“Tomatoes in a greenhouse are just a miracle how they grow!” - manufacturers of polycarbonate shelters invite summer residents, citizens permanently residing on the land. However, not all tomatoes meet the reviews "The Best Tomatoes for Greenhouses", getting into these most transparent houses.

Many gardeners even refuse the plastic "miracle on the frame", assuring that the tomatoes in it get sick more often, and the yield is worse. And it’s not the tomatoes that are to blame, but the gardeners themselves. A greenhouse for tomatoes must be right!
Often inexperienced growers tomatoes, unduly trusting advertising slogans, buy that hothouse, which looks more aesthetically pleasing or is cheaper.

Greenhouse structure error

As a rule, cheap transparent houses for plants are not equipped with windows, hood or heating.
In such a “steam room”, where air humidity sometimes reaches 100%, and temperature fluctuations depend on its fluctuations outside, increased condensate flowing down the walls and dripping onto exhausted bushes does not at all contribute to the development of the “best” tomatoes in the greenhouse, but actively contributes development of "excellent" phytophthora.

landing error

Trying to get a harvest of nightshade of unprecedented size, new purchasers of greenhouses plant all free places as densely as possible with all types of nightshade in a row. This cannot be done!
In the thickened wilds of various vines and bushes, not only phytophthora readily reproduces, but also other fungal diseases, for example, powdery mildew or a scourge for any plant grown in a greenhouse - a black leg. The spider mite will also not keep you waiting! High humidity and high temperature are the optimal conditions for the reproduction of this parasite.
What a harvest there is with such a "bouquet" of nasty things! And, mind you, from tomatoes, in this case, the lack of a crop is in no way connected.

Fixing bugs
What to do if the house for "tomatoes" is already standing, but there is no harvest of fat-cheeked nightshade in it?
- We insert windows or vents, cut in a second door, if there is none, and regularly ventilate the room and seedlings
- We change the soil. In no case do we add fresh manure to fresh
- We process the entire house with a disinfectant solution
- Monitor humidity and temperature
- During the development of seedlings, humidity is from 60% to 70. Fruiting - from 75 to 85%
- Soil moisture is not higher than 80%, temperature is not less than 12-15*
- The air temperature should not rise above 25-28*
- Follow the boarding plan
- We plant a low-growing "early ripening" of 2 stems at a distance of 40 cm from each other, 55-60 cm between rows
- vigorous tomatoes in 1 stem - 25-30 cm between each other

Selection of the best greenhouse varieties

Which tomatoes deserve more attention?
bush growth
According to tomato growers, F1 hybrids will be the best.
This is due to the fact that almost all F1 are indeterminate (tall). What does it give? – Unlimited in height stem-stem develops 15-30 fruitful brushes, everything will depend on your desire.
This does not mean at all that you should refuse determinant "little growths" that will stop growing after the fruit-berry formation begins! Do you like it? - Plant!
What else needs to be considered
Don't forget the rules:
- Indeterminants are planted in the center of the greenhouse, and determinants are planted along the edges, along the perimeter
- We do not crowd the landings! For 1 sq.m. - no more than 3 plants
- Even for greenhouse maintenance, you need to choose those varieties of tomatoes that are zoned to the conditions of your region.
- The optimal ones are those that are designed specifically for greenhouse cultivation, about which a special mark should be made on the packaging: “For greenhouses and film shelters”
A polycarbonate structure will help reduce the ripening time of any tomato by 10-15 days, which means that the crop can be obtained by 20-30% more!

The best, according to reviews from the forums
Since greenhouses are placed in order to get an earlier harvest, it is natural that the vast majority of hybrid species intended for greenhouses and film "booths" belong to the early and mid-early options.

Everyone has their own criteria for choosing the “best of the best”, what is called “taste and color”.
But here are a few options that are repeated most often with a plus rating for different people.

