Mint: its medicinal properties and contraindications (for women & men), peppermint, tea, tincture and other variations + Reviews

mint properties and contraindications

This fragrant honey plant has been used by people since ancient times. Knowledge about the medicinal properties of mint and contraindications to its use have been passed down from generation to generation. In recent decades, interest in it has revived again.

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plant description

Mint is one of the representatives of the Lamiaceae (Lamiaceae) family. Such well-known plants as basil, sage, lemon balm, oregano and other aromatic herbs belong to the same family.

Outwardly, mint is not very noticeable. The plant has an upright branched stem 0.3-1 m high, medium-sized elongated serrated leaves arranged crosswise on short petioles. Small light purple flowers are collected in neat spike-shaped inflorescences.

This unpretentious plant can be grown even on the windowsill.

This unpretentious plant can be grown even on the windowsill.

Fibrous roots do not go deep into the ground, but are located horizontally a couple of centimeters from the surface. Seeds, formed infrequently, when ripe, look like tiny nuts.

This perennial prefers moist fertilized soil, well-lit places, but easily takes root in partial shade.. As a raw material, only the aerial part is often used - the stems and leaves. Gardeners often cultivate an unpretentious honey plant in their dachas.

It blooms almost all summer - from June to August-September. Mint leaves and cuttings are cut off during the flowering period - at that time the plant accumulates the maximum amount of necessary substances. After harvesting, the shoots grow back quickly, so the crop is harvested several times during the season.

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Experts know 25 species of this fragrant plant, but peppermint is mainly used for medicinal and culinary purposes. Meadow (field) mint is widely used in folk medicine. In cosmetology, aromatherapy, Japanese and water varieties are sometimes used.

Peppermint is one of the most famous types of this plant. Since the variety was first discovered in England, it is sometimes referred to as English. It was found that he was born by crossing garden and water mint. In literature or colloquial speech, you can find other names - noble, tea, cold, cognac. Today, peppermint is grown in 40 countries.

Blooming peppermint

Blooming peppermint

The most unusual subspecies of mint can be called chocolate mint. - a plant with dark purple leaves and a chocolate-menthol flavor. There is also apple mint with a subtle refreshing aroma of this fruit.

Curly mint in the wild is found only in Africa and southern Europe, and fragrant mint is found mainly on the Mediterranean coast. Menthol and marsh have a strong smell and taste of menthol.

Longleaf mint, on the other hand, has a more delicate, less harsh flavor and aroma. Kotovnik, popularly called catnip, has a relaxing effect on humans, and on cats, on the contrary, it is exciting.

Japanese can only be found on the islands of Hokkaido and Honshu. The Mexican variety is grown even in Russia as a honey plant and to decorate the garden. A variety called Home was also bred, which is able to grow on a windowsill in a pot.

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Compound. Application in traditional medicine

This plant can replace many medicines

This plant can replace many medicines

Mint contains many useful substances - vitamins and minerals, glucose, linoleic, ascorbic, acetic, valeric acids, bioflavonoids, phytosterols, tannins. But the most valuable is the essential oil containing menthol, phellandrenes and dipentenes - aromatic compounds with a burning taste and a pronounced smell.

In folk medicine, mint is used for:

  • treatment of cardiac diseases
  • decreased pressure and increased nervous excitability
  • increased cerebral circulation
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels
  • bleeding prevention
  • complex treatment of bronchitis, tuberculosis and asthma
  • suppression of pathogenic flora, improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines
  • improve the condition of patients with diabetes mellitus
  • treatment of menstrual irregularities
  • normalization of water-salt balance, removal of excess fluid
  • stimulation of bile production
  • reducing the level of "bad" cholesterol
  • treatment of infections
  • reduction of pain of different localization
  • dealing with symptoms of menopause
  • hair strengthening;
  • skin aging prevention
  • fight boils, oily problem skin, etc.

For treatment, both decoctions, infusions, and alcohol, oil extracts are used. Teas, ointments, creams, cosmetic oils, shampoos, balms, etc. are made on the basis of mint.

When taking mint-based medicines, the exact dosage must be observed. Excessive use of it leads to a decrease in pressure, heartburn, irritability, insomnia.
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Use in official medicine

This plant is actively used in pharmacology. The composition of Zelenin drops used to treat heart neurosis, in addition to it, includes valerian, lily of the valley and belladonna.

