Humanity uses medicinal plants more time than it does farming. Before the emergence of a developed chemical industry, it was plant life forms that were the main source of medicines.
But, even in our time, it is believed that drugs obtained naturally are much more beneficial for the body than those synthesized artificially.
One of the most common human diseases are diseases of the lower respiratory tract - bronchi and lungs. The coltsfoot plant is traditionally used in folk medicine in the treatment of these diseases.

The choice of recipes for various remedies from coltsfoot is quite large. Usually, they are used as a side therapy for colds, however, their use is not limited to this. For different peoples living in the habitat of this species, its use could sometimes differ significantly.

coltsfoot during flowering
In addition to medicinal properties, coltsfoot is one of the most popular honey plants.. The honey obtained from it has good taste characteristics. Also, like a honey plant, coltsfoot has significant advantages.
Firstly, it produces an acceptable yield of both nectar and pollen, and secondly, due to its unpretentiousness, it can occupy large areas, that is, ensure mass collection.

Biological description
Botanically, coltsfoot is a perennial herbaceous shrub., which are a monotypic representative of the Astrov family. This means that such a species is unique in the entire family. Indeed, the structure of the plant is such that it is unlike any other.
The flowering part of the coltsfoot has a large number of small yellow flowers collected in inflorescences-baskets. A feature of the plant is that its flowering occurs in early spring, while it occurs before the leaves appear.

Leaves coltsfoot on both sides
But the unique properties of this herb do not end there. Its leaves have a completely different structure, which even leads to the appearance of different microclimate conditions in different parts of the leaf. On the underside, the coltsfoot leaf is covered with many small villus hairs.
This leads to the fact that the evaporation of liquid from the lower surface of the sheet occurs very slowly, one might say, does not occur at all. At the same time, as from a smooth upper surface, especially when exposed to sunlight, evaporation proceeds at a much faster rate.
Evaporating moisture causes a significant cooling of the upper part of the sheet, while the lower part remains relatively warm. Sometimes the temperature gradient between the top and bottom of the coltsfoot leaf can reach 3°C. The lower side, which is warmer, was popularly called the “mother”, and the upper, colder side was called the “stepmother”.

Flowers along with the leaves that have already appeared
However, this plant has other names. Among them you can find the following:
- one-sided
- Kamchuzhnaya grass
- double leaf
Moreover, sometimes coltsfoot under these names will be found in quite official sources. Translated from Latin, the official name of coltsfoot means "herb that expels cough."
The plant is very widespread in Eurasia. From the shores of the Atlantic Ocean to Western Siberia, it can be found at any latitude - from the Mediterranean Sea to Murmansk. However, the range of the coltsfoot, although it has a fairly large area, is not continuous.
For example, in Ukraine, it is not found throughout the Dnieper lowland, although it is present in almost the entire rest of the territory. A similar picture is observed in Scandinavia, and in Eastern Europe, and in the Middle lane, and in the Urals. Scientists cannot yet give an explanation for such a “spotted area” of a monotypic plant.
In addition, coltsfoot has a certain selectivity for soil types. For example, it is almost always found in areas where there is no turf and sod land.
For a mother and stepmother, there is nothing better than various slopes of ravines or steep river banks. There are frequent cases of the appearance of a plant in places of violent human activity - wastelands, landfills, agricultural land, even landfills and abandoned industries.

wild field coltsfoot
The plant's dislike for soddy soil implies that clay soils are more preferable for the plant. And it's like this: coltsfoot grows best on clay soils.
However, if the seeds of a plant fall into more or less favorable conditions, even on “uncomfortable”, sandy soils, it will be able to grow to a huge colony due to its unpretentiousness.
The plant blooms in mid-April, after about a month the first leaves appear. The plant has a very powerful root system. The root of the plant is long and branched. The top of the root is dotted with many buds. In the spring, two types of shoots are formed from them. First - shoots of peduncles, later - shoots of leaves.

Generative plant stems
Moreover, this does not mean that the flowers are devoid of leaves at all. Flowering or generative shoots are covered with small ovate leaves along their entire length. They are brown in color and sometimes very similar to scales.
The coltsfoot flower is very complex in structure and consists of many small flowers of female and bisexual types, collected in two rings about the center. In total, there can be several hundred small flowers in the inflorescence.

flower closeup
The fruits of the coltsfoot are achenes with parachutes, that is, they are very similar to the fruits of an ordinary dandelion. After the fruits are ripe, the generative shoots die off, they dry out, and around this time the seeds are shed from the dried peduncle.

plant fruits
The medicinal use of the plant is due to the set of chemical components that make up the leaves.. The leaves of the plant can be up to 20 cm in diameter. They have long, hard petioles and teeth along the edges. Usually on a bush the number of leaves and flowers is approximately the same.