Early (early ripe) and Mid-early
This category safely includes varieties whose ripening periods range from 70 to 120 days.
In fact, no one ignored the hybrids of very early tomatoes with poetic names.
Hope F1 and Aphrodite F1

Variety Nadezhda F1

Variety Aphrodite F1
- These red-cheeked beauties are not just early, but very early (75-80 days) - in June you can already begin to enjoy their juicy, elastic fruits, weighing 150-170 g.
- From June to the end of August, from each bush, growing from 1 to 1.3 m, you can collect more than a bucket of large berries!
- Hope and Aphrodite do not have powerful trunks, so we form a bush into 3 stems. Landing pattern 60x60 cm.
Buddy F1
- Perhaps the most unpretentious of greenhouse hybrids, therefore it is recommended for beginners.
- From planting seeds to a friendly harvest - 95 days.
- Cold-resistant and low - 60-80 cm. The berry is round, red, weighing 80-100 g. Productivity - 16 kg.
Ilyich F1
- Early maturing, high-yielding, sweet, dense, full-bodied, slightly sprawling, tall strong stems and disease resistant…
- In a word - an extremely successful hybrid for greenhouses!
- Initially apple-green fruit quickly turns a sunny orange, bright red color of ripeness.
Vityaz F1
- That's who claims the title of "Early - fruitful"!
- It sets fruits even at temperature fluctuations up to the minimum allowed for growing seedlings.
- The weight of the berry is 200g, the taste is amazing, and the yield is no less amazing - the bush must be fixed very securely, otherwise the stem will simply break under the weight of a round vegetable.
- There is only one drawback - weak resistance to phytophthora.
Nugget F1
- This early variety is a godsend for those who prefer the taste of fresh tomatoes.
- It begins to yield a crop of large fruits (from 170g) at the very beginning of July, and stops in mid-October, when there is almost nothing under the polycarbonate, except for the balls of Nugget pouring red.
Hurricane F1
- An early ripe and medium-branched bush can “wave” up to 2 meters, but most often it stops at 130-150 cm, which means that it still requires a garter.
- The mass of the "offspring" is average - from 70 to 150 g.
- Color is traditional red.
- Taste - bright, juicy, fragrant.
Reviews - purely positive!
Samara F1

