Bee honey is a natural product that has long been valued for its beneficial properties. This tasty medicine is allowed at any age, has a minimum of contraindications.
The unique composition is able to cure various serious ailments, including oncology and tuberculosis. The composition of the mass of useful substances, the number of which reaches 300.
Among them are carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, etc. The amount of one or another component depends on the place where the bee product is collected.
- Kinds
- chestnut honey
- Buckwheat
- sweet clover honey
- Diaghilev
- Linden honey
- milk thistle honey
- fireweed honey
- flower honey
- Honey akuraevy
- Sainfoin honey
- forbs
- Kandyk honey
- sunflower honey
- Mountain
- Taiga honey
- rapeseed
- coriander honey
- May honey
- White acacia honey
- Phacelia honey
- Black maple honey
- Cotton
- Mustard
- Clover
- Euphorbia honey
- The most useful combinations of honey and other products
- Beneficial features
- Ways to store honey


Abundance of types of honey
Honey is usually classified depending on which plants grow and bloom nearby. According to this, each type has its own characteristics, has a certain effect on specific organs or systems.
Generally speaking, it has the following properties:
- immunomodulatory
- antimicrobial
- wound healing
- strengthening
- bactericidal
Consider in detail each variety of honey.
chestnut honey

Pure chestnut honey is considered rare, as it is very difficult to harvest. If an admixture of other plants is present in the beekeeping product, then the quality is lost, the price decreases accordingly. This product is characterized by a tart taste, a pungent odor.
It is dark in color, liquid, slowly crystallizes. This refers to the product of the sowing chestnut.
It has high medicinal properties. Provides the following actions:
- anti-inflammatory (eliminates irritation from the skin, mucous membranes)
- bactericidal (pronounced antibacterial effect)
- secretory (helps stimulate the outflow of bile, eliminate congestive processes in the digestive organs)
- immunomodulatory (strengthens the body's defenses)
- vascular strengthening
- antioxidant (implies the removal of toxins and toxins)
Such a delicacy normalizes the work:
- nervous system
- ENT organs
- of cardio-vascular system
- digestive systems
- genital organs
Helps heal:
- haemorrhoids
- varicose veins
- atherosclerosis
- thrombophlebitis
- bronchitis
- pneumonia
- asthma
In addition to all of the above, it normalizes blood pressure, hormonal levels in women, and increases male potency. Indispensable in the field of cosmetology.
Contraindications include:
- presence of diabetes
- individual intolerance
- early childhood
Before use, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

This variety has a spicy taste and a dark shade. It is rich in polyphenols and antioxidants. Buckwheat is the best honey plant. It achieves its strong healing properties due to the high content of various minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients.
- is an excellent antiseptic;
- quickly heals wounds;
- neutralizes staphylococci, bacteria;
- improves heart function;
- prevents the development of cancer
- normalizes hematopoiesis;
- improves immunity;
- improves the functioning of the digestive tract;
- relieves inflammation;
- tones;
- soothes (combats insomnia, stress, depression);
- improves the condition of the skin (removes acne, ulcers).
Useful for those who have obesity, kidney disease, colds, problems with metabolism. The product is stored for a long time and retains its properties.
- with individual intolerance to the product
- in childhood up to 2 years
- people with food allergies
- with hyperthermia
Caution recommended for diabetics, children and those with diathesis.
sweet clover honey

sweet clover honey
Bees collect nectar from sweet clover. The aroma is delicate, the product is sweet with a vanilla flavor. The color is white or light yellow.
Such a beekeeping product is useful during:
- insomnia
- colds
- problems with ENT organs
- headaches
- urolithiasis
- breastfeeding
- atherosclerosis
- hypertension
- rheumatism
- mastopathy
- flatulence
Well relieves inflammation, has an antibacterial, diuretic effect, improves immunity, stimulates lactation.
Contraindications include:
- penchant for allegory
- diabetes
- intolerance to the product and its components
It is not advised to drink with milk, as this contributes to bloating and flatulence.

