Consider the most common onion varieties, according to the description and photo, we will try to choose exactly those that are suitable for growing conditions in your region.

Among the wide variety of representatives of the onion family, onions rightfully occupy a worthy place. Why? Everything is simple. Mountains are considered to be the birthplace of onions. It was there that the first bulbs appeared, trying to survive in the conditions of a long winter and a waterless summer.
In order not to disappear, the onion had to accumulate nutrients in its leaves, called scales. A little later, everything began to be called an onion.
Thanks to man, the growing area has expanded significantly, many varieties of onions have been bred, differing in ripening time, color and taste of pulp, bulb size and agrotechnical cultivation methods, individually for each variety.

Varieties of onions

When choosing onion varieties for growing in the country, it is necessary to pay attention to the regionality of cultivation.
Depending on the conditions and area of growth, varieties can be conditionally divided into 2 large groups:
- for northern regions
- for cultivation in the southern regions
Onion varieties intended for regions with a cold climate have a pronounced pungent taste and excellent keeping quality. Onions grown in the southern regions have a sweeter taste, but have a short shelf life. Southern - mainly salad types of onions.
White onion is also widely used. It has a sweet, delicate taste. Also applies to salad species. Flaw: short shelf life and resistance to diseases and pests.

What is the difference between spicy, semi-sharp and sweet onions?

Spicy, semi-sharp and sweet varieties differ in taste, shelf life and bulb structure.
Almost all early ripening varieties are spicy in taste. They have good keeping quality and long shelf life. Bulbs contain a lot of nutrients: sugars, essential oils.
The only drawback is the low yield. The heads of early varieties are wrapped in several layers of husks, so harvesting is possible not only by hand, but also with the use of specialized equipment. Can be grown in any region.
Semi-sharp varieties are sweeter with not very dense flesh and few scales. It is not recommended to clean plantings with special equipment, as the bulbs are prone to injury and quickly deteriorate. Productivity, in comparison with early grades, is much higher. They can be cultivated in any region.
Sweet varieties are used to make salads. They are high yielding but have a short shelf life. Recommended for cultivation in the southern regions.

Early ripening onion
The vegetation period for these varieties is from 90 to 100 days. All varieties are suitable for cultivation in all regions, only in the south it can be grown as an annual crop, by sowing seeds on seedlings and already in the same year to get a rich harvest.
Heroic strength
- Beautiful, one-dimensional, rounded bulbs
- early ripening
- Weight of 1 bulb up to 500 g
- Undemanding to the soil
- Needs organic fertilizer
Due to its mild, sweet taste, it is mainly grown for use in salads. This is one of those varieties that can be grown by sowing seeds and get a good harvest in the same season.
- The Dutch brought out the red onion Carmen.
- Harvest - 75-80 days after planting the seedlings. Up to 2.5 kg of onions are harvested from 1 m2.
- An ideal assistant in the treatment and prevention of many diseases
- The feather reaches a height of 30 cm
- Weight of 1 bulb - 60 g
- Rounded-flat bulbs have a pulp of medium density
- Inner flesh - purple
- The taste is slightly spicy with a pronounced fragrant aroma
Red onion is considered an excellent tool for the treatment and prevention of diseases. With it, you can lower cholesterol, prevent the appearance of malignant tumors, improve immunity.
Red Semko F1
- Early ripe hybrid of the Dutch selection.
- From sowing the seeds to the ripening of the crop, 3 months pass.
- In regions with long daylight hours, it can be grown as an annual crop or from sets in areas with short daylight hours.
- The feather has a medium wax coating.
- A round bulb weighs up to 80 g.
- The upper scales are colored purple, the flesh is dense, white, with clearly visible dark red stripes.
- Semi-sharp taste. From 1 m2 you can collect up to 4.5 kg. Long stored.
- This is the best hybrid of all Dutch varieties. Due to its qualities, the Centurion has gained worldwide distribution.
- It thrives equally well in both cold and warm climates.
- Neat bulbs are slightly elongated, have a dense structure.
- One head can weigh up to 100 g. The scales are bright straw-colored.
- Ideal for those who are unable to use a whole onion in one preparation, and the leftovers have to be thrown away.
- Small bulbs solve this problem.
- The elongated shape of the head is convenient for cutting, which cannot be said about round onions.
- It can be easily recognized by its distinctive features: the heads have a narrow neck and a small bottom.
- The taste is slightly spicy. Suitable for fresh consumption, canning.
Stuttgarter Riesen
- Belongs to German selection, is popular among summer residents. Unpretentious to weather conditions. Therefore, it is suitable for cultivation in different regions of Russia.
- Early variety. The term from sowing the seeds to the ripening of the bulbs is 100 days, from planting the sowing to ripening - 2.5 months. The bulbs are large, flattened, weighing approximately 130 g each.
- Stuttgarter Riesen: suitable for canning, preparing vitamin salads, eating fresh
- The pulp is juicy, pleasant to the taste. Surface scales can be milky, yellow or brown-yellow. Bulbs are suitable for canning, freezing and drying.
- Gives good yields on fertile soils with neutral acidity. They are fed only when grown in depleted areas, mineral fertilizers, gums, and organics are applied.

