Being a close relative of the peach only without pubescence, the amazing nectarine has a juicy taste, a number of useful properties, and a wide variety of varieties. All of them have their own requirements for growing conditions, climate.
The ripening time for each individual variety may be different. In terms of care and useful properties, the culture is still similar to a peach.
In our article, we propose to find out what kind of fruit it is, as well as to consider in more detail some varieties of nectarine.

Popular varieties

Nectarine Crimson Gold
Peach fellow has a wide variety of varieties with their own advantages and disadvantages of each. Different regions may be suitable for growing crops, the main thing is that the variety is correctly selected, which suits the existing climatic conditions.
The development of varieties does not stop today. Breeders from all over the world are engaged in these works.
Below we consider the most popular representatives of culture.
Early ripe varieties

Nectarine big top
Variety name | Fetus | Pulp color | Note |
Silver rome | • The size: Average • Average weight, g: 120 • Color: Burgundy | bright orange | Medium plant. Can be grown in all areas. Ripening occurs by the middle of the summer season. The skin is thin. The pulp is not easily detached from the nucleolus. |
Sun Glow | • The size: Average • Average weight, g: 160 • Color: Green, with a slight pinkish tint | yellow-orange | Srednerosly view with a spreading crown, resistant to frost, fungal diseases. The fruit is sweet and sour. Its surface is thin and dense. |
Super Queen | • The size: Big • Average weight, g: 250 • Color: Yellow, with a ruddy tone | Yellow | The tree reaches 2.5 m. It blooms profusely, with pink flowers in early April. The fruits are juicy and sweet. The species, when fruiting, has a peach fragrance. |
Big Top | • The size: Large • Average weight, g: 200 • Color: Orange, with areas of red staining | Yellow | Suitable for breeding in northern regions. This representative reaches a height of 2 m. It has a roundish, branched crown. The fruits are round in shape with juiciness and density of the pulp, which is easily peeled from the kernel. The taste is sweet with honey aroma. |
Crimson Gold | • The size: Average • Average weight, g: 120 • Color: Yellow, with partial ruby color | yellow-orange | Made with peach. It has a smooth, shiny fruit surface. It is a high yielding variety. Differs in good frost resistance. |
Lola | • The size: Average • Average weight, g: 100 • Color: Greenish creamy with deep red blush | White | Medium-sized variety created in Uzbekistan. Differs in the high content of sugar in fruits, the increased winter hardiness. The fruits are juicy. The bone is half burgundy. |
Nectarine 4 | • The size: Average • Average weight, g: 140 • Color: Dark red | yellow or orange | The variety is characterized by a low tree with a spherical crown and good resistance to low temperatures, arid conditions. Fruiting in seedlings begins only after 3 years. |
Fleming Futy | • The size: Large • Average weight, g: 300 • Color: Almost red | Yellow | The variety was created by American breeders. The structure of the pulp is tender. |
Rebus 028 | • The size: Large • Average weight, g: 200 • Color: Yellow, with bright red blush | Yellow | Italian, prolific variety, showing good resistance to cold weather, diseases. The shape of the fruit is round, slightly elongated. The pulp is dense, fragrant. Her taste is sweet. |
Kaldesi | • The size: Medium and large • Average weight, g: 160-200 • Color: Yellow-green, with a marbled bright red blush | White | The result of an Italian selection. It is characterized by high productivity, spherical fruit shape. The pulp has a dense structure. It is poorly separated from the nucleus. |
Mid-season varieties

