In order to solder the wires together, they first need to be soldered. This is done using various fluxes, the most common of which is rosin. Beginners in soldering business only acquire it, as a rule.
However, there are times when rosin does not do its job, and there is no other flux at hand. So what to do when the wire is not tinned? Super flux from the grocery store.

The wire is not tinned, what to do?
Not all wires are the same: there are copper, aluminum and steel. Copper wires are well processed with ordinary rosin, but for steel it is not enough. The fatty film and oxides are not destroyed well enough - such soldering will not be very reliable, or it may not work out at all.
For tinning steel wires, more active fluxes are needed, for example, soldering acid. But what if it is not at hand? There is a way out - to use household analogues.
A beginner may be surprised, but this is ordinary citric acid. This is a fairly strong acidic substance and successfully removes oxides and contaminants from the metal surface. By the way, with its help, rust is removed from an old metal tool, files and needle files are restored.
Step 1 - remove the fat film
Pour a few crystals of citric acid onto the work surface. We lean the wire to be processed against them, and heat it with a soldering iron with solder.
Step #2 - Applying Additional Solder
After heating the wire with citric acid, we may find that the surface of the wire core has acquired a characteristic metallic color from the solder. If the layer came out uneven, then you can and should increase it. In this case, you can already use rosin - the film, which previously interfered with the adhesion of solder, is no longer a hindrance.
If the layer came out uneven, then you can and should increase it. In this case, you can already use rosin - the film, which previously interfered with the adhesion of solder, is no longer a hindrance.

What can be tinned with citric acid?
Citric acid is, first of all, an acid, and quite strong. And therefore, with its help, you can tin elements made of “white” metal. For example, solder a plug like a tulip.
In the photo below, you can see a uniform layer of tin on the connector pin.

Citric acid is an active substance that can destroy not only fatty films and oxides, but also the soldering site itself. Therefore, after the work has been done, its remains must be removed. This can be done with a swab dipped in alcohol.
It should be noted that other improvised means can also be used as a flux. For example, analgin. This is also acid, which is actively used not only by people with a sore head, but also with a soldering iron in their hands.
VIDEO: Is the wire not tinned? Super flux from the grocery store.
Is the wire loose? Super flux from the grocery store.
What to do if the wire is not tinned? Effective soldering flux from the grocery store
A regular aspirin tablet is also great.
You can, of course, but you should always add to such advice that the vapors released when aspirin tablets are heated are very toxic and suffocating, and flow ventilation of the workplace should be provided.