Stonecrop, sedum, hare cabbage is an unpretentious succulent plant, the care of which consists in proper planting, timely watering, fertilizing and rejuvenating pruning to form a lush bush. During flowering, they form such a lush carpet that, looking at them, a beautifully woven tapestry pattern appears to the eye. The charm of a lint-free carpet is given not only by stonecrop flowers, but also by fleshy, dense, spectacularly colored leaves. Stonecrop is an excellent honey plant, so myriads of bumblebees, bees and butterflies will circle over the luxurious carpet. The ancient Romans firmly believed that stonecrop protects houses from lightning strikes, so they planted it on roofs and fortifications.

Botanical description
Stonecrop is a herbaceous, undersized succulent plant. In nature, there are perennial and biennial sedums. All types of succulent sedums can be divided into 2 parts. The first are heat-loving, which in our harsh climate are grown only as an annual plant. The second - frost-resistant, ground cover.
Under natural growing conditions, it is distributed in the Caucasus, inhabited the arid regions of South America and Africa, can also be found here, in Russia
Stonecrop stalks are quite branched, when growing they form a lush shrub or semi-shrub. The leaves are very dense, fit well to the fleshy stems. Petioleless leaf blades are often ovoid or oval in shape. You can find specimens with swollen, like cylinders, or with flat, disc-like leaves, arranged in whorls or oppositely.

During the flowering of stonecrops, you can not take your eyes off the interesting, unlike flowers
Sheet plates can be painted in gray, green, gray, pink colors. Their color depends not only on belonging to a particular species, but also on growing conditions. Coloration is influenced by weather conditions, such as bright sun or partial shade, soil composition, exposure to winds or not. Even one species can differ in foliage color if growing conditions are noticeably different. Sometimes reddish stains may appear on the leaves.
Dense umbrella flowers appear on the plant in the second half of summer, some varieties bloom in autumn. In umbellate inflorescences, small bisexual flowers are collected, painted in red, blue, yellow and snow-white.
Petals are very dense, slightly recurved. When growing, they grow together into a narrow tube from which numerous stamens and ovaries peep out. The flowers are so fragrant that they attract pollinating insects.

