Daylilies: description, classification of varieties, cultivation, care and reproduction (Photo & Video) + Reviews

daylilies description

Daylily is a very peculiar plant. A huge number of its varieties is simply amazing: in the last half century alone, about 30 thousand new varieties and daylily hybrids have appeared. Descriptions of daylilies occupy many sources, and these catalogs are constantly updated.

Despite its very extravagant, one might say, tropical appearance, the daylily is a rather unpretentious plant, the care of which is simple. This plant combines beauty and hardiness, which is a rare combination for most flowers.

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Brief description of the species

From the point of view of biology, the daylily is a member of the Asphodel family, and it really has a tropical origin. This perennial a herbaceous plant with a powerful root system, often forming pseudotubers, the so-called "stolons". It has two-row leaves, moderately wide and long; leaves can be either straight or curved.

Daylily variety All Hooked Up

Daylily variety All Hooked Up

The plant has large flowers, collected in several pieces in beautiful sprawling inflorescences; most often there are 6 flowers in an inflorescence, but sometimes giants of 10-12 flowers are also found. The diameter of the flowers is the most diverse - from small 5-6 cm to giant, reaching 20 cm in diameter. The height of flowering stems can also be different: from 25 to 100 cm.

Daylily Yellow Giant. Inflorescences with several flowers are visible

Daylily Yellow Giant. Inflorescences with several flowers are visible

Flowers bloom 2-3 at a time, flowering is short-lived, from 12 to 20 hours. However, taking into account the number of peduncles on a bush and flowers in inflorescences, the duration of flowering in a plant can reach up to 15 to 25 days. Some species bloom at night.

The daylily is able to withstand temperatures down to -40°C in winter., however, because it is an early plant, its leaves may suffer from late frosts.

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daylilies description

The agricultural technique of this plant is quite simple and easily repeatable in almost any region of the middle lane. However, the further south the daylily grows, the better it will be.

On the other hand, according to numerous reviews of flower growers, the plant from year to year has an increasing adaptation to the climate in which it is grown. For example, vegetation, in order to avoid the death of leaves from frost, begins a little later, and flowering occurs in the sunniest periods of summer, and so on.

Daylily beds

The use of daylilies in landscape design

Such changes are typical for a large number of perennials, so this "behavior" is not unusual. But this should not be abused, since the normal life and flowering of the plant will occur under growing conditions that completely satisfy it.

Planting site and soil

Where exactly you can plant a particular daylily depends on its color. Light daylilies (white, yellow, pink, and others) prefer sunny places.They love direct sunlight; according to the recommendations of breeders and nursery owners, on a summer day, the daylily needs at least 6 hours of direct exposure to sunlight.

Daylilies of this color can grow in partial shade, and in the shadow, however, while its flowering will not be as abundant as if it grew on the sunny side. If the color of the daylily is red, purple, violet, and generally dark, then such a plant would be best in partial shade.

Planting them in open sunny areas will burn out their flowers and leaves. The petals will have a faded, as if "melted" look.
Daylily dark color. Sort Jockey Club

Daylily "dark" colors. Sort Jockey Club

Daylily grows best on loams of moderately loose structure, the layer of which exceeds 40 cm. Heavy clay soils require dilution with sand or compost, since the plant's root system, although powerful, does not like too dense soils. Naturally, loose soil necessarily implies good drainage.

The acidity of the soil should be close to neutral or slightly acidic. Strongly acidic soils are limed with chalk or lime. The introduction of ash is impractical.

Alkaline soils require "acidification" through the addition of peat and other substances that increase the level of acidity. The soil must be rich in organic matter; Chernozems are best suited, of course, for the daylily, however, in the absence of such, it is recommended to apply organic fertilizers to the soil in the form of compost or humus.

Blooming dark Spanish daylily. A small number of flowers in inflorescences indicates low soil fertility.

Blooming "dark" Spanish daylily. A small number of flowers in inflorescences indicates low soil fertility.

For a plant, stagnant water is critical, as it leads to the death of the root system. It should be avoided in every possible way, but with some reservations.