Nectarine donut
Variety name | Fetus | Pulp color | Note |
honey sweetness | • The size: small • Average weight, g: 100 • Color: Burgundy, with small yellow spots | Yellow | The tree is low, compact. Fruit ripening occurs by early September. The pulp is dense, juicy. The view easily tolerates transportation under various conditions. |
Wang 3 | • The size: Large • Average weight, g: 150-200 • Color: Yellow or orange, with patches of red | Yellow | The height of the tree is medium. The variety combines high productivity, easy care. Fruit ripening takes 110-120 days. This makes it possible to grow Wang 3 in the middle lane. Fruit shape is round. A distinctive feature of the culture is the resistance of immunity to pests, infectious diseases. |
Stark Sanglo | • The size: Large • Average weight, g: 210 • Color: Yellowish, there is a bright burgundy blush | Yellow | American variety, which is characterized by a low tree, with a pleasant taste of fruits. The main characteristic of Stark Sanglo is its high yield, resistance to powdery mildew. |
favorite | • The size: Average • Average weight, g: 140 • Color: Yellow, with a slight pink tint at the top | Yellow | It is distinguished by a low tree and a spreading crown. It has a strong immunity from fungi, can easily endure severe frosts. The taste is sweet. |
Scythian | • The size: Average • Average weight, g: 180 • Color: Yellow, with red streaked blush | Yellow | It is the tallest variety. The height of the tree is up to 7 m. The taste of the fruit is pleasant, sweet. You can harvest at the end of summer. Awakened buds on a tree are not afraid of frost. |
Stark Red Gold | • The size: Large • Average weight, g: 190 • Color: Red | yellow-orange | An American variety with a small tree height (2.5 m), a rounded branched crown, with dense fruit pulp. The variety can easily tolerate transportation. Suitable for growing it in home gardens or on an industrial scale. |
Alitop | • The size: Large • Average weight, g: 250 • Color: Intense red | Yellow with reddish veins | Bred by Italian breeders. Has a high yield. The fruits are oblong-round. The pulp is dense, fragrant. Differs in high palatability. |
Harko | • The size: Average • Average weight, g: 150 • Color: Yellow, with carmine blush | Yellow | The height of the tree reaches 3 m. The shape of the fruit is round. The pulp is juicy, fleshy. The taste is harmonious, sweet. The advantage of the variety is winter hardiness, self-pollination. |
Ishunsky | • The size: Average • Average weight, g: 150 • Color: Yellow, carmine tint | Yellow with red veins | The result of Ukrainian breeders. The pulp has juiciness, tenderness, fibrousness. The pulp can be easily separated from the stone. |
Donat | • The size: Average • Average weight, g: 150 • Color: Burgundy | Cream | Italian fig species with medium ripening. Fruit picking starts at the end of July. Medium-sized tree has a dense crown. The seedling begins to produce a crop from the second year from the moment of planting. Fruits with a small core, which is easily separated from the pulp. The shape is flattened. The structure is fibrous.The taste is sweet, delicate, with a pleasant aroma. |
Flavor Top | • The size: Average • Average weight, g: 150 • Color: Bright red | Yellow | The result of American breeders. The fruits are juicy, tender, fleshy. Ripens in mid-August. The pulp is fragrant, with honey taste. The variety is frost-resistant, fruitful, with increased immunity to diseases. It grows well throughout Ukraine. Fruits are well transported, keeping a trade dress. |
Amber | • The size: small • Average weight, g: 75-115 • Color: Delicate red-yellow | Yellow with red veins | Self fertile variety. Can be grown in areas with moderately cold winters. Ripening period - September. Differs in the average height of the tree with a cupped, rounded shape. Gardeners' reviews describe that a ripe crop has a very decorative, attractive appearance. The structure of the pulp is fibrous, with good juiciness. The fruit is hairless, without a wax coating. Taste qualities: sweetness, aroma. |
Nikitinsky | • The size: Average • Average weight, g: 120 • Color: Red burgundy | Yellow with red veins | The species is self-fertile, self-pollinating, resistant to cold, but has a susceptibility to diseases (needs timely spraying from pests). It has a wide (universal) purpose: it can be preserved, dried for the winter, eaten fresh. Harvest time is the end of July. |
Wang-8 | • The size: Large • Average weight, g: 140-180 • Color: Bright red with net blush | Yellow | The American variety is resistant to frost, diseases. Fruits are well stored, have highly marketable, taste qualities, good transportability. The optimal ripening time is the end of July. |
spokusa | • The size: Large • Average weight, g: 200 • Color: Yellow, with carmine flecks | Yellow | Self-fertile variety with elongated fruits. It is resistant to frost, drought, and some fungal diseases. The crop has a high transportability. |
Late-ripening varieties