Belongs to a rare elite variety, they collect nectar from a medicinal plant. The color range is acceptable from light yellow to red. The smell is gentle.
There is a slight bitterness, caramel note. Viscous, thick - has a slow crystallization.
Benefits include the ability to:
- strengthen immunity
- soothe and relieve fatigue
- normalize hemoglobin levels
- remove toxins
- strengthen muscles
- optimize metabolism
- relieve inflammation
- have an antiviral effect
- improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
Not recommended for:
- diabetes
- obesity
- allergies
- children's age (up to 6 years)
When this variety is used during any illness, the patient comes to recovery sooner.
Linden honey

Linden blossom
Fragrant light honey crystallizes after 3 months.
Valued for the following:
- expectorant
- antibacterial
- anti-inflammatory
- soothing
- choleretic
- laxative
It is this variety that is most valuable during respiratory diseases. It is also indispensable for asthma, tonsillitis, bronchitis.
- during pulmonary hemorrhage
- diabetics
- allergy sufferers
- people after heart surgery
milk thistle honey

milk thistle honey
Milk thistle is a medicinal plant, the nectar collected from it is also valuable and irreplaceable.
- It has a positive effect on the intestines, liver, metabolism, nervous system, skin, blood vessels, and heart muscle.
- Eliminates muscle spasms, has an analgesic effect.
- Leads an active fight against acne, purulent formations. Promotes tissue regeneration. Helps with burns, boils, ulcers, various inflammations.
- It is an excellent prevention of depression, stress.
- Good for gastritis, ulcers. Introduces slags, toxins. Helps to get rid of hepatitis, cholecystitis.
- Strengthens nails and hair.
- Removes stretch marks, cellulite, scars.
It is not recommended to use:
- diabetics
- people on a diet
- children under two years old
- pregnant and lactating women.
fireweed honey

It has a specific smell and taste, a light shade (mostly white), and a viscous consistency. White delicacy in abundance has a huge amount of minerals and amino acids. Nectar is collected from the plant "Ivan-tea", which grows in the Altai Territory, Siberia.
In demand for problems with:
- heart, vessels
- digestive system
- nerves
- skin
This product fights heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, insomnia, prostatitis, headaches, cramps. Increases the flow of milk during lactation. Makes skin smooth and soft. Removes cellulite crust, stretch marks, boils.
Can be harmful for:
- diabetes
- the presence of obesity
- susceptibility to allergies
flower honey

How useful this product will be indicated by what plants it was collected from. It can be chamomile, linden, geranium, thyme, sage, etc. The color scheme and taste can also change accordingly.
- If the collection of nectar was carried out to a greater extent from sage, then honey will actively heal wounds, remove ulcers and rashes from the skin. It is good to use it for viral, respiratory diseases.
- The predominance of thyme will give a diuretic, expectorant effect.
- Chamomile will have an anti-inflammatory effect.
- Geranium - normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys.
Contraindicated in:
- gastritis;
- pancreatitis;
- exudative diathesis;
- enterocolitis;
- acute rheumatism;
- diabetes mellitus;
- scrofula;
- lactation.
Honey akuraevy

Honey akuraevy
Such a product is obtained from Akkuray or psoralea drupe. It is unique in that it does not increase blood sugar levels. It is considered a female variety, as it treats most gynecological diseases. Initially the product is transparent, slightly yellowish. After it becomes white.
Popular because it:
- restores strength, energy
- increases appetite
- relieves depression
- normalizes sleep
- boosts immunity
- relieves inflammation
- has a bactericidal effect
- prevents and treats thrush, oncology, erosive processes in the uterus and its cervix
- rarely causes allergies
- lowers cholesterol
- fights toxins and toxins
- has a positive effect on the liver, intestines
- removes anemia
- removes salts that are deposited in the joints
- relieves psoriasis, pigmentation, baldness
The main plus is that it has no contraindicationsbecause it is harmless. In rare cases, there is individual intolerance.
Sainfoin honey

Esparcet - medicinal plant. This is a good honey plant. The product of beekeeping is fragrant, light yellow in color.
The rich composition of honey gives it the ability to:
- normalize the work of the digestive tract, metabolism
- reduce blood sugar and cholesterol
- prevent cancer
- boost immunity
- quickly restore the body after various pathologies
- strengthen blood vessels
Do not drink if there are obvious signs of an allergic reaction on the face.