Perhaps the most famous medicine made on the basis of meadow (field) mint is the well-known validol.

It is used for the production of drugs that relieve spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, to combat urolithiasis and gallstone disease, stomatitis, nausea, and flatulence. Mint is also included in the composition of medicines intended for the treatment of hepatitis.

Travisil - expectorant

Travisil - expectorant

Menthol, which is part of mint, is used for inhalation of the upper respiratory tract. It is included in the composition of nasal drops and oils used to lubricate mucous membranes with pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.

Menthol pencils are a good pain reliever. To stop pain syndromes, they rub the skin in the temple area. Menthol is used to treat neuralgia. Since it is a mild vasodilator, it is introduced into the composition of drugs to combat insomnia, excessive excitability.

For children under 6 years of age, the use of menthol-based products is contraindicated due to the likelihood of reflex depression of the nervous system.
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Use in cooking

It finds wide application in the alcoholic beverage industry and cooking. EThis plant is able to shade and improve the taste of salads, first and second courses, desserts, drinks. Excellent dishes with this seasoning are obtained on the basis of cheese and cottage cheese. It is a part of sauces, seasonings, barbecue marinades, etc.

Mint jam is unusually fragrant and fragrant

Mint jam is unusually fragrant and fragrant

When mint is added to baked goods, products acquire a unique taste and aroma. Many people like mint ice cream, sweet desserts with mint. It improves the taste of drinks: tea, kvass, compotes, kissels, fruit drinks, cocktails. The menthol contained in it gives a feeling of coolness.

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Infusions, decoctions and extracts based on mint

Tea with mint

Tea with mint

In principle, each of these dosage forms - infusions, decoctions, alcohol or oil extracts - is interchangeable.. However, due to the different percentages of active substances in them, the exact dose of administration should be observed.

Decoctions and infusions are prepared on the basis of water. However, if in the first case it must be boiled, then to prepare the infusion, the plants are only poured with hot, warm (and sometimes cold) water and insisted for a long time. Such funds act more gently. Plus, due to the lack of heating, there is no destruction of biologically active components.

Alcohol tinctures are convenient because they have a long shelf life. They are used to extract nutrients from the coarse, dense roots of the plant. Oil extracts of any plant species are used mainly for the treatment of mucous membranes or delicate areas of the skin, where the use of alcohol tinctures is unacceptable.

Mint can also be used as a mosquito repellent. Do not favor this plant and mice.


mint tincture


  • The easiest way to make a mint-based drug is an infusion.
  • For 1 teaspoon of finely chopped leaves of the plant, 200 ml of boiling water will be needed.
  • The container is tightly closed and infused for 20 minutes.
  • Before ingestion, the liquid is filtered.
  • Sugar or honey is often added to such a medicine to improve the taste.
  • Drink an infusion of a tablespoon every 2-3 hours.
  • This remedy will help you get rid of insomnia for a long time, soothe a headache, remove stomach cramps.
  • Mint infusion also helps with heartburn.


Mint decoction


  • To obtain a decoction, take 250 ml (a glass) of water, bring it to a boil, add crushed mint leaves (a tablespoon) and cook over low heat for 7-10 minutes.
  • Take it twice a day for half a cup.
  • In the old reference books there is another method of preparing the decoction.
  • It turns out to be less concentrated, but it is taken not 2, but 3 times a day.
  • For 500 ml of water, you need a tablespoon of dry mint.
  • After boiling, the broth should boil for another 10-15 minutes.

Alcohol extract

mint in a jar


  • Alcohol tincture is successfully used for inhalation with a cold or bronchitis.
  • It is also used for rubbing, lubricating the temples for headaches, migraines, treating oily skin, and acne.
  • Inside, the tincture is taken in small doses, 10-15 drops 3-4 times a day.
  • You can simply dilute the alcohol extract with water to the desired concentration or add a few drops of it to tea.
  • To make a tincture, you will need a glass of alcohol (250 ml) and 50 g of dry or freshly picked mint leaves.
  • The container with the mixture is tightly closed and placed in a dark place for a couple of weeks.
Plants for your health

Plants for your health

Oil extract

Peppermint oil is an effective remedy used for stomach diseases, pain, heartburn, increased flatulence, or as an external remedy to improve the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. In small doses, it can be used even for the treatment of children older than 6 years.