Medium maturity
The vegetation period for these varieties ranges from 100 to 120 days. They are grown in different regions, mainly through planting sevka. Varieties with an average ripening period are well stored, the bulbs can be transported over long distances, the heads are used for canning, consumed fresh and pickled.
Currently, breeders are working to improve the characteristics of the variety, trying to restore its former popularity.
- Small rounded or flattened bulbs, weighing up to 40 g
- Tight scales
- spicy taste
- Long shelf life - up to 8 months
- Good trade dress
- Average yield
- Not very disease resistant, prone to bottom rot and downy mildew.
- For preventive purposes, it is recommended to spray plantings with agents against pathogens of various diseases.
- A budget variety with good characteristics: good keeping quality, average yield and a sharp taste of pulp
- Characterized by a long storage period. During this time, it does not lose its taste. It has a mild taste and onion aroma.
- Planting seedlings is carried out after the earth warms up to +10 ° C.
- Prefers fertile soil.
- It is recommended to add humus, peat, urea and superphosphate (1 tbsp each).
- If the soil is sandy, add peat, humus, 2 buckets of clay soil, superphosphate and urea (1 tablespoon each).
- Productivity from 1 m2 - 8 kg
- Long shelf life without loss of taste
- Disease resistance
- A well-developed root system allows you to "survive" in dry times
- Sharp but pleasant taste.
- Dutch selection of medium maturity. On about day 105, the bulbs reach technical maturity. Suitable for growing in areas with both warm and temperate climates.
- Onion sets can be cultivated in the annual and biennial cultivation method. In the second year, you can get large bulbs, weighing up to 200 g.
- The bulbs are distinguished by increased keeping quality: they are stored all winter, they do not lose their taste qualities in 9 months. This feature increases the cost of the bulbs if its cultivation is used for commercial purposes.
- Depending on soil fertility, up to 29 tons of crop can be obtained from 1 ha. Grows well in sandy soils. Farmers' reviews indicate that onions are rarely affected by any insects, and therefore do not need frequent chemical treatment.
- It is grown not only in open ground, it is also possible in greenhouse conditions to obtain greenery.
- During the growing season, it is necessary to apply mineral and organic fertilizers. After the bulbs reach 2.5 cm, all top dressing should be stopped. In the second year of cultivation, it is required to feed the plantings 2 times. Onions grow best on loamy and sandy soils.
- Belongs to breeders from Moldova. The white, juicy flesh of the oval or round bulbs is tangy but not pungent. The weight of one bulb is up to 90 g.
- The variety is valued due to its high yield: from 1 m2 - up to 5 kg of onion. Harvested in August. The scales are bronze with a brown tint. Feature of the variety: bulbs during growth are located above the soil surface, which accelerates their maturation and facilitates harvesting.
- The bulbs of the variety are impressive in size, but the yield depends on climatic conditions and soil fertility.
- Chalcedony is rich in vitamins, contains folic acid, essential oils, carotene.

