Magonia: Holly, Creeping, Apollo, Atropurpurea - edibility and usefulness, decoration, care, planting in open ground (115+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

mahonia planting and care

Evergreen flowering plant resistant to low temperatures. Mahonia comes from America, has approximately 50 species. Holly mahonia is the typical subspecies of this genus. At home, it has an additional name - “Oregon grapes.” Holly Magonia, planting and caring for this variety of barberry (it belongs to this family) cannot be called complicated. But you need to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of growing before you start it on your site.

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Short description

This evergreen shrub grows up to 1 meter in height, sometimes it can reach as much as 1.5. If not pruned, it grows strongly due to root shoots, forming hedge.

It is this property of mahonia that is often used by gardeners in the design landscape design. The bark of young branches initially has a gray-pink color, after which, with age, it changes to dark gray, where the veins characteristic of the plant are visible.

Ripe fruits of culture

Ripe fruits of culture

Horticultural characteristics of mahonia:

1Mahonia grows slowly. Young branches at first grow rapidly upwards, then, gradually descending, spread directly to the ground.
1Leaves look like holly, therefore, the culture received such a name (holly). For the winter, mahonia does not shed its foliage, but only changes its color from green to golden or red-brown. Until spring, leathery, dense leaves with a glossy structure retain a crimson (red) color. Each massive shrub element (20 cm in size) can have 5-6 small leaves.
3Fruiting begins somewhere towards the end of summer. If pollination was sufficient and timely during flowering, then the shrub will, literally, be strewn with berries.
4Magonia erect inflorescences appear at the end of a branch in late spring, more precisely in the 3rd decade of May or 1st June. The flowers have a pleasant aroma, the color is variegated yellow, which attracts pollinating insects to this plant. May bloom again in autumn.
5The fruits ripen closer to autumn. The color of ripe berries is blue-black with a bluish coating on top. The shape of the fruit is oval, the size is small (up to 1 cm). sweet taste with noticeable sourness

Berries are not only tasty, but also beneficial to human health, and can help treat certain diseases. Therefore, mahonia is often used in folk medicine.

Decorative culture

When planting mahonia in bright areas of the garden with a fertile type of soil, the bush forms a dense, fairly dense, low grove. What will certainly become a zone for decorating a garden and a source of pride for a gardener who has grown such beauty on his own. site.

Mahonia in autumn

Mahonia in autumn

Valued in landscape design for its decorative effect and beautiful appearance in any growing season:

  • spring and summer, during flowering, the shape of inflorescences is large caps of yellow-lemon color against a dark green background with an original foliage shape
  • autumn green foliage changes to golden, remaining on the branches even when all other shrubs have had time to shed their leaves
  • winterwhen snow covers the ground, mahonia branches turn crimson. This spectacle cannot be described in words, and the photo will not be able to betray all the beauty to the fullest.

Until the end of spring, the bush again "repaints" in the usual dark green color and this happens from year to year.


The taste qualities of mahonia berries resemble barberries. Fresh is used for dessert or as part of fruit salads. They are often combined with breakfast cereals such as muesli.

Delicious jam is prepared from mahonia berries

Delicious jam is prepared from mahonia berries

Another direction in the use of mahonia fruits in cooking is food coloring. They color compotes, drinks in a rich ruby ​​​​color. Enthusiasts, growing a crop on their site, use the mahonia crop to make delicious jams and jams.

Making jam from mahonia berries is very simple:

  • the fruits must be sorted out, washed and blanched in boiling water for 6 minutes
  • drain the water or put the berries in a colander
  • pour them into sugar syrup with a concentration of 60%
  • bring everything to a boil on a slow burning gas heater
  • transfer the contents to an enameled vessel, leave to stand for 12-14 hours
  • put back on the fire, bring to readiness before removing, add a pinch of citric acid

According to those who prepared the jam, the taste of the product is simply amazing.

medicinal properties

Mahonia belongs to the barberry family and, like all plants in this group, is rich in berberine. This substance, considered a strong alkaloid, is often used as medicinal plant.

