Eggplant: description and characteristics of 53 popular and unusual varieties for open ground and greenhouses (Photo & Video) + Reviews



A beginner or experienced gardener should be aware of what are currently the most popular, high-yielding eggplant varieties. We present below their list and a description of each subspecies. The choice is great, but everyone can decide unambiguously. This can be done, taking into account the ripening time of the vegetable, be sure to take into account the place where the eggplant will be sown (open ground or greenhouse).

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From the history of the origin of eggplant

The homeland of the vegetable is Southeast Asia, to be specific, tropical India and Burma. There the plant was observed as growing wild. It is believed that eggplant was attributed to cultivated plants in the first millennium BC.

The Greeks in ancient times were convinced that this vegetable can make a person crazy, in connection with which they called the eggplant "apple rabies." Because of this, the plant came to European countries much later.

eggplant on the floor

Initially, eggplants were used for decorative purposes, as the fruits of different shapes, colors, shiny

After the information received that the Indians eat vegetables, they began to be celebrated in South America. The Russians adopted the experience of cultivating eggplant from the Caucasians and the inhabitants of Central Asia, this happened in the 18th century. In the southern part of the country, varieties such as Odessa early and Bulgarian semi-long began to be grown.

The first subspecies was sown at the end of the second month of winter, and the second in the twentieth of February. Harvesting was carried out for the Odessa variety in late June, early July. For another - in early August.

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Botanical features of the vegetable

Eggplants belong to the nightshade family.

Eggplant belongs to the nightshade family

In Russia, the plant is grown as an annual.

ROOT developed, powerful, goes deep to one and a half meters
STEM pubescent rounded durable has a purple hue prone to branching
FOLIAGE simple, large, has notches next, similar in shape to oak leaves, pubescent

Determinant varieties are up to 1 m 20 cm in height. Interminant varieties are 300 cm long. The leaves are located on elongated cuttings. Many varieties have thorns on the foliage and shoots.

It blooms with large, solitary flowers. In certain subspecies, they are collected in 2-3 inflorescences. The larger the flower, the more massive the vegetable will be.The color scheme of flowers can be purple, lilac or white.

Fruits vary in weight. It directly depends on the variety.

It can be 70 g or 800 g. They come in the form:

  • ball
  • barrel
  • pears
  • oval
  • cylinder

Two types of eggplant

The consistency of the pulp also varies, from elastic to loose.

It tastes sweet or bitter. Color - yellow, green or white.

Eggplant loves:

  • warm (24-27 degrees)
  • light
  • moisture (75-80% soil moisture)

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Useful properties of eggplant

The vegetable has a lot of useful substances, especially for the heart.

Here are the elements:

  • potassium
  • calcium
  • magnesium
  • gland
  • copper
  • phosphorus


There are also vitamins B, C, PP, carotene

It is advisable to eat eggplant for people with:

  • atherosclerosis
  • various heart diseases
  • vascular pathologies
  • obese

For preventive purposes, to prevent colds, anemia, diseases associated with the nervous system, for the elderly to keep the body in good shape. It is also advisable to include in a low-calorie diet.

Vegetables will help to overcome:

  • insomnia
  • depression
  • Bad mood

They need to be eaten after strokes, as the vegetable will help the body recover. Not prohibited for diabetics. Eggplant has regenerating, antibacterial properties. Infusion on eggplant removes bile.

They say that if you regularly eat eggplant, it will help you quit smoking, as the vegetable contains nicotinic acid.
Eggplant with dry skin

Dry peel can lower blood pressure

It needs to be ground, eat a teaspoon before meals. The same powder will help strengthen teeth and gums. For cooking, take salt and ground (to powder) eggplant peel in equal amounts (a teaspoon) and pour in boiling water.

After cooling, rinse the mouth. In order to have a positive result and less harm to the digestive tract, vegetables should be consumed in boiled form.

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Classification by maturity

This vegetable is classified depending on the ripening period, place of growth, and even color. And also differ in the size of the fetus, its shape (cylindrical, oval, rounded, pear-shaped).

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Early varieties

In this subcategory, plants are ready to eat 70-100 days after planting.

What should be the variety for outdoor cultivation?

Eggplant field in India

Eggplant field in India

In the garden, summer residents tend to plant fruitful, early, frost-resistant varieties.

When choosing a variety, you should pay attention to:

  1. Resistant to adverse conditions, temperature fluctuations. Sowing seeds in the spring, you need to be sure that the plant will withstand low temperatures, strong winds or scorching sun.
  2. Bush structure. If the area is small, then you should not choose a sprawling variety.
  3. When do they mature. For open ground, the best option is early ripening varieties. Otherwise, the eggplant may freeze.

