When you pronounce the word "sea buckthorn", you involuntarily feel the smell of this amazing berry. It has the astringency of autumn, the aroma of nature, the freshness of the first frosts. We will talk about the properties of sea buckthorn and possible contraindications today in this article.

An amazing plant generously gives people its healing power. Outwardly, the sea buckthorn berry resembles a vitamin. And for good reason, it really contains a whole bunch of natural vitamins.
This culture is very productive, its branches, heavy from the abundance of fruits, lean low to the ground. Sea buckthorn berries have medicinal properties, they will help get rid of many diseases.
Sea buckthorn loves sunny hillocks. It also grows along river banks. Plants are also found in mountainous areas. Does not like swampy low-lying places. The plant is not afraid of frost, very hardy.
Three types of sea buckthorn grow on the territory of Russia.The most popular species is sea buckthorn. This plant of the sucker family has powerful roots.
It can be used to prevent landslides and to strengthen slopes. The main value of sea buckthorn is concentrated in berries and foliage.The leaves, like all representatives of the sucker family, have a waxy coating. The berries are orange, tightly attached to the branches.

What is useful sea buckthorn?
Even in ancient Rome, sea buckthorn was very popular. This berry was called "glossy horse." When feeding sea buckthorn leaves and fruits to elite stallions, it was noticed that their coat becomes silky, wounds heal quickly.
- Since then, attention has been paid to sea buckthorn and began to be used for people.
- At the moment, it has been established that sea buckthorn fruits contain almost the entire spectrum of vitamins known today.
- These are B vitamins, tocopherol, folic acid, a complex of carotenoids, flavonoids, a number of organic acids. As well as irreplaceable microelements, essential oil, pectin substances, antibiotics
- High content of palmitic and oleic fatty acids
- cause the healing effect of the berry on the body.
- In medicine, preparations based on sea buckthorn are used very widely. Its wound-healing properties and beneficial effect on the skin are actively used.
- A distinctive feature of this culture is the high content of natural pigments - carotenoids. These compounds are represented by β-carotene, lycopene, lutein, zeaxanthin. The presence of carotenoids in sea buckthorn fruits determines its antioxidant properties.
Sea buckthorn fruit ingredients:
- a. normalize metabolism
- b. increase immunity
- c. slow down the aging process in skin tissues.
- lowering blood cholesterol
- improvement of the immune system
- decrease in blood glucose levels
- prevention of hypovitaminosis
- strengthening blood vessels
- prevention of blood clots
Pay attention to the amount of vitamin C and E content | |
VITAMIN A | 0.25 mg |
VITAMIN B1 | 0.03 mg |
VITAMIN B2 | 0.2 mg |
VITAMIN B3 | 0.05 mg |
VITAMIN B4 | 0.45 mg |
VITAMIN B5 | 0.2 mg |
VITAMIN B6 | 0.8 mg |
VITAMIN B9 | 0.009 mg |
VITAMIN C | 200 mg |
VITAMIN E | 5 mg |
Sea buckthorn products help with such diseases:
- gastritis
- duodenal ulcer
- respiratory diseases
- oncology
- decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood
- pancreatitis
- eye diseases

sea buckthorn berries
Raw berries have the greatest therapeutic effect.
- Also in medicine, all kinds of creams and ointments with the addition of the components of this plant are widespread.
- On the pharmacy shelves you will always find a lot of drugs based on this berry.
- Fresh crushed fruits are an effective remedy for non-healing wounds, erosions, burns, and frostbite of the skin.
- Fruit picking begins at maturity. At this time, they acquire a bright orange color, retain elasticity and are not injured when harvested.
- Sea buckthorn berries are a valuable multivitamin raw material that is used to make drinks, dry pulp, from which sea buckthorn oil is subsequently produced.
- This drug is used as a bactericidal agent for wound healing.
- Effective inhalations based on sea buckthorn oil. They are prescribed for chronic respiratory diseases.
- Sea buckthorn juice is a dietary product rich in vitamins and microelements.

Sea buckthorn oil
You can buy sea buckthorn oil at a pharmacy, but you can also try making your own from fresh berries. The properties of such a product will be no worse than those of a pharmacy.
The easiest way to make butter at home is to use freshly squeezed juice.
- If you leave the juice in a jar for 7-10 days, then an oil stain will form on its surface. This is the accumulated sea buckthorn oil.
- Carefully scoop it up with a teaspoon and store in a place protected from sunlight.
- Sea buckthorn oil can also be prepared from dried cake.
- Dried cake should be poured with refined olive oil, mix thoroughly and let it brew.
- After 10 days, filter the oil from cake particles. Store in the refrigerator in a dark glass container.
The use of sea buckthorn oil
This product is a favorite tool of cosmetologists. It is often used before massages to soften the skin.
It has a number of useful properties:
- perfectly absorbed into the skin
- removes dead skin cells
- retains moisture
The drug is used to improve the appearance of hair, strengthen nails. To improve the nutrition of the hair follicles, the oil is rubbed into the scalp, then thoroughly washed off with shampoo.
VIDEO: How to make sea buckthorn oil at home
Sea buckthorn oil how to make at home
Sea buckthorn: description, cultivation, useful properties and contraindications, treatment, preparations for the winter - a symphony of benefits and taste! (Photo Video) + Reviews

Treatment of skin diseases
Both in traditional medicine and in the practice of folk healers, sea buckthorn is an indispensable remedy.
- Oil infused with sea buckthorn fruits is used in the treatment of dermatitis, skin cracking, bedsores, non-healing ulcers, burns.
- At the same time, the oil exhibits an antibacterial effect and stimulates the immune system.

