The problem of wastewater treatment is relevant for owners of country houses that are not connected to a centralized sewer system. The solution to this problem lies in the installation of local treatment facilities (VOCs). GRINLOS is one of the leaders in the production of biological treatment plants and autonomous sewage elements. The manufacturing company also provides a wide range of services related to the installation and maintenance of treatment facilities for country houses.

A few words about the company
Cleaning equipment and sets of autonomous sewerage GRINLOSS are manufactured by Innovative Ecological Equipment LLC. The company has been designing and manufacturing local treatment facilities for more than 15 years. The company creates durable, highly efficient and at the same time inexpensive equipment for wastewater treatment.
The enterprise has more than 5000 successfully completed projects. GRINLOS products are suitable not only for residential buildings. Local treatment facilities are actively used as an alternative sewer systems for hotels, hotels, restaurants, industrial enterprises. The manufacturer guarantees not only the excellent quality of the supplied products, but also top notch maintenance.

The main activity of the company is the production of durable and environmentally friendly treatment facilities. At the same time, a number of services related to the design, installation and subsequent maintenance of VOCs are provided.
The list of services provided includes:
- Development of wastewater treatment projects. The company carries out the design of wastewater treatment plant systems, taking into account the specifics of the building, the potential volume of waste, terrain conditions and other factors.
- Installation work. The company's specialists carry out the installation and commissioning of local GRINLOS facilities. The optimal site for the treatment plant is preliminarily determined.
- Service. Maintenance of the installed GRINLOS treatment plant is carried out according to a plan previously approved and agreed with the owner. As a rule, service is carried out once a year. The design features of the elements eliminate the need for complex and expensive procedures.
- Gwarranty and post-warranty repair. Septic tanks and other GRINLOS treatment facilities are made of high-strength materials resistant to adverse factors. The manufacturer guarantees the efficiency of the treatment plant for up to 50 years. If necessary, the company's specialists check and replace parts. It is also possible to completely modernize the treatment system.
Unlike products from other manufacturers, GRINLOS treatment facilities need only annual cleaning. The procedure is carried out by pumping waste from the storage tank into the sewage truck. The operation is not accompanied by a spill of sewage or other undesirable consequences.The possibility of potentially hazardous waste entering the groundwater is excluded.

Overview of GRINLOS treatment facilities

A wide range of models will allow you to choose the best option, taking into account the number of users, the amount of waste and other conditions.
Cleaning station GRINLOS Aqua

Standard model designed for the treatment of domestic and household wastewater. The station can be used to treat wastewater coming from one or more country houses or cottages.
GRINLOSE Aqua breaks down and neutralizes potentially hazardous organic residues contained in domestic wastewater. Processing is carried out by means of aerobic microorganisms, which act as a biological filter. The station contains 3 separate chambers, in which the sequential separation, aeration and filtration of wastewater is carried out. Models are available with both gravity and forced movement of treated wastewater into the drainage ditch.
- The price range is from 79,900 to 262,000 rubles.
- Number of regular users - from 2 to 25
- Productivity - from 0.6 to 4 cubic meters. meters per day
- Volley discharge - 150-1200 liters
- Method of discharge of treated wastewater - gravity / forced
- Energy consumption - from 1.8 to 22.8 kW / h
- high efficiency of wastewater treatment;
- long service life;
- high-strength, reliable design;
- simple and fast installation;
- full compliance with current sanitary standards and requirements.
Non-volatile septic tanks GRINLOS Accumulator

