Magnolia: description of 15 species, recommendations for planting, reproduction and care (90 Photos & Video) + Reviews

magnolia planting and care

Blooming magnolia trees fall in love at first sight. They exude a pleasant aroma, purity and harmony. After reading the article, you can choose the right type of plant for your region. Using the tips given here, planting and care will not be difficult.

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general characteristics

Magnolia belongs to the Magnoliaceae family. It got its name thanks to the scientist botanist from France - Pierre Magnol. Homeland is North America and East Asia.

blooming magnolia

blooming magnolia

About 120 species are known. Of these, 25 have good frost resistance. Botanical science identifies about 45 species that are on the verge of extinction.

The plant is represented by both deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs. Their stems are covered with brown or ash-gray bark.

Leaves can be of two forms:

  • obovate
  • Elliptical

The height of the tree can reach 30 meters, and its coverage is 135 centimeters.. The crown is wide, has a pyramidal shape. Magnolias have dense foliage.

The flowers are large, exuding a pleasant smell. They can be white, cream, purple. They grow singly on the peduncle. The petals are arranged in several circles. Their number varies from 2 to 4.

magnolia flowers

magnolia flowers

Interestingly, some types of magnolia are pollinated by beetles in the state of buds. They get inside and carry out pollination. After the flowers are revealed, this feature disappears. Their sweet aroma attracts.

The fruit has the shape of a cone, consisting of leaflets with seeds. The seeds in them are immersed in the endosperm of an oily structure. After opening the fruit, black seeds hang on the seed filaments.

magnolia fruit

magnolia fruit

The flowering period begins in May and lasts until September, single flowers can bloom in the autumn. Fruit ripening occurs in October-November.

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Popular types




Grows in the southeastern United States. Under natural conditions, it grows up to 30 meters; when cultivated in European countries, it does not exceed 10 meters in height.

The crown of this species is spreading. Its shape can be spherical or pyramidal. The gray bark of the branches is covered with brown fluff.

The leaves reach a length of 25 centimeters. They are oval in shape with pointed ends. Their skin is thick and tough. The upper part is glossy green. The lower one is lighter with a brownish pubescence.

The flowers are large, about 25 centimeters in diameter. They are located on petioles 2.5 centimeters long. They are covered with rusty down.

The flower has the shape of a bowl of cream color. They give off a strong odor. For his intoxicating attraction, the Indians believed that a person who fell asleep under a blooming magnolia would meet his death.

Flowers bloom in May and continue to bloom until November, losing mass by autumn.

Seeds of this species ripen in October-November. Their germination is short-lived.

The large-flowered variety is highly decorative. She is warm-hearted. Temperatures below -15 degrees are fatal for her.




The second name of the species is Mu-lan. This magnolia is native to China. It is presented in the form of deciduous bushes. Their growth reaches 4 meters.

The shoots are pubescent only in the upper part, they are bare downwards. The branches are covered with gray bark.

Leaves ovate or obovate, up to 20 cm long. Their color is green, and the bottom is less intense. The veins are pubescent.

The shape of the flower resembles a glass. They look like lily flowers. Diameter about 10 centimeters. They don't open up much. All inflorescences are turned up. Their aroma is subtle, unobtrusive. The petals are usually two-tone: white on the inside, purple or pink on the outside.

This variety has a short flowering period, which occurs in May-June. The fruit is a cone-shaped leaflet ripens in October.

Lily-flowered magnolia is frost-resistant to -23 degrees. Due to this quality, it is common in European countries.




This species is originally from Japan. It is represented by both shrubs and trees. In winter, they shed their foliage. In nature, their height is about 30 meters, when grown in other countries, it grows on average up to 10 meters.

The bark of the branches and shoots have a brown color, in the shoots it has an olive tint and a shiny surface. Furrows are located on the bark.

Leaves are 18 cm long. From above they are naked, from below they are pubescent along the veins. Their lower part has a lighter shade. With the onset of autumn, they turn yellow. Their shape is elongated, elliptical or obovate.

Flowers of medium size, 10 cm in diameter. Their aroma includes scents of pineapple, citrus and lily. In shape, they are first goblet-shaped, then become saucer-shaped. Their color is creamy white, found with streaks of burgundy or pink near the base. All inflorescences are directed upwards to the sun.

Flowering in the species occurs early, falls on April-May. Leaves appear after the blooming of the inflorescences. The pink fruit ripens in September.

