Cucumbers: description of 29 varieties, main characteristics and gardener reviews about them | (Photo & Video)



Cucumber, as one of the most sought-after vegetable crops, is characterized by unpretentious care, but to obtain a quality crop, proper organization of watering, timely fertilization and sufficient lighting are required. Every year, new varieties of cucumbers appear on the market with a description of growing conditions. Among the variety of varieties, you can choose high-yielding and resistant to the main types of diseases specimens, both for open ground and for greenhouse conditions.

Growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, in winter and summer: features and technology (Photo & Video) + Reviews Read also: Growing cucumbers in a polycarbonate greenhouse, in winter and summer: features and technology (Photo & Video) + Reviews

early ripening cucumbers

German F1

Herman F1 cucumber variety

  • It is a self-pollinating, ultra-early hybrid that is harvested 36-40 days after planting.
  • The bush is positioned as vigorous, powerful enough. Its leaves are medium in size, up to 6 ovaries can form in the leaf axil.
  • The fruits are distinguished by a pronounced dark green color, cylindrical shape, their length is 11 cm, weight 70 - 100 g.
  • The peel of cucumbers has pubescence, a slight wax coating is observed, small stripes of white are visible. The structure of the pulp is crispy, with an average density, there is no bitterness.
  • Harvest can be used for salads, and for winter twists.
  • A hybrid plant is able to resist most diseases and produce not only a qualitative, but also a quantitative harvest.


Temp grade cucumber

  • An early, self-pollinating Temp variety is high-yielding. The culture is characterized by bouquet ovaries of 3-4 flowers.
  • Female flowering guarantees a minimum of empty flowers.
  • The bush is medium tall, and its growth stops immediately after the appearance of the first ovaries.
  • The crop is harvested 35-40 days after the first shoots. Up to 15 kg of crop is harvested from 1 m2.
  • Zelentsy is small in size: 5-7 cm long, and the average weight is 40-50 g.
  • The peel of cucumbers is dark green, with tubercles.
  • Zelentsy are distinguished by a pronounced aroma and unique taste.
  • The use of Tempa is universal: cucumbers are used for marinade, pickling, and for salads.

Meringue F1

Meringue F1 cucumber variety

  • The new hybrid form of the Dutch selection has established itself as a high-yielding crop resistant to the most common diseases with excellent taste characteristics.
  • A tall plant has a fairly developed root system, beam ovaries.
  • Fruits attract attention with a dark green color, thin skin, tuberous white spikes. On average, their weight is 80 g, with quality care, this figure reaches 100 g.
  • The pulp of cucumbers is of medium density, with a pronounced aroma and pleasant taste.
  • The plant has a high degree of resistance to downy mildew (downy mildew). The harvest is not afraid of transportation, it can retain its marketable qualities for a long time.
  • With moderate watering and timely application of nutrients, the collection of greens occurs almost until October.


Balcony variety of cucumbers

  • This variety was specially bred for growing on the window, it does not require additional pollination. But it can be quite effectively cultivated in open areas.
  • Mass fruiting in a hybrid begins 50 days after sowing seeds in the ground.
  • This medium-branched culture is distinguished by a high degree of productivity, a long fruiting period, and early maturity.
  • Cucumbers have an oblong - cylindrical shape, light pubescence with a whitish color.
  • Fruit length 7 - 8 cm, weight 60 g. Pulp without bitterness, with a pleasant sweetish taste.


Courage F1 cucumber variety

  • Courage is distinguished by its sweetish and rich taste. If you break the fruit, you immediately feel a pronounced and rich aroma, while the crunch characteristic of cucumbers is heard.
  • The pulp of cucumbers is very dense and sweetish in taste, there is no bitterness.
  • The length of the greenery can reach 13 cm, the shape is classic. The diameter in the section is 3-4 cm, while the average weight of one cucumber is 130 g.
  • Cucumbers can be eaten fresh, canned, or used as an ingredient in fresh salads.
  • Such a delicacy will decorate any table, and will delight adults and children with its taste.


Paratunka F1

Paratunka F1 cucumber variety

  • It is an early ripe crop with high yields. Empty flowers on the bushes practically do not appear, all flowers are of the female type. It is customary to grow "Paratunka" in a greenhouse or greenhouse.
  • The bush is medium tall, and the length of the lash, if you refuse to pinch, can reach 2 m. The ovaries are bundled with 3-6 fruits.
  • Zelentsy themselves are small, their weight reaches up to 95 g, and the length of one fruit is about 9 cm. Up to 13 kg of crop can be harvested from 1 m2.
  • Cucumbers are very tasty, they are used for making salads, pickling and preserving for the winter. Mistresses appreciate them for their neat shape and small size.

