs regular watering.
long-fruited honeysuckle

long-fruited honeysuckle
- Honeysuckle variety Long-fruited was bred in the Southern Urals. Thanks to biologists, it is adapted for the Ural region and the Volga region.
- In these areas, it does not grow wild; it is difficult for Siberian varieties to adapt to a different climate.
- Bushes of medium height, have a strongly spreading crown. The bark of the shoots is purple.
- Flowering begins in early May. For the ovary and ripening of fruits, this variety needs 35 days.
- Berries are tuberous, elongated. Their color is bright, blue, there is a characteristic coating of wax.
- The average weight is 1.8 grams, length - 2.7 cm. They are juicy, with a sweet taste and a refreshing aroma.
- Their acidity is moderate. There is no bitterness, but it can appear in dry years. One bush gives from 2 to 3 kg of crop.
- Like many varieties, Long-fruited honeysuckle is self-fertile. It is better to combine for pollination with bushes of varieties: Morena, Lebedushka, Sineglazka.
Gardeners are attracted to the variety by the fact that:
- In spring withstands frosts down to -7C
- The fruits ripen at the same time
- The berries sit firmly on the branches. Almost do not crumble, even with strong gusts of wind

Varieties for the Moscow region

Varieties with low bushes are suitable for the Moscow region
- Honeysuckle is not afraid of a cold and humid climate.
- It tolerates frost well, even during the flowering period.
- Almost all regions of Russia are suitable for it, except for the southern regions.
- It is important when choosing a variety to take into account the characteristics of each of them and weather conditions.
Moscow breeders have bred a number of species specifically for this area:
- Gzhelka - gives up to 2 kg of berries from a bush. It tastes sweet. The shrub itself is decorative, it can be used for hedges.
- Titmouse - taste with a complete lack of bitterness. Exudes a refreshing scent. The bushes have a very dense crown.
- Moscow 23 - a variety with a very high yield. From the bush you can collect up to 3 kg of fruit. It has a minus - crumbling, berries need to be picked often, as they ripen.
This is a characteristic of some varieties. There are more than 20 of them:
Eternal Call, Ramenskaya, Viliga, Kingfisher, Pacifier, Princess, Lakomka, etc. In addition to special species, those bred for other areas take root well: Morena, Cinderella, Berel, Blue Bird. Amphora.

Decorative varieties

Honeysuckle with red and orange berries is poisonous
- It is grown for decorative purposes. They plants grow in all regions, even in the south.
- The most famous varieties: Tatarskaya and Kaprifol. However, there are many more of them, there are large and small shrubs, lianas.
Consider several types:
- Honeysuckle Brown is a climbing plant. Attractive bright colored flowers with a long tube in the middle. Its homeland is in North America. He loves the sun very much and does not tolerate drafts at all. For the winter it needs to be covered so that it does not freeze.
- Lebedura - This is another North American. It is a one and a half meter bush. She has attractive black berries, framed by cherry-colored bracts.
- Honeysuckle Maak distinguished by white flowers. Grow along the shoots. Birds enjoy eating its red fruits in autumn.
- Inedible varieties are very beautiful.
- They are decorated with bright fruits, dense foliage.
- They do not lose their beauty with the onset of autumn.

Benefit and harm
The benefits of edible berries are obvious. They contain a large amount of vitamins. Honeysuckle is considered a medicinal plant, it does not lose its properties when heated.
- Used to treat and prevent scurvy
- Increases immunity
- Reduces high blood pressure
- Helps with migraines
- Strengthens the cardiovascular system
- Removes salt from the body
- Honeysuckle is recommended for gastritis, ulcers
- Treats angina
- Excessive consumption can cause allergic reactions and intestinal upset. As in any other case.
- When using the product, you need to know the measure and not overeat.

Interesting Facts

English, Honeysuckle
On planet Earth, there are about 250 varieties of honeysuckle. Wild species are more common in Siberia, the Himalayas and East Asia, on the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, Kamchatka, Sakhalin. 14 wild varieties grow on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Honeysuckle was nicknamed "shameless". Such a nickname is given due to the fact that the bark of some varieties peels off and flies around, exposing the branches.
Be sure to know that honeysuckle is poisonous. One of these varieties is Wolfberry. Dark-colored berries are suitable for consumption: black, blue, purple. Red and orange fruits grow on poisonous bushes.
Honeysuckle. We choose the best varieties!
Honeysuckle: description of 19 popular varieties, their diversity and features, how to distinguish poisonous fruits (35 Photos & Videos) + Reviews