Kobus magnolia varieties are widely distributed because it is one of the most resistant representatives of the genus. Frost resistance up to -29 degrees. This feature makes it possible to grow it in regions with severe winters.




A variety of magnolia growing in Japan. Refers to deciduous representatives. It grows as a tree with a pyramidal crown. Rarely found in the form of bushes.
This species is similar to the Cobus magnolia, except that its leaf buds are hairless.

Flowers 12 centimeters in diameter. Nice smell of anise. They are white and bell-shaped.

Frost resistance is high up to -29 degrees. Despite this, it is poorly distributed in culture, due to the low germination of seed material.




This species originated from China, where it is called Yulan. In nature, it grows as a tree up to 15 meters in height, and in cultivated plantings as a shrub, reaching a height of 7.5 meters. Refers to deciduous plants.

The crown is very spreading. Its shape can be pyramidal and round. Its average diameter is 8 meters.

Young shoots are pubescent. As they age, they become naked. They are painted in a brilliant chestnut color. The bark of the trunk is gray, smooth.

The leaves are wide at the base, with a narrowed outer edge. Their lower part is covered with sparse fluff. The length varies from 7 to 15 centimeters. The shape is different: elliptical, ovoid, obovate. They grow on short petioles.

Diameter, upward looking flowers, from 12 to 15 centimeters. The shape is goblet, when fully opened it becomes cup-shaped. They have a delicate aroma of lemongrass. The color of the inflorescences is white.

Flowering occurs in April-May. It precedes the blooming of the leaves. Ripens in the first half of autumn. The fruit is 10 cm long and red in color.

From China, the variety was brought to England. It spread from there.

Frost resistance is quite high, up to -25 degrees.




This is a hybrid variety.It was obtained by crossing magnolia naked with lily-flowered. It grows in deciduous bushes, not higher than 10 meters.
The crown is low, loose, but very spreading. Its shape is wide pyramidal or hemispherical.

Shoots can be painted green or brown, with a gray tint. Noi are covered with fine hairs and a coating of wax. The bark of the trunk and branches is even, smooth, gray-brown.

The leaves are oval, almost round. Their length is about 15 centimeters. Their top is pointed. The outer side is smooth, the lower one is covered with a sparse fluff. The color of the leaves is green.

Flowers have a diameter of 15 centimeters. At the initial stage of opening, the shape is goblet, turning into a cup. Color can vary from white to dark purple. There are varieties with and without scent.

Flowering occurs before the leaves appear, its period falls on April-June. The fruits ripen in September. They have a pink color. Frost withstands up to -25 degrees.




The species is growing in Japan. It is represented by small deciduous bushes, about 3 meters high. Crown of compact size. Its diameter is 2-3 meters. Its shape is spherical, rounded.

Thin shoots are covered with silky fluff. Their color is grey-green. The bark is smooth, glossy brown with a gray sheen.

The leaves grow on small petioles. Their length is 1 centimeter. Their color is green. The leaves are oval in shape, about 12 centimeters long and 4 centimeters wide. The top side is smooth.

Flowers of medium size, with a diameter of not more than 12 centimeters. They smell of honey and apples. Inflorescences look up, may droop slightly. When blooming, they are painted white or cream in color, when they fade, they become pinkish. They have a star shape.

Flowering begins in early spring at the end of March-April. It precedes the appearance of foliage. Varieties of this species bloom profusely, especially in partial shade. The fruits ripen in September.

The star magnolia is widely distributed. It is highly resistant to cold, up to minus 34 degrees. This variety is suitable for forcing.




hybrid variety. Combines magnolia Kobus and stellate. Plant height is from 3 to 8 meters. Grows in bushes and trees. The leaves fall off in winter.
The crown can be pyramidal and rounded. Formed from densely growing branches. Its diameter is up to 6 meters.

The shoots have dense pubescence, they are velvety to the touch. Their color is purplish brown. The bark of the trunk is gray with a brown tint.

Leaves 15-20 cm long. They are oblanceolate in shape. Their tops are blunt or slightly pointed. Their color is bright green with yellowness, in autumn they become completely yellow. The outer side is more saturated in color than the inner. The lower part is covered with down.

The diameter of the flowers is 12-15 centimeters. Their shape varies from cup-shaped to stellate. They look up. The color of the petals is white, sometimes pink varieties are found. They have a pleasant aroma.

This species blooms in April-May. The leaves grow after the buds open. The cone-shaped leaflet ripens in early autumn.
Frost tolerates up to -25 degrees.

Hybrid magnolia Loebner grows slowly. Especially in the first years of his life. The first flowers from the moment of planting have to wait 8 years.




This variety grows up to 7 meters. It is highly decorative.

It has very large flowers. Their diameter reaches 25-30 centimeters. Their color is white and cream. The first flowering occurs 2-5 years after planting.

Her leaves are also large. Their length can reach up to 70 centimeters.

The flowering period begins in May and continues until autumn.

Long pointed

Long pointed

Long pointed

This species is native to the eastern part of the North American continent. It has a second name - cucumber tree.

Deciduous trees of the variety grow from 18 to 30 meters. In young plants, the crown is slender, then acquires a pyramidal shape. Branches grow sparsely and sprawling.They are covered with light gray bark.

Young shoots are covered with fluff, which eventually disappears. Their color is brown with a reddish tint.

Leaves grow up to 24 centimeters. They are oval in shape. Tops are pointed. The upper side is glossy, dark green, the lower side is pubescent, with a grayish tint.

The flowers are cup-shaped and look up. The color of the petals is gray-green or yellow-green, they have a blue or burgundy tint. This magnolia has no smell.

Flowering occurs late in May-June, lasts until July. Seed collection time is September-October.

Frost resistance is high, up to -34 degrees.




The species is distributed in the Kuril Islands and in Japan. It grows as a tree up to 30 meters tall. Refers to deciduous representatives of the genus.

The crown is dense, formed in the form of a pyramid. Chestnut shoots with a brown tint are smooth. They are covered with a bluish coating of wax. The trunk and branches are covered with gray bark without furrows.

Leaves grow at the ends of branches. They grow in groups of 8-10. The length varies from 20 to 45 centimeters. Their shape is round. The leaves are bluish-green above and bluish-white below. The pubescence of the veins of the lower part is weak.

Cup-shaped flowers, open strongly. The diameter reaches 20 centimeters. Inflorescences looking up, smell of spices. The color of the petals is ivory, when they fade they become yellow-pink.

This magnolia blooms from June. Leaflets ripen in October.

Frost tolerates at least 25 degrees.




A hybrid derived from magnolia willifolia and stellate magnolia. It is represented by deciduous trees up to 7.5 meters tall.

The crown is spreading, wide. It has a pyramidal shape.

Shoots are smooth, brown. They have a delicate aroma. The bark of the branches is grey.

The leaves are small, about 10 centimeters long. They have an elongated oval shape. Their color is muted green with a bluish tint. The lower part is lighter, slightly pubescent.

The flowers are small, 10 cm in diameter, with a pleasant smell. They have a star shape. Petals are white with a pinkish base.

Flowering occurs in April-May. The leaves grow later than the opening of the buds. Seeds ripen by September.

Withstands frost down to -25 degrees.




Natural growth areola is found in Korea, China and Japan. It is a miniature deciduous tree. The height varies from 3 to 10 meters.

Shoots are grey-green. Fluff covers them. The branches are light grey, while the bark of the trunk is dark grey.

Leaves 10-15 cm long. They are elliptical in shape with a short pointed tip. They have a small sharp spike. Their tops are green and smooth. The lower part has a bluish tint and is covered with fluff along the veins. They grow on two-centimeter pubescent petioles.

The flowers are small, 7-10 cm in diameter. Their shape is cup-shaped. By the end of flowering, they open to a disc-shaped form. They exude a pleasant smell. Inflorescences look up. The color of the petals is white.

Flowering lasts 2 months - June-July. Comes immediately after the leaves bloom. The fruits ripen in October.

Frost resistance is average, up to -23 degrees.




The species is native to North America. These are trees up to 12 meters high. Their foliage falls in autumn and blooms in spring.

The crown of this magnolia is spreading. It is formed by densely growing branches in the form of a tent. Shoots are bare, painted in olive-brown color. The bark is light gray, has a glossy sheen.

The leaves are collected in groups in the form of umbrellas. They are located at the top of the branches. They are large in size. The length reaches 50 centimeters, and the width is 25. Their shape is oblanceolate. Their color is green. The underside is covered with small hairs.

Flowers are large. Their diameter is from 15 to 25 centimeters. They smell like musk. The opening is great. The shape is like a wide bowl. Creamy white petals.