Tomato variety - Samara F1
- Samara is good in that all 6-8 rounded rich red berries-fruits (70-80 g each) on one brush ripen at the same time. This makes harvesting a lot easier!
- The stem is very long - over 2 m and requires careful garter.
- Samara does not have an exquisite tomato taste, but it is incomparable in preservation: salt, sugar, dill and lavrushka will make the tomato a “royal berry” to taste, while the fruit itself will remain intact after pouring hot marinade.
Berberana F1
- Berberana's stamina is enviable!
- A medium-sized bush looks from above at all sorts of fungi and rot, and on the 115th day after planting the seeds it produces elastic “balls” that are even, dense, weighing up to 200 g, with excellent taste.
- And how beautiful! - The color of tomatoes is not just red, it is cranberry red! However, the taste of Berberana is not at all sour, but sweet and sour, with an excellent tomato taste.
Kostroma F1
- Krasnaya Kostroma pleases with dessert taste, yield (18 kg per 1 sq. m.), easily tolerates temperature fluctuations, practically does not get sick.
- Subject to agrotechnical rules for growing inside transparent houses and film greenhouses.
Very good feedback from gardeners!
Anastasia F1
- Another red-red hybrid with a good yield of up to 12 kg from each bush.
- The weight of the berry is 150-190 g, the stem is long enough to tie it up.
- In addition, it is rather weak, it is recommended to form a trunk from 2-3 plants.
Semko-Sinbad F1
- Unlike the already well-known Sinbad tomato, which is very capricious in care, his "son" is very resistant to damage and pests, thanks to the genes of the second "parent" - Semko F1.
- Many believe that this hybrid is only slightly inferior in yield to Semko-98 F and Semko-99 F, giving only 7-9 kg of juicy red small berries weighing 80-90 g per bush.
- Semko, of course, is more - at least 10 kg, but who can compare with the speed of maturation ?! - The product is ready for use in 85, less often - 90 days after the appearance of the first green "beaks"!
Verlioca F1
- Exceptionally hothouse early "girl"!
- Height - 2 m + 30-40 cm, weight - 60-100 g, taste a little fresh, on one brush - 6-10 red-orange shiny fruits.
- What's so amazing about her besides super-early harvests at 95 days? - Verlioka is capable of miracles even in low light during growth and maturation!
King of the F1 Market
- Stunningly beautiful tomato!
- Tall (2 m), powerful, mid-season, with exotic bicolor yellow-red "apples" up to 300 g.
- When forming in 2-3 stems and the maximum release from the leaves, you can achieve up to 500 g!
- Fleshy, sweet, slightly sour, giant berries are good for fresh consumption, but the juice from them has only one epithet - excellent!
- The same variety is known in the catalogs under the name "Beauty King" (Beauty King).
Intuition F1
- With such Intuition, you are not in danger of being left without a harvest even on unfavorable days with elementary care for seedlings.
- This very first hybrid for greenhouses, bred by domestic breeders, is distinguished not only by unpretentiousness and tolerance for the mistakes of novice tomato growers, but also by good health.
- The variety is highly resistant to the fungus, ignores tobacco mosaic, fusarium and cladosporiosis with proper agricultural technology.
- A tall plant (1-1.3 m), gives a harvest already on the 95-100th day. For the season - 25-30 kg of tomatoes weighing 100-110 g, collected in a brush.
It is worth noting positively such varieties as:
- Unpretentious early ripe tomato, related to determinant hybrids.
- A compact bush is unlikely to squeeze the bar above 50 cm, but it will not require stepsoning with a garter.
- It does not require a lot of space - per 1 sq. m. you can safely plant 4-5 sprouts, they will get along great!
- And you, even if you have never grown a tomato before, will be able to cut fresh rounded, slightly flattened fruits at the top, weighing 60-90g each, after 100 days.
- Taste bright scarlet slightly ribbed berries Alpatiev-905
- And you will not be surprised, but for winter spins, these even, friendly tomatoes in return are a real treasure!
- These "golden apples" are actually bright red, weighing 70-90g each in a heavy, dense cluster.
- However, “apples” will become such only with proper watering and proper feeding, so Typhoon F1 is an indeterminate hybrid (up to 2 m) for experienced tomato growers.
- Medium-branched bushes planted according to the scheme of 3 sprouts per 1 square will give all 9-10 kg at the same time, in less than 100 days.
- Rounded "lacquer" fruits are beautiful in both summer and winter salads, and the bush itself is valued for its resistance to late blight.
- Another very stable hybrid with a height of a meter. Resistant to fungal and viral diseases, as well as to temperature extremes.
- The berry ripens early (90-95 days), tasty, strong, with a beautiful orange tint, weighing from 75 to 100 g.
- The brush is small - up to 8 fruits maximum, but the juicy tomato taste is preserved both in salting and in the marinade.
