Many of you have faced the task of plastering walls, either when building your own house, or a battered and waiting garage. This process is quite lengthy and tedious. We suggest you make a design that will greatly facilitate this process.

Materials for manufacturing
In order to make a structure for applying plaster, you will need:
- piece of old pipe;
- thick metal plate;
- 3 bolts with flange nuts;
- sheet of thin metal;
- ball valve for the outer diameter of the pipe;
- two couplings with external thread;
- spring;
- nut according to the diameter of the pipe;
- paint can;
- Bulgarian;
- welding machine;
- belt grinder (grinder);
- lathe and drilling machine;
- rivet gun;
- magnetic square;
- vise;
- saw for metal;
- rubber mallet.
Step 1: Preparing the Parts
We cut three blanks of different lengths from the pipe with a grinder. One is for the width of our future design, the second is for part of the handle from the faucet to the structure, the third is for connecting the handle to the compressor.

We cut a strip from the metal plate along the width of our design, plus allowances for bending on each side.

We grind off burrs on a belt sander, remove paint and rust from pipes and a metal plate.

In the pipe, which we cut to the width of the structure, we drill three holes for the outlet nozzles. The middle hole is through the center of the pipe, the other two are symmetrically sided at the edges.

On the metal plate, we also drill three holes for the exit of the plaster. One in the center and two symmetrically already drilled into the pipe.

Bend the two sides of the metal plate at an angle of 90 degrees. The central side must correspond to the width of the structure.

Step 2. Making outlet nozzles.
In the center of each bolt from the side of the head, we drill a hole along the length of the future nozzle.

Unnecessary parts of the bolts are cut off with a hacksaw.

We put three nuts on the holes drilled in the pipe with the flange down, weld them and screw in the bolts.

Step 3. We assemble the air supply unit
On the reverse side of the pipe, we weld a long piece of the handle onto the through hole.

On the second side of the pipe, we weld a coupling with an external thread for a ball valve. We also weld the coupling to one of the ends of the short pipe of the handle.
To the sides of the pipe with fittings perpendicular to the large pipe, we weld the bracket obtained in paragraph 6 of step 1.

To prevent the plaster from splashing during operation, we cover the bracket with a cut piece of sheet metal from above and weld it around the perimeter.

We drill a through hole in the center of the steel round bar.

On a lathe, we grind the size corresponding to your compressor and make a belt for the fitting.

We weld the rod with the fitting to the short pipe of the handle. To compensate for the difference in diameters, we use a steel washer.
We assemble in series a short pipe with a fitting, a ball valve and a pipe with outlet nozzles.

For convenience in work, we slightly bend the handle and make the crane a return mechanism. To do this, remove the handle, bend it in a zigzag manner and drill a hole in it for the spring. We put the handle in place and put on the spring. We weld the second edge of the spring to the pipe.

Step 4. Making a container for plaster
From a thin sheet of metal we cut blanks for a future container.

Using a mallet, we give them the desired shape, after which we drill holes that match the nozzles of the air supply unit, and assemble the container using a rivet gun.

For ease of use, we attach a handle to the top of the container.

We paint the air supply unit with spray paint.

We carry out tests
Our design is ready! It remains only to connect it to the compressor, fill the container with the necessary solution and you can start applying the plaster.

We make a design for applying plaster
Do-it-yourself plastering? | We speed up the plastering process several times