Raspberries are one of the sweetest berries. Description, planting in the open field, reproduction and care. Popular varieties: from early ripening to remontant (25 Photos & Videos) + Reviews



Raspberry is one of the old-timers of our gardens. Its cultivation in Europe began about two thousand years ago. At first, its wild varieties were used exclusively as medicinal plants, but later in ancient Greece and Rome it began to be used as a horticultural crop. The high sugar content in raspberries makes them an excellent treat. The popularity of raspberries is due not only to taste, but also to healing properties: It is great for helping with colds. Its regular use contributes to the comprehensive improvement of the body and the removal of harmful substances from it. Planting and caring for raspberries are relatively simple, however, they require certain rules to be followed, without which the yield of this crop will be relatively low.

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Biological description

Majority raspberry species has red berries. Sometimes there are yellow or black-purple berries. The ripening time of raspberry fruits, depending on its variety, comes from July to October. Raspberries are used both fresh and processed. Various jams, juices, jams, syrups, etc. are obtained from them. Raspberries can be frozen and dried.

Also one of the advantages of raspberries is the relatively late flowering. Thanks to this circumstance, the plant safely passes the period of spring frosts and has time to form flowers. And the relatively fast time of fruit formation allows you to enjoy their excellent taste even in the first half of summer.

raspberry bush

raspberry bush

Raspberry is a perennial shrub of the Rose family, which has annual and biennial shoots or stems. The length of the stems in some varieties reaches up to 2.5 meters. Annual shoots of the plant are herbaceous and succulent, covered with small thorns. In the second year of life, they become stiff and turn brown. After the second season, the shoots dry up, and the next year new ones grow in their place and everything repeats all over again.

branched root system located at a depth of about 30 cm. It covers an area of ​​​​several square meters and can move 2-3 meters from the center of the bush.

Leaves the plant has an oval shape, they have a short petiole, on which there are from 3 to 7 leaves. Leaves are dark green above, whitish below.

raspberry flower

raspberry flower

flowers raspberries are small - about 10 mm in diameter, their color is almost always white. They are collected in inflorescences of the "brush" type. Flowering occurs, depending on the variety, from June to August.

Raspberry varieties Yellow miracle

Raspberry varieties Yellow miracle

Fruit raspberries are many small drupes fused into one large complex fruit. Traditionally they are called berries. I raspberries contain a large amount of sugar, vitamins A, B and C, tannins and fatty oils.

In many varieties, fruits appear in the second year after planting, since in the first year of the plant's life, flower buds are just being formed. This process ends in the autumn of the first year of the plant's life. In the future, fruiting occurs every year, as new runs appear every year. Remontant varieties are able not only to set flower buds in the first year of life, but also to receive flowers and fruits from them, which leads to fruiting in the first year of life and to double fruiting in the next.

Raspberry is a self-fertile plant, that is, capable of self-pollination.

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plant conditions

Raspberry is one of the most demanding crops in terms of conditions and location. Successful cultivation of raspberries is possible only in well-lit and warm places in the garden, where there is no wind.

Raspberries are extremely negative about excess moisture in the soil, and even short-term flooding can be fatal for it, since its root system absolutely cannot stand dampness and high humidity. In winter, this situation can lead to the complete freezing of raspberries in areas with a high level of groundwater. No one will grow raspberries in the beds because of the large size of its root system. Therefore, the following requirements are imposed on the site: it must be well drained and the groundwater level should not be higher than 80-100 cm from the soil level.

Raspberries love sunshine

Raspberries love sunshine

The predecessors of raspberries can be green manure, legumes, cucumbers, zucchini. It is highly undesirable to use as predecessors plants that have common diseases with raspberries, for example, strawberries or potatoes (and indeed, any nightshade).

The best place for growing raspberries is some quiet corner of the garden, quite compact and well lit by the sun. It is very good if there is enough snow in the raspberries in winter, as this will provide better protection for the plant from frost and is guaranteed to moisten the ground in early spring.

Raspberries prefer a high nutritional soil, so it is best to grow them on medium-density loam. If sandstones are used as soil, it is necessary to provide them with regular application of organic and mineral fertilizers.