Types, description, photo
In the genus succulent plants there are over 500 species of stonecrop. Several species are considered cultivated, which, due to their unpretentiousness and colorful appearance, are grown as ornamental plants.
Ordinary, large or medicinal
A tall perennial plant with an erect thick stem, reaching a height of 25 cm. Leaf plates are dense, flat, petiolate. On the edges of the oval leaves, teeth are noticeable. Abundant flowering occurs in July. A dense corymbose inflorescence appears at the very top, it includes numerous flower stars with beautiful stamens. Medicinal stonecrop is considered a good honey plant.
Ordinary stonecrop is represented by two popular varieties: Matrona and Linda Windsor.
The erect stems of Matrona reach 60 cm in height. The blue-green foliage is covered with a reddish bloom. During flowering, the bush is covered with beautiful light pink inflorescences.
The flowering of the common stonecrop is somewhat reminiscent of a medicinal plant - St. John's wort.
Linda Windsor
Famous for its maroon stems. During flowering, hemispherical ruby \u200b\u200binflorescences bloom over dark red foliage.
Under natural conditions, it grows in the countries of East Asia. The plant is considered medium-sized, the stems reach a height of 50 cm. The root system of the species is represented by a tuberous rhizome. Bare stems grow straight. They have tightly fitting petiolate leaves. Blue or bluish-green plates have a noticeable depression passing closer to the center.
Above the wavy, slightly jagged foliage, a cap of umbellate inflorescences appears in summer, the diameter of which is equal to 15 cm. Each inflorescence contains lilac-pink star-shaped flowers.
Perennial succulent plant. Depending on the variety, the height of stonecrop varies between 20-65 cm. Dense leaves are evenly distributed on erect stems. Stonecrop propagates by tuberous rhizome.
The fleshy foliage has a regular arrangement. The length of the leaf plate is from 3 to 9 cm. From June to September, umbrella inflorescences of pale pink or rich pink color appear above the beautiful foliage.
The color saturation of Sedum purple flowers depends on the qualitative composition of the soil and growing conditions.
The stems of a plant of this species are well branched, do not exceed 10 cm in height. Oval leaves fit snugly to the stems, small teeth are clearly visible along their edges.
Leaf plates are small, their length is 6 mm. Shortened peduncles boast loose inflorescences in which golden yellow buds sit tightly.
On the creeping fleshy leaves of white stonecrop, green leaves sit tightly. In shape, the leaf plates resemble numerous cylinders. Over time, the bright green color of the foliage becomes reddish, purple or pink.
White star-shaped flowers appear on the plant in late spring. At this time, stonecrop throws out long, bare peduncles. The diameter of loose inflorescences reaches 12 cm.
The species is characterized by good winter hardiness, has creeping stems and a creeping rhizome. The foliage is dark green, opposite, has an oblong ovoid shape.
Purple or pink umbrella-shaped inflorescences appear above the jagged foliage.
A heat-loving species, in natural conditions can be found in Mexico. Stonecrop Morgan in our conditions can only be grown as a houseplant.
Hare cabbage grows very long shoots that cover the ground with a dense carpet and reach a length of at least 1 m. The plant produces long peduncles, at the top of which there are dense umbrella inflorescences with reddish or pink flowers.
In one inflorescence, you can count up to 15 buds. The leaves of stonecrop Morgan are oval or rounded, 5 mm thick, 1.5 cm long, painted in a light green tone.
The compact bush consists of reddish, well-branched stems, reaching a height of 30 cm. Heart-shaped leaves are located on the stems. Their structure is flat, 2.5 cm wide.
Flowering occurs at the end of the warm season. Large inflorescences with pink flowers cover the plants with a thick hat. A well-marked pink or red edging runs along the edges of the serrated foliage.
A perennial plant with a creeping rhizome, thanks to which the species reproduces well and covers the entire area provided to it with a dense carpet.
Oval leaves along the edges have a noticeable smoothness of the teeth. Above the beautiful light green foliage, yellow-orange flowers appear.
It belongs to the garden variety, has decumbent shoots, to which bluish-green, subulate leaves fit tightly.
Flowering begins in early spring. At this time, the plant produces naked peduncles, on which golden-yellow flowers bloom.
Indoor variety of succulent plant. Grown in a hanging planter as an ampelous plant. Blue-green small leaves fit tightly to a long, decumbent stem.
The leaves are collected in whorls of 3. During flowering, the plant is covered with beautiful numerous inflorescences with bright pink, sometimes crimson flowers.
Sedum has ovoid leaves painted in gray-blue color. When examining the foliage, a wax coating is clearly visible.
The stems are erect, but during the growing season, under the weight of dense leaves, they lie on the ground. Weinberg stonecrop foliage is collected in a beautiful symmetrical rosette.
Linear Linear
Indoor miniature plant. The stems are very thin, well creeping. Compact bushes in solid covered with beautiful foliage.
All varieties of stonecrop are beautiful in their own way. Among the variety of species, each gardener can choose the variety and a certain type that can be grown outdoors or choose a potted flower to decorate the interior.

Rules for planting and care in the open field
The successful cultivation of stonecrop depends on the conditions that it can provide in a particular area. When planting species, it is necessary to take into account their characteristics of growth in natural conditions in order to try to bring them closer to natural ones.

Location selection

Sedum bloom
Stonecrop comes from warm countries, so you need to choose a well-lit area for growing., without any shading. If you plant a stonecrop in partial shade, this fact will not affect the growth and development of the plant, but you will have to wait a bit with flowering, and it will not be so lush.
Soil composition
There is an established opinion that stonecrops will grow on any, even sandy soil, you just need to add a little humus to it.

However, in fertile soil, sedums show themselves in all their glory.
Sedum, or hare cabbage, as it is popularly called, under natural conditions grows mainly on sandy or stony soil. Due to the fact that the plant is not demanding on growing conditions, incredible animal-shaped compositions can be created from many varieties.
Without prejudice to growth and flowering, stonecrops can grow in the same place for 5 years.. The overgrown curtain will need to be rejuvenated, divided into several parts and transplanted to another place. To the remaining specimen in the soil dry fresh earth, gravel and sand.
When planting in a new place, ash and sand are introduced into the soil. For good growth and development, plants need top dressing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

Decorative stonecrops need 2-fold top dressing for the entire growing season
The first is held in April, the second - in August. It is better to feed with special fertilizers for succulents. When preparing the solution, it is necessary to adhere to half the concentration.
Perennial stonecrops are fed with nitrogen-containing fertilizers only at the beginning of vegetative growth - in spring. Apply nitrogen in autumn is strictly prohibited, since it is possible to violate the sensitivity to low temperature conditions.