late ripening
The vegetation period for these varieties is more than 120 days. They have a good shelf life, have excellent taste, are intended for universal use.
A novelty, it is recommended to grow both on a feather and on a turnip. The inner scales are milky white, very fleshy, the upper scales are yellow, dry. Small bulbs are elongated
The mild taste of the bulbs with a barely noticeable burning notes makes the variety suitable for use in salads.
By maturity:
- Distillation on a feather - medium early
- Bulb maturation - late
- Juicy, crispy flesh
- Long shelf life
- Shooting resistance
- Not susceptible to fungal diseases
- Belongs to a late-ripening variety. It takes 4 months from sowing seeds to harvesting.
- A budget option, valued for the opportunity to grow bulbs from seeds without spending money on buying a set.
- Recommended for growing through seedlings. Sowing seeds is carried out in early March.
- Young plants require additional lighting and top dressing with organic fertilizers (1 time in 2 weeks).
- Loan seedlings planted on garden bed. Care as for all varieties of onions: watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing.
- Suitable for cultivation in various regions of Russia
- Characterized by disease resistance
- Has a long shelf life
- high yielding
- Bulbs resemble a wide ellipse, yellow, very large
- The pulp is juicy, there is no sharp onion smell
Red Baron
- The bulbs are colored red.
- Resistant to the climatic conditions of different regions, so its cultivation is possible everywhere.
- The red, juicy flesh of the Red Baron variety brings zest to vitamin salads
- Rounded bulbs have a uniform structure and high density, the scales are red or purple.
- Crispy flesh is pleasant to the taste, without bitterness. Resistant to perepporosis, fusarium and root rot.
- The color of the flesh contrasts with other vegetables, so it is ideal as an ingredient in vitamin salads.
- When growing, it needs moderate watering, especially in dry weather. But excessive watering can lead to cracking of the bulbs, therefore, to a short storage.
- High yield
- Ripening period - 125 days
- Stable yield
- Good keeping quality
- Received by Dutch breeders.
- The long growing period (80 days) requires the seedling method. In some regions
- Russia is the only way to get a high yield.
- Sowing for seedlings - the last decade of February - the first days of March.
- Sowing is carried out in sandy soil, humus, complex fertilizers and wood ash are introduced.
- After planting seedlings in the ground, water it abundantly.
- In the first half of summer they are fed with nitrogen fertilizers.
- By the end of the growing season, watering and fertilizing are stopped, the lodging of greenery and yellowing of the scales are waiting.
- The bulbs are dug up with a pitchfork, removed from the ground, cleaned, dried and sent for storage.
- Sweet onion flavor
- The bulbs are large, up to 500 g. From 1 m2, with good agricultural technology, they collect 3 kg.
- Can be consumed just like apples
- Shelf life of bulbs - 4 months

Winter onion varieties
There are varieties of onions that can and should be planted before winter. Do not be afraid, they are not subject to shooting, they will not freeze over the winter. The only thing is that the seedlings should be planted late in the fall so that the feather does not start growing due to warm weather.
- Refers to winter onion varieties: it can be planted for the winter.
- Such planting will allow you to get a rich harvest. The variety is easy to care for, resistant to adverse weather conditions.
- Dark green foliage, round bulb with firm flesh.
- The weight of one bulb is up to 300 g. Golden yellow scales are strong and dry.
- This feature increases the resistance of the variety to frost and storage.
- When sown before winter, the variety tolerates frosts from -15 ° C (with little snow) to -23 ° C (with snow).
- The radar is not prone to shooting, resistant to diseases and pests, unpretentious in care.
- It takes 250 days from sowing for sowing to harvesting.
- You can not grow in the same place for more than 2 years.
- The Dutch winter variety Shakespeare is characterized by an early ripening period.
- The bulbs have a clear rounded shape, the bottom is yellow, the top is light brown.
- Not subject to shooting.
- The pulp is dense, juicy, the taste is semi-sharp.
- To harvest a good crop that will be stored for a long time, you need to plant the seeds in a well-lit area without stagnant water.
- The soil needs to be fertilized in advance.

Black onion: sowing, growing and care rules
Black onions do not belong to any particular type or variety of onions. This is the common name for all onion seeds from which sets are grown.
Getting seeds
Growing black onions is a rather troublesome, but exciting task. To obtain full-fledged seeds, it is necessary to sort the entire onion and select a pair of heads that correspond to the characteristic feature of the variety.

Obtaining seeds from your own planting material
Early spring is the best time to plant black onions. Plant out as soon as the snow melts. They practice planting in late autumn, but beds cover is recommended. Already in summer, the bulbs give flower stalks: black seeds are in beautiful and fluffy umbrellas.
Sowing seeds for seedlings
Humus and wood ash are added to the prepared soil.
Black onion seeds have a short shelf life. After a year, seed germination is reduced by half, so you need to plant fresh seeds and renew them every year.

Nigella seeds
Nigella can be sown immediately in moist soil; seeds do not need to be pre-disinfected. Regular watering is required until the first shoots appear above the surface.
Care of young sevkom
If the seeds are sown densely, thinning is required and a distance of 2 cm is left between the seedlings. The second thinning is carried out after 20 days and it is done if the nigella is grown to produce bulbs, if one thinning is enough for the set.
Babies are fed with mullein diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. During the growth period, you need to monitor the level of soil moisture daily, watering is stopped 3 weeks before the seed is harvested.
- "Bessonovsky"
- "Belovezhsky"
- "Amber"
- "Strigunovsky"
- Spassky
- Small-nested, attracts attention with a good trade dress and resistance to weather conditions, to diseases.
- The pulp is juicy, white in color, semi-sharp in taste.
- Densimor develops well in fertile areas with sandy loamy soil.
- Requires watering, but only during dry periods. Shallots also belong to the family.
- The difference between this species and ordinary onions lies in the size of the bulbs and their number in one nest.
- Small nested
- early ripe
- Round bulbs weigh up to 130 g
- thin neck
- Yellow-bronze scales
- Good keeping quality
- Came to us from Normandy. It was opened in 1261. Widespread throughout the world due to its taste.
- Unlike onions, shallots have smaller bulbs, strong branching. The bulbs keep better.
- An early ripe variety is grown, firstly, for the sake of vitamin and juicy greens, and secondly, for the sake of numerous bulbs, the number of which can reach 30 pcs.
- Varieties of shallots: Kuban yellow, Belozerets, Kunak.
Kuban yellow
- The universal variety was bred at the Krasnodar Research Institute in 1958. The feather is dark green in color with a clearly visible wax coating. The width of the leaves reaches up to 1 cm, and the leaf grows up to 21 cm in length. If you tear out the bulb along with the greens, their total weight will be 75-130 g.
- Due to its resistance to drought, the variety has gained universal popularity.
- The bulbs are rounded or rounded flat, the flesh is juicy, semi-sharp. In one nest grows up to 4 bulbs. The scales are colored yellow-brown.
- It belongs to varieties of medium ripening, from sowing to harvest takes about 85 days.
- From 1 m2 you can collect up to 3 kg of onions. It has good transportability, long shelf life.
- The variety was also obtained at the Krasnodar Research Institute. The value of the variety is given by such a feature as the possibility of ripening after harvest.
- The bulbs are round-oval or rounded, weight varies from 21 to 27 grams. The pulp is firm and juicy. Belongs to a small-nested variety.
- Dry scales are colored light lilac with a yellowish tint, the inner plates have a purple or lilac tint. The taste is spicy.
- Early, ripening occurs on the 80th day after planting. Up to one and a half kilograms of onions are harvested from 1 m2.
- Not susceptible to rust, downy mildew. It is characterized by excellent keeping quality.

