Installation of siding: step-by-step instructions for arranging the facade with your own hands. Online calculator for calculating the necessary materials (Photo & Video) + Reviews

Siding installation

This inexpensive material facade finishing able to perform not only a decorative function. It is strong enough and able to protect the building from drafts and piercing wind, and the walls or insulation from rain and snow. Do-it-yourself siding installation is not at all complicated and takes a minimum of time.

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What is the best siding?

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Vinyl siding

Polita flowers

Siding is most often associated by most people with lightweight vinyl (PVC) panels. However, this group of facade finishing materials includes any types of panels equipped with special locking fasteners. On one side there are special protrusions, on the other side there is an edge bent inward. When the protrusion of one sheet is inserted into the fold of another panel, they are securely fastened together with a click.

In addition to PVC panels, there are several more types of siding:

1aluminum: this material is more durable than vinyl, not afraid of corrosion; however, it is characterized by excessive flexibility - with strong blows, dents appear on it, which are very difficult to eliminate; plus the paint that it is painted with peels off over time
2steel: these high-strength products are mainly used for finishing industrial facilities, especially fire hazardous ones; the main disadvantages are a lot of weight, as well as a considerable price
3fiber cement: in addition to cement, its composition includes synthetic or natural fibers that serve as a reinforcing layer; the material looks very decorative, with it you can imitate wood, brick or natural stone; strong enough, not afraid of mold, fire, provides better sound insulation than metal siding, is not afraid of temperature changes, but is able to absorb moisture
4wood: eco-friendly material, impregnated with special compounds, can last for a long time; the building he finished looks very solid; however, this material is still less practical and durable than similar vinyl or metal products.
5ceramic: high strength, protective properties are due to the composition - it is obtained by firing special types of clay; the undoubted advantages are UV resistance (such materials practically do not fade in the sun), low water permeability, a variety of textures; disadvantages - high weight, increased fragility
6Siding dimensions varies: the panels can be 2-6 m long and 10-30 cm wide. The average thickness of the sheets is 10 mm. The basement is sold separately, the thickness of which is greater than usual. It is 3-4 mm

The industry produces enough panels shades: from the color of almond, peanut or walnut to shades of fern, poppy seeds or mimosa flowers. On sale there are also products that imitate log, as well as brick, natural stone.

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Sectional panels

Type of panel molding

Its panels can take the form:

  • flat (single)
  • "herringbone": their cut, indeed, resembles a Christmas tree pattern; fit only horizontally
  • "ship board": differs from the Christmas tree by a double bend
  • block house: material imitating a log, rounded or profiled timber

Vinyl panels in bright colors will fade faster when exposed to ultraviolet light than siding in soothing pastel shades. Plus, dark panels heat up much faster in the sun.
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How much material is required for finishing?

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Basement siding installation

Basement siding installation

Before installing siding, you should find out how many panels, connecting, corner, external profiles, as well as window framing elements, spotlights, wind boards, you will need.

Calculation of the number of panels

Calculating their required number is easy. It is necessary to find out the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls by multiplying the length, width of each of them and adding the resulting numbers. From this amount, it is necessary to subtract the area occupied by windows and doors. If the house is attic, we will also find out the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls of the attic floor. Add the result to the resulting sum.

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Calculation of the number of panels

Calculation of the number of panels

Let's say you got a figure equal to 140 square meters. m. The area of ​​one standard sheet is 0.85 square meters. m. (This parameter is always indicated on the package). Divide the total area of ​​the walls by the area of ​​one sheet: 140: 0.85 = 164.7 pieces. Round the result up to 165.

With proper cutting, the size of the waste is no more than 5-7%. We add this amount to the quantity received: 165 + 8 = 173 pieces. In a similar way, we calculate the required number of sheets or rolls of heat insulator.

Number of additional elements

The starting bar is attached to the bottom of the house - the bottom row will be held on it. To calculate its quantity, we change the width of each of the 4 walls. Add up the amount received. For example, (8 + 12) * 2 = 40 m. Add to the total the length of the profiles that will be attached over windows and doors (the starting bar will need to be attached in these places as well). The resulting figure is divided by the length of the panel. You can find this parameter in the attached documentation. The length of the finishing profiles will be exactly the same. The only difference is that you will attach them on top of the house, as well as under doors and windows.

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Siding elements

Siding elements

In order to calculate the number of external (external) slats, with which it will be possible to hide the edges of the cladding in the corners of the house, it is necessary to measure the height of the building, multiply it by four, and then divide the resulting number by the length of the slat. If the house has curves, you will need to find out the required number of exterior slats.

The number of docking strips depends on the total area of ​​​​the walls. For clarity, you can draw the layout of the walls of the house and calculate how many panels will be laid on each of them, as well as how many docking elements this will require. The length of the standard planks is 3 m.

