Raspberry is an unpretentious plant with fragrant berries. When choosing raspberry varieties, it is important to take into account the reviews of gardeners, a description of the characteristics of each of the specimens and correlate them with the climatic conditions in the area. cultivation. Some prefer open sunny areas, while others can bear fruit in partial shade.

Varieties differ in the size and taste of fruits, ripening periods and have different resistance to fungal diseases and low temperatures.

Varieties of remontant raspberries
According to gardeners, remontant raspberries are the best representative of the genus: the crop can be harvested several times per season, the berries are large, abundant fruiting. It makes you want to replace all traditional varieties with repair ones and enjoy a delicious, fragrant berry all summer long.
Consider varieties of remontant raspberries of early, middle and late ripening.

With proper care in these varieties, fruiting is almost continuous.

Early varieties: description, photo, reviews
Due to the early ripening of berries, raspberry varieties have gained general popularity.
Bryansk wonder
In 2001, I.V.Kazakova and S.N.Evdokimenko started breeding varieties. For five years, breeders studied the characteristics of the Bryansk Divo variety, and it went on sale in 2006.
Raspberries are high-yielding, harvesting from one bush - 3.5 kg. On average, berries weigh 7 g, but there are also impressive specimens weighing up to 11 g. The fruits are elongated, large, red.
The taste is sweet with a pleasant sourness. The variety is suitable for industrial cultivation: during long-term transportation, the fruits remain fresh and do not lose their shape, do not cake. The second time begins to bear fruit in mid-August. The timing of fruiting depends on the location of the zoning. The crop can be harvested before frost.
The ripening of berries occurs from top to bottom, so you can cut off the lower flowers so as not to waste the strength of the plant on their setting and growth. In this case, the upper berries will be larger and ripen faster.
What will gardeners say?
The variety does not require a garter, as the shoots themselves are powerful, and the bush is compact, however, with strong gusts of wind, the shoots can lie on the ground.
Delicate variety, demanding on the landing site. Prefers light, fertile soil.
By the end of the growing season, it sheds foliage and does not look very good, the berries ripen on shoots devoid of foliage. However, this characteristic does not affect the taste of berries and yield.
The variety causes a lot of controversy among amateurs and professionals. Some like the high yield and size, others are not thrilled with the taste of the berries.
- The crop is harvested 2 times per season: mid-June and August-September.
- Can be grown in Belarus, the Central and Central Black Earth region, central Russia, Polissya.
- Weak formation of shoots does not require constant destruction of the shoots.
However, the weak formation of shoots does not allow the variety "Hercules" to be quickly propagated. Strong shoots become purple-red by autumn, hard spikes are located over the entire surface, wrinkled leaves are slightly twisted downwards.
Truncated conical fruits weigh 4-10 g, the color is saturated, ruby red, a homogeneous drupe. Productivity - up to 2.5 kg per bush. It is not subject to such a disease as gray rot, resistant to raspberry mites.
The variety is difficult to tolerate winters with little snow, so it requires pruning in the fall and shelter.
The variety is suitable for industrial cultivation: good taste of berries and high transportability. High rates are achieved when grown in partial shade.
Shiny, rounded elongated fruits weigh up to 6 g, ripened - intense red. A dense drupe does not allow the berries to crumble when harvested. The variety is resistant to the hot sun, the fruits do not bake.
Reviews of gardeners
To get a good harvest, you need to grow on fertile soils, make organic matter and humus. "Zyugana" is resistant to frost. Berries ripen together on powerful, thornless shoots. From one bush you can collect up to 8 kg.
However, it needs support. All early varieties are good on their own, however, when choosing, climatic conditions should be taken into account so that the bushes have enough heat and humidity, otherwise the yield will decrease significantly.

Plants of medium ripening berries
They are characterized by abundant fruiting, resistance to adverse conditions, to diseases. The berries are large. Sweet, fragrant.
Having learned about the new variety, everyone was chasing the raspberry "Atlant". How justified are the expectations of gardeners? Let's try to consider the characteristics of the variety.
The berries are bright red, weighing 7 g. Up to 15 kg of fruits can be harvested from one mother plant per season. Good yield, right?