Peppermint oil

Peppermint oil

When taken, 3-4 drops of oil are dripped onto a piece of sugar or mixed with a liquid. Peppermint oil is also added to cosmetic masks, creams, shampoos.

At home, peppermint oil is prepared as follows:

  • it is better to use not dry, but fresh mint, plucked in the early morning
  • well-washed leaves spread on a paper towel for 10 minutes to remove excess moisture
  • so that mint gives juice, it is spread on a cutting board, covered with a plastic bag and beaten with a wooden kitchen mallet
  • now you need to tightly fill the jar with it, pour it with vegetable oil, close the lid tightly and put it away in a dark place for 15-20 days

You can store this oil for about a year in a cool place without access to light, preferably in the refrigerator.

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For the treatment of headaches and toothaches

Of course, mint is not a panacea, and can only serve to relieve toothache for a short time. It will not replace treatment. But still, in cases where it is not possible to get to the dentist in the near future, you can use the following means:

  • a couple of drops of mint oil are added to a glass of warm water and rinsed with a mouth solution throughout the day
  • 1 tablespoon of dry or fresh leaves is brewed with 250 g of boiling water, rinse your mouth with a similar composition in the same way as in the previous case

Mint will also help with headaches. To do this, with the help of adhesive plaster, fresh mint leaves are fixed in the forehead or temples. You can rub a small amount of peppermint oil into these places.

To relieve a headache, a couple of its leaves must be applied to the temples.

To relieve a headache, a couple of its leaves must be applied to the temples.

Cope with a headache water or alcohol infusion of mint leaves. The alcohol composition is added to the water in 10-15 drops and taken 3 times a day.


Mint for the treatment of diabetes is used only in combination with other plants. It can stimulate their better assimilation. Plus, the plant has a calming, antiseptic and choleretic effect. It also has a beneficial effect on the work of the pancreas.

Use Peppermint and Dandelion Blend to Treat Diabetes

Use Peppermint and Dandelion Blend to Treat Diabetes

Here is just one of the mint-based recipes:

  • a teaspoon of finely chopped dandelion root is mixed with 3 teaspoons of dry or fresh mint
  • pour the mixture into a glass of water
  • put it on fire and boil for 5 minutes
  • turn off the stove and leave the solution to infuse for another half hour
  • it is recommended to take mint-dandelion infusion 3 times a day for a quarter cup before meals

Diseases of the stomach

Our grandmothers have long and successfully treated flatulence, bloating and diseases accompanied by pain in the stomach with the help of mint. For these purposes, ordinary mint tea was used.

Mint can relieve stomach pain

Mint can relieve stomach pain

The beneficial effect of mint on the work of the gastrointestinal tract is also recognized by physicians. At the University of Maryland, studies were conducted, as a result of which a positive effect of mint on the course of diseases of the stomach, pancreas, gall and intestines was established. It is able to tone smooth muscles, improve the outflow of bile, and, as a result, speed up the time of digestion of fatty foods.

You should not take infusions and decoctions based on mint only during an exacerbation of gastritis and with an ulcer in order to avoid excessive irritation of the walls of the stomach.

For treatment, you will need the following recipe:

  • 1 heaping teaspoon of mint leaves should be brewed with a glass of boiling water
  • infuse the mixture for 5-10 minutes
  • take mint tea 2 times a day after meals, it is more convenient to do this in the morning and evening

Cold and cough

Mint is a reliable helper in the fight against colds

Mint is a reliable helper in the fight against colds

The active components of the plant help to fight any kind of cough, both dry and wet. They relieve asthma and bronchitis. Mint also becomes a good helper for throat irritation with pharyngitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, etc.

The plant has an antispasmodic effect, dilates blood vessels, relieves swelling, reduces pain, and successfully fights microbes. To prepare a decoction, you must:

  • add a tablespoon of mint to porcelain dishes and pour a glass of boiling water over the herb
  • for children 6-12 years old, this decoction will be too strong, so a tablespoon must be replaced with a teaspoon
  • cover the container with a lid and leave for 10-15 minutes
  • filter the resulting mixture and take 2-3 times a day until you feel better


In this disease, mint is used mainly as an additional and prophylactic agent - it is not capable of completely replacing drug treatment. However, it can be used as a sedative, relaxing agent, normalizing the heartbeat, calming the nerves and reducing vascular tone.