You will need to purchase a J-profile for edging windows and doors. A window profile will need to be purchased only if the windows, like the doors, are recessed into the wall and go beyond the plane of the siding. If they are in the same plane with the panels, the window profile is replaced with platbands.

Most of the additional elements can be spliced. But it is not recommended to collect platbands or window profiles from scraps - they will need to be purchased for 4 strips for each window and door.

You will also need soffits for finishing the cornice (edge) of the roof, wind boards for finishing gable slopes. If you are afraid of making a mistake, you can check your calculations with a calculator program.

Online calculator

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Foundation preparation

Before starting work, it will be necessary to temporarily dismantle the incoming parts of the facade - window sills, ebbs. It is necessary to remove the fasteners of lighting fixtures, visors and awnings.

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Panel fixing

Panel fixing

Walls should be checked for cracks and crevices. If any are found, they are primed, and then sealed with a sand-cement mortar. Large cracks, potholes are pre-reinforced with a metal mesh. To protect against moisture, all wooden surfaces are treated with an antiseptic. Antiseptic or chlorine, after thorough cleaning, all surfaces affected by the fungus must also be treated.

Badly nailed boards are best fixed. If there are plants near the building that can grow inside the crate, they are dug out along with the root.

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Step by step installation of siding

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Siding installation

Siding installation

Facade decoration using this material is very simple. Even a beginner can handle it. So, detailed step-by-step instructions for installing siding.


Panels can be mounted without battens if the walls are sufficiently even.. However, the installation of heat-insulating material will then be simply impossible. Plus, the crate forms a ventilation gap between the panels and the wall, with the help of which moisture (condensate) is removed. Therefore, manufacturers strongly recommend using a metal or wooden crate to fasten this facade material.

To fasten it, you will need 3-4 cm bars or a metal profile. It will not be easy to work with a wooden beam, it will not be easy to build it up, so it is advisable to purchase this material immediately of a suitable length. The moisture content of the wood intended for the crate should be up to 12%. To protect against decay, it must be processed antiseptic. Additionally, the bars are coated with compounds with fire retardant properties.

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Starter profile fixing

Starter profile fixing

A metal crate will cost a little more, but it will be easier to work with it. And yes, it will last much longer. For fastening the siding, it is better to use a U-shaped profile 0.4-0.55 mm thick.

  1. If the siding will be mounted horizontally, then the crate is installed vertically. For mounting vertically arranged sheets, it is fixed accordingly horizontally.

  2. The step of the crate should be equal to the width of the insulation. The average step width is 40-50 cm

  3. Reiki must be fastened at the corners and joints of the wallsas well as top and bottom. At the locations of window and door openings, they are mounted close to each other so that the siding lies perfectly even in these places.

  4. Regardless of which type of lathing you have chosen (metal or wooden), the starting profile is mounted first along the bottom of the walls, as well as above the windows and doors.bon which the bottom panels will rest

  5. When marking the starting profile (it is placed strictly horizontally), it is necessary to designate the attachment points. The first mounting hole is drilled at a distance of 10-15 cm from the corner of the house.The distance between the remaining holes is 30-40 cm

  6. Attach the profile with straight hangers - strips of galvanized steel, provided with perforations. With the help of them it is very convenient to align the profile horizontally

  7. The start profile can also be attached to the pedimentif you want to visually separate it from the main part of the building

  8. Since any material is capable of expanding with increasing temperature, do not screw the screws too tightly - a gap of 1 mm should be left between the bar and them. Otherwise, the panel may be deformed.

  9. Below the starting profile, tide strips are attacheddesigned to protect the foundation from moisture. They are mounted with an overlap on an adjacent bar equal to 25 mm.

  10. After the installation of the main profiles in the places of door and window openings, they prepare additional vertical jumpers

  11. Corner profiles, window trims or platbands, as well as the finishing trim along the top of the wall, are also fixed prior to siding installation. Finishing must be installed under the window opening

  12. Corner bars can be replaced with starting ones. However, it is better to glue the corner additionally to protect it from precipitation.

  13. In this way, siding installation is easy even for dummies.

It is not necessary to mount a wooden crate in wet weather. It will quickly absorb moisture.

In what cases is a cross crate used?

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Double cross batten

Double cross batten

When laying a double layer of insulation of considerable thickness, a sufficiently thick beam will be required. But, since its heat-insulating properties are lower than that of a heater, and in its location the heat-shielding properties of the cladding will be reduced, it is better to use the cross method of fastening the crate:

  1. Its first layer is mounted, as usual, with a step equal to the width of the heat insulator sheets

  2. After laying the first layer of insulation between it proceed to the installation of the second layer of the crate. It is attached not to the walls, but to the bars of the first crate

  3. Fix the insulation dowels-umbrellas allowed through two layers of thermal insulation material

Framing of windows and doors

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Fixing window slats

Fixing window slats

Window platbands are mounted as follows:

  1. The top profile is cut on both sides, and then bent. Water will flow down these folds.

  2. After trimming the side strips, pieces of material, interfering with the connection, remove

  3. We connect the top and side strips so that the bent ones are inside

  4. The lower profiles are mounted in the same way. The only thing is that it is necessary to bend the strips not on the lower, but on the side strips. Then they are applied to the lower

Step-by-step video instructions for installing siding in the area of ​​​​window openings will be given below.