The variety can be grown throughout Russia, in Belarus, in Ukraine. If you look at the plantings during the ripening of berries, you can immediately not believe your eyes, because all the fruits will have the same shape and only slightly differ in size. Homogeneous drupe does not allow damage to the structure of the berries during picking.
Upright shoots reach a height of 1.6 m, young branches are pubescent. Gives shoots, so it propagates easily. The cuttings root well in water.
Variety "Atlant" needs abundant watering. If you neglect the condition, the berries will become small, the yield will decrease. Therefore, it is required to inspect the plantings daily and water them on time.
Feedback from amateur gardeners
The variety is suitable not only for amateur cultivation, it can be sold on the market and sold in hypermarkets. The keeping quality of the berry is excellent.
It is recommended to feed with organic fertilizers.
Caramel remontant mid-season
A young remontant variety, bred by breeders in 2013. Half-meter stems grow vertically, the bush is erect. Dense shoots, so the variety does not need to be tied up.
The shoots have thorns, but they are insignificant, which does not make it difficult to harvest. Oval leaves of a typical shape with a slight elongation towards the edge. Along the edges are teeth.
Berries with a rich taste, fragrant, large. Weigh 15 g. When harvesting, the pulp is not damaged, does not lose elasticity. The fruits are red in color, can be stored for a long time, therefore they are characterized by good transportability.
Reviews of gardeners
In good conditions, a lot of root shoots form, which makes it difficult for gardeners to maintain planting boundaries. It can fill the entire area.
It is recommended that during the weeding of the area reserved for raspberries, remove excess shoots.
orange miracle
Compact, medium-sized plant with a shoot height of up to 1.8 m. The erect stems are completely covered with thorns. When growing, it is recommended to install a trellis, as under the weight of the berries, the shoots bend to the ground and can break.
One-dimensional orange berries of large sizes. On average, they weigh 5 g. Sometimes you can see large, velvety fruits, elongated, weighing up to 12 g.
These are real giants! Repair grade. Harvest - 2 times per season. The taste of berries depends on climatic conditions. The warmer the weather, the more sugar content in the fruit. If it rains constantly, the berries acquire a sweet and sour taste.
Gardeners give only a positive assessment of this variety. Attracts exotic fruit color and extraordinary taste.
It is better to grow in a sunny place so that the berries are sweet.
Variety of domestic selection, bred in 2006. Suitable for amateur gardening, rarely grown for industrial purposes.
The advantages of the standard variety are much greater than the disadvantages. Miniature bushes from top to bottom are strewn with berries, like a Christmas tree with balls. With low growth, productivity is high - 2.5 kg of fruit per plant.
Fruiting occurs in the last decade July and continues until mid-August. On powerful, strong shoots with shortened internodes, thorns are located only at the bottom. Most often grown as an annual crop.
What do gardeners say?
The standard plant attracts with its decorative effect, especially during the fruiting period. Large berries peek out from under a dense crown.
Rounded fruits weigh 5 g, do not crumble when harvested, the taste is sweet-sour, pleasant.
Taste qualities largely depend on the region of cultivation and the composition of the soil. Sandy and clay soils affect the sugar content of fruits.
The same happens when the soil is too wet. In hot summer, the fruits are sweet, without sourness.
A high-yielding and early-growing variety of Polish selection, was released in 1991. Berry culture has perfectly adapted to our climate, so it can be grown everywhere.
The bushes are powerful, the variety gives a lot of root offspring. The height of the shoots is 160 cm. They grow vertically, there are thorns over the entire surface.
Due to the strong branching, you can reap a good harvest. Dark raspberry berries weigh up to 7 g, the drupes are small, the pulp is juicy and dense.
Features of growing a variety: what gardeners warn about:
- the plant is moisture-loving, requires constant watering, especially in dry times
- needs to be fertilized with organic fertilizers in autumn
- to make it easier to harvest, shoots should be tied to a support
- before the formation of the ovary, it is required to spray with insectofungicides.
Summer raspberries with powerful erect stems. The people call it a raspberry tree, as it belongs to standard plants. The variety appeared in 1987.
Thick, woody stems do not have thorns. Plant height - 1.5 meters. Raspberries give a good harvest, under the weight of the fruit, the stems bend down.