Raw materials for the preparation of drugs from mahonia - the root part of the plant

Raw materials for the preparation of drugs from mahonia - the root part of the plant

The root is used in the preparation of an extract rich in a complex of valuable components, such as:

  • tannins
  • vitamin C
  • organic amino acids
  • various types of alkaloids and so on

The potion is bitter in taste, but good:

  • increases appetite
  • slows down the aging process
  • tones the body
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels
  • stabilizes blood flow and circulation
  • neutralizes the effects of free radicals
  • endowed with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action
  • has a positive effect on digestion

Magonia has proven itself well in dermatology. A tincture is made from it, which is used to treat skin rashes, herpes, psoriasis, and eczema. Drink for the prevention and treatment of diseases. It is impossible to start treatment on your own; before that, you must definitely get advice from your doctor.

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Features and nuances for care

mahonia planting and care

The shrub is grown in open ground conditions. Timely watering is considered one of the key features and conditions. An adult plant should be watered at least 2-3 times a month (up to 4 times in severe drought conditions). Under each bush you need to pour at least 8, preferably 10 liters of settled water.

Young seedlings ready for transplanting

Young seedlings ready for transplanting

Young shrubs need to be watered less (by the amount of water), but more often (by the number of times).

Magonia is not demanding for preparation for the winter. It tolerates even very severe frosts well. Some shoots can be slightly damaged by winter, so in the spring the plant should be carefully examined and, if necessary, damaged branches removed.

It is necessary to prepare for wintering only young bushes, younger than 3-4 years.They do not have time to adapt to low temperatures during this time and are considered very vulnerable. They will need to be covered for the winter, for example, with dry grass or branches. After they reach 3-4 years, this manipulation is not necessary.

Plants do not require pruning if grown as a hedge. You just need to form its shape. If mahonia is grown as an independent shrub, pruning should be done after flowering.

It is often not recommended to cut the bush - the culture grows very slowly, this must be taken into account.
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from seeds

The first thing to do is to get seeds from ripe berries. They can be harvested after the onset of the first frost or from fruits that have fallen to the ground.

Young sprouts grown from seeds

Young sprouts grown from seeds

Stratification (if the seeds did not survive the frost) of the seeds must be done, otherwise only a small part of the seeds will give seedlings:

1Seeds must be extracted from the berry, Rinse.
2Put on gauze cut, folded in several layers or a napkin. Moisturize and leave alone until germination. Do not allow the napkin on which the seeds are located to dry out. It must be labeled in a container or moistened periodically.
3As soon as the first sprouts begin to "hatch", transfer the seeds to containers with pre-prepared nutrient soil mixture (the simplest recipe for making sod + humus + sifted sand, all components are taken in equal proportions). Seeds are laid out on the soil and covered with it. The thickness of the covering layer should not exceed 1 cm. You can immediately lay a layer of mulch so that the soil does not dry out quickly.
4Watering is done as the land dries up.. Waterlogging should not be allowed, this can lead to the death of seedlings.
You can grow a plant in these pots for 1-2 years in a row. After it is noticed that there will be little space for the strengthened bushes, they can be transplanted into a larger pot or into open ground.


How to properly cut mahonia

How to properly cut mahonia

The plant can be propagated by cuttings, following these rules:

  1. Billets are cut from shoots with leaves.

  2. The top cut on the cuttings should be straight, the bottom cut obliquely.

  3. To ensure good survival and rapid growth of roots, the lower (oblique) cut should be treated with a growth stimulator.

  4. After that, insert the cuttings into a pot with nutrient soil (see the recipe above).

  5. The depth of immersion in the ground should be such that the first (lower) kidney on the handle is located at ground level.

  6. Lightly tamp the soil, cover the cuttings with cut plastic bottles.

  7. Cuttings should be watered periodically (but not flooded).

  8. The first roots should appear after 1-1.5 from the moment of planting.

After the sprouts get stronger, they are planted in a pre-prepared place.


The method is very simple and familiar to many. This is how many garden plants reproduce, it is also suitable for mahonia of any variety types.

Methods of propagation by layering

Methods of propagation by layering

Technique in step-by-step actions:

1Escape is selected for reproduction
2Laid aside, bends to the ground
3A small hole is made in the soil
4A part of the shoot is pinned in it with a metal bracket
5In the place where rooting is planned, the leaves must be removed.
6Escape sprinkled with earth

After that, no care is expected. Here the plant itself will take care of the formation of a new sprout. Over time, they can be seen in places of digging. Layers do not need to be touched and cut off from the mother bush until the spring of the next season. Only then can the young plant be detached (cut off), transplanted to a new place.