Insulation installation

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Double cross batten

Double crate

The method of its fastening depends on the type of material:

  1. When installing mineral wool in the form of slabs or rolls, the step of the crate is made slightly smaller (by 1 cm) than the width of the material

  2. Any type of slab insulation is laid from the bottom up in a checkerboard pattern. At the top, the last slab is cut off, its remainder is attached to the bottom of the adjacent strip

  3. Roll materials, on the other hand, are unwound from top to bottom.

  4. In the corners, along the perimeter of windows and doors, the heat insulator is laid last.

  5. Mineral wool is attached to the walls with dowels-umbrellas. The holes for them are pre-drilled. On a standard insulation plate, 4-5 such dowels are required

  6. Extruded polystyrene foam or polystyrene to wooden walls is mounted on dowels. They can be glued to concrete or brick or attached to umbrella dowels.The joints of the plates are carefully coated with mounting foam

  7. When using polyurethane foam, it is sprayed, evenly distributing between the bars of the crate. All irregularities are removed with a knife only after complete drying.


As a waterproofing layer, it is better to use a non-plastic film special membrane. It will protect the walls of the house from getting wet, and through the smallest holes, moisture will evaporate to the outside. A layer of film or membrane also serves as a reliable wind protection at home.

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Fastening waterproofing over the crate

Fastening waterproofing over the crate

The waterproofing layer is attached to the wooden crate with a 10 cm overlap of the sheets on top of each other using a stapler in 20 cm increments after laying the insulation layer. It can be glued to a metal profile. Additionally, at the joints, the film or fiberglass is fastened with adhesive tape. The canvas should not sag, but it should not be pulled too tight.

Siding cutting

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Siding cutting tools

Siding cutting tools

Plastic vinyl siding is easy to work with. You can cut medium-density material in a straight line with an electric jigsaw, saw, hacksaw. But the most convenient tool for working with vinyl is a circular saw equipped with a plywood blade, or a grinder. To protect against melting of the edges, it must be set to medium speed.

The disk is selected small thickness and diameter. Moreover, it must be installed “back to front”, that is, the cut will be made by the back side of the teeth.

Metal siding in order to avoid deformation of the protective layer with a grinder should not be processed. It is better to cut it with a jigsaw at minimum speed. To avoid bending the metal, it is placed strictly at a right angle.

Panel fixing

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Proper connection of locks

Proper connection of locks

Installation of panels from different manufacturers may have slight differences. But the principle will be the same. So, Let's describe the installation of siding, step by step:

  1. Its fastening starts from the corners of the building or doorways

  2. For installation use nails, screws or staples. When mounting on a wooden crate, the length of the fastener is selected so that it enters the tree by 2 cm. There are special holes on the siding for fastening - you don’t need to make them yourself

  3. Too much don't screw the screws too hard – it is necessary to leave a gap between them and the panels of 1 mm. Otherwise, with temperature changes and changes in size, they are deformed.

  4. Screws must be screwed from the center panels, moving towards the edges. The last of them should be located at a distance of 10-15 cm from the edge

  5. The biggest withthe falsehood is the mounting of the bottom panels. They should be perfectly aligned. Otherwise, the rest of the wall will warp

  6. The panel is inserted into the lock of the starting profile, then they begin to pull up a little until it clicks.. The top of the siding is screwed or nailed to the crate

  7. Check that the siding in the castle moves freely.

  8. All other strips are mounted in a similar way. Having reached the top, they are mounted to the finishing profile with the help of "hooks". The panel under the eaves of the house will need to be cut first. The strip under the window opening is attached in the same way to a pre-installed finishing strip

  9. If there is an obstruction at the panel attachment point (for example, a corrugation for a wire), it is necessary to cut a slightly larger hole in the siding, taking into account the thermal expansion of the material

  10. In narrow openings, the panels can be folded over and inserted into the rail. If the strip is small, it is problematic to bend it, it is necessary to unscrew the guide and bend it

A gap must be made between the roof and the soffit (the strip for filing the roof overhang). Otherwise, when heated, it will deform.

This video shows DIY siding installation from start to finish., and also talks about many of the intricacies of working with it:

Installation of siding: step-by-step instructions for arranging the facade with your own hands. Online calculator for calculating the necessary materials (Photo & Video) + Reviews

VIDEO: Siding installation

Installation of siding: step-by-step instructions for arranging the facade with your own hands. Online calculator for calculating the necessary materials (Photo & Video) + Reviews

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Siding installation step by step instructions

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