Washing Your Hands Properly: How Much Should You Wash Your Hands to Get Rid of Bacteria and Viruses?

hand washing

At a time when the coronavirus is spreading around the world, taking more and more lives, it's time to think about preventive measures and ways to protect against diseases. A lot of viruses and bacteria are transmitted not only by airborne droplets, but also through hands.

They get into hands through handrails in public transport, door handles of shops and offices, through the same carts and baskets in supermarkets, as well as in large volumes through banknotes. In China, on this occasion, to slow down the spread of coronavirus, they are going to disinfect money. And in some European countries, it was proposed to abandon the handshake as a sign of greeting in the near future.

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Purpose of the study

Right now it is very important to wash your hands properly so that no infectious agents remain on them. However, many people are dismissive of this, believing that it is enough to simply rinse your hands with water and they will become clean. You may wash off the earth or other dirt, but bacteria and viruses will not go anywhere.

In order to find out how much your health depends on the quality of handwashing, The Daily Mail journalist Jenny Eg conducted an experiment using an ultraviolet lamp and a gel that simulated the accumulation of bacteria on the skin.. In the experiment, a special gel was used, which glowed white under the rays of an ultraviolet lamp.

The aim of the experiment was to find out how long and by what means to wash hands in order to completely get rid of pathogens.

#1 Before washing and after 3 seconds washing without soap

When there are no personal hygiene products nearby, and after rinsing our hands with water, we simply shake them off instead of using a towel, then the result of our actions, as the experiment shows, is practically zero.

The result of a three-second rinsing of hands with water is almost the same as the previous one - the bacteria have not gone away, but in some places (for example, between the fingers), their number has slightly decreased.

The experiment proves that rinsing hands without soap is not able to resist viruses that have fallen on the hands.

Dr. Lisa Ackerley, a leading hygienist and professor at the University of Salford, said the same thing: “Everyone should wash their hands properly, especially after going to the toilet.”

Before washing and after 3 seconds of washing without soap

#2 Six seconds of washing with water without soap

Researchers have noticed that most people spend an average of 6 seconds washing their hands.

This is not enough, although the results are already better - on the open smooth areas of the skin, the concentration of bacteria has decreased. But in places of folds, folds and cuticles, there are still plenty of them.

The UK National Health Service recommends washing your hands for at least 15 seconds. To keep track of time without counting a second, try singing Happy Birthday twice.

At the same time, you need to not only rinse, but also carefully rub your hands against each other during washing.

Six seconds of washing with water without soap

№3: Six seconds of washing with soap and water

When it comes to hand hygiene, soap is at the forefront. However, according to researchers, soap does not kill bacteria, but only helps to get rid of them.

“Water washes away the soap molecules that bond strongly with dirt and germs, leaving your hands clean,” said Dr Val Curtis, hygienist and health specialist at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

As a result of this method of washing for 6 seconds, the amount of gel on the hands, and, therefore, bacteria, decreases.

Six second wash with soap and water

#4: Fifteen Second Wash with Soap and Water

Researchers from Michigan State University found that only 5% of those surveyed wash their hands for 15 seconds.

This time is enough to wash not only the main parts of the palms, but also the wrists. The only places where viruses still nest are cuticles and small patches of skin on some fingers.

15 seconds wash with soap and water

#5: Thirty Second Wash with Soap and Water

As expected, a 30-second hand wash almost completely eliminated all bacteria on the hands and proved to be effective.
30 second wash with soap and water

However, the majority of respondents consider such a procedure to be too long.

Scientists from the US Centers for Disease Prevention and Control recommend washing your hands with soap for 15-30 seconds. In their opinion, this time is enough to fight pathogens of various diseases, including coronaviruses.

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