Plant leaf ready to be harvested
The leaves are collected in the spring, when the concentration of the necessary medicinal substances in the plant is maximum.. This usually happens when the veins on the leaf turn reddish-brown.

Growing a plant
Despite the fact that most of the collection of leaves for medical purposes is done in nature, sometimes there are enthusiasts who grow coltsfoot in private.
Also, beekeepers often grow this plant, since the coltsfoot not only gives high-quality honey, but is also one of the earliest flowering honey plants. Traditionally, some abandoned areas or wastelands are used for these purposes, since the plant is quite unpretentious.
Reproduction of the plant is equally well done by both seed and vegetative methods.. Particularly popular is the division of the rhizome.
Due to the absence of a particular negative effect on the soil, and also due to its good adaptability to almost any conditions, coltsfoot can grow for decades in the same place in the garden without transplanting.
In this case, it may even be necessary to limit the growth rate of the plant, since it reproduces extremely well and quickly captures large areas.

bee on coltsfoot flowers
The plant does best in partial shade, but can also grow in full sun. But the shadow does not really suit him.
It is believed that this plant does well without care., therefore, no one dealt with the issues of its cultivation, and, as a result, selection. Everyone is happy with its current state. However, the reaction of this herb to fertilizers is quite indicative, which makes it possible to achieve a high rate of its reproduction in the first 1-2 years of cultivation.
Preference is given to organic fertilizers, which are recommended to be applied once a year at the end of autumn to the location of the plants. These may be: compost, humus or bird droppings diluted with water at a concentration of 1 to 20.
Watering the plant is necessary only in excessively hot weather.while making sure that moisture does not get on the outer part of the leaves. Also, the plant does not need loosening, hilling or mulching the soil. The existing opinion that a plant can exist only near open sources of water does not hold water - even bindweed or mallow will envy the drought resistance of the coltsfoot.

Plant in "leafy phase" on rocky ground
Propagation by vegetative means is very simple. - the daughter root is separated from the mother in the middle of spring and transplanted to a new place. Already at the end of the next season, a large colony of plants is formed at the place of its planting, consisting of about a couple of dozen flowers and 2-3 daughter roots of the next generation.
In addition, do not be surprised if plants begin to sprout in all corners of the garden, similar to coltsfoot, but somewhat more miniature. This is the result of self-seeding of the plant.
Small seedlings mature for about three years before they begin to bloom. At the beginning, they will form a powerful root system and a sufficient number of generative and vegetative buds will appear.

Collection, preparation and storage of leaves
It is believed that not only the leaves, but also the flowers of the plant have medicinal properties. Flowers are harvested already in early May, and the time of collection of leaves may vary depending on the weather.
The collection of leaves can be extended in time for a rather significant period - from early May to mid-July. At the same time, the concentration of medicinal substances in the plant remains maximum until the beginning of August.

harvesting leaves
Leaves are collected on sunny days.. The leaf is cut from the rosette along with a petiole about 4-5 cm long. If the collection is made in the wild, plants growing near the roadway or man-made buildings should be avoided. It is best to retire somewhere far away from such objects; modern herbalists recommend distances of at least a kilometer.

Collection of flowers
Leaves must be dried before use.. This is done under a canopy, in the attic or in a ventilated room. The main requirement for drying is the absence of precipitation and high humidity.
The leaves are laid on a flat surface in one layer and once a day they are turned over to the opposite side.This procedure helps to avoid bedsores and decay. Dried leaves need to be mashed a little - this will provide more comfortable and convenient storage.

Flowers while drying
An alternative is to use when drying the leaves special dryers with a temperature of about 40-50°C. With their help, you can reduce the drying process to 1-2 days.
Dried ingredients should be stored in cloth bags or cardboard boxes. Sealed storage in glass jars is not excluded. At the same time, it is desirable to attach a label to each box, bag or container, indicating the place and time of its collection. Shelf life of dried coltsfoot is 2 to 3 years.

Healing properties of coltsfoot
The leaves of the coltsfoot contain the following components:
- glycosides
- tannin
- sterols
- carotenoids
- tannins

Crushed dried coltsfoot leaves
The pharmacological action of the plant consists mainly in a pronounced expectorant effect., which is a consequence of the large number of components of the mucus contained in its leaves.

Preparation of infusion from flowers
In the lower respiratory tract, in addition to expectoration, coltsfoot also restores the normal activity of the ciliary epithelium of the bronchi and trachea. In addition, it has a mild anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and diaphoretic effect.