The beauty and fleshiness of the leaves, as well as their saturation, depends on whether the plants receive enough nutrients.
At the beginning of the growing season, as was said, they are fed with organic fertilizers. To do this, use infused mullein. When preparing the solution, the mullein is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Stonecrop does not like fresh manure.
It is better to transplant plants in the spring. Humus and mineral fertilizers are added to the soil for planting, I dig a shovel onto a bayonet and level the surface with a rake. Stonecrop can be planted in rows. It is desirable to leave 10-15 cm between specimens, and 20 cm between rows. Such a distance will allow the plant to grow well.
The transplant should be completed with abundant watering. Weekly care consists in loosening the soil, timely watering and weeding the soil from weeds.

Stonecrops have fleshy leaves that accumulate water "in reserve"
However, prolonged drying of the earthy coma can lead to the death of the plant. Abundant watering should be carried out during dry times, when hot, sunny weather has been standing for a long period.
pruning sedum
The procedure is simply necessary, since the plants grow very quickly, the stems can become bare and the brush takes on an untidy, sloppy look. Therefore, in relation to stonecrop, it is necessary to carry out shaping, sanitary and rejuvenating pruning. Haircut should be regular. During the inspection of the plant, it is necessary to remove all damaged and weakened shoots.
Perennial varieties resistant to frosty winters are pruned in late autumn. The optimal time is a strong cold snap. During this period, all the stems are cut "under zero" to the level with the soil. The remaining stumps are covered with covering material or mulch the soil near the plant. With the advent of spring, many young stems form on the bushes.

Pruning helps to maintain the decorative shape of the bush, rejuvenates planting
Decorative pruning is carried out in order to give the plant a compact appearance. All manipulations are performed carefully, with sharp and disinfected instruments.

Stonecrop in indoor floriculture
Growing sedum at home is even easier than growing it outdoors. It is only important to choose the right varieties.

For planting, you need to pick up shallow containers
Soil composition for successful cultivation:
- sod land - 2 parts
- peat - 1 part
- rotted leaves - 1 part
- river sand - 1 part
Expanded clay or pebbles must be placed in each pot, because without drainage, the root system of the plant can rot. Before planting, the soil must be moistened, but the entire earth must not be too wet.

succulents hanging down
The planted plant should not be disturbed at first. Watering is carried out only after complete drying of the topsoil 1 cm deep. After planting, young specimens are kept in partial shade. Thus, they quickly adapt to new conditions, move away from stress and begin to develop. Then the plant pot is placed on the windowsill so that its beautiful fleshy foliage bathes in the sun and receives warm baths.

Fleshy saturated foliage indicates that the plant has enough mineral and organic fertilizers
Stonecrop loves fresh air, so it is recommended to regularly ventilate the room, but avoid drafts. In the summer, a pot with a plant can be taken out to a loggia, balcony, terrace or placed in a semi-shady place in the garden. It is recommended to transplant adult specimens 1 time in 2 years.

At home and when grown outdoors, you can easily get new stonecrop bushes, as they multiply very easily and take root quickly.

There are several ways to reproduce sedum:
- propagation by seeds
- cuttings (variety - winter cuttings)
- rhizome division
Let's consider each method of obtaining new instances in more detail, identify all the positive and negative points.
seed propagation
For sowing, you can use your seeds collected from plants on flower bed. You can buy planting material in the store. Bright sunlight and prolonged exposure to the open sun lead to a change in the color of the leaf plates.
It does not lose its decorative effect, on the contrary, it acquires an attractive reddish tint.Seeds can be sown in spring or autumn. It is necessary to fill the containers with a soil mixture consisting of sand and peat.

