How to make a knife from a file with your own hands? | +Video


Every home craftsman should have a manual cutter on the farm that can cut almost any material. In order for such a knife to cut thick wood, plastic, etc., it must be made of durable steel. Surely you have an old tool steel file lying around in your household, which has not been used for its intended purpose for a long time. From it you can make a manual cutter with your own hands, which will not only be comfortable in your hand, but will also cope with fairly dense materials.

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Materials for manufacturing

In order to make a hand cutter, you will need:

  • old flat file;
  • gas cylinder and gas burner;
  • refractory bricks for the hearth;
  • Bulgarian;
  • belt sander;
  • vise;
  • core;
  • marker;
  • a sheet of paper, a pencil, an elastic band, scissors;
  • spray with acrylic primer;
  • oil container;
  • electric oven.

Step 1. We collect the bugle


We lay out the refractory bricks, as shown in the photo, collecting a mini forge.

assembling a mini horn

In the upper brick, it is necessary to provide a hole for inserting a gas burner. Also prepare half a brick to close the forge from the front.

We connect the gas burner to the cylinder and insert it into the hearth.

We connect the gas burner to the cylinder and insert it into the hearth

Step 2. We produce steel tempering

The file is made of hard tool steel with surface hardening. To increase the ductility of steel and relieve internal stress, steel is tempered.

We cut off the file shank with a grinder.


We turn on the gas burner and place the file in the forge with the wider side.

put the file in the forge


We close the front of the hearth with half a brick.


When the file heats up to a bright red color, turn off the gas and leave the file to cool in a closed hearth.

leave the file to cool in a closed hearth

Step 3. Draw the model of the cutter and transfer it to the file


While the file is cooling, draw a cutter model on a piece of paper. Its design, the ratio of the handle and the cutting part - everything is completely up to you.

draw a cutter model

The sketch must be done on a scale of 1:1.

We cut out the model and apply it to the released part of the file.


With acrylic primer we transfer the contour of the cutter to the file.

With acrylic primer we transfer the contour of the cutter to the file

If you transfer the outline with a marker, it will blur along the notch and be fuzzy.

Step 4. Cut the knife and sharpen the cutting edge


We cut off all the excess with a grinder.

We cut off all the excess with a grinder


We grind all the irregularities on a belt sander, periodically lowering the cutter into the water.


Mark and drill a hole in the handle of the cutter. So it will be more convenient to store it on a stand with tools.


We sharpen the cutting edge on a belt grinder on both sides.

We sharpen the cutting edge on a belt grinder on both sides

Step 5. Harden the cutter blade


We turn on the forge and place the cutter in it so that the blade heats up more.


After the blade is hot, take out the cutter with pliers and dip the blade into a container of oil.

dip the blade into a container of oil

Wear protective gloves to avoid burns.

The cutter, sharpened and hardened in this way, easily scratches the glass, leaving deep furrows.

cutter easily scratches glass


But by hardening, we again increased the brittleness of the steel. In order to slightly reduce it and remove the internal stress of the steel, we will temper it by heating the cutter in an electric oven to 200 degrees.


After cooling the cutter, grind it and straighten the blade. The cutter is ready for use.

The cutter is ready for use

How to make a knife from a file with your own hands?

DIY hand cutter

How to make a knife from a file with your own hands? | +Video

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