Drill for home | TOP 12 Best Drum and Non-Drum Models | Rating + Reviews

Drill for home

Any home owner should have a minimum set of tools, without which even the most insignificant repair. And, especially, large-scale construction. One such tool is a hand drill. To choose the right brand of drill, you need to carefully study the technical specifications and compare them with the proposed list of tasks. In our review - the best models of drills, popular among users this year.

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The main evaluation criterion is the tasks of the tool

The first question that the home master must solve when starting to choose a hand drill is for what tasks the tool is purchased.

In this rating, only hammerless and impact drills are considered from the entire range of models. Angle mechanisms and dual-purpose tools are not included in the review.

The power tool market is dominated by several world-famous companies, whose credibility is backed up by many years of reliable and durable tools:

  • Makita
  • DeWalt
  • Metabo
  • Bosch

In recent years, Interskol brand tools have been distinguished from Russian manufacturers.

Drills from these manufacturers made the TOP-12 ranking of the best models of this year:

BrandPower, WCartridge typeImpact mechanismNumber of speeds
Drill for home

Interskol D-10/350 ER

350 quick-clamping No 1
Drill for home

Metabo BE 10

450 quick-clamping No 1
Drill for home

Makita 6408

530 quick-clamping No 1
Drill for home

DeWalt DWD115KS

700 quick-clamping No 1
Drill for home

DeWalt DWD024S

700 quick-clamping there is 1
Drill for home

Makita HP2032

720 cam there is 2
Drill for home

Interskol DU-13/750 ER

750 key there is 1
Drill for home

Bosch GSB 1600 RE

750 quick-clamping there is 1
Drill for home

Makita DP4001

750 quick-clamping No 1
Drill for home

Metabo BE 850

850 cam No 2
Drill for home

Bosch GBM 1600 RE

850 key No 1
Drill for home

Metabo SBEV 1300-2

1300 quick-clamping there is 2
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Low power impactless tools

Low power hammerless drill

Low power hammerless drill

Such drills are intended mainly for home repair work.. They have low power, simple design and a minimum set of additional functions.

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Metabo BE 10 SSBF

Metabo BE 10 SSBF

Metabo BE 10 SSBF

Metabo BE 10 SSBF

The drill is very powerful, extremely easy to use and compact. Designed for drilling holes with a fairly wide range of diameters:

  • in metal – up to 10 mm
  • in a tree – up to 20 mm

The use of a keyless chuck provides good fixation and a high speed of tool change. The BE 10 SSBF has a reverse system. In addition, due to the soft start and low weight (1.1 kg), the drill can be used as a screwdriver.

  • efficient operation under heavy loads on the gearbox
  • Metabo's exclusive Variospeed system. Allows you to adjust the torque by pressing the start button
  • ease of use at high altitudes. Achieved through a convenient suspension system drill on the belt
  • the presence of a rubber pad on the handle of the drill.Allows you to comfortably position the tool in your hand when drilling in various positions

  • low power output (240 W)
  • high noise level when operating at maximum speed (up to 91 dB)
  • difficult access to the brushes, which requires disassembling the drill

Current prices

Drill for home


Drill for home | TOP 12 Best Drum and Non-Drum Models | Rating + Reviews

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Makita 6408

Makita 6408

Makita 6408

Makita 6408

Another super compact version of the drill for home use. The manufacturer "hid" a powerful (530 W) motor in a plastic case. Thanks to standard 43 mm necks, the tool can be mounted on a specialized machine. Despite being slightly larger than other competitors, the weight (1.4 kg) of the drill is freely held with one hand.

  • the possibility of adjusting the engine speed depending on the material being processed
  • low noise level (79 dB)
  • low thermal conductivity of the plastic from which the case is made
  • the presence of a special clamp for changing nozzles
  • reliability of ball bearings significantly extends tool life

  • when overheated, there is a smell of burnt plastic
  • too small keyless chuck
  • low indicator in terms of price / quality ratio
  • gearbox material (plastic)

Current prices

Drill for home

Drill Makita 6408

Drill for home | TOP 12 Best Drum and Non-Drum Models | Rating + Reviews

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Interskol D-10/350ER

Interskol D-10/350ER

Interskol D-10/350ER

Interskol D-10/350ER

Inexpensive professional drill from a well-known Russian manufacturer. Of the hammerless drills produced by Interskol D-10 / 350ER - the lightest in weight. When drilling holes of small diameter, there are practically no deviations in accuracy. This is achieved due to the rigid longitudinal fastening of the spindle. Suspension of the drill to the waist belt is carried out using a special clip mounted on the gearbox. The drill has three bearings (two mounted on the rotor, one on the spindle). A sleeve is mounted on the opposite end of the spindle.

