Sea buckthorn
Sea buckthorn is considered one of the most useful plants, its fruits contain a huge amount of useful substances, which have a beneficial effect on the entire human body. Now sea buckthorn, the description of varieties of which can take a very long time, is common throughout the globe, it can be found in the regions most remote from Siberia.

General information
To get a good harvest of sea buckthorn, you should carefully study the weather conditions of your region, soils, their moisture content and composition will be an important indicator. Based on these indicators, they begin to choose a variety. You should not choose only abundantly fruiting varieties, with proper care and the right variety in your garden, sea buckthorn will always bear fruit well.

Cultivation of sea buckthorn is not troublesome
Preventive measures will also become important points, even if it is written in the characteristics of the bole that it is immune to diseases and pests. A simple spraying at the beginning of the season will completely protect the plant from the unpleasant effects of the environment on the green part of the crown and keep the fruits in full.
Regular fertilization in the spring, light mulching of the soil around the shrub will increase yields, give the plant more vitality for growth and development.
Growing sea buckthorn in a garden plot or in a garden is not troublesome, but in order to get good yields, some attention will have to be paid to the shrub.

More recently, for everyone, sea buckthorn was a wild inhabitant of Siberian forests, who reluctantly shared useful fruits with humans. Now everything has changed dramatically, the plant can be found even in the south. In this case, the fruits will be quite large, and there may not be any nasty spines on the trunk at all.

To date, the varietal diversity of sea buckthorn is quite large.
Increasingly, sea buckthorn is planted in their backyard and grown as a garden trunk with delicious fruits that can be used both fresh and harvested for the winter. In addition, each gardener chooses for himself hybrids with certain characteristics.
The most common are:
- varieties with large berries
- without needles
- high yielding varieties
- frost-resistant hybrids

Sea buckthorn without needles
Everyone has the right to choose which of the varieties to grow on their site, for some the choice is so difficult that several plants with different indicators are planted at once. It is such a gardener who will always have a harvest.
The bred plant varieties will have a lot in common:
- confusing the plant with other species will not work, the general description will be similar
- fruiting in hybrids will be more abundant
- berries are larger than wild trees
- the plant will have better resistance against diseases and pests
Next, we will consider the varieties of sea buckthorn in more detail, which will help with the choice in the garden for everyone.

Large-fruited varieties
Under natural conditions, with normal development, sea buckthorn has rather small fruits, each of which weighs no more than 0.4 g. It takes a lot of time and a sufficient number of trees to collect the required number of fruits.