ruby nectarine
Variety name | Fetus | Pulp color | Note |
Crimean | • The size: Large • Average weight, g: 200 • Color: Yellow with raspberry blush | Yellow | Differs in a low-growing tree and good productivity (more than 50 kg from one tree). The peel of the fruit is thin, dense. Planted material begins to produce a crop for 2-3 years of vegetation. |
erythrocarpa | • The size: No small • Average weight, g: 150 • Color: Brown or maroon | Brown or maroon | The taste of the fruit is sweet without a sour taste. The tree is medium. The crown is spherical. Harvested in autumn. The grade well maintains transportation. Characterized by fast sales. |
Ruby 7 | • The size: Above average • Average weight, g: 160 • Color: Yellow-red | Yellow | It is generally accepted that this is the most successful breeding development with resistance to cold climates, diseases and the best taste properties. Fruiting seedling begins at 2-3 years of age. The inside of the fruit is juicy and sweet. |
Fantasy | • The size: Above average • Average weight, g: 150 • Color: Yellow, with diffuse blush | Yellow, with a reddish tinge to the skin | It is a columnar variety developed by scientists at the University of California. It lends itself well to processing into candied fruits and freezing for long-term preservation. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour. |
September Queen | • The size: Average and above average • Average weight, g: 120-160 • Color: Light green with dark red blush | Cream | The pulp is dense, fragrant. Just getting rid of the bone. The taste is sweet, with sourness. |
Evpatoria | • The size: Large • Average weight, g: 200-250 • Color: Yellow, with blush on ½ or ¼ of the surface | Yellow with red veins | The variety was created in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, suitable for breeding in the following areas: • Krasnodar region; • Ukraine; • Moldova; • Transcaucasia. The structure of the pulp is juicy, fibrous. The stone has a pinkish tint and is easily separated. |
Poseidon | • The size: Average • Average weight, g: 110 • Color: Yellow, with carmine spots that look like strokes | Yellow | A species bred by domestic scientists. The fruits are round in shape. The structure is juicy, fibrous, with red streaks. The hard bone is easily removed. |
Sweet Lady | • The size: Large • Average weight, g: 300 or more • Color: Intense red | Yellow | The variety belongs to the Italian selection. It is characterized by high productivity, good resistance to diseases. The structure of the pulp is dense, the consistency is firm, the taste is pleasant. The bone is easily removed. |
Harblaze | • The size: No small • Average weight, g: 150 • Color: Yellow, with a rich, red tint | Yellow | It is a dessert variety. Fruit shape is oval. The taste is sweet and sour. The stone is easily separated from the pulp. |
May Diamond | • The size: Large • Average weight, g: 220 • Color: Dark red with purple undertones | - | Differs in excellent tastes. The shape of the fruit can be round or elongated in the form of an oval. |


The foreign representative was first mentioned in a book by an English author in 1616, in which he described him as a "bald peach". For its unusualness, he was very interested in scientists. They conducted a thorough study and concluded that the peach hairs disappear due to a change in the climatic conditions that were chosen for its cultivation.
Scientists believe that the origin of nectarine originates from China. Since it contains a lot of sugar, it was given a light, unpretentious name, from the word "nectar".
The nectarine plant is related to the "Pink" family, related to almonds.

general description

The tree can reach 4-7 m
The height of the nectarine tree can reach 4-7 m. The crown is 3-4 m in diameter. Flowering begins before the leaves appear. Fruit shape is spherical. They have a dense structure with a surface without villi.
The harvest falls in the summer period or the beginning of the autumn season. This takes about 3-5 months. The foliage is characterized by a large, oblong shape with teeth along the edge, green color. Flowering is white or pink. It is accompanied by a good fragrance.
Ripe crop can be covered in the following colors:
- Red;
- yellow;
- Orange;
- burgundy.
One-color coloring or a combination of several shades at the same time is possible.
Peach hybrid is grown:
- Greece;
- Tunisia;
- Italy;
- Cyprus;
- Moldova;
- Russia (Volgograd region).