Stonecrops have small seeds, therefore, for their uniform distribution over the surface of the earth, they must be mixed with dry river sand
Seeds are sown superficially, do not sprinkle with soil. It is desirable to moisten the soil even before sowing. So that later, during moistening, do not bury the seeds in the soil. The container must be covered with foil or glass.
Under natural growing conditions, seeds undergo natural stratification - they lie under snow all winter and are affected by sub-zero temperatures. Home seeds need to create the same conditions. A container with sown seeds can be put in the refrigerator for 2 weeks or taken outside and buried in a snowdrift.
Under natural conditions, stonecrops can be found in not quite ordinary places, that is, where their growth seems impossible. And the seeds of a plant or stonecrop cuttings are brought into such hard-to-reach places by a bird or mouse.

Ground cover stonecrops
After passing through the stratification, the seed container is brought into the house and placed on a well-lit window sill with a temperature in the room not lower than +18 ° C. After about half a month, the first shoots appear. The germination process can take up to a month.
Shoots are so friendly that the entire surface becomes strewn with a continuous carpet. When 2 true leaves develop on young specimens, the young should be planted in separate pots and given plenty of space for good development.
Florists note that propagating stonecrop by cuttings means saving a lot of time and nerves, since this method is the simplest and most effective.. The survival rate is almost 100%. In order for the stonecrop to take on new roots, it is enough for it to come into contact with the ground.

As cuttings, parts of the stem of various lengths are broken off or leaves are taken for propagation. By the way, they are also well rooted.
After the stalk is torn off from the mother plant, it is necessary that it lie on the table for several hours at room temperature so that the cut dries out a little.
The stalk is only slightly buried in the soil. Watering should be rare. When the plant gives its root system, it will begin to massively grow foliage.

Interesting compositions can be created from decorative variegated varieties of stonecrop
Young plants are ready for transplanting into open ground after 2 weeks from the formation of the root system. Further growing in containers does not make sense, as the plants will begin to stretch and the stem will become bare, unattractive.

Decorative composition
Winter cuttings are used by gardeners to massively increase the collection, that is, to fill large areas with stonecrop. Designers for landscaping recommend using a prominent stonecrop. When it fades, you can not wait for frost, you should cut off all the shoots and lay them out in an even layer in a fairly warm room.

While the plants are "basking in the warmth", they will first lose all the foliage and the stems will remain leafless. After some time, young shoots begin to form in place of the fallen leaves.
Now you need to wait until these shoots reach a length of 6 cm. They need to be broken off and buried in the soil for rooting. Cuttings root well at room temperature. They are not afraid of rising and falling temperatures. The only thing that stonecrop cuttings are afraid of is to be in moist soil for a long time at a low temperature in the room. Under such conditions, the cuttings can rot.
Division of the rhizome

In addition to seed propagation and cuttings, some varieties reproduce by dividing the rhizome
These include:
- sedum prominent
- stonecrop
- red dotted sedum
When the plant grows widely, it can be divided and seated in different places, filling them with free space. To do this, in early spring, you will need to remove the mother plant from the ground, shake off the ground and divide the bushes so that each division has its own growth points, buds.

Stonecrop red dotted
Places of cuts or division of the root system are sprinkled with activated or charcoal., can be treated with special fungicides. Now, before planting in a new place, it is recommended to keep the delenki in a cool room for several hours so that the sections dry out a little.

Is stonecrop useful for humans? What is its use?

The fleshy leaves of sedum contain many useful substances. The vegetative part of the plant is used as a medicinal raw material.
Chemical composition of stonecrop:
- vitamins
- tannins
- alkaloids
- coumarins
- flavonoids
- glycosides
- saponins
For medicinal purposes, it is necessary to harvest the aerial part during flowering. For treatment, decoctions, tinctures with water and alcohol, and medicinal extracts are prepared.
For the preparation of medicinal infusions and other means, it is important not to miss the harvesting time so that all the nutrients do not “evaporate” from the plant.

Stonecrop white
For the treatment of diseases, all types of stonecrop are used, except for caustic. This variety should be used with caution or not used at all.
Contraindications to taking funds based on stonecrop:
- pregnancy and lactation
- nervous excitability
- hypertension
- children's age up to 18 years
Ingestion is indicated for such diseases as scurvy, atherosclerosis, malaria, nervous shocks, constipation, gout. With burns, it has a wound-healing effect.
Unpretentious garden flowers. stonecrop prominent
Stonecrop: types and varieties for growing at home and in open ground. Rules for planting and caring for a succulent plant (110+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews