A place for a fire in the country: we observe safety, maintain ergonomics, create comfort with our own hands (60+ Photos & Videos)

Place for a fire in the country

The fire is an important component of a cozy landscape design in the suburban area. A place for a fire in the country is chosen based on safety parameters, ergonomics relative to other objects and aesthetic appeal. If you achieve a harmonious ratio of these three parameters, a corner with a hearth will become a favorite place for recreation for all family members.

From time immemorial, mystical properties have been attributed to fire. It was believed that the flame is able to cleanse, protect from evil. He was deified, he was worshiped, sacrifices and ritual ceremonies were arranged. Today, psychologists recognize the contemplation of the flame as one of the effective therapies to relax, distract from worries and achieve peace. Indeed, you can watch the fire for an infinitely long time. It is especially pleasant to do this in your own garden, sitting in a cozy hammock, inhaling the aroma of roasting meat.

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Why make a hearth

Metal portable bowl

Metal portable bowl

There is a corner with a fire in almost every suburban area. Why do people build such a platform and how to use it?

1The fire helps keep you warm on chilly evenings. Makes family gatherings enjoyable and carefree
2It is used as an open stove for roasting vegetables, meat or fish on the grill or skewers. If you equip a grate or hooks for hanging pots, you can cook vegetable soups, fish soup, cook pilaf and other delicious dishes. Sunday BBQ is a great occasion to gather friends and family
3Brings a unique zest to the exterior of the cottage. It can act as the center of a landscape composition or play an important part in an ensemble.
4Performs a relaxing function, helps home to comfortably relax in the fresh air. From a psychological point of view, watching a campfire is an excellent antidepressant.
5Fire also fulfills a purely practical task. Illuminates the site in the evening, it can burn garbage and non-hazardous waste. Wood ash is also used in traditional medicine, as well as a good fertilizer for garden plants.
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Site Arrangement Rules

Good campfire location on flat ground

Good campfire location on flat ground

When equipping a modern fireplace, safety precautions must be observed. This will save you from accidents. Protects children, garden plantings, buildings and fences.

The rules are simple:

  • Keep distance from country buildings, beds, bushes and trees. Keep in mind that a strong wind can carry large flames up to 3 meters, and sparks even further
  • Observing this, it is advisable to equip a fire pit at least 10 meters from houses and other buildings, 5 meters from plantings
  • Make sure that there are no overhanging trees, flammable structures above the fire
  • Under the hearth, be sure to pour good drainage
  • Carefully control the stability and strength of the structure
  • In case of rain, a canopy or even a roof is provided, which will also protect the seats around the corner.
  • The ground surface must be flat and level. It is undesirable to settle on hillocks, in ditches or lowlands
  • The structure may be made of refractory components. When burning, they should not emit toxic odors, decompose, melt
  • Irrigation system should be within reach: water tank, sandbags, faucet with hose

It is essential to have a fire extinguisher in your home in case of an emergency fire. It will help to quickly and efficiently put out any object.
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What to equip a fire pit

Campfire site

Campfire site


Car rim with welded struts

Car rim with welded struts

The choice of material consists of three parts. First, it is determined what the base for the fire will be made of. Secondly, the bowl itself, a recess or a firebox. Thirdly, if the hearth will be used as a barbecue, you need to take care of the upper part of the structure.

Use only non-flammable materials. The metal frame must be thick enough, otherwise it will quickly become thinner and burn out. Concrete blocks and bricks must be fireproof.

Among the materials in demand, refractory ceramics, brick or metal are most often used. They look aesthetically pleasing, fit well into the country exterior. They are easy to supplement with a grill grate, a lid, put on top of a skewer.

What improvised items are used to build suburban hearths?

From stones

From stones in a chaotic manner

From stones in a chaotic manner

From stones

  • Flat specimens are selected, if necessary, the top and bottom are ground. The stones are stacked along the approved perimeter on top of each other. If necessary, they are glued together with refractory glue. It is most convenient to make such a hearth rectangular or square.
  • For a round shape, you need to find beveled triangular pebbles. They are laid out in the place of the rounding of the structure. The installation procedure will take a little longer.
  • Inside the frame you need to insert a strong metal ring. It will not allow the fence to crack, fall apart over time.

Concrete blocks or bricks

concrete fireplace

concrete fireplace

Concrete blocks or bricks

  • The laying principle is identical to the previous one. Just blocks of the correct rectangular shape will be much easier to build. They are tall, which means you don’t have to make many rows.
  • Take care of the stability of the structure. The first row is desirable to dig into the ground. Be sure to put a good layer of drainage on the bottom of the pit.
  • By the way, you can use semicircular concrete blocks, which are used to create borders around trees.

From a car drive or a tank from a washing machine

New life for old things

New life for old things

From an old car disk or a tank from a washing machine

  • Prepare a fire pit, level the ground, remove grass and stones.
  • Install disc or galvanized ring, dig a hole 10 cm deep inside and fill it with gravel.
  • For beauty around the metal frame, you can lay out a wall of bricks.

From an old barrel

From an old fire pit

Decorating an old fire pit

From an old barrel

  • Knock the bottom out of the container. If the barrel is high, cut off unnecessary centimeters with a hacksaw or grinder.
  • Make cuts along the upper cut and wrap the sharp edges inward.
  • Dig the barrel into the ground, make sure it is stable. If it wobbles, deepen the hole.
  • Poke a few holes in the walls to let air in.

From paving slabs

Cobblestone copy

Cobblestone copy

From paving slabs

  • Mounting method is the same as described above.
  • Laying technology will depend on the design and shape of the tile.

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Overview of purchased kits

Finished outdoor hearth

Finished outdoor hearth

Fire bowls and ready-made fire pits will be the best solution for a gardener who can afford such a purchase. Unfortunately, the pleasure does not belong to the category of cheap. But if the budget allows, you can choose stunning designs.

In the assortment of special shops with equipment for summer holidays there are cast-iron or ceramic hearths, barbecues, tandoors, beautiful spheres, bowls, ready-made constructions of the outdoor hearth, fire barrels and other vessels.

Bowls and spheres

fire sphere

fire sphere

Bowls and spheres

  • They are a bestseller. They have different diameters, depths, are made of different alloys. Some are suitable for grilling.
  • They are rounded compositions with metal carvings on a low or high base. The set includes lids, protective glasses, tongs for turning coals.
  • The price range varies in the corridor from 7 thousand rubles. for an ordinary concrete bowl, up to 150 thousand rubles. for a unique design idea.

street fires

Classic finished design

Classic finished design

street fires

  • These are ready-made structures for installation in a specific place. They are not carried, they are not disassembled, they are used only for their intended purpose. The structure is dug into the ground, strictly following the instructions.
  • Made of high quality metal, beautifully decorated.
  • The cost of the finished fire starts from 80 thousand rubles.

fire barrel

fire barrel

fire barrel

fire barrel

  • It is convenient to use it instead of a barbecue. It is high, small in diameter, the metal maintains a uniform temperature.
  • You can buy a product at a price of 20 thousand rubles.


Stylish brazier design

Stylish design brazier


  • For cooking meat or vegetables on skewers. The most convenient shape is rectangular, depth - from 25 cm.
  • On the upper walls of the vessel there are usually notches for the installation of iron spokes.
  • A simple, concise product will cost 3-5 thousand, but the upper limit is even more than 100 thousand.

Utensils for cooking on a campfire

Cauldron with lid frying pan

Cauldron with lid frying pan

Utensils for cooking on a campfire

  • Tandoors, cauldrons, frying pans, cast irons, flat baking stones. This is a cookware for outdoor cooking. It is a nice bonus to complete the country hearth.
  • The cost of containers depends on their volume, the manufacturer, the quality of the metal. The average price for a 15-liter cauldron for pilaf with a lid is 4-5 thousand rubles.
  • Avid gardeners eventually acquire useful accessories, outdoor frying utensils, folding furniture. They pay attention even to trifles, such as all kinds of gratings, tongs, hooks for hanging. They think over the design, which includes a decorative woodpile, bright blankets, mosquito nets.

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Sizing Guidelines

Standard meter diameter

Arrangement of a recreation area near the fire

The most common are round or rectangular shapes. The first is considered classic, and the second is convenient in that it is easier to lay it out on your own.

The optimal diameter of a round fire pit is 80-100 cm. The convenient size of a square hearth is 50*50 cm. The harmonious aspect ratio of a rectangle is 60*30 cm.

Depth foundation must be at least 25 cm. The height of the drainage layer is the same. In fact, gravel is poured into the hole to ground level.

The perimeter of the foundation should protrude 10-15 cm beyond the hearth. That is, it is dug in along the outer edge of the inner steel frame.
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Step by step installation instructions

Most often, summer residents create their hearth from stones. Use any available breed. How to equip a fire safely, conveniently and beautifully?

Above ground installation

Above ground installation example

Above ground installation example

Step by step installation:

1Find a flat area, clean it of foreign objects. Make sure it matches the security settings above
2Prepare the perimeter for further refinementwhen benches are placed around the fire, alcove, other designs. Remove the top layer of earth on this site. Later here you can lay paving stones or pour rubble
3In the place where the fire will be, dig a hole up to 30 cm deep
4Insert a metal ring inside
5Pour gravel into container. It will ensure the stability of the structure, a good outflow of water after extinguishing or rain. It also promotes good air circulation, which helps the fire to burn easily and without excess smoke.
6Lay stone walls around the structure, while the first tier of brick should be completely buried in the ground. For reliable adhesion of masonry, use a mortar or glue that is not afraid of heat
7The height of the well is determined at the request of the builder. Some people like deep hearths, others are limited to half a meter high walls
8Think of a lid for the fire. It will save you from falling inside the melt water, rain, debris. It will also allow you to extinguish the flame, it will become a natural barrier to smoldering sparks.

Recessed installation

Deep installation of a fire pit

Deep installation of a fire pit

Step by step installation:

1Preliminary activities similar to the previous technology: preparing the place, clearing the area for sun loungers
2At the site of the fire, it is necessary to dig a pit with a depth of 0.5 - 0.7 m. The diameter should be 10 cm wider than planned
3Gravel is poured to the bottom to a height of 10-15 cm
4The side walls are laid out with refractory bricks., do not forget about the hitch
5You can replace masonry with a steel ring. In this case, the diameter of the pit should tightly accommodate the metal frame.
6The inlet is beautifully decorated with tiles or paving stones around the perimeter
7A fire pit dug into the ground is also equipped with a tight lid.
Above the hearths, iron racks are installed with a horizontal crossbar, on which hooks are hung. You can hang pots for fish soup on them, boil water for tea or cook compotes. Gourmets fix a metal spit and fry the whole bird on it.
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Stylish corner design ideas

cozy corner

cozy corner

In order for the country fire to become cozy and homely, the area around it must be elegantly decorated. Create comfortable seats, a reliable barrier from the wind, a canopy from the rain. Come up with an elegant design, add details of a cute country decor.

So your hearth will become the center of country life, a gathering place for households on warm summer evenings. What is the design of the campfire site formed from?

Let's analyze the popular attributes:

What to sit on

Stylish country furniture

Stylish country furniture

We recall the famous shots from the cult Soviet film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears". The heroine sits in a wicker rocking chair, wrapped in a warm blanket, and a bonfire smokes deliciously nearby. Very romantic and cozy.

Indeed, wicker furniture is tactilely pleasant, inexpensive, and fits perfectly into country design. Instead of a rocking chair, you can buy a set of ordinary deep chairs. Or a couple of narrow sofas.

Naturalistic style lovers will love the idea of ​​making chock stools. If you install them symmetrically around the perimeter, and lay a board on top, you get a wooden bench. A four-sided bench made of horizontal birch trunks installed around a fire will look even more original.

Today it is fashionable to buy sun loungers for the dacha. On them you can lie down to relax in the evenings, and during the day you can sunbathe under the sun's rays. There are different models on sale from simple plastic or wooden ones to expensive ones equipped with soft foam inserts and different modes for changing the back position.