The yield is high, from one bush you can collect up to 4 kg of berries. The first collection - the first days of July, the second - August. Cultivation in the southern regions prolongs the fruiting period.
Reviews of gardeners
Due to the severity of the berries, raspberries have to be tied to a trellis. Bright red berries with small drupes weigh 7 g. The fruits are not always the same shape, you can find twisted ones.
Berries are suitable for canning and fresh consumption.
Cap of Monomakh
A miniature variety with powerful shoots, up to one and a half meters high. The fruits are large, rich red, weighing up to 7 g. 4 kg of berries can be removed from one bush per season.
The fruits are obtuse, elongated. The berries are tasty, sweet, with a barely noticeable sourness. Thorns are located only at the bottom of the stems.
It bears fruit from mid-July until the first frost. The stalks easily give the berry.
- high resistance to pests and diseases
- frost resistance
- berries of the 2nd collection are clean, without pests
- easily propagated by cuttings
Variety reviews
Prefers lighted places, develops poorly in partial shade. In winter, it is required to monitor the condition of the soil in the rows between plantings in order to prevent the formation of an ice crust.
The presented varieties of medium ripening are fully adapted to our conditions.
Even severe frosts are tolerated with ease. However, it is required to observe agrotechnical methods of cultivation.

late harvest
Many gardeners are delighted with varieties with late ripening berries. And they have many advantages. Firstly, ripening in the second half of summer, raspberries are clean, without pests, and secondly, the ripening time allows you to get fruits when all the plants have practically borne fruit.
Large-fruited, but slightly capricious remontant variety. Having planted it in their area, many gardeners cannot wait until it begins to bear fruit. And when they wait, they are ... disappointed. Why is this happening?
Growing the variety "Brilliant" requires certain knowledge of agricultural practices.
For planting, you need to choose an open sunny area, otherwise - poor yields. Raspberries are best propagated in autumn. During planting, the root neck should not be covered with sand.
However, in sandy soil, shallow planting can lead to plant death.. During fruiting requires tying to a support. One-dimensional, dark red berries weigh up to 7 g. Harvest - August and before frost.
In preparation for winter, cut off the entire above-ground part. Spring pruning is not recommended.
Opened in 1993 by Polish gardeners. Soon this variety became the standard among other representatives.
- good looking berries
- high yield
- disease resistance
The medium-sized variety produces many own-rooted shoots. The branches do not require additional support, are dense, do not bend with abundant fruiting. There are few thorns, which allows you to harvest without much difficulty.
Berries look like a thimble, have the correct shape. The pulp is dense, red, moderately juicy, not watery. The sweetness of the berries is not cloying, complemented by a slight sourness. It begins fruiting at the end of July, the collection continues until frost.
Due to the keeping quality, the variety can be transported over long distances. Suitable for freezing, good for fresh consumption, for canning.
After thawing, the berries do not lose their shape and taste.
Juicy, bright red berries have a conical shape, weigh 5 g. Abundant fruiting. One bush gives up to 5 kg of berries, they are easily separated from the stem.
A tall bush has 7-9 powerful shoots, young ones are covered with soft thorns, and old ones are covered with thorns, which makes it difficult to harvest.. Dark green, large foliage. The variety is frost-resistant.
Reviews about "Taganka"
For the winter, plantings are best covered with agrofiber. Fruits retain quality for several days, suitable for transportation.
However, dry periods lead to a decrease in yield, so soil moisture must be monitored so that it does not dry out.
Translated from English means "heritage". Yes, we inherited an ideal remontant variety. Undemanding to growing conditions, the Heritage variety has gained universal popularity among gardeners.
The bushes are powerful, compact, low. Few form root shoots. Shoots grow up, almost vertically.
The berries are located on fruit twigs, quite strong and raised up.
Fruits weigh 3 g, in appearance - medium, red, fragrant, dome-shaped. The fruits are easily separated from the stalk, but at the same time they do not fall to the ground on their own. Medium studding, long stems, high self-fertility.
The variety is prone to excessive formation of ovaries, which does not always lead to their full ripening.. Therefore, during the 2nd flowering, it is required to cut off some of the flowers.