The roots of the plant normally tolerate a high level of groundwater, but the neck of the root should always be above the water level.

Therefore, stagnant water is especially dangerous after melting snow or heavy rain, when the plant is flooded with water 2-3 cm above the soil surface.. To avoid this, it is best to plant daylilies in raised beds.

Stagnant water critical for daylily

Stagnant water critical for daylily

However, if your climate does not have this kind of "flooding", it is better not to do this. Since the stay of the plant on such a bed leads to overheating and overdrying of the root system, which automatically entails an increase in the number of waterings.

Planting a plant

After purchase, the plant is inspected for damaged roots and leaves. Dead and weakened roots should be completely removed.

The leaves are cut to a length of 10-12 cm from the root neck. If the leaf has injuries closer to the neck, it is cut so that the injured area is cut off completely.

Before planting, it is advisable to soak the daylily roots in a fertilizer solution for several hours. If the roots are very dry, such a procedure can last up to 2 days.

The solution may include the following components:

  • superphosphate (5-10g per 10 liters of water)
  • root (1 g per 10 liters of water)
  • heteroauxin (5g per 10 liters of water)

In this case, the soaking procedure must be done in a dark place, at a temperature not higher than + 23 ° Cotherwise the fertilizer in the solution will damage the roots.

Planting a daylily in open ground

Planting a daylily in open ground

After soaking in fertilizers, the roots are taken out, dried for a day, and then dipped in water with chopped willow branches for 4 hours. After that, the root is treated with a fungicide and planted in a hole 30-40 cm deep so that the root neck sticks out of the soil by 2-3 cm.

Sometimes a white line at the base of the leaves is clearly visible on the root of the daylily - this is the planting level. We are guided by it. After planting, the daylily is watered abundantly.

As such, the daylily has no planting dates - it takes root well and spring, both summer and autumn. The only thing that distinguishes autumn planting from others is the need to mulch the soil, as preparation for further sheltering the plant behind it for the winter.A month after planting, the first top dressing is introduced; it can be mineral or organic fertilizers dissolved in water.

Their nomes are standard for perennials (for example, up to 20 g superphosphate per 1 sq. m).

Watering the daylily

Without watering, the daylily is able to stretch almost all summer. Its root system is quite capable of coping with providing the plant with water, which is enough even for some kind of flowering. But in order for the daylily to “open up” to the full, it must be watered in sufficient quantities.

The amount of water for irrigation will depend on the composition of the soil, its friability and climatic conditions. In areas with an average amount of precipitation, it is enough to water the plant once every 3-5 days. The main requirement for watering - penetration of water to a depth of at least 50 cm.

Sandstones require additional watering. Watering must be done after any fertilization.

Daylilies in garden decoration

Daylilies will be a great addition to your garden.

During active vegetation, watering is carried out by irrigating the whole plant, and closer to the time of flowering, the daylily must be watered under the root, since water drops that fall on the buds can change their color to brown-spotted.

However, some features associated with irrigation should be noted. Ornamental species of daylily, obtained several decades ago, are much more demanding on the amount of water than older varieties obtained before the middle of the 20th century. They do not tolerate drought well and without the proper amount of water they can die.

When purchasing this or that variety of daylily, you need to make sure what kind of daylily it is - “dry” or not.

top dressing

The plant perfectly tolerates various types of fertilizers and readily reacts to them. And vegetation, and budding, and flowering are perfectly enhanced with top dressing.

In top dressing of these plants, the standard fertilizer application scheme is also used:

1Early spring. Nitrogen fertilizers are introduced to accelerate the awakening and stimulate growth (20 g of natroammophos per 1 sq. M).
2mid spring (late April - early May). The period of active vegetation and intensive growth of the plant. Complex fertilizers are used, but still, the main emphasis remains on nitrogen. It is recommended to add a little magnesium sulfate (up to 5 g per sq. M).
3Early summer. The time of active budding in daylilies comes in June. It is best to use organic fertilizers such as mullein or chicken manure. You can use compost from rotted grass.
4End of summer. Top dressing after flowering and before the rest period of the plant. Nitroammophos or superphosphate in standard doses (15-30 g per sq. M). Fertilizers stop at the beginning of September. They are not brought directly into the winter.