Large-fruited sea buckthorn
To save time, breeders specially bred several varieties of sea buckthorn with large fruits, each of which can reach up to 1.5 grams. At the same time, most of the taste characteristics have been completely preserved, the appearance and other properties of the bole are also largely preserved.
Next, we will get acquainted with the most popular varieties among gardeners, which have proven themselves on the positive side.
This variety was to the taste of many gardeners with experience and beginners in this business. It is easy to grow, the trunk is not picky about soil and weather conditions, it bears fruit well in any region.
An adult fruit-bearing tree of the Openwork variety is distinguished by a wide spreading crown, in addition, the bole stands out:
- the complete absence of thorns on the branches
- large cylindrical fruit, orange
- early ripening berries
- abundant fruiting
During the first tests in the harsh north, Openwork Sea Buckthorn showed high resistance to freezing of buds and branches. She is not afraid of most fungal diseases that affect the fruit trees of the garden, the stem perfectly tolerates the dry months of summer and will not die with an abundance of moisture in the spring and autumn.
The harvested crop perfectly tolerates transportation over long distances. Berries are consumed fresh, and also preserved in various ways. Openwork sea buckthorn is subject to conservation, freezing and other types of processing for longer preservation.
This variety is a bit similar to the previous one, the adult stem is distinguished by a sprawling crown with characteristic green leaves. In terms of ripening, Augustine is considered early ripe, fruit ripening begins at the end of July under appropriate weather conditions, in the northern regions, sea buckthorn fruits will ripen no later than August, hence the name of the variety.
The salient features are:
- fruits are orange in color and egg-shaped
- the berries are quite large, each weighs a little more than a gram
- the fruits are collected on the branches in clusters, which, when ripe, give a harvest without problems
The presence of a small number of spines is allowed on the trunk. An important point is the yield, an average of 16-18 kg of useful berries are harvested from an adult tree.
A variety of sea buckthorn grows in regions with different weather conditions, it perfectly tolerates both cold and lack of moisture in the required quantities. Not afraid of fungal diseases, resistant to various pests.
The sea buckthorn variety Elizabeth is not afraid of pests, but it will have a later ripening time. An adult trunk looks more like a shrub with a compact crown than a tree. The plant will not take up much space in the garden, but will be generous in fruit. With proper care, up to 14 kg of berries can be harvested from it annually.
In care for Elizabeth, the main thing is pruning, but it is also carried out once a year, in early spring. Otherwise, the trunk is absolutely identical to any sea buckthorn.
The distinguishing features of Elizabeth are recognized:
- large fruit size, each can reach up to a gram
- appreciate the variety for taste, ripe berries have a pleasant sweet and sour taste and a slight pineapple aftertaste
- shtamb is not afraid of severe frosts
- pests and diseases will not overcome the shrub with proper care
Later ripening dates endowed the fruits with a strong skin, which reliably preserves the pulp from damage and spoilage. Thanks to this, the berries are kept fresh for a long time, they are canned and frozen to increase the shelf life.
The variety belongs to the novelties of the Siberian selection, it is several years old. But even in such a short period, the shtamb managed to win the sympathy of many gardeners in this region.
Among the advantages of the variety are noted:
- excellent taste characteristics, dessert taste cannot be confused with any other variety
- large fruits are also characteristic of Essel, each of them can reach up to one and a half grams of weight
- shtamb is characterized by oval-shaped fruits with a rich orange color