Application area

Soap from coltsfoot
The use of coltsfoot is indicated as maintenance therapy for a number of diseases of various body systems:
With pathological processes in the upper respiratory tract. Traditionally, the effect of coltsfoot is used as an anti-inflammatory and facilitating sputum discharge. In addition, due to the components of the mucus contained in the preparations of the plant, enveloping and softening the inflamed surfaces occur. Herbal infusions are used for throat diseases - tonsillitis and tonsillitis, as well as other diseases of the respiratory organs - pleurisy, laryngitis, pneumonia, etc. In non-disseminated forms of pulmonary tuberculosis, leaf tinctures are recommended for use at the final stage of a course of antibiotics.
In case of damage to the digestive organs. Since the infusions and decoctions of the plant have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects, they can help in the treatment of gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis and cholecystitis. Sometimes an infusion of coltsfoot is recommended for violations of the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.
Various urinary tract infections. These include cystitis, pyelonephritis, and others.
For children over two years old, coltsfoot also helps to cope with diathesis and other manifestations of allergic reactions. In this case, you can use powder from crushed leaves for external influence on the affected area, or use the herbal infusion orally.
Very often, the plant is used for various inflammations of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity. This also includes numerous dental diseases. Rinsing the mouth with stomatitis, dental diseases, gingivitis, etc. not only relieves inflammation and disinfects, but can also somewhat reduce pain.
It is believed that the leaves of the coltsfoot also have the ability to normalize blood pressure, that is, they are a hypotonic agent.. Some researchers are convinced that the substances contained in coltsfoot can significantly slow down the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels.Leaf infusions are recommended not only for atherosclerosis, but also for heart failure and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.
Using a decoction of the leaves helps in the treatment of mastitishowever, the plant is not recommended for use during lactation.
Healing effect. When applied externally, a decoction of coltsfoot helps fight the effects of purulent infections, the effects of acne, and furunculosis. It has a good healing effect on burns, abrasions, wounds of small and medium depth, various scratches. Usually, cotton swabs moistened with decoction are applied to the affected areas. In some cases, freshly picked leaves are applied to wounds, such as psyllium.
Cosmetologists and trichologists recommend using the plant in the form of an infusion when washing your hair or rinsing your hair.. The infusion helps in strengthening the hair roots, relieves inflammation around the bulbs, relieves the head of dandruff.
Therapy is limited not only to the listed methods of using the plant. Often, infusions and decoctions of coltsfoot are recommended as a general tonic in case of reduced immunity or loss of strength. A decoction of these leaves is also included in many preventive measures.
Often the plant is part of weight loss products. - mainly in the form of an auxiliary component of various teas or infusions.


Crushed leaf tea

Dried coltsfoot flowers
- This remedy is obtained from one tablespoon of finely chopped coltsfoot leaves, poured with 200 ml of water, brought to a boil. Next, you need to boil the infusion for 15 minutes and leave it to infuse.
- The infusion time is about 1-1.5 hours. After that, without waiting for the infusion to cool, it must be filtered through a fine sieve. In this case, about 5-10% of the liquid volume is lost. It is necessary to add the infusion to 200 ml with boiling water and let it cool.
- This remedy is used from 2 to 4 times a day in doses of 50 ml at a time.
- The infusion of the leaves is mainly used to treat colds.. And an infusion of flowers - in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Decoctions are mainly used in the treatment of gastritis
The recipe for its preparation repeats the infusion considered earlier, but at the same time two tablespoons of leaves are taken, that is, the concentration is doubled.
leaf juice

Juice from coltsfoot leaves
- Sometimes the plant is used not only in dried form.. In some cases, it is possible to use what is called directly from the garden. At the beginning of summer, coltsfoot leaves are harvested. They are crushed on the spot, and juice is squeezed out of them. Juice can be squeezed out by any means, from manual juicers to semi-industrial automatic juicers.
- The juice will keep in the refrigerator for several weeks.. Before use, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and brought to a boil. Boil for at least 5 minutes. Used naturally or as part of a tea. It is not recommended to take more than 30 ml of juice at one time.
- Juice and tea from coltsfoot leaves are good tonics.. They are able to improve the well-being of a person, give him vigor and relieve fatigue. However, such a tool is not recommended to be used continuously for more than 3 weeks.