"Bald Peach"
This representative has good frost resistance. (an adult plant can withstand temperatures down to -320C, but for flower buds, cold snap at -2 is terrible and fraught with death0C), resistance to diseases, pests.
The fruit is juicy inside. It has the following flavors:
- sweet;
- pleasant bitterness;
- almond flavor.
The plant does not live long. The maximum term of his life is up to 20 years, and if the conditions are unfavorable, then no more than 10 years.
Nectarine is distinguished not only by its special taste, beautiful appearance of the fruit, but also by a decent number of healing properties that have the following effect on the human body:
- support for the work of the heart;
- strengthening immunity;
- removal of substances harmful to the body;
- lowering the degree of sugar in the blood;
- increase in hemoglobin.

The best way to use the fruit is to eat it in its raw state. So it retains the greatest utility. But it is also suitable for drying, stewing, baking, jam preparations, juices, compotes, jam.
The culture is related to the following fruit representatives:
- peach;
- almond;
- plum;
- quince;
- Apple tree;
- pear;
- apricot;
- irga;
- cherry plum;
- hawthorn;
- Rowan;
- chokeberry;
- cotoneaster;
- rose hip;
- medlar.
Growing, creating favorable conditions for nectarine species is a bit like peach cultivation.


Delicious lifesaver for people who care about the health of their body
100 grams of hybrid pulp contains 46-48 kcal. When compared with an apple, cherry and other low-calorie representatives, then according to indications, they have a large proportion of calories.
Nutritional value (g/100 g pulp):
- proteins - 0.9-1;
- fats - 0.2-0.3;
- carbohydrates - 10.5-11.8.
Nectarine fruit is a delicious lifesaver for people who care about the health of their bodies. It has a delicious taste, contains a small amount of fat, has good nutritional value.

Chemical composition

The main difference is the significant content of natural nectar, vitamin C
There is a similar composition with peach and includes:
- vitamins (mg/100 g):
- B4 (choline) - 6.2;
- C (ascorbic acid) - 5.4;
- B3 (niacin) - 1.1;
- B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, A, E, K - 0.7-0.0022.
- macronutrients (mg/100 g):
- potassium - 201;
- phosphorus - 26;
- magnesium - 9;
- calcium - 6.
- trace elements (mg/100 g):
- iron - 0.28;
- zinc - 0.17;
- copper - 0.086;
- manganese - 0.054.

Nectarine (naked peach)
Also available as ingredients:
- a solid set of saturated and unsaturated acids, incl. Omega 3, 6, 9;
- mono-, disaccharides - 8 g / 100 g;
- dietary fiber - 1.7 g / 100 g;
- ash - 0.48 g / 100 g.
The main difference between a colleague and a peach is the significant content of natural nectar, vitamin C.

General Benefit

A true vitamin and mineral treasure
The richest composition of nectarine makes it a real vitamin and mineral treasure for human health. It can be both an excellent general tonic for prevention, and nourishment for a diseased organism.
pectin fiber found in fruit provide a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, stabilization of digestive processes, normalization of the balance of distribution of nutrients.
The fiber content will keep the stomach full for a long time. This composition perfectly characterizes nectarine for inclusion in the list of products during the diet.
Useful qualities:
- as a prophylactic product prevents the development of atherosclerosis, hypertension;
- helps in strengthening tooth enamel;
- increases the level of hemoglobin;
- improves the condition of hair, nails, skin;
- has a calming effect on the nervous system;
- relaxes, relieves stress like chocolate and oranges.

healthy fruit
Also, the fruit has the following effects:
- increases efficiency during increased physical exertion, helps the body avoid nervous exhaustion during mental stress, stress, excessive mental activity;
- maintains the tone of the heart muscle, maintains the rhythm of its contractions at the physiological level;
- strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
- is a prophylactic for arthrosis, gout, preserves the youth of the joints;
- burns fats, gives a full feeling of satiety, despite the low calorie content;
- raises immunity, increases resistance to the adverse ecology of large cities;
- supports gastrointestinal motility;
- helps with defecation difficulties, dysbacteriosis;
- removes toxins from the body.
For women