Types and varieties of onions on a feather
Onion greens should be present on our table every day. Many gardeners, in order to be with vitamins, plant a turnip on a feather, but the greens of perennial onion varieties are milder in taste and contain more vitamins. Moreover, the feather appears in early spring, when the body really needs nutrients.
- Perennial, unpretentious plant, easily tolerates prolonged frosts. Grown exclusively for the purpose of obtaining a green feather. The leaves are large, 1.5 cm in diameter, and can reach 35 cm in length.
- Batun onions are not used for winter storage, as they form pseudo-bulbs.
- One rosette of a variety can form up to 7 leaves. The highest productivity is observed in the first 3 years after planting, it can be grown in 1 place for 10 years.
- Common varieties: April, Valdai, Tokyo, Tenderness.
- Resistant to frost, in one place can be grown for 7 years. Onions are rich in trace elements and vitamins of groups A, B, C. A very high content of ascorbic acid.
- Due to its mild taste, it is used in the preparation of various dishes.
- Acid soils are not suitable for growing varieties. A good harvest gives only in fertile areas.
- The value of the onion lies in the fact that the first feather appears directly from under the snow, this is at a time when the beds are empty. Therefore, this variety is a storehouse of vitamins, so necessary for the body in early spring.
- Differs in high productivity, frost resistance, is not prone to shooting. When grown in one place, it retains its taste for 4-5 years.
- Harvesting continues from 1 July to 30 August.
- Greens, rich in vitamins, appear in early spring.
- The medium-sized plant has spiky, upright foliage, painted in dark green with a clearly visible wax coating. The leaves reach a height of 50 cm. From 1 m2 you can get up to 2 kg of onions.
- Green leaves, slightly pungent in taste, are recommended to be consumed fresh.
- Early maturity. A perennial plant can be grown in all regions of the Russian Federation. A tall plant prefers well-drained, fertile soil.
- The fistulate leaves grow vertically upwards, are dark green in color, have a barely noticeable wax coating, and reach a height of 40 cm.
- Juicy, tender leaves have a semi-sharp taste
- The false stem has no anthocyanin coloration. The tender leaves are sharp in taste, but much softer when compared to an onion feather.
- Productivity is high - from 1 m2 - 4 kg. The variety is resistant to frosty winters, tolerates even severe frosts without snow cover.
- If the variety is grown only for feathers, planting is required at the end of April, part of it should be planted in June. When grown in an annual crop, both leaves and bulbs are removed in the same year, with a perennial crop, they only cut off the feather.
- Green onions contain a lot of useful substances, in addition, onions have diaphoretic, bactericidal and hemostatic properties. Why not grow Tenderness onion in your garden and feed yourself and your family with vitamins?
- Early, from sowing to harvest takes about 25 days. Gardeners are grown as a perennial crop for feathers.
- When the leaf plates reach commercial maturity, they are cut into feathers.
- Onions are used in folk medicine to improve the elasticity of blood vessels, to reduce pressure. A good place for planting onions is considered to be the bed on which cucumbers, potatoes, and tomatoes grew.
- Prefers light, fertile soil with neutral acidity.
- Fast ripening time
- Differs in medium branching
- Leaves are green, tender, slightly sharp
- Frost resistance
- Contains many vitamins
- High-yielding: from 1 m2 - 4.5 kg
- The color of the leaves varies from bluish to dark green. The feather is subulate, thin, hollow inside.
- The base of the leaves is pleasant to the taste, so the decorative perennial is used for food.
- The inflorescences are also edible, so they are also added to salads.
- Chives grow very quickly, therefore, it requires dividing the bush 1 time in 3 years.
- Flowering occurs in early spring. If the goal is not to collect the seeds, then the baskets can be cut off to prevent the depletion of the onion itself.