The buds and leaves of this variety open at the same time. This process takes place in May-June. The fruit ripens in September.

Frost resistance is good, up to -25 degrees.




A native species from China. These are evergreen trees up to 20 meters in height. Its leaves are 25 centimeters long. On the branches grow alternately. Their lower part has a rusty tint, due to the color of the hairs covering it.

Flowering occurs in May-June. Has a pleasant aroma. This variety is widely used in Chinese medicine.

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Magnolia can be propagated and grown in several ways:

  • cuttings
  • layering
  • seeds

When choosing a planting method, you need to consider its variety. Some varieties have poor seed germination. If it is a hybrid species, then in order to preserve its features, it is necessary to plant it with cuttings and layering, since germinated seeds may lose their hybrid features.

Reproduction by cuttings

Reproduction of magnolia cuttings

Reproduction of magnolia cuttings

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The first step is to cut the cuttings. This should be done in early spring, until the flowers and leaves have blossomed. The stalk should be green at the top, and the base should be lignified.
    Cuttings are cut from young plants. Old ones will not form a root system. An ideal planting material would be twigs of a one-year-old bush.

  2. Remove the leaves from the cutting, except for 2 pieces.

  3. The lower part must be treated with a tool that improves root formation.

  4. The soil should consist of peat, vermiculite and perlite.

  5. Plant branches in a container. Cover it with foil to create a greenhouse effect. Every day you will need to ventilate.

  6. The temperature for rooting should be 22-24 degrees. This condition must be strictly observed, otherwise the seedlings will die.

  7. Roots appear after about 7 weeks. After that, they can be seated in separate pots or in open ground.

  8. Regular watering is required.

Reproduction by layering

Propagation of magnolia by layering

Propagation of magnolia by layering

Horizontal layering is only suitable for propagating shrubs. For trees, you can use the method of air layering.

Horizontal strips:

  1. Choose a branch that grows low.

  2. Tighten its base with wire. It is better to use copper.

  3. In the place where the layers will be in contact with the ground, it is necessary to make an incision in the bark in a circle. This action will speed up rooting.

  4. Tilt to the ground and dig.

  5. The formation of the root system will take 1-2 years. After that, a new plant can be planted from the mother.

Air outlets:

  1. After the branch for layering is determined, an incision in the bark must be made on it. It is done in a circle 2-3 centimeters wide.
    You need to do it carefully, cutting only the bark. Damage to wood is unacceptable.

  2. The cut site must be treated with heteroauxin.

  3. Tie the moss and cover it with cling film. It must be secured from above and below so that it does not fall and expose the rooting site.

  4. The finished branch must be tied to neighboring branches. This will protect against gusts of wind that can break it.

  5. Moss should always be wet. It is convenient to moisten it with a syringe, piercing the protective film with a needle. The procedure is carried out several times a month.

  6. The first roots will appear in 2-3 months. In autumn, the layering is separated from the mother tree and planted in a container. He should spend the winter indoors, then he will be ready for transplanting into the open ground.

Growing from seeds

magnolia seeds

magnolia seeds

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Magnolia seeds ripen in September-October, depending on the type and variety of the plant. After their collection, the seedlings are removed, for this, the seeds are kept in water for 3 days. After this time, they are rubbed through a sieve.

  2. Then the oil is removed from them, for this you need to wash them well with soap and rinse. After they have dried, they must be sprinkled with wet sand and placed in a plastic bag. Put in the refrigerator for 20 days. The cooling process is a stratification, a procedure that increases germination.

  3. Before planting seeds, they must be disinfected. This can be done in a solution of fungicide or potassium permanganate.

  4. Lay them out on damp moss. Planting is possible after the sprout hatches.
    If there is no moss, you can wrap them in gauze folded in several layers. It needs to be well hydrated. Make sure it doesn't dry out. Seeds should be checked periodically. Do not allow rotting from excessive moisture. The method with moss is more reliable in this regard.

  5. Magnolia is planted in containers to a depth of 1 centimeter.

  6. When choosing a pot, it is worth considering that the tap root system needs depth, so the container must be at least 30 centimeters high.

  7. The plant is transferred to the garden in the spring, after warm weather is established, there will be no risk of night frosts.