It is preferable to apply fertilizers in an already dissolved form. At the same time, it is conditionally considered that 10-20 liters of water are required for one daylily, in which fertilizer is diluted.

Another way to apply fertilizer is as follows: fertilizers are applied under each bush, simply pouring them onto the ground, which is subsequently watered. Irrigation rates for fertilizer in this way are 20-40 liters per 1 sq. m.

This method is not very good, because it can lead to high local concentrations of fertilizer in the soil, which can cause chemical burns to the root system of the plant.

A separate problem may be the deficiency of certain microelements in the plant. Daylilies on poor soils may experience iron and boron deficiencies. Copper and other elements. Each of them has its own peculiarity, but they all appear in approximately the same way - the leaves, and especially the veins on them, characteristically change their color and appearance.

Manifestation of chlorosis. Daylily iron deficiency

Manifestation of chlorosis. Daylily iron deficiency

In this case, it is recommended to use special fertilizer complexes containing the entire set of microelements necessary for the plant. It can be purchased at any flower shop.

Soil care around the plant

Daylily needs soil mulching. Since he is still a guest in our area, he needs to create conditions as close as possible to his relatives. This is especially true of its evergreen varieties in the first years of their acclimatization.

The main function of mulching is to retain moisture in daylily hybrids of recent decades and its evergreen forms. In addition, mulching prevents sharp temperature fluctuations in the soil in summer, protects the root system from frost in winter.

Soil mulching left over from last season

Soil mulching left over from last season

And another important function of mulching is to protect the daylily from weeds.

Usually, the following materials are used for mulching:

  • before wintering: hay, straw, large grass stalks, foliage, needles
  • in the spring during the period of active growth: sawdust, freshly cut grass
  • after flowering: freshly cut grass, hay

Mulching before wintering also performs the functions of shelter or thermal insulation. It must be produced when the winter begins to cool down to temperatures of the order of 10-15°C. Such mulch can lie on the site until the beginning of May.

The first mulching in the warm season is done in late spring, with well-warmed soil. Here, the main function is also thermal protection, but not from the cold, but from the heat. Additional features are moisture retention and weed control.

In addition, mulching helps to avoid excessive splashing of water when watering, and prevents the formation of an earthen crust, allowing air to freely enter the roots.


Daylily reproduces in almost all available ways. They include vegetative and seed propagation.

There are the following breeding methods:

  • bush division method - classic way
  • polyferation - vegetative propagation by already faded buds
  • meristem reproduction – used only in the laboratory or industry: growing a whole plant from a part of the parent plant in a nutrient solution
  • vertical incision - division of the mother plant into several parts with separation even within the same "bush"
  • reproduction by division of the central shoot - remove shoots to get a few new ones
  • regular seed reproduction

All of these methods (except the meristem method) have proven themselves excellently at home and can be used at the request of the gardener.

Propagation of the daylily by dividing the bush. Divided bush before planting

Propagation of the daylily by dividing the bush. Divided bush before planting

Reproduction by dividing the bush is carried out when signs of a clear growth of the root system are observed. The plant is dug up, if possible, its root system is preserved as much as possible, it is divided, and damaged and dead roots are removed.

The further procedure is similar to the previously described planting, with the only difference being that pre-soaking the plant in fertilizers is not necessary at this stage. You can plant plants at any time from April to October, with the exception of the period of budding and flowering.

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Daylily classifications

By genes

Daylilies are unique plants in their own way. One of their unique properties is ploidy, that is, the ability to form hybrids that can carry more chromosomes than normal plants.

Daylilies from the point of view of the gene structure are of the following varieties:

  • diploid - ordinary plants, like most life on Earth, 2 sets of chromosomes
  • triploid - three sets of chromosomes
  • tetraploid - four sets
  • polyploid - more than four sets

Thanks to such genetic variability, it has become possible for the birth of about 45 thousand species of daylilies over the past hundred years. The main breakthrough began in the 50s of the last century, when the first tetraploid hybrids were obtained.And since then, almost any cross-crossing of daylilies gives more and more new varieties that have stable characteristics from the first generation.