- Common varieties of chives: Moscow early, Prague, Siberian, Medonos.
Slime Bow
- Onion leaves are rich in glandular and mucous substances.
- The former enrich the body with iron salts, increase hemoglobin, the latter help to cure gastritis and stomach ulcers.
- Recommended for everyone from children to seniors.
- The foliage is fleshy, thick, smooth.
- Unlike other varieties of feather onions, it is flat, with rounded ends. Slizun has shortened bulbs with white and juicy scales.
Green Banner F 1
- Semi spreading, compact plant.
- The green foliage is flat, juicy, large, with a slightly spicy taste and a barely perceptible garlic smell.
- Valued for disease resistance, high yield and taste.
- Can be grown throughout Russia.
- Designed for forcing on a feather
- Extra class bow
- Harvesting greens already 1.5 months after sowing seeds
- Adapts well to different growing conditions
- Heat resistant
- Has a strong root system
- The shape of the bulbs is cylindrical, the yield per 1 m2 is up to 6 kg
- Refers to mid-season.The bulb is like a wide ellipse, contains dense pulp
- The weight of 1 bulb is 21 g.
- When ripe, the scales turn dark brown with a pink tint.
- The pulp is juicy, white with a purple tint. Up to 10 bulbs ripen in one nest
- The taste is semi-sharp. 1.4 kg is collected from 1 m2
- An annual plant up to 50 cm high. The color of linear-lanceolate leaves varies from gray to green, pink or white flowers are collected in an umbrella
- A native of the Mediterranean, therefore it grows better in the southern regions of Russia, throughout Ukraine
- Of the early varieties of leeks, one can name such as Gulliver, Vesta, Goliath, Columbus
- Mid-season include: Bastion, Jolant, Alligator, Karatansky, Kazimir
- Of the mid-late varieties, the varieties have proven themselves well: Mercury, Sizokryl, Autumn and Winter Giants
- Early. Recommended for zoning throughout Russia.
- It can be grown both through seedlings and seedless. Has a long shelf life.
- It is recommended for cultivation in the country for amateur purposes, and is also suitable for commercial cultivation.
- From sowing seeds to full maturity, 130 days pass. Can be used fresh or dried.
- Valued for its high content of ascorbic acid
- Long shelf life without loss of taste
- When grown in a seedless way, seeds are sown in September
- The stems are bleached, in diameter reach 6 cm, length - up to 50 cm
- Good seed germination
Gardeners call this variety a handsome especially large size.
- disease resistant
- He is not bothered by pests
- Tolerates frost well
- Has a long shelf life
- Contains nutrients and vitamins
- Ideal for salads
The dietary taste is due to the increased content of carotene. Care is simple, no different from the care of other varieties.
- Herbaceous plant with a short cylindrical stem, reaching a height of 25 cm, dark green lily leaves.
- Differs in small weight, in comparison with other grades of a leek.
- Due to the pleasant, semi-sharp taste of leaves and stems, it is widely used in cooking, both fresh and dried.
- Onions of medium vigor, good taste and long shelf life
- The variety is resistant to diseases and undemanding in care. The crop is stored for a long time, without loss of taste characteristics.
It doesn't matter which variety to grow for medicinal purposes, all are good. When choosing a variety, it is important to pay attention to such characteristics as zoning and ripening time, and if you grow it for commercial purposes, then it’s good to pay attention to the presentation and the possibility of long-term storage.
10 secrets of fruitful onions
Onions - a description of 33 varieties with their photos and main characteristics, ripening dates and other useful information (Video) + Reviews
In paragraph No. 40 LEEK Bastion is mentioned (!!!) It’s a little unclear, because Bastion is a variety of onions, but in your photo of Bastion you can see that this is not a leek.
Oh, sorry, I found that Bastion can be both onion and leek. The photo of the onion Bastion was misleading, among the photos of the leek varieties.
Thank you for your activity and comment! Indeed, the photo did not match the description, it has already been corrected. 🙂