Do-it-yourself brick brazier | Step-by-step instructions, a simple drawing (25+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Do-it-yourself brick brazier

In this article we will tell you how to make a brazier out of bricks with your own hands. What a delicious barbecue you get on your own grill. Soft, juicy, slightly fried shish kebab strung on a skewer makes guests enjoy eating this dish.

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The brick, heating up, gradually gives off heat to the products that are cooked on the grill. Thus, the dish turns out to be even tastier than cooked, for example, on a metal brazier. So, to create a barbecue, you will need accuracy, patience, materials, tools and a great desire to create an individual oven on your site.

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Design Choice

The creation of the brazier is divided into several phased actions. If they are followed exactly, then:

  • construction will be strong and durable
  • individuality - barbecue grill will be one of a kind
  • you can easily use this brazier in winter
  • the chance of error will be minimized

The first step is to choose a design. The oven should be simple and functional. At the same time, the outside and some space should be provided to assist in the preparation of the meat. It can be a small countertop or a designated place for storing spoons, forks, skewers. And you can also allocate space for storing firewood for cooking.

Brick brazier

Workspace organization example

Since the brazier is an individual thing, the dimensions and design are also individual.

Barbecue can be of two types:

1. Open – the working surface is open. At the bottom there is a through niche for firewood. Also, for convenience, a countertop can be located.

2. Closed - This is a multifunctional design. Basically, this brazier is placed near the wall. The niches are all closed, there is a roof and an arch, as well as:

  • Worktop for preparing food and dishes
  • Place to heat the kettle or warm up the first course
  • Storage place for dishes
  • Firewood storage area
  • Place under the sink

Worth considering! This brazier requires more material, as well as the painstaking work associated with the stove-maker's business.
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Before you start laying a barbecue, you should draw up a drawing on paper. On it, indicate all the dimensions, taking into account the dimensions of the brick.

barbecue drawing

Drawing allows you to save time, materials and give you the opportunity to evaluate the picture as a whole

Consider an example of an outdoor barbecue:

drawing of an open brazier

Drawing of an open grill


The size of the brazier in width is 1 meter


The size of the refractory brick is 11.4 cm. From these data, the width of the niche for firewood is calculated: 11.4 * 4 = 45.6; 100(1 meter)-45.6=54.4 cm.


The height of the brazier is 80 cm.


The height of the working part of the brazier is 35 cm.


Iron pallet for coals. It can be installed 5 cm above a brick surface, or it can simply be installed on a brickwork.


The depth of the brazier is 60 cm.

The red dots indicate the holders for the net or for installation under the skewers.

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Choosing a place for a barbecue

After creating a drawing and entering all dimensions on a sketch, you can determine the amount of materials.But before doing this, you should carry out preparatory work.

They consist of:

  • Choice of location. The surface for creating the brazier must be flat. Since the barbecue oven is formed for all-season use, a foundation will definitely be required.
  • It is better if the place is not strongly blown by drafts and gusts of wind. If there is a free corner in the backyard, then this is the best for the barbecue.
  • It should also be taken into account in the open type where the smoke will be directed so that guests and relatives do not rest in the smoke.
  • If it is the south side, then it will not be very pleasant to stand in the open sun and cook food. If there is no place in the shade, you should take care of the canopy.
  • There should be no roots from a tree or tall shrubs at the intended site. All grass and bushes should be removed with the root system.
  • The future brazier should stand in a dry place. If it is constantly wet there, it can adversely affect the brickwork.

When all plants are removed from the surface where the brazier is supposed to be, markings should be made on the ground.

Draft version of the layout of the barbecue

Draft markup

To do this, according to the size of the brazier, it is required to drive pegs into the ground and wrap them with a thread. This procedure should be done using a level. So that the boundaries of the future building are perfectly even. Functionality and appearance depend on it.

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To create an open-type brazier, you will need the following tools:

  • shovel ordinary
  • Construction trowel
  • Spatula with medium spatula
  • Level
  • Plumb for evenness of the plane
  • Solution container
  • Hammer

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  • Refractory brick. Plain red brick
  • Cement mix for laying fireplaces
  • Cement
  • Sand
  • Wooden boards - 4 pcs
  • rubble
  • Sandstone mixed with gravel
  • Reinforcement or reinforcing mesh
  • Metal corner
  • Cast iron BBQ accessories - BBQ grate, skewers support, charcoal tray, tongs

IMPORTANT! All necessary materials are purchased with the calculation of plus 5-10%.
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To create a brick brazier that should serve you for a long time, you will need not only high-quality material, but also the creation of a solid foundation.

To begin with, according to the size of the brazier, you should dig a hole under the foundation. Its depth should be about 55cm.

