Stretch ceiling in the bathroom - pros and cons: types, properties, tips for choosing

stretch ceiling in the bathroom

Stretch ceiling In bathroom - pros and cons. What it is? What are there? Can it be used in wet areas? How are they mounted? What are the advantages over other ceilings?

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The mention of stretch ceilings in some will cause complete satisfaction, while in others, on the face, on the contrary, you will not see anything except a wry smile. Why does this material cause such a mixed reaction? Let's try to understand this issue using the example of its use in rooms with high humidity, namely in bathrooms.

Stretch ceiling in the bathroom pros and cons when using it, in order to clarify and reveal this, let's consider what kind of material, its characteristics, installation methods and maintenance during operation.

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Stretch ceilings - what is it?

If someone thinks that this technology is new, then he is greatly mistaken. The use of fabric draperies was actively used to create comfort in their homes by the citizens of ancient Rome, as well as the inhabitants of medieval Armenia, impregnated the fabric with special chalk compositions and pulled it over the frame.

Today, little has changed - only new materials have appeared with properties that were inaccessible to our ancestors, but the technology has practically remained unchanged.

That's how it was in the old days

That's how it was in the old days

From that time to the present, rich people willingly used and use this technique, which was not available to common people. However, synthetics, which significantly supplemented the arsenal of building materials, made it possible to quickly create comfort for people even with more than a modest income level.

Types of ceilings

PVC - a wide range

PVC - a wide range

The baton of precious draperies, although they are still used by orthodox representatives of the aristocracy, was taken over by seamless fabric panels. They are made from polyester yarn. The fabrics are specially treated with polyurethane, pressed, dried and calendered. In hardware stores, they can be found in a variety of colors, different sizes, up to 5 meters wide.

PVC films - this is a fairly new material, which, due to its properties and low price, has become popular among homeowners. Vinyl film panels are made by welding polyvinyl chloride strips on HDTV machines.

The installation requires the use of heat guns, although there are variations of this material that do not require the use of the latter. Reliable, durable, but have low frost resistance and other disadvantages.

Stretch PVC ceilings are produced in various textures:

  • glossy, i.e. with a perfectly smooth surface that can reflect light

This property is actively used by designers to visually increase the space of the room. Rooms equipped with such ceilings are much better illuminated by artificial light.

Stretch ceiling

Two-tone stretch ceiling

The disadvantages include that on such mirror surfaces the most insignificant defects are visible, and also all connecting seams are visible.

  • matte, i.e. absorbing light

No mirror effect. The surface of the canvas is rough.This is a classic - no reflections, glare and reflections - even and stable color on the entire surface of the ceiling.

  • satin, i.e. somewhere between matte and glossy

Smooth surface provides better light output - ceilings seem saturated with color, if they are white, then they are dazzling white. There is no mirror effect.

Ceiling elements and installation methods

Frame installation - complex ceiling

Frame installation - complex ceiling

Installation of stretch ceilings (n.p.) is the fastest way to put the ceiling in full order. In addition to the fact that it has no competitors in terms of installation speed, it is also the most “clean”. To form it, you only need to install a special frame around the perimeter of the ceiling and stretch the panel.

For the supporting frame, the so-called baguette profile is used. It comes in two versions:

  • aluminum
  • plastic

Aluminum profiles, due to the raw materials used for its production, are two to three times more expensive. However, they are more reliable and better cope with the task of holding the ceiling - the baguette lock is not deformed with a strong tension of the panel, and the ceiling does not sag.

In addition, aluminum has the properties of metals and retains them throughout its use, while plastic becomes brittle over time, which means that if there is a need to replace the ceiling sheet with a new one, then the plastic frame will have to be changed.

Aluminum baguettes - clothespin

Aluminum baguettes - clothespin

In addition to differences in the raw materials used, baguettes differ in the methods of attaching the canvas:

  • harpoon

For this method, n.p. for each particular room, installers come to the site, take measurements, according to which the ceiling is made in the production workshops. The canvas is cut to size, and a connecting edge is formed around the entire perimeter of the latter, which will be inserted into a frame baguette equipped with a harpoon system.

Harpoon baguette

Harpoon baguette

Such a ceiling formation system is good because it allows multiple use of the same ceiling. For example, various construction debris was poured from the ceiling onto the suspended ceiling: old dye, whitewash or plaster from the seams, specialists heat the canvas with heat guns, remove it, perform the necessary operations and install the n.p. back.

  • glazing bead

At a price, it is somewhat cheaper than the harpoon method, since the PVC film is cut at the installation site, and not in production workshops. The fastening edge is not formed, and the panel is stretched and fixed in the baguette with special wedges-glazing beads.

Baguette bead

Baguette bead

The method is effective and has the right to exist. Its only downside is that it is disposable. Those. if a situation arises in which it will be necessary to dismantle the film, even if it is partial, then you will have to change it, i.e. buy a new canvas. This is due to the fact that for installation in this way, a certain amount of material release is needed, due to which the ceiling is tensioned, which, in turn, are cut off.

  • corded
  • clothespin

The last two methods apply only to fabric ceilings. This happens with the help of lacing or special clothespins. The harpoon and bead method is also suitable for mounting fabric varieties of the ceiling.

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Stretch ceilings - dispelling myths

Stretch ceiling

sagging ceiling

So that this article does not look like a praise, Let's start the consideration of this section with the minuses of stretch ceilings.