Early ripe eggplant for open ground

Consider early varieties that are in demand among gardeners.


Vakula eggplant variety


  • The bush is able to reach 1 m 20 cm, sprawling, needs a garter.
  • Sowing can be done in late spring.
  • Harvesting is done in 100-110 days.
  • Eggplants have an elliptical shape, excellent in taste.
  • They weigh half a kilogram.
  • One bush is able to give about 8 kg.
  • There are no spikes.
  • The variety is resistant to temperature extremes.


Balagur eggplant variety


  • High-yielding, undersized variety, up to 1 m long.
  • After 80-100 days, there are already ripened fruits.
  • They have an elongated shape, brushes are formed immediately with 3-6 fruits. One weighs no more than 140 g.
  • Up to a hundred eggplants are taken from a bush.
  • The variety needs careful care.


Negus eggplant variety


  • It belongs to undersized varieties, no more than half a meter high.
  • A garter is not needed.
  • 80 days after planting, you can harvest.
  • The fruit in appearance resembles a barrel.
  • The mass of the vegetable is 150-300 g.
  • You can collect many fruits from the bush.
  • If you properly care for the plant, collect eggplant in a timely manner, then the variety will bear fruit all season.
  • Its peculiarity is that vegetables lie for a long time and are transportable.

Korean midget

Korean midget

Korean midget

  • It is distinguished by its compactness, the bush is no more than 40 cm. After 75 days, the crop is already rampant.
  • Pear-shaped eggplants reach half a kilogram in weight.
  • If you cover the bushes at night, then the mass may increase.
  • There is no bitterness in the fruits.
  • In order for the variety to bear fruit longer, try to protect the plant from the Colorado potato beetle.


Vera eggplant variety


  • Not characterized by strong spreading.
  • Not more than a meter long.
  • After landing, you need to expect from 95 to 110 days.
  • Purple pear-shaped fruits can reach 200 g.
  • The skin is thin.
  • From one bush - 7-10 kg.
  • The yield is stable, there is resistance to harmful insects.

Dwarf early

Dwarf early eggplant variety

Dwarf early

  • This eggplant belongs to breeding, fast-ripening, multiple varieties.
  • After 80 days, the harvest is already being harvested.
  • Refers to branching, but undersized plants (no more than 50 cm).
  • The fruits are oval in shape, reach 250 g.

Early ripening eggplant hybrids for open ground

In addition to the usual varieties, there are hybrid ones. These include plants that contain all the best. They are more resistant to temperature changes, more productive, resistant to pests and diseases.

Mileda F1

Mileda F1 eggplant variety

Mileda F1

  • This hybrid has a long fruiting period, until frost.
  • It has high taste characteristics.
  • If the climate is cool, this variety is not important.
  • The color of the fruit is dark purple, about 25 cm long. The flesh is white, cream.
  • You can eat after 80 days.
  • It is grown both in open ground and in a greenhouse.
  • The height of the bush goes up to 1 m.
  • Leafy, powerful, almost no thorns.

Anet F1

Anet F1 eggplant variety

Anet F1

  • It bears fruit for a long time, until frost. Ripe fruits are already observed after 65-70 days.
  • The eggplant itself is shaped like a cylinder, elongated.
  • Weight 350 g.
  • Tall, has resistance to harmful insects.

Fabina F1

Fabina F1 eggplant variety

Fabina F1

  • Cylindrical fruits appear after 70 days. It is good because it gives compact, small bushes (no more than 55 cm).
  • It belongs to varieties that are resistant to spider mites and vertille wilt. 8-10 fruits are obtained from one plant.

Bourgeois F1

Bourgeois F1 eggplant variety

Bourgeois F1

  • A distinctive feature is a round, large eggplant. One piece can weigh half a kilogram.
  • Sings in 100-110 days.
  • It is characterized by large-fruited, long-term fruiting, resistance to diseases.

Marzipan F1

Marzipan F1 eggplant variety

Marzipan F1

  • Mid-season hybrid variety. Before the appearance of a ripe vegetable, you need to wait about 130 days.
  • Culture loves warmth, so if planted in a greenhouse.
  • In open ground it is possible only in the southern regions of Russia.
  • The bush rushes up to 100 m.
  • The stem is stable, but due to the large weight of the fruit, it needs a garter.
  • The mass of the vegetable is from 400 to 700 g. The flesh is creamy-pale, there are few seeds.
  • No more than three eggplants are taken from the bush.