Don't forget about textile design, which plays a huge role in creating harmonious decors. Throw a bright pillow into the chairs, and lay a knitted striped plaid on the sofa. Place fabric napkins and a basket with balls for knitting on the table.

Campfire utensils

Conventional charcoal tongs

Conventional charcoal tongs

It includes all kinds of objects and tools that are used in the ignition process. These are tongs, hooks, skewers, barbecues, dishes, etc. They can be beautifully beaten in design if you come up with a place for each thing.

For example, for a cauldron and a bowler to build an elegant whatnot. Hang skewers nearby, put a spatula, a grill grate.

Vegetation decor

Greenery around the fire

Greenery around the fire

Planted around the campfire site ornamental shrub, beautiful flower beds. Remember the recommended distance to the hearth. It is not necessary to make plantings close to the site.

If you are near alcove, try twining it with vine branches, ivy, or another similar plant. It looks very picturesque and expressive.

Stylish designs

Gorgeous composition of old tires

Gorgeous composition of old tires

They are created independently from any objects. Sometimes even a pile of large boulders gives out an amazing ensemble, if placed in an advantageous place.

Try taking the old tires from the wheels, lay them around the site and paint them in your favorite color. By the way, there are many instructions on the Internet for creating funny characters from several wheels. They make out flower beds, make islands, slides.

If you are ready to invest in decor, get unusual urns, graceful garden statues, abstract railings. How about a beautiful cast iron lantern? You can also install swings nearby.


An example of a successful design with a gazebo

An example of a successful design with a gazebo

Every gardener's dream. Often, it is next to the gazebo that a fire pit is equipped, because there are already ready-made seats, a table and a roof over your head.

Designs are different: from wood, stone, glass. They are sold ready-made, or they are the result of the creativity of summer residents. A beautiful gazebo is the basis of a country exterior, so put your imagination and effort into its design.

How to beat the woodpile

Decorative woodpile

Decorative woodpile

The laying of prepared firewood is the personification of campfire events. It evokes the anticipation of a pleasant time next to the fire. Helps to create a relaxed warm atmosphere.

Try to build a special place where you will put the logs. Garden stores sell ready-made woodpile.

It is desirable to allocate the area around the focus zonally. For example, fill it with gravel, gravel, lay out paving slabs or cobblestones. Consider lighting options, because at night the light from the fire is not enough.

Take care of the washbasin so that you can quickly rinse your hands or dishes. It is not necessary to stretch the water supply, a manual washstand is enough. If there are stable poles nearby, try pulling up a hammock.

The site for the hearth is easy to do with your own hands, especially if you use imagination. Let the man be responsible for the technical and practical part of the task. And a woman will bring coziness and harmony, adding cute and pleasant things to the place. Let your evenings at the dacha become a wonderful family tradition.

Stunning corner of a country house

Stunning corner of a country house

The video clearly demonstrates how to make a simple hearth with stones and a shovel in a couple of hours of work:

A place for a fire in the country: we observe safety, maintain ergonomics, create comfort with our own hands (60+ Photos & Videos)

VIDEO: Campfire in 5 minutes or a fire pit

A place for a fire in the country: we observe safety, maintain ergonomics, create comfort with our own hands (60+ Photos & Videos)

8 Total Score
Campfire site

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  1. Most of the proposals are interesting, beautiful, but my husband has thought a little about everything - we live in the house all the time, the recreation area is used all year round, and in order not to spoil the weather all the mood, the open fireplace is under a canopy, around which there are two crescents to to sit. Rain does not fall, it is not cold, the wind does not blow. The place to sit was not made of concrete - since it is cold and not safe for children, they were made like wooden benches, and the void under them was filled with prepared firewood.

  2. In general, I took a steel disk from Belaz, made a concrete base, strengthened this disk in the center, overlaid it with refractory bricks, made a finish, put a semicircular table. I installed two benches, made a cover and that's it !! Here now you can steam field porridge, cook soup, fish soup, fry meat, even tried to smoke lard - successfully. After the feast, when the flame goes out and all the coals smolder - it's warm until the morning - you can have conversations all year round - even when there is snow around the gazebo.

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