Reviews of gardeners
It develops well in open areas, does not like gusty winds, therefore, when planting, it is required to take this fact into account and provide the variety with a protected place.
The plant is not demanding on the soil, but it grows better on fertile soils or light loam. When preparing for the winter, all shoots are cut, even one-year growth.

Traditional varieties
The most reliable of all representatives. Suitable for growing in various climatic conditions, not demanding on the composition of the soil, quickly adapt to the terrain. Every year they give a plentiful harvest, a lot of root shoots, which favorably affects the possibility of reproduction.
Early berry ripening
Reliable varieties with early fruiting. Representatives of the group have powerful, slightly sprawling bushes, medium shoot formation, and have good winter hardiness, since from harvest to the onset of cold weather, plants have time to gain strength in order to survive harsh winters.
Refers to dessert varieties with a tasting score of 4.7 points.
Powerful, tall, slightly sprawling bushes are characterized by medium shoot formation. drooping tops, few spines. Round-conical berries, sometimes blunt-conical, ruby color with sweet, aromatic and tender flesh. Good winter hardiness.
Can be grown anywhere, also suitable for breeding in the Central, Middle Volga and Volga-Vyatka regions.
The variety should not be confused with the "Bryansk Divo". These varieties are opposite. "Bryanskaya" prefers light loams, does not tolerate stagnant water, clay soil.
And "Bryansk Divo", on the contrary, prefers clay soil, and if it grows in loose soil - frequent watering.
Giant Moscow
Large-fruited novelty, characterized by smooth, thornless shoots, early ripening of berries and long fruiting.
Shoots are powerful, 2 m high, form root suckers. The berries are juicy, large, shiny, weigh up to 20 g. The color is bright red.
The pulp is dense, small seeds, berry aroma. It is recommended to use fresh, suitable for canning. Productivity is high - up to 10 kg per mother plant.
Requires care. Prefers fertile soil, it is necessary to keep it moist all the time.
It responds well to fertilizing with organic fertilizers. For the winter, shoots should be cut and covered with spruce branches. In winters with little snow, it is recommended to collect snow on the site and pour it under planting.
Pride of Russia
The variety was obtained in 1992. Dark red berries are shaped like a blunt cone. The surface is shiny, velvety. The taste is sweet and sour.
Seeds are small and few. It is rare to find double berries. After ripening, the fruits are firmly attached to the bush.
The only negative is that it does not tolerate long transportationtherefore not recommended for commercial cultivation.
Refers to early maturing varieties. Compact bushes are compressed, give a lot of root offspring, side shoots.
It is constantly required to restrain growth, otherwise raspberries will occupy the entire nearby area. It reproduces well, cuttings take root quickly.
Varieties of medium fruiting period
They belong to unpretentious varieties, form little shoots, which, on the one hand, does not impede care, and on the other hand, prevents rapid reproduction. The purpose of berries is universal. Suitable for freezing, fresh consumption, canning.
If raspberries are grown for industrial purposes, it is important to pay attention to the keeping quality of the berries of the selected variety.
Unpretentious and high-yielding variety of domestic selection.
Sparse bushes reach 2 m in height. Stems without thorns, noticeably light pubescence. "Hussar" can be grown without a trellis, elastic shoots hold berries well. Large berries weighing 3-10 g, sweet and sour in taste, with a pleasant aroma and taste.
Large leaves, slightly wrinkled. The yield from one bush is 12 kg. Raspberries are resistant to fungal diseases, tolerate winter well.
Suitable for cultivation in the northern and southern regions of the Russian Federation. The variety is not subject to curly, mosaic, and stem gall midge does not like it either.
Let's hear the opinions of gardeners
Care is simple, the root growth is weakly formed. Sugar content - 10.8%. The pulp is dense, the fruits are large, when ripe, they hold firmly on the stalks, do not fall off.
yellow giant
Yellow Raspberry was obtained in 1979. A lot of time has passed since the opening day, but the Yellow Giant variety never ceases to delight gardeners.
- Judging by the reviews of tasters, the berries taste good, are large in size and weigh up to 8 g.
- Medium-early maturity. If the variety is grown in warm areas, it may show signs of remontance.
- The shoots are tall, strong, hold the berry well. There are spikes.