Raspberries grow normally on soils of almost any acidity, however, given the rather long time of existence on the same soil, as well as regular top dressing, the soil layer will gradually acidify more and more.

Too high acidity of the soil will not affect raspberries. But this will lead to a deterioration in the structure of the soil and its mineralization. Therefore, the soil under raspberries needs constant liming. It must be done when planting raspberries, and is also done regularly once every 2-3 years. Liming is best done with charcoal ash.

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Raspberries can be planted in spring or fall. Autumn planting of raspberries is preceded by preliminary preparation, performed about a month before it. If planting is carried out in the spring, then preparation for it should take place in the fall. As a last resort, if no preliminary work was done in the fall, and there was an urgent need to plant raspberries in the spring, spring preparation can be carried out 15-20 days before planting.

Trench planting raspberries

Trench planting raspberries

There are two main ways to plant raspberries:

  • individual bushes
  • trellis method (rows or trenches)

Preliminary preparation includes digging the earth, liming it and laying fertilizers. The soil is dug up to a depth of about 25-30 cm, while the remains of rhizomes, various debris and pieces of wood are removed from it. Soil liming is best done using ash with a consumption of about 150-200 g per 1 sq. m.

Fertilizers must be applied under each planned bush planting site.Approximately 1 bucket of rotted manure or compost is introduced into each hole or trench. Or the bottom of the pits is covered with a layer of organic fertilizer 15 cm thick. At the same time, the autumn planting is left as it is for a month, and the spring planting is sprinkled on top for the winter with a layer of mulch about 10-15 cm thick.

Sometimes a different technique is used: the dug holes or trenches are completely covered up already when the plant is planted with the so-called planting mixture. The composition of the mixture is as follows:

  • rotted manure - 50%
  • soil taken from holes or trenches - 50%
  • mineral fertilizer, for example, double superphosphate - 5 g per 10 liters of mixture

For remontant varieties, the amount of mineral fertilizer is doubled.

Optionally, organic fertilizer is also placed on the bottom, but its layer is not 15, but 3-5 cm.

You need to know that any method of planting requires that the root bud be approximately 3-5 cm above ground level. Thus, when soil subsidence occurs, it will be at the right level. Excessive deepening of the root bud leads to its decay, but some elevation above ground level will not have any negative consequences.

Young raspberry shoot

Young raspberry shoot

With the first method of planting, it is necessary to make holes measuring 40 by 50 cm. Raspberry seedlings must be soaked in a solution of mullein before planting. The seedling is placed in the hole and covered with a layer of earth or nutrient mixture. When planting in autumn, it is necessary to spud a raspberry bush to a height of about 10-15 cm. The distance between plants is taken about 0.8-1 m and between rows - 2 m.

In the case of planting in trenches, their depth and width is about 40-50 cm, and the length corresponds to the number of bushes. Bushes are located at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. The distance between the trenches is taken to be about 1 m. It is with the trench method that the planting mixture is most often used.

At the end of planting plants in the ground and watering them, it is strongly recommended to mulch the soil with humus or peat. In the most extreme case, a layer of cut grass or hay can be used as mulch.

If the seedlings have a large number of buds, it is recommended to cut them to a height of 30-40 cm from ground level during any planting. At the same time, at least 50% of their initial number should remain on the plant.

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plant care


There are several ways to water a plant. Sprinkler irrigation is most often used in horticultural cultivation. Raspberries are watered directly from the hose. This method is not considered effective, since it requires an unreasonably high water consumption, since not only plants, but also row spacings are irrigated.

Drip irrigation of raspberries

Drip irrigation of raspberries

Furrow irrigation is more efficient. At the same time, rollers about 10-15 cm high are made around the raspberries, so that the plants are in improvised "pools", where water can be poured in different ways - from the same hose to buckets.

Watering is preferably not cold water, so you need to use either special containers in which tap or well water is preheated.

The best irrigation option for raspberries is to use drip irrigation systems. In this case, it becomes possible to supply water from any container directly to the roots of the plant. Drip irrigation solves the problem of watering plants with warm water and can be used to make certain types of top dressing more efficiently.