By dividing the bush

Abundantly overgrown mahonia

Abundantly overgrown mahonia

Magonia is propagated, although not so often, by dividing the bushes. Abundantly overgrown magonias are suitable for this.

1The bush must be dug out of the ground - this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the root system.
2Several parts with shoots are separated from the general root.
3Transplanted into a new hole, sprinkled with fertile soil.

Transplantation is carried out in the usual way until the start of sap flow.

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Preparing a site for planting young bushes

The place for the growth and development of mahonia plays a significant role. This culture does not tolerate too sunny areas, direct sunlight can easily burn the plant, this can be easily seen on the foliage. Better culture grows in shaded areas.

Mahonia feels more comfortable in the shade

Mahonia feels more comfortable in the shade

Despite the fact that mahonia love shade, strong heat in the summer is good. Much more plants are afraid of a strong draft. It is recommended to plant seedlings near buildings or gardens. So they are at least partially, but will be protected from the sun.

The plant is not too demanding on the type of soil, but it does not really like to grow in sandstones or clay soils. Prefers loose soil with a sufficient amount of nutrients.

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When and how to transplant seedlings

The best time to transplant is early spring

The best time to transplant is early spring

It is necessary to start the transplant early eternal. During this period, the plant has not yet entered the stage of sap flow and no serious vegetative processes have yet occurred in it. But do not be afraid of transplanting, when the seedlings had time to blossom, while still young foliage. In this growing season, mahonia will react calmly to a change in growth site.

It is not recommended to transplant in the fall, especially late. The plant will endure this painfully, it may even die.

How to properly plant a crop:

  1. Holes must be dug before transplanting. Their size should be three times the root system of a young bush. The depth of the pit is approximately 50 cm.

  2. About 1 bucket of humus mixed with earth and sand (in equal proportions) is brought into the hole, the bottom is partly strewn, the remaining amount will be needed to fill the hole. The plant is inserted into the hole horizontally. If there is an earthen lump on the root, they try not to destroy it. The open root system is well melted so that the shoots do not wrap.

  3. The bush is sprinkled with earth lightly rammed.

  4. Water the seedling after planting abundantly and regularly. Overdrying of the soil should not be allowed; earthen mudded crusts are undesirable. After watering, the circle around the bush (trunk) is good to cover with humus or any kind of mulch.

The plant will take root quickly if you do not skip watering.

The plant must be planted so that the level of the root collar is the same both before and after transplantation, or 3 cm lower. So after shrinkage of the soil, the root shoots will not be exposed, and the plant itself will not get sick and weaken from this.
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Care of seedlings and mature plants

The principle of caring for magonia is practically no different from any other garden crops. Othey are in dire need only of watering, timely weeding, loosening the soil. It is possible and very desirable to occasionally spray the crown in the evening. Pruning of side shoots and branches is carried out only after the plant reaches 10 years of life.

Magnolia does not require anything special in terms of care.

Magnolia does not require anything “special” in terms of care

If it is noticed that the plant begins to get sick, you need to immediately take measures to eliminate this problem, you can process mahonia for prevention purposes, but not too often.


Magonia of any variety type is a moisture-loving plant. Therefore, watering should be regular and plentiful. Irrigation should begin from the moment a young seedling is planted in open ground conditions. When conducting root watering, it is advisable to sprinkle water on the crown of the bush.

The procedure must be performed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.No need to water mahonia in the daytime sunshine. The amount of water per adult bush is at least 1 bucket.

Mahonia loves water

Mahonia loves water

You can reduce or even stop watering if rainy weather has settled in the yard for several days. It is necessary to loosen the soil only the next day after irrigation.

top dressing

Fertilizers for top dressing

Fertilizers for top dressing

It is necessary to feed the shrub, but not often. Just two top dressings are enough for the culture to have enough nutrients and nutrients for the whole season.