- Tolerates frost well
What do they say about her?
However, in snowless winters, it requires shelter. Among the shortcomings, one can single out the weak keeping quality of the berries, so you should grow it for yourself in order to please the children.
It is not suitable for commercial breeding.
Beauty of Russia
Requires close attention. To get high yields, large fruits, you have to work hard. The variety belongs to domestic selection.
Medium-sized bushes reach 1.6 m in height. Due to its compactness, the variety is popular.
Each season, the plant produces many young shoots, which significantly increases the yield. The stems are strong, slightly pubescent, covered with wax, without thorns.
Embossed leaves completely cover the shoots. Flowers are large. Huge, slightly elongated berries weighing up to 10 g have a conical shape, uniform structure, sweet taste, pleasant aroma.
"Beauty of Russia" is a high-yielding variety. Fruiting can be compared with the varieties "Tarusa" and "Cap of Monomakh". The variety is resistant to drought and frost.
Late maturing
Adapted for cultivation in all regions of the Russian Federation. Fruiting is abundant and annual. Varieties are high-yielding. The berries are juicy, pleasant to the taste, have good transportability.
Refers to high-yielding varieties of domestic selection.
Fragrant raspberries weigh 14 g each. Suitable for cultivation in all regions of the Russian Federation. Beautiful fruits, like garden strawberries, have a dessert taste and a characteristic, rich aroma.
Semi-spreading bushes reach a height of 1.8 meters. Biennial stems are light brown, annual stems are purple, without thorns. Wax coating is visible on the shoots.
Large light green leaves slightly pubescent, slightly wrinkled. Foliage turns reddish-brown when open.
- sweet, large berries
- few seeds
- good product characteristics
- long, annual fruiting
- frost resistance
- from one bush you can collect 8 kg of fruit.
But the variety also has negative characteristics..
Often on the shoots you can see deformed and forked berries. It is difficult to deal with overgrowth, so this variety is difficult to grow and requires constant care.
Ripe berries picked at the wrong time quickly begin to rot, infecting fruits that have not yet ripened, and also note a low resistance to diseases.
The universal variety was bred in Siberia. It is characterized by thornless shoots, very often strewn with bright red, liquid berries.
The taste is pleasant, sweet, with a barely noticeable sourness. The taste is refreshing. The pulp is dense, the fruits do not crumble. The bushes are powerful, the length of the shoots is 1.6 meters.
Grow compactly, some branches are semi-spreading. If spikes are present, they are soft. One berry can reach 5.5 g.
The fruits have a blunt-conical shape, a dense drupe, which does not allow the berries to crumble to the ground ahead of time. The tasting score of the fruit is equal to four points, when canned it is equal to 4.2
Reviews about raspberries "Ruby"
Berries have good transportability. Long stored. From one bush in one growing season, you can collect up to 5 kg of berries.
However, not happy with the resistance to winter. In severe frosts, the root system can freeze.
As for diseases, the resistance is high, sometimes it can get purple spot.
Introduction to High Yielding Varieties

Raspberries are not only deciduous bush with fragrant berries. The value of fruits lies in the medicinal properties. It is rich in vitamins and microelements, helps fight colds, improves immunity.
Children especially like it. Adults are delighted with exotic varieties - with yellow and orange berries. Not in the last place among the characteristics is productivity.
Gardeners prefer unpretentious, but fruitful varieties. Therefore, among the descriptions presented, you can choose the variety that will be suitable for all characteristics.
From personal experience I can say that I like Firebird, Polka, Orange Miracle. For some reason, the fire of the bird is not in this review ((From the remontant Kostinbrod variety and the Yellow Giant.
For some reason, some varieties are not particularly accustomed. Maybe we're doing something wrong. But some varieties were planted, and moreover, not once, but never. It's a pity, maybe a special primer is needed for the Taganka and the Cap of Monomakh. They planted it, it seemed to take root, it withered in a month (. But Patricia, the Giant of Moscow without any hassle. This summer, we collected almost 5 kg of raspberries from the Patricia bush. It tastes medium sweet, there are not as many seeds as in some varieties, it survives the winter perfectly. The giant also took root quickly.Here they used organic fertilizer, it also survived the winter well.The fruits are large, last summer they harvested the first crop, but this year there were also few berries so far.At the parents' dacha, the Yellow Giant grows, the berries are also large, but not the same as those of Moscow. The variety is frost-resistant, with thorns. But I don't really like it, the taste is not so rich or something. There are a lot of varieties, and which one will take root in your area is already a question. And I don’t want to give up this berry. It has a lot of benefits, vitamins. What is tea with raspberry jam worth on a cold winter evening.