Feedback is positive:

The variety is chosen for early fruiting, excellent taste and commercial qualities, as well as quick survival.

Alliance F1

Alliance F1 variety of cucumbers

  • This is a versatile variety that is suitable for cultivation on any soil and under any conditions. Harvesting can be done 51 - 54 days after emergence.
  • Despite its unpretentiousness, the plant requires pollination with the help of bees.
  • The plant is characterized by medium branching, medium height, a powerful root system and large enough leaves, which helps it easily endure too hot weather.
  • The shape of greens is elongated-cylindrical, there are slight tubercles and a short neck. The length of the fruit is not more than 16 cm, the weight reaches 115 g.
  • On the green surface of the fruit, short longitudinal stripes of white are visible.
  • Fruiting period - until autumn. The crop stands out for its excellent taste and commercial qualities; they can be used for winter preparations and for making salads.

Masha F1

Masha F1 cucumber variety

  • This is a hybrid variety, which is considered one of the most productive. The bush will begin to bear the first fruits in the middle of the second month after planting.
  • The ovaries appear in 5-7 pieces. on one node, so the yield from 1 sq.m can reach 10 kg.
  • The classic shape of the fruit is "decorated" with thin white hairs.
  • Cucumbers have characteristic tubercles, and the color of vegetables is rich dark green.
  • They reach 11 cm in length and only 100 g of weight. The pulp is very juicy, pleasant to the taste, but is used
  • Masha bowl for conservation and pickles. For fresh consumption, Masha is nothing special.


Masha is valued for its high yield, unpretentiousness in care, the absence of a barren flower, the one-dimensionality of cucumbers, but some gardeners note the presence of a thick skin, a weak aroma

Atlantis F1

atlantis F1 cucumber variety

  • This variety gives a bountiful harvest both when cultivated in open ground and in greenhouses. The Dutch hybrid form has a female type of flowering, the pollination process is carried out by bees.
  • The fruit ripening period is 46 - 52 days from the moment of planting the seeds.
  • The plant has established itself as a high-yielding crop resistant to adverse climatic conditions.
  • Atlantis F1 has a fairly good level of resistance to brown spot, cucumber mosaic, powdery mildew, but to downy mildew the level of resistance is noted as medium.
  • The hybrid is cold-resistant, which makes it possible to grow it in various conditions.
  • The bush is positioned as medium-sized, climbing, its leaves are medium in size, stand out with a rich green color, mostly strongly wrinkled.
  • Zelentsy on average have a weight of 95 g, a length of 11 cm. Delicate flesh and harmonious taste of cucumbers are the hallmarks of this variety.

Garland F1

Garland F1 cucumber variety

  • This is a medium-sized variety of cucumbers with weak branching.
  • Immediately the bush develops very rapidly, but ultimately remains of medium size.
  • In Garland, the bouquet ovary consists of 3-4 flowers.
  • Empty flowers on the bushes appear extremely rarely.
    Small cylindrical fruits reach up to 15 cm in size.
  • Cucumbers of a rich dark green hue with short, almost transparent, white hairs can reach a mass of 120 g.
  • The culture has an excellent taste and pleasant aroma.

Reviews are mostly positive:

The variety takes root even in areas with a cold climate, can grow on almost any soil.

F1 chord

Accord F1 cucumber variety

  • This is a short-fruited cucumber, with a medium early ripening period, the onset of technical ripeness of the fruit occurs after 46-47 days from the moment of germination. The plant bears fruit well when grown in open areas.
  • Vegetable culture is characterized as a powerful plant with an average degree of climbing.
  • Hybrid with female type of flowering, bee-pollinating. Cucumbers are distinguished by an elongated - cylindrical shape, dense structure, their length is not more than 12 cm, the average weight is 110 - 120 g.
  • Taste characteristics are excellent, there is no bitterness at all. In the axil of the leaf, 1-2 fruits are formed. From one sq. m can collect up to 20 kg of crop.
  • The fruits retain their presentation for a long time, they are not afraid of transportation. Due to its high commercial qualities, the variety is quite popular among consumers.
  • The scope of cucumbers is extensive, from fresh consumption to use as a raw material for winter harvesting. When grown, it is unpretentious, has good resistance to downy mildew and other diseases of this crop.