Fruit ripening begins in mid-August, in the southern regions the berries are poured earlier. It is worth paying special attention to the berries during this period, overripe they will fall from the branches, as they have underdeveloped stalks that collect them in brushes on the branches.
The trunk does not need special care, the main thing is to prune the branches and form a crown. In the future, it is enough to remove dry and old branches, then the fruiting will be plentiful, the size of the berries will remain the original.

Varieties without thorns

Sea buckthorn variety without thorns
One of the best achievements in the field of breeding experts consider breeding varieties of sea buckthorn. which do not have thorns. Thanks to this, crops can be harvested calmly, without fear of injury.
There are not so many such varieties, removing them from the field of breeding, they tried to preserve other important properties of the bole. As a result, we will now get acquainted with the most successful results of the work carried out.
The name of the trunk was given because of two indicators, firstly, it grows up to 3.5 m in height, and secondly, it has rather large fruits.
A distinctive feature of the variety is that it can be a shrub, or it can grow as a tree with one trunk. Depending on how the pruning will be carried out and the crown will be formed, the plant will take on its appearance in the garden or in the garden.
The salient features are:
- height of an adult plant can reach 3.5 m
- the crown has a conical shape even without pruning
- the fruits are attached to the branches with short stalks that hold them tightly
- berries have a cylindrical shape, bright orange color and large size
Excellent sweet and sour taste allows the use of sea buckthorn of this variety for fresh and processed consumption for a long period.
Standard care is required for the stem, the Giant will not need any excesses. It will perfectly cope with many fungal diseases, it will perfectly endure the winter cold.
The sea buckthorn variety really looks like a piece of the sun in the garden from afar, it looks especially great during the fruit ripening period, the branches are literally strewn with sunny-colored berries.
The main characteristics are the following indicators:
- shtamb is classified as a shrub due to its low size and spreading crown
- there are no thorns on the trunk, which allows you to pick ripe berries without injury to the delicate skin of the hands
- ripe fruits have an amber hue
- to taste, sea buckthorn berries are sweet, have increased oiliness
- the fruits are quite large, they can reach a maximum of 0.7 grams each
- the stalk holds the berry firmly, even after full ripening
In care, the trunk is not whimsical, an important point will be regular pruning of the crown, clearing it of old branches, this will help increase the size of the berries and the size of the yield.
Up to 6 kg of berries are harvested from the trunk, fruiting begins from 4 years of age. The negative aspects include the late maturity of the fruit.
The variety differs from the rest in the complete absence of thorns on the crown, which greatly simplifies harvesting. Ripe fruits are separated from the branches from the end of August, the stalk easily moves away from the berries, while not leaving a wet mark. This factor significantly prolongs the fresh storage period of the crop, since the skin remains incomplete.
Ripe fruits of Altai sea buckthorn can reach a weight of 0.7 grams, have a pineapple smell and a sweetish taste. They are used both for fresh consumption and processed.
Most of all, the variety is popular in the West Siberian region, where almost all gardeners grow Podruga sea buckthorn. The stem is classified as a universal variety that has an average ripening time.
The plant has the following characteristics:
- the crown of the bole is medium spreading, it grows weakly in height
- the branches of the plant are straight and thin, without thorns
- leaves characteristic of the bole, light color with medium pubescence
- fruits are oval, saturated oval color, weighing up to a gram
Sweet and sour taste and thin skin allow the fruit to be used fresh and processed.