Marking the allotted area for the foundation. brazier

Marking the allotted area for the foundation.

  • A mixture of sandstone and gravel is poured into the dug hole. This pillow is made against subsidence of the barbecue. Cushion height about 20cm
  • Next, fittings are installed. For greater strength, reinforcing stakes are interconnected by welding or knitting wire. Reinforcement frame height 20cm
  • With the help of wide wooden boards, formwork is created along the edges of the foundation
  • A solution of cement, crushed stone and sand with the addition of water is poured into the finished box.
  • After filling with the formwork solution, the surface is leveled and left for a day or two until it hardens completely. It all depends on the weather conditions, if the weather is damp and cloudy, the foundation can be ready after seven days

Ready-made formwork for the foundation of the brazier

Finished formwork for the foundation

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Formation of masonry

To make a high-quality brazier masonry, you can apply the following methods:

  • Half brick masonry. The masonry goes in one row in a checkerboard pattern, that is, the overlap of the joints of the bricks of the lower row.
  • Chain laying option. It is a solid construction. Two horizontal rows are connected to each other

Masonry nuances:

  • Instead of a conventional cement mortar, a cement adhesive mixture is used. It can withstand sudden changes in temperature. Very durable and high quality
  • When laying out two or three rows, you should leave the work for a while to set the solution.
  • For evenness of the structure, be sure to use the level
  • To make the brick fit snugly in its place, you can lightly tap on it with a hammer
  • The arch is laid out with the help of wooden supports, which will hold the brick in place for some time until the mortar sets.
  • When laying out the place of the brazier in a barbecue, it is required to put special hooks between the bricks to install a grid or a skewer holder over the coals. In addition to metal hooks, you can also make protrusions of bricks on which the barbecue grill will be fixed.

Refractory bricks are used only in the place where the fire will burn. The rest of the brazier can be laid out with ordinary bricks.

For greater functionality of the brazier, so that the coals are blown with the necessary amount of air, bricklaying occurs with “windows” up to 5 cm in size. This will create the necessary draft to keep the coals hot.

Window for ventilation of the brazier

Window for ventilation of the brazier

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Barbecue finishing

The final step in shaping a barbecue is finishing. For this, the construction market offers a lot of building materials:

  • wild stone
  • Tile
  • Lacquer coatings
  • ceramic mosaic

When choosing a finishing material, weather conditions and its resistance to sudden and frequent temperature changes should be taken into account.

Ceramic tiles are laid on cement-based adhesive bulk material. Wild stone should be coated on top with a special varnish coating, which is designed for outdoor work.

If we take into account complete individuality, then you can independently make gypsum tiles or individual decorative elements with the addition of preparations that prevent moisture absorption and give gypsum the ability to tolerate low temperatures. The tile is placed on cement glue and covered with a transparent varnish for external work.

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For cooking on the grill in the evening, you need good lighting. Therefore, it is worth considering this moment from the very beginning.

This will require:

  • Metal pipe or galvanized profile
  • Wire of required length
  • Plug for wire
  • lamp holder
  • Corrugation for wire
  • Screwdriver, electrical tape
  • Dowel-nails
  • self-tapping screws

grill with interior lighting

Roaster with interior lighting

If there is a pipe available, then it is fixed with a metal girth on the back wall of the barbecue. If there is no pipe, but there is a galvanized profile, then:

  • The profile is fastened with dowels back to the rear wall of the furnace.
  • A second profile is installed to the attached profile with ribs. Self-tapping screws on the sides
  • Through the created pipe is carried out along the entire length of the corrugation with the wire.
  • A plug is attached to one end of the wire, and a lamp socket is attached to the other end.
  • If it is raining outside, a lampshade or a special cap should protect the lamp from above

So that night butterflies do not gather on the lamp, a small board is fixed nearby, near the beginning of the pipe, on which you can install a spiral from midges.

To install an LED lamp or other fixtures, the base is made in the same way, but at the top you should create a base for attaching fixtures and protection from moisture.

Some nuances of working with barbecue

When using a brick brazier, some rules should be observed:

  • Firewood must not be kindled with gasoline, acetone or other flammable solutions. Only special solution
  • When turning food on a barbecue grill, special tongs are used
  • The grill should only be cleaned when it has completely cooled down.
  • For the winter period, the open brazier is closed with presentation material or thick oilcloth
  • In the formation of the brazier, such material as drywall is not applicable. On the street, under the influence of natural conditions, it will quickly deform and become unusable, even if the brazier is closed

When creating a barbecue with your own hands, you need to be prudent and be patient. Then the product will be durable, and the food cooked in it will be delicious.