The main thing is that in order to obtain a high-quality crop, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of agricultural technology and not to abuse top dressing.

Pasadena F1

Pasadena F1 cucumber variety

  • The plant belongs to the parthenocarpic type (self-pollinating), shows a high degree of resistance to cladosporiosis (brown spot), can resist powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic virus.
  • The duration of the fruiting period is 40 - 60 days.
  • Zelentsy are distinguished by a cylindrical shape, their surface is rather tuberculate, the pulp is without voids and bitterness, which increases their taste and commercial qualities.
  • The fruits have a characteristic whitish pubescence, their length is 6-9 cm, the average weight varies from 65 to 95 g.
  • Under favorable growing conditions, up to 14 kg of tasty and fragrant crop can be harvested from one square meter. The purpose of the fruit is universal.

When choosing cucumbers, it is recommended to read the description of a particular type of vegetable crop and make sure the product is authentic. For example, Dutch hybrid forms have a special code after the F1 designation provided by the manufacturer.

F1 Director

Director F1 cucumber variety

  • Hybrid variety Director does not require pollination by bees. It can be grown in the garden, and in the greenhouse.
  • The plant is medium-sized, the lateral shoots of the bush grow well and quickly form.
  • The rich, pronounced taste of cucumbers allows them to be used as an ingredient in salads, but pickling is also not excluded.
  • The average length is 12 cm. The peel is smooth, the shape of the fruit is cylindrical. Diameter in section 3-3.5 cm.
  • The mass of one cucumber can reach 85 g. The pulp is dense, crispy, not bitter. The seeds are almost invisible.
  • The skin color is dark green without a white tip.

Growing cucumbers in open ground: planting seeds and caring for them Read also: Cultivation of cucumbers in open ground: planting seeds and caring for them | (Photo & Video) +Reviews

Cucumbers with an average ripening period

Lord F1

Lord F1 cucumber variety

  • The hybrid plant is positioned as powerful, with a fairly active growth of the main lash, side shoots. With the growth of lateral shoots, a friendly and prolonged ripening of the crop is observed.
  • Cucumbers attract attention with their pronounced green color, large tubercles. Their length is 10-12 cm, weight 110-135 g.
  • Crispy, fragrant pulp, without bitterness and voids, allows the use of greens for fresh consumption, salting and canning.
  • Due to the increased cold resistance, the plant is able to effectively bear fruit not only in a greenhouse, but also in open areas.
  • The variety has a high degree of resistance to diseases: downy and powdery mildew, brown spot, cucumber mosaic virus, root rot.
  • The productivity index of a bush is 9-13 kg per sq.m. The taste characteristics are good, and the commercial qualities are very high, which determines their demand among consumers.

Siberian garland

Siberian garland cucumber variety

  • This variety belongs to the beam type.
  • On one node, 5-7 ovaries can form at once, and it has already been proven that the Siberian garland can produce up to 400 pcs from one bush. Zelentsov, which equals 20 kg per season.
  • Ripe cucumbers look like gherkins. The average length of one is 5-7 cm.
  • The thin peel of a rich green color is rarely covered with tubercles. The Siberian garland has excellent taste qualities.
  • The pulp is very juicy, sweetish in taste, without bitterness. Cucumbers amaze with their aroma and crunch.


Zozulya variety of cucumbers

  • This is an early variety that can produce a crop after 45-50 days after planting.
  • At first, the yield is 10-16 kg per 1 m2, but after a month this figure will increase to 20 kg.
  • Cucumbers are large, the weight of one can reach from 150 to 300 g, and their length is 14-24 cm.
  • Classic cylindrical shape, slightly curved, deep green skin color.
  • The pulp has a pronounced aroma, dense and juicy.
  • Zozulya is not used for salting, it is better to use it for fresh consumption or for salads.
  • Zozulya is characterized by a long shelf life; after harvesting, cucumbers are stored for another 5 days in the refrigerator.

Reviews are mostly positive:

The variety grows well in open ground, gives a bountiful harvest, does not require pinching.