Nectarine kharko
Peach hybrid is the most useful fruit for the beauty of women. Thanks to him, the fragile female body is saturated with useful elements, receives support during heavy loads. With the help of vitamins, the water balance of skin cells is maintained, which contributes to the preservation of beauty and youth.
Contains zinc, folic acid, especially necessary for the female body, help in maintaining the overall tone, metabolic processes of the body at a high level.
In addition to all of the above, nectarine stabilizes hormonal function, in direct proportion to which is youth.
For men

healthy fruit
A miraculous fruit can help the body of the stronger sex.
It is a good immune support reducing stress, increasing concentration and strength in the muscles.
During pregnancy

Just a few slices can get rid of many manifestations of toxicosis
The use of several slices of nectarine can save the expectant mother from an attack of heartburn, help with other manifestations of toxicosis. In addition, it is a rich source of vitamins and minerals necessary for the female body and the baby in it. And, which is part of, folic acid helps for the normal development of the nervous system of the unborn child.
In the presence of a tendency to allergic reactions, great care must be taken in the use of nectarine. In the event of manifestations of allergies, the fetus is excluded from the diet.
When breastfeeding

Nursing mother in the first 2 months. life of a child should not eat nectarine. This is due to the possible difficulty in the passage of food through the intestines.
Entering fruit into the diet is carried out in small portions. At the same time, during the day, great care is shown for the newborn, in order to avoid possible allergic reactions.
For kids

Nectar with nectarine
Pediatricians are not recommended to introduce nectarine into the baby's diet as complementary foods earlier than from 7 months of age. To begin with, the child is given freshly squeezed juice in the amount of a few drops. After a few days, in the absence of allergies, the fruit is given as a puree.
If the child has problems with stool, the fruit will help with a mild laxative effect. Pediatricians recommend nectarine juice as a natural immunomodulatory agent.
When losing weight

Healthy sweetness that supports the feeling of satiety, quenches the feeling of thirst
Nutritionists recommend the inclusion of a peach hybrid in the diet. Thanks to it, sweetness is provided, which is not enough for those who want to lose weight, a feeling of satiety is maintained, and the feeling of thirst is well quenched.
This is a good helper in filling the deficiency of nutrients that occurs with a limited diet, normalizing protein metabolism, breaking down fats in deposits. Dietary fibers get rid of toxins, remove toxins. Providing a diuretic, choleretic effect helps naturally, without difficulty in getting rid of decay products.
Nectarine is a delicious helper in diet, assimilation, digestion of food. It stimulates the production of digestive juices. To get maximum relief, it is recommended to consume the fruit after the main meal.

Bones: useful and harmful qualities

Caution is required in the use of the inner part of the nucleolus
Great care must be taken with nectarine nucleoli. They can accumulate hydrocyanic acid in a large volume. It is formed during the ripening of the fruit. This process is not influenced by environmental factors.
The inner part of the kernel tastes a little bitter, but this does not stop fans from feasting on it. We must not forget about the possibility of harm. Exceeding the dose of consumption (10 cores per day) is not permissible.

Application in medicine

Use may not always be safe
For people with any health problems, great care must be taken in the use of nectarine.

In the chronic form of diabetes, the use of nectarine is not recommended. This is due to the rather high content of the glycemic index (42), sucrose, fructose.
If there is a suspicion of a disease, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required before use.

nectarine lola
People with this disease carefully monitor their diet. The possibility of introducing nectarine into the diet depends on how severe the disease is and only after discussion with the doctor.
With a strict ban on sweet and sour fruits, it is not recommended to consume nectarine fruits.

Peach hybrid - assistant in digestion, if the course of the disease is latent.
In the acute form of the disease, eating fruit can aggravate the condition.
For the intestines

Peach fellow is a good help for the intestines. Due to its effect, contractility improves.
Also, with the help of the fruit, like a brush, slags, growths from the intestinal walls are swept away.