All the shortcomings are associated with the manufacturing technology of this finishing material: raw materials used, texture and installation technology.

  • For the production of common types of canvases (PVC) among the population, polyvinyl chloride threads are used, assembled in a whole on machines with high temperatures.The main drawback of vinyl is its low frost resistance - when exposed to cold, it, in addition to shrinking, becomes brittle. However, when it is used in heated rooms, this risk factor disappears, in addition, even such a situation took place, the material retains all its technical properties and when the film returns to normal operation, everything returns to normal
  • Sensitivity to high temperatures is the reverse of the situation discussed earlier. Here, the same laws of physics - as the temperature rises, the material expands. However, in bathrooms there are no temperatures above critical, with the exception of saunas and steam rooms. So it is impossible to use a suspended ceiling in baths, although this is already obvious to everyone.
  • Poor resistance to mechanical impact of sharp and cutting objects. The canvas, although dense, is still quite easy to puncture and cut, if such an impact was applied to it, then it cannot be restored. An exception to the rule are places located near the perimeter of the ceiling. For your information, hitting a cork from champagne will not damage the stretch ceiling in any way.
  • Installation requires the formation of a frame, which reduces the usable space of already low rooms. The height of the framed aluminum profile is 35 mm, plus the installers make a minimum indent from the ceiling plate so that the fasteners do not fall into the void. If we compare the installation of GVL or GKL, then the situation here is similar
  • Mold formation in the ceiling space and aggravation of this situation by the lack of ventilation. Mold does form in damp spaces, and fighting them is troublesome. However, many can confirm that without false ceilings, this nuisance can form in the places of leaks on the ceiling tiles, which is very difficult to deal with. There is only one way out - before installing the ceiling, treat the floors with special compounds, and periodically conduct an audit, i.e. ventilate
  • The formation of a bubble on the ceiling, i.e. sag. This also happens, but if poor-quality installation was performed or, in order to save money, a film that was too thin was used. The way out is not to save on material, but to invite only proven masters for installation.
  • Not all sources of artificial light are suitable - unnecessary glare and gaps are formed. This can be answered as follows - each item serves a specific purpose. If there is a lamp that provides for the use of a 40 W light bulb, then if it is stupid to screw it into it by 100, the lamp will simply melt. So it is with lighting in stretch ceilings - there are special lighting devices for these purposes.

mold formation

mold formation

If you use it for its intended purpose and correctly install the ceiling, as well as related equipment, then the stretch ceiling will not create any special trouble during operation.

Having considered possible difficulties with tension webs, consider the absolute benefits of their use, including in bathrooms.

  • Material durability. A correctly assembled structure will serve for at least 10 years, after the expiration of the term, you can simply replace the canvas, change the lighting configuration and enjoy the comfort further
  • Appearance. Mirror surface, rich color, airy ceiling, starry sky and much more that can be done with PVC film
  • Formation of the ceiling at any convenient time, on any repair stage. Installation will take one working day - the work is clean, without construction “dirt”, dust, paint, etc.
  • Leak protection. For those living in apartment buildings, this is one of the factors influencing the choice in favor of stretch ceilings. They really often allow you to save expensive repairs from an unplanned flood. N.p. able to hold a large amount of water, which can then be carefully removed from the ceiling. After such regular emergencies, most of the canvases return to their original form.
  • Affordable price. In advertising newspapers, you can find ads about profitable offers - installation of stretch ceilings for 300 rubles per square meter. meter including material cost. This is true, but the quality of the film will be low, and installation involves the use of disposable technology and the cheapest frame plastic baguettes. If this is acceptable for a garage or a small cottage, then for apartments it is recommended to consider options from 700 rubles per sq. meter

starry sky

starry sky

If you compare prices with other types of ceiling (plaster, plasterboard), then the price will still be 2-3 times lower. So, for example, a plasterboard ceiling with installation and material is 2-2.5 thousand rubles per 1 sq. meter.

Note to homeowners or how to accept a job?

Stretch ceiling

Stretch ceiling

In conclusion, we will point out the points that will be useful when choosing one or another ceiling, as well as the pitfalls that may arise during installation.

  • For such complex premises as a bathroom, one should not save on a high-quality baguette profile, - This is a guarantee against leaks. Aluminum baguette allows you to repeatedly dismantle the ceiling. The harpoon method is the most expensive to install, but the cheapest to operate.
  • Before installation, you should carefully consider the processing of ceiling ceilings. This is especially true for old houses. It is recommended to coat the entire surface with concrete contact, a primer with good penetrating power or a similar adhesive mortar to eliminate the risk of falling on the floor. foreign debris.
  • When mounting the frame, it is necessary to check it for the presence of a short circuit to the phase. It often happens that when attaching it to the wall with self-tapping screws, the hidden electrical wiring is damaged. Closing at the stage of frame formation is an unpleasant phenomenon in itself. But it happens even worse - partial damage to the wire. Over time, it will burn out, and then it will be impossible to find the place of the circuit. It is better to check it at the very beginning.

VIDEO: About the installation of stretch ceilings and some nuances

Stretch ceiling in the bathroom - pros and cons: types, properties, tips for choosing

Stretch ceilings pros cons and installation

Stretch ceiling in the bathroom - pros and cons: types, properties, tips for choosing

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Stretch ceiling in the bathroom

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