This variety contains useful substances from various mountain, meadow plants. It is a universal remedy for all diseases.
Such a product:
- strengthens the body
- enriches with vitamins, micro and macro elements
- promotes brain stimulation
- stabilizes the work of the heart muscle
- has an immunomodulatory effect
- removes waste, toxins
- helps to restore and improve the condition of the skin
- normalizes sleep.
Contraindication is:
- insulin dependence
- infancy
- lactation
- allergy to bee products
- pregnancy
- obesity
Kandyk honey

This is a white variety. Fragrant, tasty, but rare, because the plant from which the nectar is collected is listed in the Red Book.
Use if there are problems with:
- liver
- stomach
- pancreas
- genitals
- nervous system
- ENT organs
- skin
It has a rejuvenating, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, soothing, strengthening effect. It is contraindicated only for people prone to allergies.
sunflower honey

sunflower honey
The consistency is liquid, but quickly crystallizes. The taste is tart with sourness. It comes in yellow or gold.
This variety helps with:
- colic in the stomach
- problems in the urinary system
- respiratory and viral diseases
- osteochondrosis
- atherosclerosis
- neuralgia
- cancer
- arthritis
It is not recommended for those with a tendency to obesity, high blood sugar, and allergies to honey.

This environmentally friendly product is assembled in the Altai Mountains. Crystallization is observed in a short time period.
It has a positive effect on:
- malfunctions in the digestive system
- wounds
- respiratory diseases
- nervous breakdowns
- weakened immune system
- female ailments
- ulcers and gastritis
- anamia
- treatment of heart pathologies
In addition to all of the above, this variety is allowed for diabetics. It is undesirable to give infants and allergy sufferers.
Taiga honey

Here the forbs of the meadows of the Altai Territory are collected. The composition is different from the usual flower varieties. In taiga honey, it has much in common with human blood plasma. Well absorbed.
There is a positive effect on the respiratory system. Helps in the treatment of laryngitis, pharyngitis, acute respiratory infections, influenza, tonsillitis, bronchitis, tuberculosis.
The variety has proven itself in cosmetology, dermatology. Gets rid of:
- acne
- boils
- eczema
- seborrhea
- ulcers
- abscesses, etc.
Tones, tightens, cleanses the skin. Hides stretch marks, cellulite, scars.
Also contributes to:
- sleep normalization
- relieve psychological stress
- elimination of depression
- normalization of blood pressure
Contraindicated in case of allergy to bee products.

High medicinal value in this variety. The color is close to white, light yellow. Special bitter aftertaste and delicate aroma.
Shown at:
- toxicosis of pregnant women
- hormonal imbalance
- ulcers and open bleeding wounds (it has a hemostatic, disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, regenerating property)
- weak immunity
- intoxications
- malfunctioning metabolism
- low hemoglobin
- fractures, bruises, sprains
Contraindications include hypersensitivity to the composition. Beware of diabetics and obese people. Such honey does not have the property to dissolve in water.
coriander honey

Belongs to rare and useful varieties. Aromatic, transparent. The color ranges from amber to brown.
It became a godsend in:
- ophthalmology (positive effect on the organs of vision)
- cardiology (eliminates tachycardia and other rhythm disturbances)
- otolaryngology (has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory effect)
- neurology (helps to fight stress)
- gastroenterology (normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract)
- cosmetology (removes fine wrinkles, acne, irritation)
It also perfectly heals wounds, increases appetite, lowers blood sugar, improves mood, immunity. This variety is a salvation for the male. If you use it daily, then increase potency.
It is not recommended for some exacerbated diseases (the list is specified by the doctor), with a tendency to allergies.
May honey

One of the popular varieties. Harvested in May. It is based on various plants (acacia, narcissus, peony, hawthorn, other primroses). Such a product must contain at least 3 types of nectar.
Suitable for dieters with high blood sugar.
May honey:
- improves brain activity
- normalizes the work of the heart muscle, liver
- indicated for slagging, intoxication, heavy metal poisoning, etc.
- strengthens the immune defense
- tones and soothes
- heals wounds quickly
- lowers blood pressure
Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance and in early childhood.
White acacia honey

White acacia honey
The variety rarely causes allergies. Nectar collection occurs at the end of May, beginning of June.
This species also applies to:
- antibacterial
- antiseptic
- antiviral
- sedative
- antitoxic
Gives good results when used in cosmetology.
Contraindicated in severe carious lesions of the teeth. After taking it, you need to resort to rinsing the mouth or brushing your teeth. If an allergy occurs, use is prohibited.
Phacelia honey