Each newly bred hybrid has its own pedigree, which reflects from which varieties and in what way it was bred. For example, Alpine Tranquility was developed by crossing two hybrids: Spectral Elegance and a Michael Miller hybrid.

Tetraploid daylily cultivar Alpine Tranquility

Tetraploid daylily cultivar Alpine Tranquility

The whole variety of colors, sizes, shapes, types of leaf arrangement, etc. - the result of the excellent intraspecific variability of this plant, capable of accommodating more than two sets of chromosomes in cells.

Tetraploid plants have the following advantages over diploid ones:

  • larger flower size
  • high color intensity
  • faster growing season
  • more selection opportunities due to twice the number of chromosomes

But diploid plants also have their advantages:

  • they are more stable and unpretentious
  • easier and more reliable to propagate both vegetatively and by seed
  • pollination is easier to carry out in diploid plants, more seeds are obtained
  • most beautiful and decorative flowers are diploid
  • classic monotone colors are more common in diploid plants

According to the peculiarities of the vegetation

This classification divides daylilies on the basis of how horses spend winter time and how they then step into growth.

From the point of view of vegetative classification, there are:

  • Evergreens. In their natural conditions (tropical climate) they do not have a period yet at all. They rarely shed or grow leaves, changing them only in the process of aging of the latter. Under our conditions, the plant freezes for several months, partially losing foliage, but some leaves can survive two winters.

  • Semi-evergreen or dormant. These plants are characterized by a dormant period, but passing without dropping foliage; only their growth rate slows down. In our conditions in winter, they behave in the same way as evergreens.

  • Sleepers. Ordinary deciduous daylilies that shed their leaves for the winter and form a new one in the spring.

Evergreen Daylily Arabian Magic

Evergreen Daylily Arabian Magic

Naturally, it is deciduous daylilies that are most well adapted to our climate, since they do not need any adaptation inherent in other varieties.

The main problem of evergreen and semi-evergreen daylilies is the vulnerability of the growth cone of the plant to frost. Because of this, they can die in the first years without adaptation.

In order to avoid this, it is recommended to wrap such daylilies well for the first 2-3 years before wintering.

By flowering time

According to the name, daylilies in this classification are differentiated by flowering time:

  • very early; they bloom first and last from May to June
  • early; bloom in June, bloom 3-5 weeks
  • early-middle; flowering begins in June-early July
  • medium; flowering occurs in July
  • late; flowering - the second decade of August
  • very late - bloom in early autumn
  • re-late flowering; hybrids bred about 30 years ago; these daylilies that bloom twice: the first time - approximately during the early, the second - during the very late

Late Blooming Daylily Red Autumn

Late Blooming Daylily Red Autumn

As a rule, a daylily flower blooms for one day, however, depending on the time of day, flowering can be divided into:

1daytime - the flower blooms in the morning and fades by the end of the day
2nocturnal - the flower blooms in the evening, blooms at night and fades in the morning
3extended - the flower can be open from 16 to 24 hours, regardless of the time of day

According to the size of the flowering stems

Depending on the length of the peduncle, daylilies are divided into:

  • dwarf (from 10 to 30 cm)
  • undersized (from 12 to 50 cm)
  • medium height (50-90 cm)
  • tall (over 100 cm)

Tall daylily cultivar Margo Reed

Tall daylily cultivar Margo Reed

The vast majority of daylilies grown in our latitudes are medium-sized and tall plants. However, there is no direct relationship between daylily growth and its adaptability to climatic conditions.

Both among the tall and among the dwarfs there are a wide variety of daylilies of all other classifications.