It is absolutely not true that raspberries are an unpretentious culture. She needs more care. And there are many requirements, and diseases, and worms are a real misfortune. And there is no season for a season. It will simply beat with frost (which we now have calmly in the summer) all the color - and there will be no berries.
I prefer traditional varieties. Berries taste like real raspberries. And remontants, of course, give a much larger harvest, but, alas, this is a different taste. Good, pleasant, but different - not the "taste of childhood", more empty. However, it is more than suitable for workpieces. But with pleasure to eat on a summer day on a country porch - no.
Of the remontants, I especially want to note the Yellow Giant. Excellent variety. And he spends the winter perfectly even without shelter (as advised in the article). But they never found a common language with Tarusa and Penguin - they constantly freeze out. The penguin still recovers by the middle of summer, but does not have much time with the harvest, only the bushes come to their senses. Tarusa is even more difficult. A few times it froze completely. I gave up trying.
I have loved raspberries since childhood. And I fell in love with her when my grandmother and I constantly went to the forest to collect her. True, I remember. the berries of that particular forest raspberry were small, but very, very tasty and sweet)) And my uncle in the village is just growing raspberries, well, and currants to boot, so in the summer we have no shortage of raspberries at all)) When we arrive in the village. then at least two, or even three three-liter jars filled with raspberries, we bring)) Only now it’s hard to collect it)) Well, for me personally, for sure, for me it’s a tedious job)) But I just love eating raspberries and raspberry jam, and even during a cold I am treated only with raspberry tea and raspberry jam. it is both tasty and safer than drinking all sorts of unknown pills bought at a pharmacy. here you know that everything is natural))
I have a large raspberry garden on my site, you can feed a whole family of bears. I have been planting this berry for a long time, some varieties take root and give a good harvest, and some do not want to take root in my cozy and hospitable area. It happens that a bush grows normally, but the harvest is zero, sometimes certain varieties simply freeze out. My favorite variety is Polka, it is absolutely unpretentious, it is easy to harvest from it, as it has few thorns, the berries are juicy, sweet and very tasty. I would also like to highlight a few more good varieties:
– Yellow Giant (tasty, frost-resistant, early)
- Giant Moscow (juicy, large berries, no thorns, early, bears fruit for a long time)
– Patricia (sweet, large, resistant to frost, brings a large harvest)
- Orange miracle (tasty if it grows in the south, harvest 2 times a season, very large berries).
When planting raspberries, it is worth considering every little thing, for example, where the bush will be located (in the shade or in the sun), the variety is resistant to frost, and even the soil in which you plan to plant the plant plays an important role. Once I went to relatives in Karelia and grabbed a bush of Diamond Raspberry for them, it normally took root in me and bore fruit. They planted my gift, and soon informed me that the bush did not take root, I began to read about this variety and it turned out that if you plant it shallowly in sandy soil (this is exactly the soil in Karelia), then it will die.
I also want to share my list of unsuccessful varieties:
- Atlas (needs frequent watering, otherwise it will lose productivity)
– Zyugana (needs fertile soil, fertilizers, and also requires support)
– Polana (too much fuss, you need to water and weed the soil around often)
In general, the article is excellent, you can find a lot of useful information, as an avid gardener, I was happy to compare my personal ratings of varieties with the ratings of other participants.
Before reading this article, I could not even imagine that there are so many different types of raspberries. I have my own dacha, where my wife grows raspberries year after year - I have never paid attention to this. It turns out she needs an eye and an eye. We grow - Patricia, which is not very picky, unlike the others, but I am completely sure that in terms of taste it is inferior to both Zyugan and the Orange Miracle. Next year I will definitely turn my attention, and in the place with my wife we will plant another type of raspberry ..