Adam F1

Adam F1 cucumber variety

  • After germination, the crop can be harvested after 45-52 days.
  • The bushes do not require pollinators, so they grow it both in the greenhouse and in the open field.
  • The variety is considered medium-sized.
  • Greens of medium size: length 9-11 cm, weight up to 95 g.
  • The peel of cucumbers is a rich dark green color with light stripes.
  • The pulp of the fruit is very dense with small seeds inside.
  • The culture has a pleasant, sweetish and delicate taste. Adam is saturated with vitamins, moderately juicy.
  • Adam cucumbers are used for pickles, pickling, and salads.

Marinda F1

Marinda F1 cucumber variety

  • This is an early maturing, self-pollinating hybrid with a high degree of fruiting. It grows well, both in open areas and in greenhouses. The bush is characterized as medium-powerful, medium-branched.
  • Its fruits do not turn yellow, have a whitish pubescence, oval-cylindrical shape. The length of cucumbers does not exceed 10 cm, and their weight is 65-75 g.
  • Due to its high resistance to various diseases (cucumber mosaic virus, brown spot, scab, powdery mildew), the plant is able to yield up to 30 kg per square meter.
  • The weak side of this plant is susceptibility to peronosporosis, anthracosis, angular spotting.
  • The variety is characterized by high stable fruiting, sufficient resistance to adverse weather conditions.


Zyatek variety of cucumbers

  • This hybrid variety is self-pollinating. It does not need pollination by bees to produce fruit.
  • Harvest can be harvested as early as 45 days after planting. The greens themselves are juicy, sweetish, without bitterness.
  • A medium-yielding variety, up to 7 kg of cucumbers are harvested from one bush per season.
  • Medium-sized cucumbers: the length reaches 15 cm, and the average weight is 100 g.
  • The peel is covered with small tubercles with thorns.
  • The skin color is dark green.
  • 2-8 ovaries may appear on one node, and cucumbers can be plucked both fully ripe and in the state of a gherkin.

Regina F1

Regina F1 cucumber variety

  • A mid-season plant is pollinated with the participation of bees, is characterized as vigorous and medium climbing. Flower type is female. The leaves are medium in size, have a green color.
  • The oval-cylindrical shape of the fruit, a pronounced green color and a special cucumber aroma distinguish the variety from other hybrid forms.
  • Taste characteristics are noted as very high, Zelentsy do not lose them either during canning or salting. Especially, they stand out in taste when consumed fresh.
  • This crop has a sufficient degree of protection against powdery mildew, olive blotch, cucumber mosaic virus and moderate resistance to downy mildew.
  • The length of greens is 14-16 cm, their weight is not more than 90 g.
  • The hybrid can be grown equally well in open areas and in greenhouse conditions.

Connie F1

Connie F1 cucumber variety

  • This variety of cucumbers is considered one of the best hybrids. The stem of the plant does not stop growing, and subsequently the bush gives a good harvest.
  • Each node can have up to 9 ovaries. There are almost no empty flowers among them.
  • The plant is self-pollinating and does not require pollination by bees.
  • You can grow Connie in the garden, and in the greenhouse.
    A cucumber can reach a length of 9 cm, and the average weight of one fruit is 80 g.
  • Even if the crop is not harvested in time, they will not overgrow, and the skin will remain thin.
  • The variety is famous for its good taste. It is universally used for preparing salads, for harvesting for the winter and pickling.


Competitor variety of cucumbers

  • Variety Competitor already for 45-50 days after planting gives the first fruits.
  • The culture is medium-yielding, up to 4 kg of fruits can be harvested from 1 sq.m.
  • On average, the bush bears fruit for up to 90 days, it depends on weather conditions and plant care.
  • Greens reach a length of 9-12 cm, and the weight of greens can be from 70 to 100 g. The peel is dark green in color with large tubercles.
  • The culture is self-pollinating, therefore it can be grown both in the garden in the garden and in the greenhouse.
  • The variety is universal in use.

Farmer F1

Farmer F1 cucumber variety

  • A hybrid form with an average ripening period, almost 55 days pass from the moment the first leaf appears to the full technical ripeness of the fruit.
  • The bush is pollinated with the help of insects - bees. Its lashes are very long, over 2 meters.
  • The plant has a female type of flowering. Leaves are medium sized, deep green. Up to two ovaries are formed in their sinuses.
  • The length of the fruits does not exceed 12 cm, their weight is 100-110 g. The yield per square meter is about 14 kg per season.
  • This variety is grown both in open areas and in film tunnels, spring greenhouses. Taste and product characteristics are quite high.
  • The crunchy, firm texture of the flesh, the absence of unpleasant bitterness and the characteristic cucumber aroma put this hybrid in the category of the best cucumber varieties according to description and application.
  • This product of Dutch selection is resistant to cladosporiosis, powdery mildew, cucumber mosaic virus.