Recipes for medicinal fees

Currently, there are about a dozen fees, which include coltsfoot
Some of them can be purchased at pharmacy points of sale, however, if there is a desire and opportunity, you can make such fees yourself.
Consider their recipes:
- dried leaves of coltsfoot or her flowers - 20 g
- root part of marshmallow - 40 g
- licorice root - 20 g
- flower part of mullein - 10 g
- fennel (fruits) - 10 g
One heaping tablespoon of the mixture is poured into 500 ml of boiled water cooled to room temperature. Then it is infused for two hours in a cool, shaded place. After infusion, the mixture is brought to a boil and filtered.
It is recommended to use it warm (not higher than +40°C) several times a day. A single dose of application is 1 tablespoon.
- dried leaf plates of coltsfoot - 5 g
- flower part of mullein - 5 g
- flower part of mallow - 10 g
- stems and leaves of thyme - 10 g
- anise fruits - 10 g
- root part of marshmallow - 10 g
- licorice root - 30 g
One tablespoon of the mixture is thawed in cold water for two hours and boiled similarly to the previous collection. It is used several times a day as needed, but not more than 500 ml per day to avoid allergic reactions.
The following components are mixed in equal proportions:
- dried coltsfoot leaves
- linden flowers
- willow bark
- anise
- raspberries
For 1.5 liters of the mixture, this amount is 10 g of each component.
A heaping tablespoon of the mixture requires 500 ml of boiling water. First, it is brewed, and then the mixture must be placed in a water bath for at least 10 minutes. The decoction is strained and consumed as a tea. It can be stored in a thermos and consumed throughout the day.

Infusion of coltsfoot, linden and other herbs
- dried leaves of the plant - 10 g
- root part of marshmallow - 10 g
- dried oregano - 5 g
After mixing, the mixture must be very well crushed. A tablespoon of the resulting mixture is brewed with 400 ml of boiling water and infused for no more than 15 minutes. After that, it is filtered and consumed 6 times a day with equal intervals between them. The dose is 40-70 ml per dose.
High concentration agent: 15 g of dried leaves are crushed and poured into 250 ml of boiling water. In this form, the broth is left to cool on its own. After that, it is filtered and drunk during the day in equal doses of 30-350 ml.
Low concentration agent. Recommended for kidney diseases. 20 g of dried leaves are infused in one liter of boiling water for 2-3 hours. Apply warm 4 times in knocks of 50 ml.


Any drug has its limitations in use and contraindications.
Medicinal plant coltsfoot was no exception.
- It is forbidden to use the plant for children under 2 years old.
- Children under 14 years of age should use these drugs under increased supervision and in case of any negative symptoms, the drugs should be discontinued. Symptoms include: rash, nausea, smell of acetone from the mouth, depression.
- It is strictly forbidden to use the drug during pregnancy or lactation.
- Do not use the plant in severe forms of liver and kidney disease.
Despite the fact that almost all the medicinal properties of the plant have been studied, and their effectiveness has been perfectly confirmed by practice, sometimes very unexpected phenomena occur.
Relatively recently, the unpleasant properties of pyrrolizidine alkaloids contained in coltsfoot have been discovered. Basically, they are found in flowers, but they are also present in leaves. In the body of living beings, during their splitting, an intermediate chemically active compound can be formed, attacking liver proteins and damaging their structure.
The mechanism of action of these alkaloids on the human body is still not well understood. Their toxicity and its consequences for the human body are currently difficult to assess. Therefore, doctors do not recommend using coltsfoot products for more than 1-1.5 months in a row.

Mother and stepmother in natural habitat
This approach means that pyrrolizidine alkaloids can theoretically accumulate in the liver. Therefore, after prolonged use of solutions and infusions from coltsfoot (and especially from her flowers), it is recommended to drink some, even the simplest course of hepatoprotectors. In the end, the liver is an unpaired organ, it should not be risked.
VIDEO: Description, Medicinal properties
Description, Medicinal properties
You will be surprised to learn all the unique, healing properties of the plant Mother and stepmother
I love this plant so much, I brew carefully! Helps cleanse the liver, drink in combination with mineral waters. I read a lot that the trace element zinc is needed for the normal functioning of the liver. This is due to the fact that vitamin A, located in the liver, acts only in the presence of zinc. With a lack of zinc, this vitamin is not released from the liver and does not enter the bloodstream.
In my experience and opinion, the best way to maintain adequate levels of these liver-strategic micronutrients is to include mineral water in your daily diet.
Previously, there were no medicines at all and people were treated only with herbs. My liver is fine. But with the lungs, as it were, not very much. Tuberculosis since the 11th year. Tablets that give 14 pieces for two doses a day, I can’t drink, it’s a real poison. All night you run to take a piss, you don’t get enough sleep and then nervousness, And the body needs rest. I brew motherwort and chicory root and drink it throughout the day. Feeling good.
Even we boys knew about some of its medicinal properties and that. And therefore, having scratched or injured an arm or leg, or received a burn, they looked for its fluffy-cool leaves and applied them with their soft side to the wound.
Of course, if possible, it is better to collect any herbs yourself.But you need to know a lot, which collection period, which parts to collect when and how to prepare decoctions and tinctures. Here's a kind of coltsfoot weed, but what a useful folk medicine. And even official medicine recognizes coltsfoot.