  • first feeding produced in early spring. Fertilize bushes with nitrogen-containing compounds. Nitrogen contributes to the growth of green mass, the normal development of shoots
  • second dressing should be carried out at the time of flowering. Complex fertilizers for garden flowering crops are appropriate here.

There is no need to feed the plant anymore.


mulched bushes

mulched bushes

You need to mulch mahonia and here's why:

  • mulch from dry foliage for the winter is the salvation of the bush from severe frosts. And, rotting, this organic matter will become an excellent nutrient substrate for magonia
  • mulched bushes will always have a good microflora and the presence of worms. After all, it is they who improve the physical and mechanical qualities of the soil, making it more accessible to the access of useful compounds to the root system, and, therefore, to the whole plant.
  • mulching prevents the soil from drying out too much, prevents the formation of crusts on the top layer of soil

As you can see, the advantages of mulching are obvious and undeniable. Therefore, there is no need to be lazy and mulch young zeal.


Mahonia does not require cardinal pruning. In early spring, you can make a small sanitary pruning by removing slightly damaged shoots, frostbitten after winter, weakened by disease or other factors.

Sanitary pruning bush

Sanitary pruning bush

In order for the plant to bloom more magnificently, pruning can be done in the fall or after the shrub stops blooming. Remembering that the laying of flower stalks is carried out not on new shoots, but last year's. What does it say? It is necessary to reduce their length by no more than 1/3 of the total length of the branch.

Preparing for winter

Mahonia in winter

Mahonia in winter

If mahonia grows in mid-latitudes, it is not at all necessary to cover the bushes before wintering. Only if a very serious cold snap is foreseen, the bushes will need to be covered with spruce branches. Thoroughly cover too young bushes.

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Varieties - brief description

The following subspecies are considered the most popular varieties among our gardeners.

Mahonia aquifolium (holly mahonia)


Holly mahonia in the garden


  • the variety is very resistant to hot microclimates, can endure a long time without watering
  • famous for its great looks
  • the leaf is large, leathery, serrated along the edges, olive in color when young, when ripe, turns into green. In autumn it changes color to red, golden-bronze
  • the height of the bush reaches 1.5 meters
  • flower stalks are formed in inflorescences slightly resembling panicles, when flowering they are clearly visible. Color - light yellow, formed at the ends of the shoots. The shape of the flower is correct, it begins flowering in late spring. The second time can throw flower stalks in the fall
  • the fruits are blue, beautifully and densely hang over the entire shrub. Berries are edible, sweetish with inherent sourness
  • has been growing for over 10 years
  • when planting, it is desirable to place several bushes in a row. Two neighboring bushes pollinate each other (cross method). this neighborhood contributes to good crop yields

It has several subspecies:

1. walnut. The leaf consists of 7 small leaves located on the roots of a red hue. Compared to the main species, they have a denser structure and a smaller size.
2. Elegant. The leaf of this subspecies is the same as that of the main type, only longer.
3. Golden. The leaf has a yellow-golden color and the same shape as the main type.
4. Motley. An interesting subspecies.It is distinguished by the fact that it has multi-colored leaves.

It is valued not only for its abundant and very beautiful flowering and high yield, but also for its decorative effect. Holly mahonia makes beautiful hedges.

The most popular varieties among domestic gardeners

Magonia holly is grown in many gardens in Russia and Ukraine. Among all the subspecies, only two are the most popular.


Magonia inflorescence Apollo in all its glory

Magonia inflorescence Apollo in all its glory


The variety was bred by Dutch breeders back in 1973.

  • grows up to 100 cm tall
  • crown shape compact
  • leaves are long - up to 30 cm
  • one main leaf is formed from smaller leaves, sharply serrated along the edges, in the amount of 5-7 pieces
  • leaf color is dark green in summer, bronze in early autumn
  • yellow flowers, consist of many small two-row inflorescences
  • berries are blue-black with a waxy coating

The taste of berries is sweet and characteristic sour aftertaste.


Mahonia cultivar Atropurpurea

Mahonia cultivar Atropurpurea


Also a hybrid variety from Holland:

  • grows up to 60 cm
  • leaf color - dark green
  • sheet length 25 cm
  • blooms yellow, has a fragrant aroma
  • fruit is blue-black

Mahonia repens (creeping mahonia)

Magonia creeping

Magonia creeping


This variety is native to North America. There it grows on relief slopes, mountains and forests.

