If you are familiar with electronics and radio engineering, then a problem often arises: there is a sufficiently powerful transformer, but the secondary winding voltage is not enough. Rewinding her task is very difficult. In this article, we will show you how to double the voltage of a transformer without rewinding, with just two diodes and two capacitors.

Materials for work
In order to double the voltage of a transformer, you will need:
- two rectifier diodes 1N4007;
- two electrolytic capacitors 2200 uF 25 V;
- soldering iron;
- insulated wires;
- wire cutters;
- multimeter.
Step 1. Assembling the voltage doubler circuit
We assemble a doubler according to the Latour - Delon - Grenacher scheme.

We bite a little at one capacitor the plus leg of the second - the minus one and solder them together.

Solder the diodes to the second legs of the capacitors, observing the polarity.

We solder the remaining legs of the rectifier diodes to each other.

Step 2. Testing
With a multimeter we measure the voltage on the secondary winding of the transformer - 11 V AC.

Source: https://youtu.be/AHtMgGZZXUo
We solder the outputs of the transformer to the doubler. We also solder a couple of wires to the output of the doubler.

We measure the voltage at the output of the circuit - 30 V DC.

How to double the voltage of a transformer without rewinding
How to double the voltage ⚡⚡ of a transformer without rewinding using just 4 parts