Bush variety of cucumbers

  • The early ripe variety of cucumbers Bush pleases gardeners with the first harvest already 45-50 days after the appearance of the first shoots.
  • A feature of this variety is a neat compact shape resembling a bush.
  • Their length reaches 50-80 cm. Up to 5 kg of cucumbers can be harvested from one bush, while the harvest ends in mid-June.
  • This crop requires pollination by bees, so it can only be grown outdoors.
  • One cucumber can reach 12 cm in length, and up to 120 g in mass.
  • The fruits are light green, with tubercles on the peel. Cucumbers have good taste and can be used for both pickles and salads.

Claudia F1

Claudia F1 cucumber variety

  • Climbing plant with a medium early ripening period, from the moment of emergence of seedlings to full technical maturity, 52 days pass. Flowering female type.
  • Foliage is average.The bushes are quite powerful with a good root system.
  • The fruits stand out with a slightly sweetish, fragrant pulp with a dense structure, bitterness is completely absent.
  • Seeds remain small in size even in overripe specimens.
  • Their size is not more than 12 cm, weight is 85 g.
  • The plant has a high degree of resistance to common diseases and garden pests, which greatly simplifies the process of growing it.
  • The fruiting process does not stop until the first frost.

This vegetable crop can be cultivated by seedlings, direct sowing, in greenhouses, on open ridges.
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late ripening cucumbers

Isis F1

Izid F1 variety cucumber

  • This hybrid form enjoys well-deserved popularity among gardeners, due to its unpretentious care, high yield and fairly good resistance to powdery mildew and other types of disease.
  • The bushes are characterized as medium-sized, medium-sized, their leaves are of medium size and rich green color.
  • The type of ovary is bundle. Flower type is female.
  • It is effective to grow Izid not only in protected ground, but also in open ridges.
  • You can harvest an excellent harvest in terms of its taste characteristics from June to October.
  • Zelentsy have a cylindrical shape, a tuberculous surface, their length is not more than 12 cm, and their weight reaches 120 g.
  • Bitterness in cucumbers is completely absent, which makes it possible to use the product fresh and for winter harvesting.
  • Harvest is not afraid of transportation, commercial quality is quite high. The variety is bee pollinated.

According to reviews of experienced gardeners:

The taste characteristics of bee-pollinated varieties are much higher than those of parthenocarpic varieties. In addition, such fruits contain more useful trace elements, which increases their value as a product.


Nezhinsky variety of cucumbers

  • The advantage of this variety lies in the good keeping quality of the fruit, maintaining a dense structure for a long time.
  • Among the strengths of this vegetable crop can be noted: high taste and commodity characteristics, stable fruiting for a long time.
  • As well as a high level of resistance to drought and damage to various diseases.
  • It is actively grown in open ground, greenhouses. You can start harvesting a tasty and plentiful crop of greens 50 days after the appearance of the first leaf.
  • The bushes are characterized by intensive growth, the length of the whip can exceed two meters.
  • The pulp of cucumbers is sweet, dense, juicy, the surface of the fruit is bumpy, small black spikes are observed. Their length is up to 12 cm, weight is almost 95 g. The type of ovary is bundle.
  • The variety is distinguished by a high degree of disease resistance to mosaic wilt, but a low degree of resistance to downy mildew.
  • Harvest can be used fresh, for winter twists.

Fontanelle F1

Fontanel F1 variety cucumber

  • The most famous hybrid among domestic gardeners is highly productive (almost 25 kg of crop is harvested from one square meter), tall bushes, suitable for cultivation in open ridges, film rooms.
  • For long-term and high-quality fruiting, the plant needs participation in the process of pollination of insects - bees. Harvesting greens can be started as early as 50 days after germination.
  • Bushes are practically unaffected by ascochitosis, anthracnose, bacteriosis, peronosporosis, powdery mildew, olive blotch.
  • The cylindrical shape of the greens and weak tuberity distinguish the fruits from other varieties. In length, they grow up to 12 cm, while the mass can be 105 g.
  • Characteristics of the pulp: crispy, juicy, without voids, no unpleasant bitterness.
  • The hybrid has a decent level of disease resistance.
  • The plant does not require a special approach when growing, its fruits are relatively easy to transport, can retain their marketable qualities for a long time, which is so necessary when selling vegetables.