Phacelia honey
Thick light greenish bee product has more than 200 useful elements. The delicacy relieves stress and improves well-being after hard physical or mental work. Normalizes the work of ENT organs with tonsillitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis, etc. has an antioxidant effect.
Soothes with nervousness, stress. Eliminates dry skin, acne, and other imperfections. It is useful in the fight against excess weight.
- with high blood sugar
- during gestation, lactation
- if you are allergic to honey
- with excessive body weight
Black maple honey

Black maple honey
Such a product is called an "aristocrat", so it is a rarity. Few know about it. This dark delicacy is said to cure all diseases.
Speaking specifically about the benefits of such a product, then it:
- removes kidney stones
- heals the digestive organs and stomach
- stops or reduces the manifestations of toxicosis
- dulls any pain
- helps with motion sickness
- restores strength after delivery, physical activity
- saturates the body with vitamins
- removes insomnia
- relieves swelling, as it has a diuretic effect
- lowers acidity
- treats stomatitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, influenza, pneumonia, etc.
- restores beauty to the skin
This medicine is contraindicated:
- with exacerbation of any pathology
- diabetics
- up to 3 years of age
- with an allergy to honey
- losing weight and being overweight
Treatment of any disease should be controlled by a doctor.

Obtained from the leaves and flowers of the cotton plant. The plant has a huge amount of glucose. Light, after crystallization it becomes like butter.
It has no special features, as well as any other beekeeping product:
- cures a cold
- reduces inflammation
- removes toxins
- normalizes sleep
It will be harmful if eaten in large quantities. This will cause an allergy, which will manifest itself in the form of a rash, runny nose, swelling of the nasopharynx.

It doesn't taste like mustard in any way. In color - light, in consistency - liquid. After crystallization it looks like a cream.
Recommend to use for:
- thyroid diseases, iodine deficiency (iodine is present in honey)
- beriberi
- weakened immune system
- wounds and inflammations (heals, relieves swelling and kills microbes)
- diseases of the kidneys and bladder
- abnormalities in the work of the heart
- dysbacteriosis
- poor hearing
- forgetfulness
- visual impairment
- gastritis
- arthritis, sciatica, joint diseases
- nervousness
Relative contraindications:
- diabetes
- obesity
- age up to 2 years
- low blood pressure
- allergies

Harvested from clover. Honey is characterized by transparency, lack of a bright aroma, unobtrusive taste.
Useful for:
- cough (thinns phlegm)
- insomnia
- nervous shocks
- malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract
- skin diseases
The delicacy is given with caution to children, diabetics and people prone to allergies.
Euphorbia honey

Euphorbia honey
It has a bitter-tart taste and chocolate color. Collected from milkweed.
- get rid of fatigue
- prevent blockage of blood vessels
- improve memory
- ensure healthy sleep
- prevent stroke and heart attack
- increase muscle tone
- strengthen the nervous system
- produce hemoglobin
- improve hair condition
- rejuvenate
Should not be eaten by pregnant women, children, allergy sufferers.

The most useful combinations of honey and other products
The use of honey is good, and if you combine it with another component, then the medicinal properties are added.
Cranberries with honey

This duet has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system.
Grandmothers used to successfully treat such a drug for respiratory diseases, sore throats. 1-2 spoons stop a cough, stop an asthmatic attack. Regular use lowers cholesterol, removes swelling of the extremities, cleanses of accumulated toxins. This composition can be cured of diseases that are associated with the genital organs.
Such a mixture can harm with:
- individual intolerance to the components
- hyperacidity
- breastfeeding
- the presence of kidney stones
- gout
- taking sulfa drugs
- an exacerbated ulcer or gastritis
- low blood pressure
Kalina with honey

Kalina with honey
It is advisable to take such a drug to strengthen immunity, as a preventive measure in the autumn-winter period.. If it didn’t work out, then the remedy treats all respiratory problems well, improves digestion, and has a positive effect on the gallbladder, liver, genitourinary and nervous system.
Honey with viburnum will have a negative effect if a person has:
- low pressure
- diabetes
- allergic to honey
- hyperacidity
- gastritis
- kidney pathology
Cinnamon with honey