Varieties with high yield

Good harvest of sea buckthorn
Wild-growing boles of sea buckthorn give not very large yields, even from an adult tree you can collect no more than 6 kg of healthy and tasty berries. At home, to provide the necessary amount of fruit, you will need to plant a lot of such trees, but what if the space is running out? How to accommodate a large number of plants?
It is to solve this problem that breeders have bred varieties whose yields exceed the average by three times. One such trunk will replace 3-4 wild plants, while the selection was carried out so that all the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn were preserved and increased for some varieties.
In care, the varieties are not picky, most will be able to grow and develop even on poor soils under not very favorable conditions. But these indicators will directly affect the yield, under such conditions it will be lower than the declared figures.
The stamp has the following characteristics:
- the leaves of the variety are medium, with a green color on top and bluish from the bottom
- there are practically no thorns on the plant
- berries are large, when ripe they have a bright orange color
- many fruits, when ripe, the branches almost completely become orange
- fruits easily move away from the stalks at harvest
- the collected berries perfectly tolerate transportation, can be stored fresh for a long time when the necessary conditions are created
The Batanicheskaya variety is often used by horticultural farms in Siberia; there are entire plantations from this sea buckthorn variety. The variety is also preferred because of its resistance to fungal desiccation and various pests.
This variety is tall, the crown is large, sprawling, dense. The plant is characterized by early fruit ripening, abundant yield, on average up to 14 kg per stem, thorns on adult plants are almost completely absent.
The berries are large, rich orange in color, each fruit weighs at least 0.7 grams. They are attached to the branches with elongated stalks, which, when ripe, easily give berries.
Moscow beauty
The variety of sea buckthorn is compact in size, perfect for small areas. It will bear fruit abundantly, and it will not take up much space. On average, about 15 kg of berries are harvested from each bush for 4 years after planting, while the Moscow beauty is not demanding on care and soil, tolerates winter cold well, and has a strong immunity to most diseases that affect garden residents.
The characteristic features of the trunk are:
- the leaves of the variety are medium, with a green color on top and bluish from the bottom
- there are practically no thorns on the plant
- berries are large, when ripe they have a bright orange color
- many fruits, when ripe, the branches almost completely become orange
- fruits easily move away from the stalks at harvest
- the collected berries perfectly tolerate transportation, can be stored fresh for a long time when the necessary conditions are created
The stem is easy to care for, it is enough to periodically clear the crown and feed the shrub with organic matter once every couple of years.
The sweet and sour taste of ripe berries distinguishes this variety of sea buckthorn from other high-yielding boles. The crown of an adult tree is quite rare, it lends itself well to formation, which helps with harvesting. Thorns are completely absent, this is an additional plus for the variety.
Ripening takes place in the summer, the fruits are large, juicy, removed from the branches without stalks. Under normal conditions, 10-12 kg of berries with excellent taste characteristics are harvested from each adult trunk. The harvested crop perfectly tolerates transportation, is used both fresh and processed.
Another representative of high-yielding varieties is the favorite sea buckthorn.
It is distinguished from other stems by the following indicators:
- shrub is medium in size
- crown shape flat, slightly oval
- branches are straight, practically without thorns
- the leaves have a color characteristic of sea buckthorn, the top is bright green, the bottom is silver
- fruits are oval, large
- bright color will not allow anyone to pass by ripe berries
Harvested from the end of August, most often the berries are used for conservation for the winter and the manufacture of sea buckthorn oil, since the pulp is very loose.
The stem perfectly tolerates severe frosts, does not respond to most diseases that affect fruit trees in the garden.
Nivelen can not be confused with other varieties already in appearance of the stem, its crown is sparse and has the shape of an umbrella. The branches are brown, matte, thorns are present in small quantities.
The variety will perfectly endure the harsh Siberian winters, it is not afraid of pests and diseases of this region.
The general description of the trunk is as follows:
- during the ripening period, the berries turn orange, characteristic of sea buckthorn
- fruits are large, spherical, with excellent taste
- the leaves are small in size, have a characteristic color for the plant
The harvested crop will perfectly endure transportation over long distances, it will be stored fresh for a long time, subject to the necessary conditions.
Each of the described varieties bears abundant fruit with proper care. Periodically, boles need to be rejuvenated, old, dry branches should be carefully removed, strong and young shoots should be left.