Do not forget that drip irrigation produces significant savings in water itself. And the combination of drip irrigation and mulching allows you to reduce the amount of water for irrigation by about 4-5 times.

plant pruning

This procedure is necessary to shorten fruiting shoots and remove excessively thick and diseased shoots. She renews the bush of the plant, allowing it to grow more abundantly.

Fruiting shoots are pruned immediately after planting at a level of 20-40 cm.

Raspberry pruning is an important step in crop care

Raspberry pruning is an important step in crop care

From the second year, it is necessary to shorten the shoots annually after the end of fruiting. At the end of winter, it is necessary to remove diseased and dried stems, cutting them off at the very base. Stems that are partially damaged must be cut back to the first healthy bud. You should inspect the bush as a whole and bring it to a more or less "standard" look. This implies the formation of a bush from about ten of the strongest stems with a height of 120 to 150 cm. The rest of the shoots should be removed - you should not force the plant to spend its energy and resources on them.

In some cases, in order to stretch the harvest time, it is recommended to cut the shoots to different lengths. For example, the central shoots are shortened when pruning by 10-15 cm, the shoots of the middle tier - by 20-30 cm, peripheral shoots can be cut by almost half. After such pruning, the central shoots will begin to bear fruit first, the turn of the middle tier will come in about a month, and in another month the peripheral shoots will bear fruit.

Raspberry pruning options

Bush pruning options

In the summer, raspberry pruning is reduced to the destruction of shoots with withered tops, as well as diseased and undersized shoots of this year. After harvesting, all shoots of the second year must be cut and destroyed (even those that did not bear fruit). They should be cut with secateurs at the very ground level. It makes no sense to leave non-blooming shoots for the next year, because if they do not bloom this year, they are unlikely to bloom next year, and in winter they can become a refuge for many wintering pests.

Autumn pruning is necessary to prepare the plant for wintering. and in its ideology repeats the previous ones: all shoots of the second year are removed from the plant, as well as diseased and infected ones. Some gardeners also recommend leaving 8-10 of the strongest shoots for the winter, but this is not worth doing. Since it is not known which of the stems will be able to survive the winter normally. It is better to leave a certain amount of stems to winter with a margin.

Raspberry dressing

Growing raspberries without top dressing will be ineffective, as it quickly depletes the soil. Because the plant needs regular top dressing. We have already talked about top dressing during planting, now let's consider periodic top dressing during the season.

Raspberries need constant feeding

Raspberries need constant feeding

At the beginning of spring it is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers under the plant in the amount of 80-100 g per 1 sq. m.

During the flowering period phosphorus-potassium fertilizers should be applied in the following quantities: superphosphate - 30 g per 1 sq. m, potassium sulfate - 20 g per 1 sq. m.

In autumn time, before wintering the plant, it is advisable to use organic fertilizers - rotted manure, humus or compost in the calculation of 3-5 k per 1 sq. m.

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Types and varieties of raspberries

Currently used raspberry varieties have many differences, the main of which is taste. There are many shades of sweet taste in raspberries. One of the main issues to be solved when arranging a raspberry in a vegetable garden or garden is the optimization of the choice raspberry varieties. Here it is necessary to take into account not only personal preferences, but also the characteristics of the climate, terrain, soil, and so on.

Varietal diversity of raspberries today is quite large

Varietal diversity of raspberries today is quite large

There are, for example, many sweet and sour varieties, the growing conditions of which may have some differences. In addition, different varieties with the same taste may have some differences in ripening time and characteristics of the harvest. Some varieties of raspberries are well preserved both in freezing and in conservation, and some do not tolerate conservation at all and lose their properties.

When choosing a variety for cultivation, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with its features, primarily related to when and how the berries ripen, what is the yield of the bush, what influences the berries can be exposed to. Otherwise, all efforts aimed at creating berry fields will be in vain, and raspberries will turn into another weed, which from time to time will occasionally fall on the table.

Consider the classification of raspberries by type, as well as descriptions of the most popular varieties that can be grown in a temperate climate zone.