- It’s not worth talking about fresh salads - delicious!
- But to get all this delicious beauty is possible only with the correct formation of the Search F1 bush and painstaking care of it.
- This "girl" is a real find for lovers of yellow tomatoes!
- Firstly, this is exactly the GRADE, which means that the seeds (although there are not many of them) can be left for future plantings after the elastic fleshy ellipsoids, weighing 120-180 g, are collected and eaten.
- Secondly, this variety is medium early (85-95 days)
- Thirdly, Dina's bush is low (less than 70 cm), not branchy, does not lend itself to macrosporiosis and septoria. Drought tolerant as well.
- Fourthly, it gives a consistently high yield (+ 5 kg per bush), subject to long-term storage.
- Fifthly, it does not crack on the bush and perfectly tolerates hot marinade pouring.
- This "friend" will not stop at a height of half a meter - an indeterminate variety with a craving for gigantism.
- For the middle lane and to the north - an exclusively greenhouse option.
- Fruiting is average in time, but rich in yield, if there was appropriate care.
- From each brush ripens up to 35-40 "apples" of 30-40 g each.
- Timely garter and pinching allows you to enjoy the fruits of your labors not only in the summer, but also in winter salads - a variety of excellent taste and suitable for marinade salt.
- That's who will definitely please with its high yield and taste, so this is the Rosemary F1 hybrid!
- This pink-sided mid-ripening giant (fruit weight up to 900g!) can be called with confidence "a child of greenhouses and film shelters."
- An indeterminate senior tomato gives up to 14 kg per square with proper agricultural technology, and vitamin A in a fleshy
- Rosemary will be 2-2.5 times more than in the yellow and orange "Aztec apples" famous for their vitamin complexes!
- It really needs a garter not only of the stem, but also of fruit brushes.
- With its resistance to tomato diseases, it has a number of disadvantages - it is not suitable for seed planting (only mature seedlings) and is completely unsuitable for storage (it overripes right on the bush).
- Not suitable for conservation. But what a pasta!
- The full name is "Collective Farm Productive F1". And he fully justifies this name!
- Together it gives off smooth-red fruits with a golden hue in 100-110 days, from a height of average height (60-70 cm) it “looks” at any late blight and brown spotting, is famous for its excellent taste, longevity and transportability.
- Medium tomatoes - 100-110 g, compressed at the poles, but extraordinary deliciousness!
- Excellent recommendations for lovers of greenhouse tomatoes from Siberia and the Urals.
According to reviews:
Perhaps you will like tomatoes that are somewhat similar to unpeeled tangerines:
- American Ribbed
- mushroom basket
- Etoile
- Lorraine handsome
Do you like color "pictures"?
For you:
- White-fruited
- Snow White
- white wonder
- Aronia
- Black Prince
- Mikado
- Rio Negro
- Roses of Dallas
- Raj Kapoor
- Gypsy
- emerald apple
- Swamp
- Malachite Box
- Green sweetie
Prefer color variety? Then, tomatoes are in store for your greenhouse, the fruits of which combine several shades at once:
- pepper striped
- brindle striped
- Don Juan
- Grouse
- Zebra green
- Tzu Yu
- Vintagejain
Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse
Learn more about bugs and how to fix them
If you take it to taste, then for some reason green varieties are tastier to me than red ones, but red ones are juicier, it’s good with them, there is some kind of “dry” food, but red varieties, in my opinion, are better suited for conservation, well, for salads. There is nothing to say about the benefits of a tomato, I generally think that tomatoes are, to some extent, an elixir of youth and longevity, they definitely have a beneficial effect on the skin, and in general, the body. My wife is already 32, she will be, but she objectively looks like 20 and eats tomatoes every day.
Vadim, does your wife also eat tomatoes in winter?!
This is a digression, and if we talk about the article as a whole and growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, then this is a laborious process, and even with great knowledge and finances, something can always go wrong.
So, our godfathers had experience of growing in a greenhouse, we came into contact with this skill, when we helped them.
They grew yellow Dina and pink Rosemary.So the desire to have more harvest almost ruined all the work. Not only were they planted too tightly, they also tried to fertilize fresh soil with manure. And they forgot to tie up the rosemary bushes on the machine. Everything turned out well, of course, we had to save part of the crop, but at the end we managed to get 80%, but you must admit, out of nothing - 80% is excellent!
This year I will try to grow .. Limerence, bull. heart, banana legs, verochka, mong. dwarf, Mazarin, the hut is rich .. and.
I hope it does.
All rich harvests ...
Thanks! And good harvests to you! Show pictures of your pets?