Pruning remontant raspberries: features of shrub care | (Photo & Video)

pruning repair raspberries

Raspberry is a biennial plant of the Rosaceae family. Raspberry fruiting occurs on the branches of the second year, after which they die off. This situation is not very convenient for those who grow raspberries, since caring for them is quite laborious.

An alternative option is to grow remontant raspberries. This culture is already on the shoots of the first year is able to produce crops. Moreover, in some cases there is a theoretical possibility of obtaining two harvests per year (in the case of a warm climate).

In fact, it is this feature of remontant raspberries that is mainly used in horticulture. The article discusses how it is necessary to cut remontant raspberries in order to get crops on it every year.

Raspberry: description of the 22 best varieties, characteristics and reviews of gardeners Read also: Raspberry: description of the 22 best varieties, characteristics and reviews of gardeners | (Photo & Video)

general information

The difference between perennial and annual growing cycles of remontant raspberries

The difference between perennial and annual growing cycles of remontant raspberries

There are two ways to grow remontant raspberries: perennial and annual cycle. In the first case, pruning of the emerging second crop is not carried out, and the next year the harvest from the bush can be obtained in the summer, however, it cannot be called plentiful. That is, in fact, with such cultivation, there is a certain alternation of a plentiful and poor harvest from year to year. 

With an annual cycle, raspberry shoots are completely removed after the autumn harvest, and fruiting occurs next autumn.. The advantage of this method is that the stability of crops is maintained from year to year.

The optimal climate for remontant raspberries is one in which the winter is quite severe. If temperatures in winter drop to -30-40 ° C, then ordinary raspberries will freeze. Remontant raspberries are completely mowed in autumn, their root system is covered with snow, and it does not freeze out. In the spring, it gives new shoots and is grown again as a regular annual crop.

This is the reason for the high popularity of remontant raspberries in climatic zones where it is very cold. Usual raspberries in these conditions it is difficult to grow, because in order to protect it from severe frosts, it will need to be bent to the ground, covered with a heat-insulating layer, or dug in. This leads to an increase in labor intensity in obtaining raspberry crops, so many refuse to grow it.

Growing remontant raspberries as an annual crop

Annual raspberries are grown as follows:

  1. In the spring, young shoots appear, because last year everything was mowed to the very ground level

  2. By the summer, it rises and grows, the bushes become more powerful.

  3. By autumn, remontant raspberries are harvesting. If you live in a cold climate, it will not have time to fully mature.

  4. After the harvest is harvested, the raspberries are completely cut out at the root.

With an annual cycle, the sample is made only before the wintering of the plant and it is performed under the root.

This method of growing raspberries is mainly used when it is necessary to harvest in the fall.

Growing remontant raspberries as a biennial crop

Two-year cycle of growing remontant raspberries

Two-year cycle of growing remontant raspberries

If you need to get a crop both in summer and autumn, then you need to use a two-year scheme for growing remontant raspberries. It should be understood that since such a crop brings twice the yield, it will also require twice as many nutrients. That is, at least it will have to be watered and fed twice as often.

It makes no sense to grow remontant raspberries for more than 4-5 years in one place. Even regular fertilization does not save the soil from depletion, in addition, raspberries degenerate on their own - from year to year it will produce less vegetation and smaller yields.

On average, it is recommended to change the area where raspberries grow, and the biological material itself with such a frequency:

  • common raspberry - 10-12 years
  • repair raspberries - 4-7 years

In general, the indicated times are indicative. The final timing of raspberry transplantation depends on many factors: plant quality, soil quality, climatic conditions.

Simultaneously with the appearance of the crop, the bush forms additional branches.

Simultaneously with the appearance of the crop, the bush forms additional branches.

In some ways, growing remontant raspberries in a two-year cycle resembles growing ordinary raspberries., but at an accelerated pace.

With such cultivation, the shoot remaining from last year blooms by summer and produces a crop. 

As soon as the crop is harvested, the branch that bears fruit is pruned, so that it does not consume juices from the root system and the resources of the plant are not spent on it. All resources of the plant will be directed to the completion of the vegetation of additional branches that appeared on the bush in summer, their budding, flowering and fruit formation.

This process should take place in a very short period (3-4 months).

Partially, the second crop will be ripe, but a significant part of it will remain on the bush in the form of green berries, and in this state the bush will go for wintering.

Partially, the second crop will be ripe, but a significant part of it will remain on the bush in the form of green berries, and in this state the bush will go for wintering.

In the spring, everything repeats from the beginning: budding, flowering and fruit formation on the shoots of the previous year with the simultaneous appearance of new shoots, etc.

Pruning of remontant raspberries in a two-year cycle is also performed once, but is done in the summer, after the first harvest. In this case, only the shoots of the previous year are removed.

Recommendations for warmer climates

Location of raspberries in trenches

Location of raspberries in trenches

In warmer climates, it is recommended to combine the cultivation of ordinary and remontant raspberries. In this case, the latter is grown in a two-year cycle. Thus, on one site the crop will be received both in the summer and in the fall.

The best way to grow raspberries on a plot is to use trenches. At the same time, raspberry bushes are arranged in even rows. The following planting scheme is used: 2 rows next to each other at a distance of up to half a meter, a depth of 25-30 cm. The distance between the rows should be such that it is convenient to mulch the beds and take care of them. 

It is recommended to use T-shaped garters. At the same time, the bushes are tied in turn to the nearest, then to the far trellis. Thanks to this, the plants will not only not interfere with each other, but they will also be illuminated in the same way.

The advantage of such a design is that that you can immediately form new bushes, tying young growth to the trellis as it grows.

VIDEO: Pruning remontant raspberries / Growing raspberries as an annual crop and as a biennial

Pruning remontant raspberries: features of shrub care

Pruning remontant raspberries / Growing raspberries as an annual crop and as a biennial crop

Pruning remontant raspberries: features of shrub care | (Photo & Video)

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How to prune repair raspberries

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