This plant is an excellent sedative.

This plant is an excellent sedative.

For these purposes, mint can simply be brewed as a tea, preferably with honey. It is used in combination with other plants: valerian, oregano, motherwort, adonis, cloves, viburnum, currant berries and leaves, sea buckthorn, chokeberry, etc.

Dealing with menopausal symptoms

Mint is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of inflammation of the female organs. It is able to alleviate the condition and with a protracted menopause. With a changing hormonal background, not only hot flashes often occur, but also bouts of irritability, insomnia.

Peppermint can help reduce these symptoms:

  • for the treatment of neurosis, it is mixed with fennel, buckthorn bark, wormwood in a ratio of 1: 2: 3: 1
  • a tablespoon of these herbs is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 20 minutes
  • it is necessary to drink the prepared infusion in 2 doses, in the morning and in the evening.

Drug treatment for menopause is best used in case of emergency.

Drug treatment for menopause is best used in case of emergency.

Valerian root is added to the remedy for insomnia:

  • buckthorn bark and chamomile flowers (10 g each) are combined with 20 g of mint, valerian root (30 g)
  • a tablespoon of the resulting mixture is brewed with boiling water (1 cup) and infused for 20 minutes
  • drink infusion should be before bedtime

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Application in cosmetology

Skin care products

Mint was widely used by our ancestors as a skin rejuvenator. She is able to fight acne and increased fat content. Just keep in mind that any folk remedy is effective only with regular long-term use.

To maintain the tone of dry skin, use the following recipe:

  • butter (1 teaspoon is enough) is whipped with a few drops of lemon juice
  • a tablespoon of mint decoction is gradually introduced into the mixture

The resulting mint-lemon cream is applied to the skin of the face, neck, décolleté in the morning and evening. It will be especially effective in winter and early spring, when the skin suffers from a lack of vitamins.

To prevent wrinkles, you can prepare the following healing lotion:

  • first we prepare a decoction: a couple of tablespoons of mint will require 2 cups of boiling water; boil it for 15 minutes
  • remove the broth from the heat, cool a little and add 30-40 g of chopped rowan pulp, 30 g of alcohol or 60 g of vodka and 60 g of lemon juice to it
  • the mixture should stand for at least a day

Homemade mint cream

Homemade mint cream

The composition of the mask for oily and acne-prone skin, in addition to mint, includes walnut leaves. We will need:

  • 3 cups boiling water
  • 4 heaping tablespoons fresh or dried mint
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped walnut leaves

To obtain a decoction, the resulting mixture is boiled for 20-25 minutes over low heat. After cooling, it is necessary to moisten gauze or a napkin in it and apply it as a lotion on problem areas for about 15 minutes.

Skin diseases require complex treatment. Decoctions and infusions of mint are used not only externally, but also taken orally for 1-2 months.

Hair treatment

The therapeutic effect on the hair follicles is based on the soothing and bactericidal properties of mint. It is an excellent remedy for relieving itching, irritation. Preparations based on it are capable of enhancing blood microcirculation, which delivers nutrients to the hair roots.

mint benefits for hair

Mint enhances hair shine, fights brittleness, eliminates dandruff

For treatment, you can use decoctions and infusions. Peppermint oil can be mixed with any other cosmetic oils, honey, egg yolk, herbal extracts, make masks, balms, conditioners based on them.

