Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the use of protective masks has become an invariable attribute of our lives. The astronomical increase in demand for them in the last month has put the domestic industry in a difficult situation.
Masks are not always available in pharmacies. And they are now worth much more than their face value. We offer you a way to make a mask from a handkerchief. In addition, you only need two rubber bands. And no sewing.

Materials for manufacturing
To make mask, you will need:
- handkerchief;
- two rubber bands.
No. 1. Making a mask
Fold the scarf in quarters along one of the center lines.

We fold it from one of the narrow sides by about a third, after putting on the clerical gum.

We also bend the second side, putting an elastic band on it.

We start one superimposed side inward into the other.

Align and straighten the mask.

No. 2. We carry out tests
The mask should be worn with the folded side facing the face.

How to make a mask from a handkerchief
How to make a mask? from a handkerchief