Nectarine will help the body with a mild laxative effect
If there are difficulties with stool, motility of the digestive organs, the use of a nectarine hybrid will help the body with a mild laxative effect.
The main thing is not to eat fruit before going to bed, because because of this, the digestion process is activated, sleep will be disturbed.

Saturates the joints with essential trace elements
It is recommended for people with sore joints to use nectarine in their diet. This will saturate the joints with essential trace elements and restore their mobility.
It will also help to break down salt deposits and remove excess sodium, which will greatly facilitate the course of the disease.

Because of this inflammatory process, there are difficulties in defecation. For its relief, it is advised to eat nectarines.
But people with hypersensitivity should treat these fruits very carefully, because use can lead to an exacerbation of the condition of nodes with inflammation.

You can use nectarine fruits for this disease after consulting with your doctor.

Application in cosmetology

Magic effect on skin, hair
Many professionals in cosmetology note the magical effect of masks, which include nectarine. They miraculously rejuvenate and beneficially act on the skin and hair.
Nectarine face mask is a great beauty recipe, able to maintain a youthful skin condition during the ripe nectarine harvest.
Face Mask #1

Nectarine - benefits and harms to a woman's health
- nectarine - 5 pcs.;
- peach oil - 5 tbsp. l.
The fruits are well washed. The bones are taken out. The pulp is crushed into a puree, after which oil is added to it. Everything is thoroughly mixed.
The mask must be applied to previously cleansed skin, those. first you need to wash your face, and then wipe it with a tonic solution.
After cleansing, the prepared mixture is distributed on the skin and left for 15-20 minutes. then rinse off with cool water. To complete the stage, you can wash yourself with thermal water.
Face mask №2

healthy fruit
- juice (freshly squeezed) 1 nectarine;
- cornstarch - 1 tbsp. l.;
- egg white - 1 pc.
All components are well mixed and applied to clean skin. Everything is left for 15 minutes, and then washed off with cool water.
This recipe will help eliminate the effects of rashes, lighten the skin from pigmentation, smooth out shallow mimic wrinkles.
Hair Mask

The use of juicy pulp will be useful in nourishing hair
The juiciness of the pulp of the fruit is able to nourish the hair well, saturate them with vitamins, help to restore their structure.
- nectarine pulp of 1 fruit;
- cottage cheese (low-fat) - 2 tbsp. l.
The constituent elements are mixed, applied to the scalp. Then the mass is distributed along the entire length of the hair and left for 45 minutes.
Regular use of the prescription (at least once a week) will help accelerate hair growth, strengthen them, restore damaged ends.

Harm, contraindications

Exceeding the daily intake can lead to side effects
Consumption of peach hybrid is strictly contraindicated for the following indications:
- diabetes;
- predisposition to allergies;
- overweight.
If you exceed the daily intake of nectarine fruits, this can lead to side effects:
- bloating;
- violation in the system that processes food;
- a sharp change in blood sugar levels;
Children under the age of 7 are advised to consume fruit in small quantities (1-2 pieces per day).
Allergy symptoms

The appearance of red rashes on the face, abdomen, legs, hands, forearms - this is a classic allergic feature that shows up on nectarines.
If any signs are found, the use of an antihistamine and contact with a medical institution is required. Stronger, with rapid development, reactions leading to swelling of the mucous membranes require an immediate call for an ambulance. Prior to their arrival, it is necessary to try to give the patient an anti-allergy drug.
Often on the Internet you can find such names of varieties as: Crimean Autumn, Golden Moscow, Kharnas, Golden Jubilee, Early Kiev, Ambassador of the World. They are mistakenly referred to as nectarines, thereby misleading readers. They are indeed bright representatives of their species, but they belong to the peach.
Nectarine has a large variety of different species that have proven themselves on the good side. Described in our article - this is only a small part of them. New varieties are developed annually. Breeders are trying to bring out even better species with higher qualities and stability.
In general terms, nectarine is a heat-loving, demanding plant. If it is reasonable to choose a variety before planting, take into account the nuances of planting, care, they will bring joy with their beautiful flowering and rich yield.