Aquarius cucumber variety

  • The main advantage of this variety is a high degree of productivity, from one square meter you can get up to 3 kg of greens.
  • The bush is pollinated by bees, intended for cultivation in open areas.
  • The plant has a fairly high degree of disease resistance, can withstand both olive and brown spot, powdery mildew, downy mildew.
  • This is a medium-sized, medium climbing plant, the moment of fruiting is noted 60 days after germination.
  • The length of greens is up to 14 cm, their weight is 109 g.
  • The fruits are characterized by excellent taste and commercial qualities.
  • Their surface is tuberculate, the shape is elongated - oval, they do not overripe and do not turn yellow.
  • Harvest retains its dense structure, pronounced color and pleasant taste for a long time.
  • There is no bitterness in cucumbers. You can use them for fresh consumption, for winter twists, salting.

Cucumbers: description of 29 varieties, main characteristics and gardener reviews about them


Cucumbers: description of 29 varieties, main characteristics and gardener reviews about them | (Photo & Video)

8.1 Total Score

In order to correctly determine the variety of cucumbers, it is recommended to take into account the conditions under which the plant will be grown. It is recommended to choose planting material from trusted manufacturers and specialized stores. We have tried to describe for you the best and most popular varieties of cucumbers. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

German F1
Meringue F1
Paratunka F1
Alliance F1
Masha F1
Atlantis F1
Garland F1
F1 chord
Pasadena F1
F1 director
Lord F1
Siberian garland
Adam F1
Marinda F1
Regina F1
Connie F1
Farmer F1
Claudia F1
Isis F1
Fontanelle F1
Buyer ratings: 4 (3 votes)

  1. A very useful article that describes in detail each variety of cucumbers, I think it will be useful for every gardener to read it in order to understand which variety suits him best. This year I planted competitor and phoenix cucumbers. Of course, there is no phoenix here, but I found out the information I needed about the competitor. For several years in a row, for some reason, cucumbers do not bear fruit for me, I bought different seeds and they either did not sprout, or there were few fruits at all. I think it all depends on weather conditions, because cucumbers are very fond of moisture and if it is cool and dry, then they will not bear fruit. This year I soaked the seeds so that they would probably sprout and the result pleased me. Let's hope that this year's harvest will be for sure. a very good variety of zozulya, which has excellent taste and is very suitable for salads, but it is not suitable for preservation. Therefore, this year I decided not to plant this variety of cucumbers. But in the future I will definitely try to plant a balcony variety of cucumbers, it will be very interesting if I can get a crop.

  2. There is a lot of information, but it is a pity that the article presents mainly self-pollinated varieties. In my opinion, they are completely tasteless. Yes, they are much less of a problem. As it was written at the beginning - completely unpretentious. During drought, they do not dry for a long time, they are not subject to powdery mildew, even when cold nights come - they continue to grow and give a very large harvest. And, surprisingly, they do not become bitter.
    But! They don't have any taste at all. Beautiful but empty. Better than the classics, even if there is more care for it, and a smaller harvest, but the cucumbers are delicious, fragrant.
    At first I thought about growing these cucumbers for harvesting, but even when pickled, they have a completely different taste. Therefore, now I grow them in limited quantities - if the year does not succeed at all and my favorite cucumbers disappear. And I close a few small jars - for salads and vinaigrette.

  3. In principle, you can plant any cucumber hybrids. With proper care, you will be provided with a harvest. I have tried different varieties and have always been with a harvest. The main thing is to darken the bed with a special cloth so that the foliage of the plant does not burn in the sun. Ideally, they should be planted in the shade at all, then this problem will disappear by itself. Cucumbers are very fond of water, so it is better to use a drip irrigation system, thanks to which the root system will be constantly in moist soil. If water is in short supply, then you can mulch the soil with straw, which will give a similar effect. An important feature of all hybrids is fruiting until late autumn. But it works if you pick young fruits in a timely manner. It is worth overdoing the fruit, and you will not see new cucumbers. If you planted cucumbers, but they did not sprout, then you should not complain about the variety. Most likely, the ants simply ate the seeds, as hollow seeds will testify. Therefore, it is better to plant cucumber seedlings, get tangible savings on planting material. I also recommend buying seeds treated with a special coating. They are more expensive, but the yield is much higher.

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