  • low price
  • good build quality, despite the abundance of not too expensive components
  • comfortable grip, due to the presence of rubber pads on the handle and the angle of the handle
  • excellent accuracy in drilling small diameter holes

  • lack of bearing on the reverse side of the spindle
  • low torque
  • the danger of acquiring a fake assembled in an underground factory

Current prices

Drill for home


Drill for home | TOP 12 Best Drum and Non-Drum Models | Rating + Reviews

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Drills without impact mechanism with power over 0.5 kW

Drill without impact

Drill without impact

More powerful in comparison with representatives of the younger line, drills are designed for drilling in solid concrete and brick partitions, with the use of additional mechanisms and the possibility of changing speeds. The power of the tools exceeds 0.5 kW.

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Metabo BE 850

Metabo BE 850

Metabo BE 850

Metabo BE 850

The first glance of a person who is unfamiliar with the device and the characteristics of this drill will immediately make you think that he has a medium power hammer drill in front of him. This idea is suggested by the gearbox on the body on the left, which is actually the speed switch. The design is equipped with a special clutch that protects the gearbox and drill wedge from overload. The reverse mechanism with a side switch works on the principle of a brush assembly.

  • dust protection
  • Robust two-speed gearbox design
  • good vibration control
  • the presence of nests in the spindle for replaceable bits
  • High noise at maximum speed (up to 96 dB)

  • big weight
  • the need for constant use of an additional vertical handle
  • inconvenient location of the reverse switch

Current prices

Drill for home

Restoration and maintenance of a 29 year old METABO drill

Drill for home | TOP 12 Best Drum and Non-Drum Models | Rating + Reviews

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Makita DP4001

Makita DP4001

Makita DP4001

Makita DP4001

A versatile professional tool capable of drilling holes in difficult surfaces. The one-piece cast gearbox is made of a new generation of aluminum alloy, which increases the durability of the drill. To work with different materials, the option of changing the number of revolutions is provided. The accuracy of drilling and screwing (when used as a screwdriver) is ensured by the use (except for traditional ball bearings) of needle bearings.

  • gearbox design and material
  • the ability to adjust the torque when using reverse
  • the use of rubberized inserts on the main and additional handles
  • high engine power
  • strong keyless chuck with metal inserts

  • big weight
  • noticeable vibration at maximum speed
  • very high price

Current prices

Drill for home

Drill MAKITA DP4001

Drill for home | TOP 12 Best Drum and Non-Drum Models | Rating + Reviews

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DeWalt DWD115KS

DeWalt DWD115KS

DeWalt DWD115KS

DeWalt DWD115KS

DeWalt's 700W T-Pistol Drill features an unusual design for tools in this class. The designers placed the handle strictly under the point where the center of gravity is located. This made it easier to work with one hand. A ratchet is mounted in the chuck, which prevents unwinding after turning on the reverse mode. The durability and reliability of this model is still in question due to the refusal of the designers to use metal - the body of the drill is entirely made of plastic.

  • powerful motor
  • low price
  • comfortable ergonomic body
  • anti-twisting protection on reverse
  • overload controller

  • lack of metal in the body nodes
  • inconvenient operation without the front assist handle
  • no on/off latch
  • small range of hole diameters for wood and metal

Current prices

Drill for home

Drill DeWalt DWD 115 KS

Drill for home | TOP 12 Best Drum and Non-Drum Models | Rating + Reviews

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Bosch GBM 1600 RE

Bosch GBM 1600 RE

Bosch GBM 1600 RE

Bosch GBM 1600 RE

A professional drill with a key chuck is designed for drilling holes:

  • in wood - up to 40 mm
  • In metal - up to 16 mm

A feature of the tool is the presence of a removable rear D-shaped handle with a range of rotation of 360O. The device is adapted to perform highly specialized tasks. Can function as a mixer. An almost ideal option, since it completely lacks design flaws.

  • possibility of use as a mixer
  • a successful electric motor that works perfectly at low speeds when kneading
  • reliable transmission mechanisms (gears and bearings)
  • convenient location and the ability to adjust additional handles
  • the presence of a latch
  • High performance powerful electric motor

  • big weight
  • high price

Current prices

Drill for home

Drill mixer Bosch GBM 1600 RE

Drill for home | TOP 12 Best Drum and Non-Drum Models | Rating + Reviews

Shock workers of construction labor

Hammer drill

Hammer drill

An intermediate place between conventional drilling tools and rotary hammers is occupied by impact drills. For drilling holes in durable materials, a special locking clutch is provided in the design of the drill. Thanks to this, the tool plays the role of an ersatz puncher.

Do not abuse the ability of the drill to work as a punching tool.Otherwise, the repair costs can be many times higher than the cost.

Metabo SBEV 1300-2

Metabo SBEV 1300-2

Metabo SBEV 1300-2

Metabo SBEV 1300-2

The professional drill with keyless chuck is equipped with a 1.3 kW electric motor. The reducer, located in an aluminum alloy housing, provides two speeds of rotation and shock mode. The spindle is equipped with a hexagon socket for various bits. Massive rubberized front handle provides a secure grip when working in shock mode. Know-how from Metabo is the location of the speed controller and the Vario-Tacho-Constamatic control board in the upper part of the drill body.