King of the North F1

King of the North F1 eggplant variety

King of the North F1

  • This hybrid is also suitable for those places where there is no heat, as there is resistance to low temperatures.
  • It bears fruit 90 days after planting in the ground.
  • About 10 kg are taken from the bush.
  • The height of the bush does not exceed 50 cm.
  • The stem is bright purple, which makes it possible to use the plant for decorative purposes.
  • Thorns, no bitterness.
  • The fruits are long and large, non-standard.

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Mid-season varieties of eggplant

Consider the most suitable among medium-ripening varieties for open ground.


Diamond grade eggplant


  • This variety is classified as a high-yielding, valuable subspecies.
  • Bushes and fruits are compact.
  • The weight of the vegetable is not more than 200 g. The bush is not more than 50 cm in height.
  • From planting to harvest must take at least 120 days.
  • In rare cases, 150. Up to 5 kg are taken from a bush.
  • Eggplant is resistant to drought, mosaic, stolbur.
  • It is transportable, it is stored for a long time.
  • Can be grown in greenhouse conditions.


Albatross eggplant variety


  • Frost-resistant plant with medium fruits.
  • The weight of an eggplant reaches 300 g.
  • The shape is flattened, the color is dark purple.
  • There is no bitterness in the pulp, the seeds are small.
  • You can eat vegetables after 140 days.
  • Bushes up to 70 cm in height.
  • Suitable for open ground only in those places where there are no early frosts.
  • From the bush take up to 2 kg. From a square meter to 8 kg.


Baltic variety of eggplant


  • The best place for growing is the south of Russia.
  • If you provide the plant with a complete, high-quality care, there will be a good harvest.
  • Which can be collected in 130-145 days.
  • Bush no more than 75 cm.
  • Fruit weighing 150-200 g.
  • About 7 kg are collected from a square meter.


Hippo eggplant variety


  • It is characterized by frost resistance, productivity, resistance to diseases.
  • Ripens in 125 days. Bushes are spreading.
  • Height of 1 m or more.
  • The fruits are massive, up to 350 g. More than five kg can be obtained from one plant.
  • There are few thorns, no bitterness.


Clorinda eggplant variety


  • Mid-early hybrid is characterized by long fruiting.
  • Ripe vegetables are available after 115 days.
  • Bushes erect, up to 90 cm.
  • The fruits are oval-pear-shaped, weighing 300-500 g.
  • There are even more than half a kilogram.
  • Resistant to frost, mosaic.
  • It is universal, as it is freely grown in the greenhouse and on the garden plot.

Black handsome

Black handsome eggplant variety

Black handsome

  • He loves heat, so in the northern regions it is advisable to cover the plants.
  • Not afraid of disease.
  • After 120-135 days, mature vegetables are already in the garden.
  • The fruits are thick, pear-shaped, beautiful dark color.
  • In the open field, the weight is not more than 300 g, in the greenhouse they reach 800 g.
  • From m2 take 8-10 kg.

Sancho Panza

Sancho Panza eggplant variety

Sancho Panza

  • A variety that produces huge spherical fruits - up to 800 g.
  • With perfect care and in a greenhouse up to 1000 g.
  • In addition, the advantage is that the bush itself is small, rare-leaved.
  • The plant is not afraid of cold and many diseases.
  • The crop is harvested after 125 days.

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Late-ripening varieties

Such in the open field are not in demand, since they do not have time to ripen before the onset of frost, but they practice in the south.

bull forehead

Bull's forehead eggplant variety

bull forehead

  • Large fruits: up to 20 cm long, weighing up to 1000 g.
  • Color purple-brown.
  • The flesh is not bitter.
  • Ready for use 150 days after planting.
  • If the goal is long-term storage, then this variety is the best fit.


Mishutka eggplant variety


  • This eggplant is valued in cooking because of its high quality.
  • You can collect fruits after 140-150 days.
  • The shape of the vegetable is elongated, pear-shaped, almost black.
  • Weight not more than 300 g.
  • There is resistance to cold, diseases.

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Unusual eggplant for the garden plot

For many, eggplant is associated with a fruit that has an elongated shape and purple color, but there are rare, interesting specimens that can be grown in our climatic conditions in open areas. They differ in unusual colors and sizes.

white eggplant

There are several varieties of white eggplant.