GREENLOSE Accumulator is a non-volatile septic tank that can be used in a house or cottage without sewerage and power supply. The model is often used in temporary residence structures, which include a summer house, motorhome, residential trailer.
GREENLOSS The drive consists of several chambers united by a common housing. The first compartment is responsible for receiving contaminated effluents. There, primary settling takes place, during which solid particles precipitate. Subsequently, the effluent enters the next chamber, where it is cleaned by anaerobic bacteria. They decompose harmful organic residues and neutralize toxic substances. In the third chamber, the treated effluents are clarified and subsequently transferred to the fourth, where they are collected for subsequent discharge into the ground.
This method of wastewater treatment is considered universal. Therefore, GRINLOS Accumulator will be the best solution for buildings that are not connected to a centralized sewerage system.
- Price range - from 45,000 to 189,000 rubles;
- The number of regular users - from 3 to 25;
- Productivity - from 0.6 to 5 cubic meters. meters per day;
- Volley discharge - from 180 to 1260 liters;
- The method of discharge of treated wastewater is gravity / forced .;
- The weight of the septic tank is from 60 to 230 kg.
- non-volatile design;
- high performance;
- multi-stage wastewater treatment;
- Robust, crush-resistant polypropylene body
- low demands on the depth of groundwater;
- minimum need for maintenance.
Biological aeration plants GRINLOS Aero

The local aeration system is designed to treat domestic and industrial wastewater. The station has a wide range of applications and high efficiency. Unlike standard septic tanks, the aeration station is able to provide 99% wastewater treatment.
Wastewater treatment is carried out in aeration chambers. The filters contained in the chambers separate organic residues and process them with subsequent isolation of safe products.A high level of treatment is achieved through the use of fixed and free sludge. The chambers in which aeration, separation and clarification of wastewater is carried out are combined under a single building. This greatly simplifies the installation and maintenance of the station after installation.
- The price range is from 84,900 to 272,00 rubles.
- Number of regular users - from 3 to 25
- Productivity - from 0.6 to 4 cubic meters. meters per day
- Volley discharge - 180-1200 l
- Method of discharge of treated wastewater - gravity / forced
- wastewater treatment from organic residues by 99%;
- environmentally friendly and safe aeration method;
- quick installation
- the possibility of using for the treatment of industrial effluents;
- the possibility of self-cleaning without professional equipment.

GREENLOSE The caisson is a container deepened into the soil in order to protect the well and pipes from the ingress of sewage, ground or flood waters. Also, the caisson prevents the elements of the autonomous water supply system from freezing.
The working chamber can be used to accommodate well pumping equipment, additional filters, and shutoff valves. The caisson is often used as an auxiliary element in wastewater treatment systems to protect against leakage. The design allows you to freely use the capacity in the middle lane of the Russian Federation.
- Price range - from 38,000 to 76,00 rubles;
- Weight - from 55 to 120 kg.;
- Height - from 150 to 250 cm;
- Tank diameter - from 95 to 144 cm;
- Casing pipe diameter – from 118 to 159 mm;
- complete tightness of the working chamber;
- convenient cylindrical body;
- built-in anti-slip ladder;
- the presence of stiffeners to prevent damage;
- long service life.
Modifications of GRINLOS treatment facilities
In addition to standard models, the manufacturer offers modified versions of GRINLOS Aero and GRINLOS Aqua. Despite the differences in design, the technical characteristics and performance of the modified models do not differ.
The following modification options are available:
- Low body. Greenlos Aqua and Aero stations can have a lower but wider body. This type of construction is optimal for placement in areas with high groundwater or other soil features.
- Forced purification of water. Models marked Pr have a design that provides for a pressure mode for removing treated water. If the Pr index is absent, this indicates that the outflow is carried out by gravity. In this case, auxiliary pumping equipment may be required to deliver treated effluent to a drainage ditch, well or pool.
Speaking of labeling, it is worth noting that the number after the model name indicates the maximum number of regular users.

Installing an autonomous sewer system is a difficult issue that many owners of country houses face. GRINLOS treatment facilities will help solve this problem. The company manufactures highly efficient and durable wastewater treatment systems and provides installation and maintenance services. A wide range of models will allow you to choose the best option, taking into account the required technical characteristics and individual requests.
Installation of GRINLOS Accumulator 3
GRINLOS treatment facilities: overview and characteristics of the main models