  • For hair growth, a few drops of peppermint oil can simply be added to the shampoo.
  • It is applied before washing and left for 5-7 minutes, and then washed off.
  • The oil can be used to massage the scalp.
  • Since it is a potent agent, it is mixed with base oil in a ratio of 1: 4.
Hair Treatments

Hair Treatments

Here are some recipes for masks for oily hair:

  • in chicken yolks (3 pieces) you need to add 3 drops of mint oil, 5 g (teaspoon) of lemon juice; the mixture is applied to the hair for 25 minutes; wash off with shampoo
  • mix a pack of colorless henna, 5-6 drops of mint oil, 3 teaspoons of cocoa butter and apply to the hair roots; wash off this mask after 2-3 hours
  • finely grind fresh mint and nettle grass, taken in equal proportions, mix with a glass of kefir, apply to hair for at least an hour; wash off with not too hot water using shampoo.
    Mint masks are also used for dry hair. After treatment, they come to life, acquire volume, shine and look healthier:
  • 2 tablespoons of grass are poured with half a liter of boiling water; the container is closed with a lid and infused for 30 minutes; you can add the cooled infusion to the rinse water or make masks based on it
  • 10 drops of mint oil tincture must be mixed with egg yolk, 2 tablespoons of quality cognac, 30 g of onion juice, castor oil, lemon juice, honey (the last three ingredients take 1 tablespoon each); the finished mask is distributed over the hair, paying special attention to the roots; it is better to keep the mask longer - at least 2 hours; such a mixture has a good effect on thinned curls that have been repeatedly stained
  • 50 g of cream, a tablespoon of honey, 10 drops of mint oil, egg yolk are thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the roots; the mask is used to improve hair growth, strengthen them, and combat hair loss.
If you use cool water instead of warm water when rinsing your hair with mint water, the strands will shine more.

amulet plant

Our ancestors believed that mint was endowed with magical powers. With the help of its aroma, evil spirits were driven away, good spirits were called, and rituals of purification and healing were performed. This plant was used to make amulets, amulets, talismans.

Magicians took his decoctions before performing rituals. To get rid of negative energy, the premises were sprinkled with water with the addition of salt, marjoram, rosemary and mint. In case of stomach diseases, a doll was made of green fabric, stuffed with the leaves of this plant and rubbed with fragrant oils.

Plants-charms from mint

Charm Plants

To this day, many folk signs are associated with the plant. So, it is believed that in order to attract wealth in a wallet, it is necessary to keep a couple of leaves. Shopkeepers are advised to spray trading places more often with infusion. Travelers are advised to take a sprig of mint with them - it is believed that this will help protect them on the road.

Her bundles can still be found at the icons. On the Holy Trinity - the "greenest" holiday of Christians - with it, along with other fragrant herbs, symbolizing prosperity and health, they decorate the house or even cover the floors.

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During pregnancy

It is difficult to answer unequivocally whether it is possible to take mint-based preparations. There are no direct contraindications to this. After all, the plant is absolutely harmless and is not able to have a harmful effect on the fetus.

Moreover, with a reasonable intake and addition of mint to tea, food, it has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy - normalizes sleep, soothes, protects against infectious diseases, enriches the body with vitamins, biologically active substances. She successfully fights bloating and constipation, which often accompany pregnancy.

Calm baby from mint

Calm baby - calm mother

But excessive use of drugs due to the increased content of estrogen can lead to uterine contractions and a threat of miscarriage.In large doses, mint not only calms, but, on the contrary, leads to increased excitability, irritability, which does not have the best effect on the health of the baby. Therefore, when taking, you should focus on how you feel - you can only drink 1-2 cups of tea with a small amount of mint per day.

When breastfeeding mint is contraindicated. It can reduce lactation. Tea from it is often taken specifically at the end of breastfeeding to reduce milk production.
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The main contraindication when taking mint is individual intolerance and allergic reactions to preparations prepared on its basis.

If you experience dizziness, itching and rashes on the skin, the reception should be stopped immediately.

Since this plant is able to lower blood pressure, it should not be taken by hypotensive patients. Although mint helps reduce pain and relieve varicose veins, it is still not recommended for this disease. Indeed, due to the expansion of blood vessels after taking an infusion or decoction, a thrombus can shift and move through the circulatory system towards the heart or brain.

There are few contraindications for this plant.

There are few contraindications for this plant.

An overdose of mint decoctions and infusions has a negative effect. When applied externally, excess menthol can lead to skin irritation. With uncontrolled ingestion, insomnia, heart pain, bronchospasm, decreased libido and other symptoms may appear.

Mint: its medicinal properties and contraindications (for women & men), peppermint, tea, tincture and other variations + Reviews

In this video, the host of the program “Live is great!”

Tells in detail about the amazing plant and its properties:

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mint properties

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