This ratio strengthens blood vessels, removes pain in the joints.
Honey and cinnamon kill all pathogens. Relieve inflammation in the ENT organs, gastrointestinal tract, urogenital area. Such an elixir tones, restores strength, concentrates attention, helps with forgetfulness.
A storehouse of vitamins will saturate the body, prevent acute respiratory infections. A drink with the addition of these components will warm with hypothermia. If you systematically use this mixture, you can avoid rapid aging, both skin and hair. It is also an excellent cancer prevention.
It is forbidden to drink this composition if present:
- pregnancy (the contractile property of the drug can cause premature delivery or miscarriage)
- heart pathology
- hyperacidity
- individual intolerance
- elevated body temperature
Honey with propolis

This combination does not allow viruses, bacteria to multiply.
After ingestion, metabolic processes improve, vessels are cleansed, toxins are removed. If a woman wants to rejuvenate, remove fine wrinkles, tighten her skin - this is also to help. Also, propolis and honey have an antifungal, antipyretic, anesthetic effect.
Can not be used for pancreatitis, gallbladder pathologies, allergies, diabetes and during the period of bearing a child.
Turmeric with honey

This ratio is a great tool for those who want to lose weight.
The composition increases hemoglobin, tidies up the skin, prevents cancer.
Contraindicated in:
- exacerbation of diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, biliary tract
- diabetes
- allergies
Honey with resin

If you mix these two components, you get an elixir that can strengthen immunity in a short time.
The mixture is actively used to treat wounds on the skin and mucous membranes. Stops cough, anesthetizes, relieves nervous tension. It is also advisable to make masks. They will remove acne, rashes, etc.
It is strictly forbidden to take it in childhood, during pregnancy, in the lactation period, diabetes, allergies to components.
Honey with perga

This combination is like a magic wand for all occasions.
Among the useful properties, one should highlight the ability to restore vision, memory, and appetite. Struggles with Parkinson's disease, anorexia, erection problems, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, heart. Used for preventive purposes to prevent endocrine diseases, heart attack, stroke.
Ginger with honey

This composition is an excellent remedy for colds.
It also increases libido and potency. Heals wounds, removes spasms, inflammation, fights constipation.
Not used for:
- hypertension
- ulcers
- cholecystitis
- meningitis
- cirrhosis
- the presence of kidney stones
- previous heart attack or stroke
- frequent allergic reactions
- elevated temperature
- hemophilia
- burns
Onions with honey

This ratio helps to stop baldness.
It is advisable to use for a runny nose, cough, constipation. It is a good immunomodulator.
It is forbidden to use:
- asthmatics
- those with kidney disease
- cores
- people with high blood pressure

Beneficial features
For men

Walnut and honey - healthy and tasty
There are certain varieties of honey that have a positive effect on men's health. Buckwheat, chestnut and linden are especially appreciated. They increase potency, eliminate various inflammatory processes. The effect is enhanced if you combine the beekeeping product with ginger or bee bread, walnuts.
For women

Honey for the weaker half is an indispensable tool, both for maintaining external beauty and internally.
Honey-based masks help restore beauty and youth to the skin. Remove acne, eczema, wrinkles. If used in massage therapy, then in a few sessions it will be noticeable how cellulite, stretch marks and scars go away.
Regarding the sexual sphere - anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects also make themselves felt. In addition, some varieties increase libido.
For kids
Children often get sick, due to the fact that they have a weak immune system. Not all drugs are acceptable for babies, and there are a lot of side effects in them.

Honey can be called a natural antibiotic and antiseptic.
He will help in any situation. Whether it's dermatitis, a cold, gastrointestinal problems, or a wound. The only “BUT” is that this product is not suitable for everyone.
Many people are allergic to it, and it is generally not recommended for babies. Despite this, its use is allowed, but only after consultation with your doctor.

Ways to store honey

Wooden barrels for treats
So that the beekeeping product does not lose its properties, you should choose a suitable place for storage.
- Honey should be placed in a glass, clay or ceramic container.
- The temperature regime is observed not lower than 5, not higher than 25 degrees Celsius.
- Do not leave honey in the light, only in the dark.
- Humidity is not higher than 20%.
- A suitable place is a pantry.
Only by observing the above requirements, you can save all the most valuable in a delicacy.
How to distinguish real honey from fake
25 types of honey: its beneficial properties and contraindications, for men, women and children