Swan eggplant variety


  • Refers to mid-season, sings in 110-125 days.
  • Plant up to 65 cm long.
  • The color of the vegetable is white.
  • The taste of eggplant is delicate.
  • Bitterness is absent.
  • The shape is cylindrical.
  • Weight does not exceed 250 g.
  • With m2, you can collect up to 15 kg of fruits for the whole season.

Mushroom flavor

Mushroom flavor eggplant variety

Mushroom flavor

  • A vegetable does not grow more than 180 g.
  • It has a snow-white color, thin skin.
  • The shape is cylindrical.
  • Tolerates low temperatures.
  • The pulp is characterized by the taste of mushrooms, the pulp is white.
  • It ripens early, from 90 to 105 days.
  • Up to 7 kg of eggplant are removed from m2.
  • Variety whimsical: watering should be carried out with warm water, and the plant should be planted only in a sunny area.


Icicle eggplant variety


  • This medium-ripened vegetable has not very large tillering, up to 65 cm in height.
  • Ripens within 115 days.
  • The vegetable is long and white.
  • If weighed, then the numbers do not exceed 200 g.
  • Inside the fruit is white, tender, juicy, without bitterness.
  • It is advisable to grow in greenhouse conditions.
  • Fruits for a long time, stable.


Pelican eggplant variety


  • Fruits in 110-115 days.
  • Bushiness is palpable, up to 115 cm.
  • The fruit is shaped like a saber, the color is white.
  • When the vegetable is ready to eat, its weight is about 230 g, length - 17 cm, diameter - 5 cm.
  • There is absolutely no bitter aftertaste.
  • Cultivated in greenhouses and open ground.
  • With m2 take about two kg.


Iceberg eggplant variety


  • Mid-season, ripens on the 120th day.
  • The bush is spreading.
  • Height up to 60 cm.
  • The fruits are white and oval.
  • They weigh about 230 g, up to 20 cm long.
  • The variety is characterized by exposure to high temperatures, to diseases.
  • It can be grown in the garden, in the greenhouse.

Ping pong

Ping pong eggplant variety

Ping pong

  • After 115 days, you can harvest.
  • Bushes up to 70 cm in height.
  • Eggplants are spherical, white, small in size (up to 100 g).
  • Inside, a light salad shade prevails, there is no bitterness.
  • Can not be grown in open areas, only in greenhouse conditions.
  • The fruits are transportable, lie for a long time.

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Yellow, orange eggplant

Among these shades there are also several subspecies.

golden eggs

Golden eggs eggplant variety

golden eggs

  • The ornamental plant is strewn with fruits, the size of which is no larger than a goose egg.
  • Their color is white, yellow, orange.
  • Ripens in 115 days.
  • The bush is not higher than half a meter.
  • In the open field gives a harvest before the first cold weather.
  • It can also be grown in greenhouse conditions.
  • Even on the windowsill.

Golden Boy

Golden boy eggplant variety

Golden Boy

  • The variety is early ripe, can only grow at temperatures above 15 degrees Celsius.
  • This suggests that it is unrealistic to grow such a plant in open ground.
  • Bushes up to half a meter in height.
  • The weight of an oval fruit is not more than 250 g.
  • The color scheme is yellow.
  • There is no bitterness.

Turkish orange

Turkish Orange Eggplant

Turkish orange

  • Ripens in 80 days.
  • The fruit is small, round, its diameter is 6-8 cm. For cooking, it should be plucked when the color is greenish, light orange.
  • The variety is productive.

Chinese lantern

Chinese lantern eggplant variety

Chinese lantern

  • This variety is decorative.
  • It blooms with large white flowers, in the place of which bright orange, red fruits then appear.
  • They grow right next to the stem.
  • Sow in the garden in late May, early June.
  • If you do this earlier, there is a chance that the plant will freeze.


Mantle eggplant variety


  • Belongs to carpal eggplant.
  • On one brush there are 5-7 pieces of fruit.
  • The color smoothly changes from green to orange.
  • It is decorative, but it is still eaten.
  • Ripens in 115 days.
  • Resistant to disease, but thermophilic.
  • At temperatures below 15 degrees perishes.
  • From m2 take up to 5 kg.

Red Ruffled

Red Ruffled eggplant variety

Red Ruffled

  • Only a few have heard of this variety.
  • The fruits are red in color and round in shape.
  • They sing in 125 days.
  • If eaten ripe, there is bitterness, so it is advisable to use a little unripe (usually at this time their shade is orange).
  • Usually grown for ornamental purposes.
  • The shape of the vegetable, colors, size resembles a tomato.