Application in gynecology
For the treatment of certain gynecological diseases, such as erosion, inflammation of the vagina, sea buckthorn oil is used.
- Its therapeutic effect is due to the presence of biologically active substances that promote the regeneration of damaged cells.
- The components of sea buckthorn oil inhibit the development of pathogenic microbes.
- The use of tampons moistened with sea buckthorn oil is recommended.

Treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases
The bactericidal and antiseptic effect of the components of the oil determine its use for the treatment of colds.
- Oil can be used to treat the mucous membranes of the nose and throat.
- Recommends to instill 1 - 2 drops in the nose twice a day.
- Dilute a teaspoon of oil in a glass of warm water and drink to improve the functioning of the immune system.

Sea buckthorn oil during pregnancy
As you know, during pregnancy and lactation, there are many contraindications, but they do not apply to sea buckthorn oil.
- Sea buckthorn oil has proven itself as a remedy for stretch marks on the skin, often occurring during pregnancy.
- Lubrication of the surface of the thighs, abdomen makes the skin smooth and elastic, thereby preventing the appearance of unwanted stretch marks.

Sea buckthorn products
From the fruits of sea buckthorn, you can cook a variety of dishes - jams, pasta, mousse, jelly, decoction, jam. Juice goes well with other drinks. Heat treatment leads to the loss of a number of useful substances.
Freezing fresh fruits allows you to save the whole complex of biologically active components. Frozen sea buckthorn berries can be stored for a very long time without reducing their healing properties. dry fruits are sold in pharmacies, but you can cook them yourself. Take care of this during the harvest season and provide yourself with natural vitamins for the whole year.

300 grams of berries should be passed through a meat grinder with the addition of two glasses of sugar, mix thoroughly. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes. Store in a cool place. At the end of winter, with a lack of vitamins, this dish will support your body.
Harvesting juice for the winter
Squeeze juice from softened berries. Pre-blanch the berries in boiling water for three minutes and rub through a fine sieve. Pour the resulting juice with pulp with water and sugar (200 ml of water per 1 kg of sugar) and leave to infuse for several hours. Pour the cooled juice into jars. Store in a dark cool place.
Freezing fresh berries
dried berries
In the harvest year, take care of harvesting berries for the winter by drying.Clean the fruits from twigs, impurities and place on prepared racks for drying. This process should take place in the shade.

After the berries have dried, you can dry them in special dryer or oven
sea buckthorn leaves
A large amount of useful substances accumulate in the leaf blade of the plant. Among them, it is worth noting hyporamine, which has an antiviral effect.
Reception of such tea will have a tonic effect, normalize the work of the intestines, and calm the nerves.
You can prepare a decoction together from the fruits and foliage of sea buckthorn. 30 grams of dry raw materials and berries are poured with boiling water and infused for several hours in a thermos. Used internally for high blood sugar and rheumatism.
Growing sea buckthorn in the garden
Now there are quite a few large-fruited varieties that are suitable for cultivation in the garden. Sea buckthorn is unpretentious to the type of soil, temperature, takes root well. There are special farms specializing in the cultivation of this crop.
- Do not forget that this plant is dioecious.
- At present, varieties of especially large-fruited sea buckthorn without thorns have been bred.
- The first berries can be obtained in the fourth year of cultivation. During the period of active development, you can get up to 15 kg of fruit from a bush
Harvesting begins in early autumn, when the fruit acquire a bright orange color, but do not lose elasticity and are not damaged when removed from the branches. Avoid breaking off branches, as you risk being left without a crop next year. In specialized farms for growing this crop, mechanical means are used for harvesting berries.
Contraindications for use
- One of these contraindications is urolithiasis disease. People suffering from this disease are not allowed to take oral preparations based on sea buckthorn.
- Predisposition to diarrhea, illness pancreas – reasons why you should refuse products based on sea buckthorn
- Dishes with added sugar are contraindicated patients with high blood glucose. Intolerance to the substances that make up this plant - implies an unconditional rejection of products based on it
VIDEO: Sea buckthorn. Features and care of sea buckthorn
Sea buckthorn. Features and care of sea buckthorn
Sea buckthorn: description, cultivation, useful properties and contraindications, treatment, preparations for the winter - a symphony of benefits and taste! (Photo Video) + Reviews
At the beginning of the article, in the useful properties section, it is indicated that sea buckthorn is indicated for gastritis. At the end, the same gastritis in the countercurrent section is dealt with. How credible can an article inspire?
Thanks for the comment, Ina! The point is that concentrated ie. undiluted juice can give a negative result. In any case, each person is a separate case, and before self-medication, you need to consult a doctor!
But with reasonable and moderate use, sea buckthorn berries are recommended for gastritis. And in this case, it is the juice of the plant that is considered more useful. Fresh juice has a powerful anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect.
And sitosterol, which is part of the berries, prevents the deposition of cholesterol plaques in the vessels, helps to remove toxins that have accumulated in the body over many years of unhealthy nutrition.