We also recommend watching the video, which focuses on some of the intricacies of this issue:

Do-it-yourself brick brazier

Video instruction

Do-it-yourself brick brazier | Step-by-step instructions, a simple drawing (25+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

5.3 Total Score

When creating a brazier with your own hands, you need to be prudent and be patient. Then the product will be durable, and the food cooked in it will be delicious. Feedback from our readers is very important to us. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

Ease of preparation
Occupied space
  • Appearance
  • Ease of preparation
  • Impossible to transfer
  • The risk that the design will not work well
  • Occupied space

  1. I just bought a dacha for myself in the winter on the cheap, then I also want a brazier, because I love food cooked on fire. But, to be honest, I didn’t think about a brick brazier ... The idea is certainly not a bad one, and the article describes everything in detail on how to make it, so I think this summer I’ll still use the advice of this article, although it’s not so easy and effortless , judging by the article, you need to attach a lot, but in my opinion, it's worth it. Moreover, I still plan to finish building a veranda to the house, then just a brick will be ...

  2. That's just when the heat begins and the brazier is exactly what we need to install in the country. The brick brazier looks very nice and the main thing is that it will last for many years and does not need to be constantly worn, for example, as with metal. The article is very accessible and describes in detail how to build it. The main thing is to build a brazier, in the future you will need a gazebo and everything will be fine. We will also consult with my husband, maybe right away when we build a brazier at the same time and we will make a gazebo. The brick brazier looks very nice, I like the closed type more, because the meat will cook faster in such a brazier, due to the fact that the brick retains heat. Having built such a brazier, you can come to the dacha with friends every weekend and have a good rest. A very useful article, after reading which I fired up to build such a practical and reliable brazier. Now it’s up to the small to purchase material and provide the construction scheme to my husband, I think he will succeed. After all, the design is not particularly complicated and with the help of a circuit it will be much easier.

  3. Brazier is, of course, very useful and, I would even say, a necessary thing for those who like to spend time in nature. I’ve had it for two years now, but I did it in haste, so I’m going to either redo it or make a new one because the brick was old, and the chimney is no longer coping with its function, and this is due to the fact that the place is not quite right chose, just where it blows. In the article, by the way, this is what it says. So after the May holidays I’ll take it apart and build a new one, and I’ll already take note of this article, since I’m going to move to the dacha for permanent residence, I want to make it reliable so that I can also fry barbecue in winter.

  4. Well, to make such a brazier, of course, it’s worth the effort. I have been wanting to do it for the third year now, but all hands do not reach. Already this year, I finally decided that I would do it anyway) I even found a master who will do it for me) By the way, everything that is written in this article about building a brazier made of bricks, my familiar master said to me and this. He also says that it is very important to choose the right place where it does not blow through, and he also said that you need to choose the right brick, since, according to him, not even all fire-resistant bricks are suitable. Or rather, all, but not all bricks can cope with their function for a very long time. Of course, in this article, I was very attracted by the opportunity to set the backlight, since my friend the master did not say anything about it, then I will definitely have to ask him about it, because I think that the backlight is needed, especially in the evening, even necessary. In general, this summer I will definitely get a brick barbecue, especially since my wife also wants to.

  5. An open-type barbecue in your yard is the best thing you can do with your own hands. Of course, if there are no bricklayer skills at all, then you need to at least invite a knowledgeable person to help. The advice, of course, is good, but in practice there may be various difficulties with the construction, with the foundation, with placement, and so on. Normal finishing and safe only goes with wild stone, but you can do without it at all. It is advisable not to place such a barbecue near the buildings. Internal lighting is also not so critical, you can make external lighting.

  6. The article has a number of inaccuracies that need to be corrected. Let's start. The foundation pit is dug to the freezing depth, and not 55 centimeters, it is different in each region. Reinforcement is not welded by welding - only wire. To fill the foundation, it is necessary to use clean river sand without clay, otherwise there will be problems that will not be possible to solve in the future. Masonry can be done on the twentieth day after pouring the foundation, not earlier. It is better to cover the foundation with polyethylene in order to retain moisture. Be sure to perform waterproofing between concrete and masonry, otherwise the brick will begin to “drink” water and collapse. The masonry itself is best done in dry weather, which will guarantee the absence of efflorescence on the brick. Every third row should be reinforced with masonry mesh, then grandchildren will use the brazier. It is better to veneer the brazier with clinker bricks or bassoons. It looks more beautiful than tiles, and will last ten times longer. And, of course, it is better to entrust the work to a professional who gives a lifetime warranty on the design.

    • It is good when advice is not followed blindly, but subjected to objective criticism. I will take into service some nuances from the article, from the comments. All the same, entrust the specialists to do better, of course, my father-in-law clearly understands this, but I consider myself only in the wings at first, you see, I’ll learn)

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