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Green varieties

There are eggplants that remain green when ripe.


Alenka eggplant variety


  • An early ripe popular variety that needs only 105 days to ripen.
  • It is advisable to sow in greenhouse conditions from February to March.
  • Will bear fruit in late August, early September.
  • The bush is low (60-70 cm).
  • The shape of the vegetable is drop-shaped.
  • Weighing 300-400 g.
  • Up to 8 kg are collected from m2.
  • The color is green not only outside, but also inside.


Green eggplant variety


  • The variety bears fruit in 100 days.
  • The shape of the eggplant is round.
  • If weighed, then from 300 to 400 g.the flesh is greenish, with a mushroom aftertaste, sweet.
  • It is advisable to sow in open ground.
  • From m2 take from 6 to 7 kg.

Green F1

Green F1 eggplant variety

Green F1

  • This is a hybrid of the above variety.
  • The shape of the fetus is radically different from the main one.
  • Eggplants are elongated (up to 25 cm), green, slightly flattened.
  • Weight no more than 320 g.
  • No bitterness, white inside.
  • Bushes up to 70 cm in height.
  • Ripens in 110 days.
  • With m2 will be about 7 kg.


yoga sotr eggplant


  • You can grow this variety in open ground, seedlings.
  • Semi-spreading bush goes up to 75 cm.
  • Ripens after sowing in 110 days.
  • The shape of the vegetable is curved, light green in color.
  • Weight - 200 g. With m2 - 7-8 kg.

Emerald F1

Emerald F1 eggplant variety

Emerald F1

  • It is characterized by resistance to low temperatures, diseases.
  • Bushes up to 75 cm.
  • The fruit is of the usual shape (oval), the color is green.
  • Average weight - 350 g. The pulp is not bitter, juicy.
  • You can even eat it raw.
  • Before ripening, about 110 days should pass. From m2 - 8-9 kg.


Lusiana eggplant variety


  • Harvest eggplant, gives about three kilograms from a bush.
  • Vegetables are cylindrical, elongated, weigh up to 200 grams.
  • Ripens in 110 days.

Thai green

Thai green eggplant variety

Thai green

  • The excellent taste of the vegetable makes gardeners put a lot of effort into care.
  • In order for the plant to bloom and produce a crop, certain greenhouse conditions are needed.
  • The fruit is long, bright green.
  • Ready for use after 80 days.
  • If you buy such vegetables in the market, you will have to spend a tidy sum.


Thai green eggplant variety

Thai green

  • It is characterized by vigorous bushiness.
  • Hardy to diseases, adapted to a variable climate.
  • The shape of the hybrid is round, the color is green, with white stripes.
  • The skin is thin, the flesh is sweet.
  • One vegetable weighs about 100 grams.

Lilac-pink varieties

Below are some interesting eggplants, in lilac and pink hues.


Matrosik eggplant variety


  • The name comes from the appearance of the vegetable.
  • The color is lilac-white, striped.
  • You can eat after 130 days.
  • The fruits are quite large - up to 400 g.
  • Under good conditions, they can reach 900 g.
  • Sensitive to spider mites, Colorado potato beetle.


Lilac eggplant variety


  • Early maturing variety, has high taste qualities.
  • Wither resistant.
  • It is characterized by abundant fruiting and original lilac color.
  • The shape of the vegetable is elongated, cylindrical.
  • Weighing from 100 to 300 g.
  • From germination to maturity, 900-100 days should pass.
  • It is recommended to grow in open ground.
  • Seeds sown in March should be covered with foil.
  • Bushes 60 cm in height.


Bumbo eggplant variety


  • The variety is mid-season.
  • He needs about 115 days before maturation.
  • It grows up to one and a half meters.
  • The fruits are spherical in shape and purple in color.
  • By weight can be more than half a kilogram.
  • It is resistant to rot and other diseases.


Balagur grade eggplant


  • Carpal variety.
  • On one, from 4 to 6 fruits are formed.
  • Elliptical shape, bright pink shade.
  • The skin is thin, the pulp is juicy, soft, there is no distinct bitterness.
  • Fruits after 90 days.
  • It is possible to remove about a hundred eggplants from a bush.
  • Grown in a greenhouse, in such conditions it grows up to a meter.

Romantic F1

Romantic F1 eggplant variety

Romantic F1

  • A high-yielding hybrid produces vegetables up to 260 g.
  • Mid-season, matures in about 125 days.
  • The bush is massive - 140-150 cm.
  • The stems must be tied up.
  • Rose-lilac color.