  8. In the first year of life for the winter, they need to be completely covered with dry peat.
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Magnolia - loves the sun, only some of its species prefer partial shade. It is allowed only in hot regions of the country. The landing site must be protected from the wind.

magnolia planting

magnolia planting

The soil is neutral or slightly acidic. In this case, sandy and heavy soils are not suitable. Be sure to lay drainage under the top layer, in the form of rubble.

Experienced growers advise planting magnolia in the fall. This is the period when she goes into a state of winter dormancy. For her, the stress of a change of place will be less noticeable, she is more likely to take root, will not get sick.

In the spring, you can also plant trees and bushes. But they need to be protected from frost. A plant that has not taken root can be severely affected by them.

Before planting, a hole is dug and compost is added to it. In dense soils, it is recommended to mix river sand.

In a planted magnolia, the root neck should protrude 3 centimeters from the ground. After planting, the seedling should be watered abundantly, and the soil around it should be covered with mulch.

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Magnolia requires good care until the age of three. It needs to be watered regularly and plentifully. The earth needs to be loosened after moisture is absorbed. Do not allow the formation of a crust on the ground.

Magnolia in bloom

Magnolia in bloom

Watering is carried out strictly with warm water!

Loosening is carried out carefully. If the roots are damaged, the plant will begin to hurt, up to death.

Top dressing with fertilizers is carried out in the third year after planting. Prior to this, the plant feeds on those dressings that are laid during planting. Purchased mineral mixtures or organic ones are suitable for this.

Feed mix:

  • Cow humus - 1 kilogram
  • Urea - 15 grams
  • Saltpeter - 20 grams
  • Water - 10 liters

For an adult tree, you need 4 buckets of this mixture. It is applied once a month, replacing one of the irrigations.

If the bush began to dry leaves, then the plant is overfed. In this case, the fertilizer intensity is reduced and watering with clean water is added.

Magnolia is not recommended to be transplanted. An adult plant does not tolerate this procedure. If this process cannot be avoided, then in a new place it is necessary to create ideal conditions for it, using the recommendations described above. A transplanted tree for the winter must be wrapped completely up to the top.

Magnolia pruning is not needed. Her bushes prefer to form their crown naturally. However, dried and damaged branches should be removed. The procedure is carried out only in the fall after the flowering stops and the leaflets ripen, because in the spring it has an increased juice content. From wounds inflicted during pruning, she may die.

In winter, trees are recommended to be insulated.. Even winter-hardy varieties can suffer from wind and frost, especially if the winter was snowless. The branches are wrapped in burlap, and the root system is covered with a thick layer of mulch.

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Pests and diseases

Magnolia boasts good health and high immunity. It is resistant to various diseases. Of course, its leaves, branches and buds need to be inspected for the presence of pests that have moved from neighboring plants. To prevent their spread.

magnolia diseased

magnolia diseased

But she also has a dangerous disease - this is Verticillosis. It manifests itself by yellowing of the foliage. It spreads along the crown from the bottom up.

Wood tissues die off as the disease spreads. You can notice this process by cutting off the branch, it will be brown.

The fungus Verticillium spreads this infection. It spreads very quickly and can kill a mature tree in 7 days.

You can save the plant if you notice the disease at the initial stage. For this, spraying with foundation is carried out. It is diluted in water at room temperature. A 10-liter bucket needs 10 grams of the drug.

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Let's dispel the misconception: "Magnolias do not grow in Russia"

In the central part of Russia, magnolia can be grown. It will bloom later than her sisters growing in warm regions. For example, magnolia Kobus, one of the most unpretentious, blooms its first flowers 11 years after planting.

Branches of blooming magnolia

Varieties of star magnolia grow well in the Moscow region:

  • Rosea
  • Royal Star

As well as varieties related to the type of Lebner:

  • Leonard Messel
  • Merrill

You can grow hybrid varieties:

  • Pinky
  • Susan

In order for a tree to bloom, its flowering period must be taken into account. It is better to choose those varieties that bloom in the summer. Their seeds will not have time to ripen, but they will certainly give you flowers.

Magnolia is beautiful during flowering, and beautiful after the flowers wither due to the decorative foliage. As you can see from the article, caring for her is not so difficult, but she will pay off all the efforts spent with her charming colors.

Magnolia: description of 15 species, recommendations for planting, reproduction and care (90 Photos & Video) + Reviews

plant care

Magnolia: description of 15 species, recommendations for planting, reproduction and care (90 Photos & Video) + Reviews

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