Varietal characteristics:

  • growth height of this variety type is much less than that of the previous one
  • can withstand some time without watering
  • leaf green, leathery, has sharp edges
  • grows up to 6 years
  • blooms only once per season
  • frost-resistant
  • in beauty of appearance inferior to holly
  • for the winter, you can cover the plant with dry foliage, if necessary. In the city, it can spend the winter not covered

Creeping mahonia is grown by gardeners in two forms - large-fruited and large-leaved.

Varieties for growing in greenhouses or flower pots at home

Not all types of this amazingly beautiful and decorative culture can be grown in open ground. The varieties listed below can only be grown in greenhouses or specially equipped greenhouses. This is explained by the fact that they bloom not in summer, but in winter.

Mahonia japonica (Japanese Mahonia)

Magonia japonica

Magonia japonica


Grown and grows in Europe, America, Japan and China.

Garden characteristics:

  • blooms from December to spring
  • fairly tall shrub - its height is 2 meters. The shape of the bush is unusual, the shoots are straight, sticking out in different directions
  • flower stalks are formed at the ends of the shoots. Yellow flowers that smell like lilies of the valley
  • It has a presentable and unusually beautiful appearance.

Mahonia lomariifolia (Mahonia Lamarielle)

Magonia flowers

Magonia flowers


The plant was brought to us from China. Has good decorative qualities.

Garden characteristics of the variety:

  • the length of the inflorescences reaches 25 cm
  • blooms yellow, has a subtle aroma
  • the most popular variety type of this type of Mahonia Tikeda

Mahonia x media Winter sun (Winter sun)

Winter sun

Winter sun

Winter sun

  • Fairly tall variety (grows up to 2 meters). This is a hybrid obtained by crossing a lamarielous species with a Japanese one.
  • In the climate of Ukraine and Russia, it can only be grown in a well-equipped greenhouse or conservatory.
  • In open ground, this cannot be done because the flowering time falls on the winter season.

Mahonia fremontii (Mahonia Fremonti)

Magonia Fremonti

Magonia Fremonti


Hybrid variety from the USA.

  • tall shrub
  • has pale yellow flowers
  • purple-red berries
  • young bushes have the same shade of leaves, they acquire green only after growing up, when they grow old, the foliage becomes grayish-gray

Mahonia eurybracteata Soft Caress

Mahonia bract Soft Caress in the front garden

Mahonia bract Soft Caress in the front garden

This narrow-leaved Chinese variety is characterized by extraordinary beauty, amazing attractiveness and decorative effect. It is grown most often in flower pots. They decorate interiors and landscapes in the summer.

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landscape use

Successful use of mahonia in the landscape of a personal plot

Successful use of mahonia in the landscape of a personal plot

When landscaping a site with mahonia, one must not forget that this culture is shade-loving. Otherwise, its leaves may burn out in the sun. The best place to plant is considered to be areas located under taller trees or shrubs.

Holly mahonia looks very colorful, planted in small groups or in the form hedge with a neatly trimmed (but not short) crown. This culture can fill the lower rows against the backdrop of taller garden crops. It is capable of producing dense root shoots, forming an evergreen living carpet under shrubs or fruit trees in the garden.

The Best Horticultural Crops for Landscape Design

The best horticultural crops for design landscape

Magonia companion plants are:

Magonia is resistant to polluted environment. Therefore, it is often planted in suburban gardens near highways, industrial plants and so on. In order for her to be able to clear the air Location on.

VIDEO: Spring pruning of shrubs

Magonia: Holly, Creeping, Apollo, Atropurpurea - edibility and usefulness, decoration, care, planting in open ground (115+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

spring pruning

Magonia: Holly, Creeping, Apollo, Atropurpurea - edibility and usefulness, decoration, care, planting in open ground (115+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

6.5 Total Score

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Ease of maintenance
Buyer ratings: 2.5 (6 votes)

1 comment
  1. Skill has been growing for 6 years. Doesn't cause any particular hassle. Blooms in May for about 3 weeks. I did not know that I need to plant 2 bushes for cross-pollination. I will plant a bush to him, already in a dig.

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