Varieties for the greenhouse

To have a bountiful harvest, the plant should be planted in a greenhouse, in closed ground.

To have a bountiful harvest, the plant should be planted in a greenhouse, in closed ground

The temperature and humidity are constant there. In order for eggplants to be spoiled, maximum efforts should be made, more than when planting in the garden.

In greenhouse conditions, the above varieties also grow well, these are:

  • Black Prince
  • Vakula
  • Fabina F1
  • Joker

Also, the following varieties will be good for the greenhouse.

bull heart

Bull's heart eggplant variety

bull heart

  • Ripe in 100-110 days.
  • Refers to mid-season giants.
  • The fruit is impressive from 500 g to 1 kg, rounded, tapering at the end, similar to a heart.
  • Because vegetables are heavy.
  • You need to be serious about supports, garters.
  • The color is purple, the skin gives off a sheen.
  • There is no bitter aftertaste in the pulp.
  • You can store eggplant for no more than two weeks.


Sofia eggplant variety


  • Late variety of eggplant.
  • Bushes are small and compact.
  • The fruit resembles a pear, thick, black-violet hue, large.
  • The weight of a vegetable varies from 500 g to 1 kg.
  • Resistant to low temperatures, prone to disease, often affected by pests.
  • With m2 you can collect from 6 to 8 kg.

Black Moon

Black moon eggplant variety

Black Moon

  • Mid-season subspecies.
  • Fruits by 125 days.
  • The color of the vegetable is dark purple.
  • The bushes are small.
  • The fruits are at first like a ball, then lengthen.
  • They weigh 150-230 g. The pulp is pleasant, without bitterness.
  • With m2 - about 6 kg.


Nutcracker eggplant variety


  • The gardener will be able to harvest 100 days after planting.
  • In a greenhouse, the plant can grow up to 2 m.
  • The fruits are large - 600-900 g.
  • The shape is round, pear-shaped, purple.
  • Up to 8 kg can be taken from a bush, if good care is provided.


Bagheera eggplant variety


  • Suitable for use at 105 days.
  • It bears fruit well, the result is about 10 kg per m2.
  • Fruit weighing no more than 400 g, more often 300.
  • Disease resistant, transportable.
  • The shape of the vegetable is elongated-oval, the color is purple.


Namesake eggplant variety


  • A medium-ripe lilac handsome bears fruits weighing half a kilogram.
  • Of the minuses of the variety - a tendency to spike formation.
  • An average of 10 kg is collected from m2.

carpal eggplant

I would like to separately consider vegetables that grow unusually for many. The fruits are arranged in clusters of several pieces. Two such varieties have already been considered above. These are Balagur and Mantiya, but there are several more interesting subspecies.


Samurai eggplant variety


  • This dark purple eggplant is an early variety.
  • Ripens in 95-100 days.
  • Fruits no more than 230 g, has resistance to diseases, cold snaps.
  • With m2, it’s really possible to take up to 6 kg. If we talk about taste characteristics, then it is important that there is no bitterness in the pulp.


Prado eggplant variety


  • There are similar features with the above variety. This taste, color, early ripening.
  • Differs in shape and size.
  • The vegetable looks like a pear, the weight of one fruit is not more than 200 g.
  • About 6 kg are also collected from m2.
  • It can be grown both in an open garden plot and in greenhouse conditions.

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5 Recipes That Will Make You Love Eggplant

Eggplants: description and characteristics of 53 popular and unusual varieties for open ground and greenhouses (Photo & Video) + Reviews

8.2 Total Score
Description of eggplant

There are still many different varieties that can be grown in a greenhouse, greenhouse or open field. New hybrids with excellent characteristics are constantly being created. In any case, in order for the harvest to please, the plant should be provided with proper, good care. Timely watering, systematic loosening, top dressing, weed removal, protection from pests, insects and you are guaranteed success. We have tried to collect for you the best and most popular varieties of eggplant. If you not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with reasoning Your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

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Buyer ratings: 3.75 (4 votes)

1 comment
  1. As for me, the best varieties are “Baltic” and “Begemot”. They bear fruit very well and their rafts are rather big, and I like their taste most of all. By the way, I agree that eggplants are good for the heart, so I had mild heart problems, then when I started adding eggplants to my diet, then a year later, as I did a cardiogram, everything was in order. So I can confirm with full confidence that eggplant is a very healthy product indeed. But the truth is that you need to work a little near for the harvest ...

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