Frost-resistant varieties
For sea buckthorn, resistance to cold is a natural characteristic, because it is attributed to the Siberian inhabitants of gardens. But still, for some regions, more hardy varieties are needed, based on this, breeders bred several of these plants. Their frost resistance is simply amazing; at significantly low temperatures in drafts, the stems continue to bear fruit abundantly every year.

Frost-resistant variety
There are no special care features for varieties with increased frost resistance, everything is as usual. Regular pruning of the crown, the application of mineral and organic fertilizers, loosening the soil around the shrub will bear fruit soon.
golden cob
High rates of winter hardiness are shown by the variety of sea buckthorn Golden cob. During the fruiting period, the stem is distinguished by dense tassels with bright-colored berries. The berries are quite large, each reaches at least half a gram in weight, the color is characteristic of plants of this type.
The yield from the bole is high, often used in gardening.
The main characteristics are:
- the plant has almost no thorns
- oblong leaves, green above and silver below
- mature berries are large, with excellent taste
A feature of the variety is the ears, in which the berries are collected on the trunk.
A feature of this variety is not only high resistance to freezing of buds in winter, but also the endurance of already blossoming shoots in spring during frosts. The stem is distributed not only in Siberia, it is successfully grown in almost all regions.
The following are recognized as characteristic features for the stem:
- tall, the height of the plant can reach 4.5 meters
- large fruits, each can reach a weight of up to 0.7 grams
- a large number of hearths on the branches
- bright color, berries are similar to flames, have a reddish tint
A big plus for sea buckthorn Trofimovskaya was the increased content of ascorbic acid in berries, this is its special value among the population.
Gift of Katun
The compact bush differs from its relatives in the unusual shape of the leaves, they are concave inward and have a bright green color.
Other characteristics of the shrub are as follows:
- compact size, the shrub grows no more than 2.7 meters in height
- crown oval, medium thickened
- the trunk may have a small number of small thorns, but in most plants they are completely absent
- ripe fruits are round, large, reach 0.7 g each
- ripening occurs in the second half of August, this is indicated by the orange color of the berries
- Shrubs are considered the most fruitful in the period from 3 to 12 years from the moment of planting.
The gift of Katun is distinguished by high rates of frost resistance, breeders also distinguish the resistance of the variety to various diseases and pests.
Prickly varieties with high rates of frost resistance include the variety of sea buckthorn Excellent.
It is distinguished by:
- pyramidal crown shape
- the average number of dry spines throughout the trunk and shoots
- the leaves are medium, dark green in color, the shape is characteristic of the plant
- fruiting begins 4 years after planting in a permanent place
- high yield, up to 14 kg per stem
- berries are orange, juicy, round, reach 0.8 g each
The berries are mainly consumed fresh; when processed, the product will give a lot of juice.
Baltic Surprise
Free pollination of the Baltic variety of sea buckthorn gave excellent results, which were later separated into a separate variety by the breeders of the Don Research Institute. The stem mainly grows in the Kaliningrad region, it is common in the Baltic republics. It is characterized by high rates of frost resistance, it is not afraid of diseases and pests.
The variety is classified as late-ripening, ripening begins at the end of summer, sometimes the berries begin to turn yellow only in September.
The stem is characterized by:
- low crown
- mature fruits are orange with red spots
- average yield, up to 9 kg from one adult tree
The berries are distinguished by a dense skin, when harvesting they are well separated from the stalks. They are well transported, have good indicators of keeping quality under certain conditions.
Siberian blush
A distinctive feature of the variety is not only high resistance to frost in winter, the stem begins to bear fruit already in the third year after planting, while the fruits ripen in mid-summer.
The disadvantage of the variety is that in the absence of preventive measures, the bole can be affected by endomycosis and sea buckthorn fly, which will significantly reduce fruiting and can completely destroy the plant.
The shrub has a medium crown with large leaves, which are many on the shoots. There are thorns on the branches, but there are not many of them. Fruiting is plentiful, the berries themselves are large and there are many of them on the branches. The color of ripe fruits is orange, it can turn into bright red. Each berry reaches 0.7 g of weight.The plucked crop is very fragrant, sweet and sour taste allows sea buckthorn to be used both fresh and for further processing for longer storage.
Frost resistance for some regions is an integral component for all cultivated crops, it is this feature that allows you to harvest even after very cold winters.
Secrets and subtleties of growing sea buckthorn
Sea buckthorn: description of the 20 best varieties. Large-fruited, without thorns and frost-resistant (Photo & Video) + Reviews
Sea buckthorn is one of my favorite medicines in winter, I don’t even like tea with raspberries as much as with grated sea buckthorn or jam from it.
There is enough sea buckthorn in our region, and if 10 years ago - on the trees - I don’t want to take it, now you can’t find it in the afternoon with fire, and the price per / kg is WOW!
Since childhood, I remember how a neighbor treated us to sea buckthorn and when we said that she was beloved, my grandmother always said “of course, after all, the Beloved variety”. Only now, after reading your article, I understood what she was talking about. After all, yesterday for me sea buckthorn was not divided into varieties.
And even now I understand why some trees gave huge yields, and literally after 5-7 years the berries were already decreasing in size and there were fewer fruits.
Yes, and I witnessed how Beloved “got sick”, although it is said that she is frost-resistant and does not allow illness to come to her, but, apparently, force majeure happens everywhere. I remember how a neighbor despaired and biologists came to look, but nothing saved that huge tree.
My “Trofimovskaya” is growing, so far there have been no problems with it. Everything. as it is written in the article, it tolerates frosts well and generally adapts very well to almost any weather. Well, the fact that this variety is one of the most useful is also correctly written, in our family, if someone gets sick once a year, then this and that is a lot. In general, I advise Trofimovskaya, and it is useful and there are no problems with it.
Under the topic Frost-resistant varieties - the first photo is not sea buckthorn, but yellow-fruited mountain ash. In sea buckthorn, the rest of the flower is different.
How to purchase. The problem is that I live abroad. Where can I get sea buckthorn?
Yes indeed! Thank you for your comment, I have already corrected it) Accepted when there is feedback))
Many thanks for the useful information! Excellent selection of varieties. (Check the test for errors, -ts, -ts, very noticeable :)