By flower size

Large-flowered daylily of the Love Spell variety

Large-flowered daylily of the Love Spell variety

Depending on the diameter of the flower, daylilies are divided into:

  • miniature (5-7 cm in diameter)
  • with small flower (from 7 to 10 cm in diameter)
  • with large flower (from 11 to 20 cm in diameter)
  • extra-large; diameter from 20 cm or more

By smell

There are four groups, some distinguish daylilies by smell:

  • odorless plants
  • fragrant
  • fragrant
  • with a strong aroma

The aroma of most diploid daylilies is weakly expressed in autumn. It was only through selection that it was possible to obtain plants with a more or less pronounced aroma. They are mostly tetraploid hybrids. But, there are also diploid hybrids that have quite pronounced aromas.

Fragrant diploid daylily cultivar Hyperion

Fragrant diploid daylily cultivar Hyperion

Basically, the aroma of daylilies is similar to either the aroma of lilacs or the smell of citrus plants. As a rule, it has a sweetish tint, not pronounced, without cloying.

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In the shape of a flower

daylily flower

Daylily in the wild

Perhaps the most frequently requested of all. Because daylily flowers have a wide variety of shapes. The easiest way to catalog them is this way. Consider this classification:

single form

Single daylily variety Memphis

Single daylily variety Memphis

The flower consists of three petals and three sepals, the number of stamens and pistils is 6 and 1, respectively. This group is the most numerous and the most popular among flower growers. The main directions of selection are carried out in it, since it is much easier to get some fixed dominant traits from single flowers than from others.

In turn, the single form is divided into:

  • round - short segments of the flower are circle-shaped
  • flat – flowers appear flat in profile
  • star-shaped – pronounced flower segments are shaped like a star
  • triangular - petals form a triangle
  • tubular - the flower looks like an expanding tube
  • informal - irregular arrangement of petals

Double shape or terry shape

Terry daylily type flower in flower variety Seyanets Anasenko

Terry daylily type "flower in flower" variety Seyanets Anasenko

Such daylilies have additional petals, which is the main distinguishing feature. The degree of their terryness or quantity can vary greatly. In some cases, the density of the petals is so high that the flower resembles a peony. There are two types of terry daylilies:

  • pion-like - their stamens are transformed into staminodes, like the stamens of peonies
  • flower-in-flower structure – creates the illusion of two levels of petals

Arachnids or spiders

Spider daylily. Grade Green Python

Spider daylily. Grade Green Python

The length of the flower segments is much greater than their width, which creates the illusion of a huge colored spider. According to modern standards, the ratio of length to width for spiders should be no less than 5 to 1. For spider hybrids, this ratio is taken to be 4 to 1.

indefinite form

The shape of such flowers does not fall under any classification, or it has some exotic features. But you need to understand that the features relate solely to the shape of the flower, but do not affect its aroma, color or ploidy.

This class was specifically introduced to produce various extraordinary forms, most of which are spider hybrids that do not meet his standards.

Usually flowers of an indefinite shape have twisted petals, or some structural features. As a rule, this does not affect the aesthetics of the flower, but does not allow it to be attributed to any of the classical forms.

Daylily of an indefinite shape (spider with a non-standard shape of petals). Variety Prague Spring

Daylily of an indefinite shape (spider with a non-standard shape of petals). Variety Prague Spring

In turn, the indefinite form is divided into:

  • crispy - flowers have, as a rule, twisted or bent petals across
  • cascading - twisting has a direction along the petal
  • palmate - the ends of the petals are concave, similar to spoons

polymer form

Resin daylily with four petals

Resin daylily with four petals

Unlike classical flowers, which have 3 petals and 3 sepals, polymers can have 4 to 6 petals. Polymers can be both simple and terry. Most polymers are diploid. Currently, work is underway to obtain tetraploid polymers, however, success so far leaves much to be desired.

VIDEO: Daylilies - Landscape Tricks

Daylilies: description, classification of varieties, cultivation, care and reproduction (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Daylilies (Landscape Tricks)

Daylilies: description, classification of varieties, cultivation, care and reproduction (Photo & Video) + Reviews

5.4 Total Score
Description of daylilies

A variety of flower shapes, patterns and shades of the plant make the daylily almost indispensable in any country house or garden. This flower seems to be a universal companion. It is difficult to find a place where his appearance would not come in handy. Due to their diversity, these flowers can be used as single plants, or as components of large floral ensembles and groups.

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