I really liked the photos in the article, my appetite was already cleared up, the video presentation turned out to be bright and highly informative. I give this article ten points, according to a ten-point system (scale). Everything is very detailed and easy to read.
A very useful article that describes many varieties of raspberries that I have not even heard of. a very useful article for gardeners who grow raspberries. I have a plot where I still breed several varieties of raspberries, but I want to say that this is a troublesome business, because varietal raspberry bushes need constant care and feeding in order to get a good harvest. After reading the article, I decided to plant several varieties of raspberries on the site, which I liked according to the description - this is “Yellow Giant” and the domestic unpretentious variety “Gusar”. Before that, I bought raspberries and was not particularly interested in the name of the varieties, but now, having learned a lot of useful information, I realized that they all differ in some way and there are selective varieties that need more careful care. Therefore, when buying raspberry bushes, you must definitely know the name - after all, this will allow you to provide proper care and get the maximum yield of these useful berries. The article is well presented information about raspberry varieties, everything is available even for beginners like me.
I have been growing raspberries in the country for about 9 years. During this time, I tried several varieties of raspberries and frankly did not like some of them. I had to uproot and fight, since raspberries grow very quickly. This year I plan to plant two more raspberry varieties “Bryansk Divo” and “Patricia”. I tried the berries of these varieties and in terms of taste I liked them. I live in the middle lane and I think that there will be no problems. Moreover, winters are getting warmer and warmer every year, and raspberries themselves are not too whimsical. After reading the article, I was also interested in the Atlant variety. I had never heard of such a variety before, and if I manage to get this variety, I will definitely plant it in my summer cottage. Otherwise, I can say that the Ruby and Beauty of Russia varieties are not the best option, at least in my region, since almost everyone grows these varieties.
As a child, I loved to go to my grandfather's dacha, what an abundance of berries, vegetables and fruits there. I loved raspberries the most. I was always amazed at how tasty and fragrant raspberries ripened for our arrival. It is a pity that I no longer take an interest in what kind of variety my grandfather grew. My mother did not keep raspberries on the plot. Until we become full owners. We started from scratch. At first, there were more failures, this usefulness did not take root with us. We tried the beauty of Cumberland, at first I thought it was blackberry. It turned out to be a hybrid of raspberries and blackberries. She is most sorry, she does not want to grow up with us. And it seems to be a frost-resistant variety, as they explained, but here ... I'll try next year. Of the remontant varieties, the delicious Yellow Giant went well. And my special pride is a bush of wild raspberries, dug out in the forest, which struck me with its, if not large, but fragrant berries.Experts say that forest raspberries are the most useful in terms of vitamins. Brilliant has also taken root with us, I like it very much, there are no thorns, the harvest itself falls into a basket, the berries taste very tasty, large.
My friend got a piece of land for about three years and decided to start growing raspberries. As far as I know, he tried many varieties, but three varieties took root best of all, these are “Giant of Moscow”, “Atlant” and “Hercules” and, by the way, they really collect a good harvest in the way that they constantly give to all their friends and still sells it and, as I understand it, has a good profit. Yes, and his raspberries are very tasty) But personally, I like the variety “Giant Moscow. But for some reason, my wife and son like the Atlant variety more. Although, according to his wife, it is better to cook jam from the Hercules variety. In any case, I love all varieties of raspberries that I have tried, as well as other berries, in principle. And, by the way, I also love raspberry jam)) For breakfast, I definitely have it in my diet, and I also really like raspberry compote and tea.
The article is written in more than detail, the relevance of the information will not lose its value, as they will always love raspberries. Of course, you can grow it purely for yourself, or you can also sell it - a mini business, so to speak. 22 varieties, I didn’t even think that there were so many of them at all. I only know: the Bryansk miracle, Patricia and Hercules, by the way, the most unpretentious collaborator of raspberries, in my opinion, this is Hercules. Be sure, together with my wife we will buy new seeds and plant 3 acres of pure raspberries, since buying it is quite expensive. And what a delicious jam it turns out, especially from sweet and sour varieties, mmmm ... .. overeating.
Special thanks to the author of the article, for writing everything and putting it on the shelves, excellent photos, and the video review is simply gorgeous.