There are four varieties of raspberries:


Common raspberry. A versatile variety that is a proven way to get guaranteed yields based on traditional growing methods. Varieties belonging to this variety are adapted to various climate and soil conditions, they normally tolerate both excessive moisture, as well as drought, etc. The annually growing root system of such raspberries gives many offspring, so there will never be problems with updating the raspberry population. On the other hand, the choice of this variety will provide the owner with yields, but they will be relatively small. It is believed that the yield of most varieties of ordinary raspberries is lower than that of other varieties. The weight of berries rarely exceeds 4 g.


Large raspberries. It has a high yield due to large fruits. The weight of fruits of this variety can exceed 14 g. In addition, such raspberries have a more pronounced taste compared to ordinary ones.


Repair raspberry. It has a high rate of fruit ripening, its fruiting occurs already in the first year of life. This variety is capable of producing two harvests per season. That is, one crop is taken from annual shoots, the other from biennial shoots. There are also species that bear fruit for several months during the season. This variety is an ideal choice for those who do not like to wait long periods of fruiting.


Standard raspberry. Outwardly, this variety is similar to a tree, its trunk is almost stiff, for which it received the name "raspberry tree". The height of this raspberry can exceed 1.5 m, while the plant does not require any artificial support, which greatly facilitates its care.

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early raspberry varieties

Berries ripen in early summer. However, this has its negative side: the fecundity of early ripe varieties is low. They are not suitable for commercial use.

Scarlet Sails

Scarlet sails raspberries

Scarlet Sails

The height of the bush can exceed 2 m. The yield is 1.5-1.7 kg per bush. The berries are ruby ​​in color, small in size and shaped like a cone. Their mass is about 2 g. The variety is universal, since it can be used for any purpose. Differs in high frost resistance.




One of the easiest varieties to grow and is popular with beginner gardeners. Height about 2 m, yield about 2 kg per bush. Berries weighing up to 3 g have an apricot color. Raspberries quickly give juice, so they are not suitable for transportation. It has high frost resistance.




Also a popular variety, characterized by increased (up to 5 kg per bush) yield. Height 1.6-1.8 m; berries are large, weighing up to 14 g. The berries are quite strong; they do not crumble when fully ripe and do not fall apart when harvested. The berries have a sweet taste and strong aroma.

Winter hardiness of the plant is average, in severe frosts (up to -15 ° C), it is recommended to hide the shoots in autumn under a layer of foliage or snow. The plant resists pests and diseases well; even a diseased bush is able not to reduce productivity.

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Mid-season varieties

The maturation of these varieties is somewhat later, however, their yield is slightly higher than that of early ripening ones. Actually, mid-season varieties are what is called "raspberry" in the general sense. Speaking of raspberries, in 90% of cases they mean exactly them. In total, there are about a hundred of these varieties. Most of them have a high resistance to diseases and are relatively easy to care for.




She is also a "raspberry tree" - a standard variety of raspberries. Strong tree-like bush, reaching 1.8 m in height. During the season, about 6 kg of crop can be harvested from a bush. The mass of berries is 5 g. The ripening period is mid-July. Separately, it should be said that the thorns of the plant are atrophied, thanks to the scratch, picking berries is greatly simplified.




A relatively tall bush (1.5-2 m) with berries weighing 3-4 g. Within two weeks, you can harvest about 4 kg per bush. The color of the berries is rich, bright ruby. The berries are sweet and sour in taste. Without shelter, it tolerates winters down to -10°C, under foliage and snow it can withstand temperatures down to -30°C. The plant tolerates drought well and practically does not need watering.




Gardeners like the plant not only for its high yield, but also for the appearance of the berries. Large berries weighing up to 5 g have an oblong shape and are collected in groups of 12-15 pieces. The yield of the bush is high - up to 12 kg per bush, but it can be obtained with abundant watering and the presence of dressings.

Glen Ample

glen ampl

Glen Ample

The variety was bred in England. It is the result of crossing varieties of Meeker and Prosena. The yield is about 6 kg per bush, red berries have an average size of about 4 g. They are conical in shape and have a moderately sweet taste. Ripening occurs at the beginning of July. Increased resistance to disease. Able to tolerate frosts down to -30 ° C without shelter.

For health

for health

For health

The growth of this variety can reach up to 2.2 m. On average, about 5 kg of crop is harvested from a bush per season. The size of the berries is about 6 g. The berries are able to retain their shape during transportation, they are well suited for jam. The plant has a high resistance to fungi and spider mites.

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Late-ripening varieties

A distinctive feature of varieties that ripen at the end of the season are high frost resistance and good yields. In total there are more than a hundred such varieties. Many of them are refurbished.




The height of the plant is about 2 m. Its berries have a sweet taste with a slight sourness. On average, about 6 kg of berries are removed from the bush. The weight of the berries is about 7 g. The plant is demanding on light: the more sunny days there are, the greater the harvest. Ripens in August. There is a vulnerability to some viruses and root rot. Frost resistance is low: even in shelters made of 20 cm thick mulch, it does not tolerate frosts below -15 ° C.

Patricia late ripening

patricia late ripening

Patricia late ripening

According to the characteristics, it almost completely repeats Kirzhach, but differs in a slightly higher height, elongated shape of the berries and later ripening.




The variety has a high yield (about 8 kg per bush), the berries have a mass of about 6 g. The shape of the berries is elongated, the taste is sweet and sour. The berries are well kept on the plant, not crumbling when fully ripe.




The yield of this variety of raspberries is 5 kg per bush. Berries have a ruby ​​color and an elongated shape. Their sizes are quite large: the mass of berries is about 10 g. The berries have a soft texture and are not suitable for transportation. The plant tolerates frosts down to -20 ° C without shelter, resists diseases well. It is vulnerable to mites, however, preventive treatment with insecticides in early spring can solve this problem.

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Remontantna raspberry

Able to bear fruit for several months due to the constant renewal of flowers.Sometimes, after the first harvest, it undergoes significant pruning to give a second in the autumn.




A variety with a high yield, despite the relatively small size of the bush. About 3 kg of berries can be removed per season. Ini are large and elongated. The mass of berries can reach 11 g. After ripening, the berries remain on the plant without crumbling. The taste is sweet and sour. The berries are quite firm, they tolerate transportation well. Suitable for both canning and freezing. It has a high rate of growth and fruit ripening. In fact, fruiting lasts until the first frost, after which the bush is cut off at the root. For this reason, it tolerates wintering in almost any climate well.




Repair standard variety. It grows to a height of 1.3 m. The number of shoots on one plant is small, rarely more than 8 pieces. The berries are round, dark red in color, small, weighing up to 5 g. At the same time, their number is quite large and the yield is up to 15 kg per bush. The taste has a noticeable sourness. Fruiting lasts until the middle and even the end of September. The berries are strong enough, able to stay on the bush for a week after ripening without crumbling and without losing their taste. The variety is universal - suitable for canning and freezing. Disease resistant. Of the pests, ticks are dangerous. Frost resistance up to -25°С.

Indian summer

Indian summer

Indian summer

The fruiting period lasts more than two months - from the beginning of August until the first frost. The crop is mainly removed from the shoots of this year. The fruiting of old shoots is somewhat lower. The berries are small, weighing about 3 g. They have a sweet and sour taste and a pronounced aroma. Peak fruiting falls on 2-3 decades of September.




The stems of this variety of remontant raspberries are straight and strong, they do not require additional support. The harvest begins to ripen in early August, and due to the fruiting of young shoots, it lasts until the first frost. The berries are sweet and sour in taste, large (weighing up to 10 g). The variety is characterized by stable yields and resistance to many diseases.

Growing raspberries is not an easy task. Despite its relative unpretentiousness and the ability to grow with little or no care in the same areas, one should not forget that from such a “free” life, the plant begins to lose significantly in crop volumes. If the plant is provided with proper conditions of maintenance, it regularly receives the necessary top dressing and control over its growth is carried out, then the yield of such plants increases significantly.

Raspberries are one of the sweetest berries. Description, planting in the open field, reproduction and care. Popular varieties: from early ripening to remontant (25 Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Raspberry as a business in 2017. 1 year experience. The start of a new big project!

Raspberries are one of the sweetest berries. Description, planting in the open field, reproduction and care. Popular varieties: from early ripening to remontant (25 Photos & Videos) + Reviews


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