  • all-metal aluminum gearbox
  • the presence of a control indicator - a signaling device for thermal protection and brush wear. In addition, it notifies you when the drill is blocked from restarting.
  • impulse mode for screwing in self-tapping bolts
  • possibility of drilling holes up to 22 mm in diameter in concrete slabs

  • unusual ergonomics
  • high price

Current prices

Drill for home

Metabo SBEV 1300-2 Hammer drill

Drill for home | TOP 12 Best Drum and Non-Drum Models | Rating + Reviews

Makita HP2032

Makita HP2032

Makita HP2032

Makita HP2032

Model of a Japanese tool concern, which is assembled in the UK. The kit includes a two-stage gearbox in a metal case and a damper to reduce vibration when jerking. His engineers put it instead of a safety clutch, which significantly reduced the overall good impression of the model. If the tool works perfectly in stable modes, then resting against a solid concrete wall, it is ready to instantly escape from your hands.

  • good protection of the gearbox from external influences
  • The ability to change the rotation speed depending on the complexity of the surface
  • electronic speed controller
  • ergonomic body
  • large range of hole parameters

  • lack of electronic stabilization system and safety clutch
  • the inconvenience of working with one hand due to the solid mass (2.5 kg.)

Current prices

Bosch GSB 1600 RE

Bosch GSB 1600 RE

Bosch GSB 1600 RE

Bosch GSB 1600 RE

Excellent professional tool with the ability to use as a screwdriver. The keyless chuck has an Auto-Lock spindle lock. It has an excellent vibration reduction system. Like other modern drills, the GSB 1600 RE can be mounted on a drill stand thanks to the European standard spindle diameter (43 mm.). To maintain the rated power in reverse mode, a rotary brush holder is provided in the design.

  • high performance
  • the possibility of adjusting the speed when working with different materials
  • the presence of an electronic speed controller
  • robust metal gearbox
  • smooth start and stop of the engine
  • low noise level
  • comfortable and ergonomic auxiliary handle made of rubberized material
  • durable plastic housing

  • low maximum speed
  • no second gear

Current prices

Drill for home

Bosch Professional Drill Bosch GSB 1600 RE / DRILL REPAIR REVIEW

Drill for home | TOP 12 Best Drum and Non-Drum Models | Rating + Reviews

DeWalt DWD024S

DeWalt DWD024S

DeWalt DWD024S

DeWalt DWD024S

The plastic body of a small professional single-speed drill is equipped with rubberized inserts on the handle for a more comfortable grip. Adjusting the speed with the key is very smooth. To avoid vibrations, an additional adjustable handle is installed, which rotates 360O. The model is supplied with the powerful and very reliable electric motor capable to maintain long loadings. On the reverse stroke, you can remove the drill or tighten the screw. If necessary, make several holes of the same depth, you can use a special limiter.

  • light weight
  • long-term overload resistance
  • excellent operation of the electronic engine speed control mode
  • the ability to work with a large number of materials of different hardness

  • during long-term operation there is a risk of failure of anchored bearings
  • not very long warranty
  • confusion with cartridge type.In a similar model marked without the letter S, it is a cam type, not a quick-clamp

Current prices

Drill for home

Feedback: impact drill De Walt DWD024S 650W (2011)

Drill for home | TOP 12 Best Drum and Non-Drum Models | Rating + Reviews

Interskol DU-13/750 ER

Interskol DU-13/750 ER

Interskol DU-13/750 ER

Interskol DU-13/750 ER

A powerful compact drill from a Russian manufacturer is a reliable tool that will work properly for a long time. It has unique strength indicators, as the gearbox housing is cast from steel. In the "blow" mode, using the switch, you can activate the operation of the drill. The versatility of the tool emphasizes the presence of a reverse stroke. In terms of price / quality ratio, the drill confidently takes first place in the Russian market, as it is purchased more often than more expensive branded counterparts.

  • reliability and durability of the metal gearbox housing
  • a wide range of functionality
  • comfort of both handles
  • possibility of drilling holes in concrete using impact mode

  • too thin plastic
  • solid weight for small dimensions
  • short power cord
  • fragility of the toothed rim of the cam chuck

Current prices

Drill for home

Impact drill Interskol DU-13/750 ER

Drill for home | TOP 12 Best Drum and Non-Drum Models | Rating + Reviews

Our Rating

8.1 Total Score
The best drills for home

Feedback from our readers is very important to us. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

Interskol D-10/350 ER
Metabo BE 10
Makita 6408
DeWalt DWD115KS
DeWalt DWD024S
Makita HP2032
Interskol DU-13/750 ER
Bosch GSB 1600 RE
Makita DP4001
Metabo BE 850
Bosch GBM 1600 RE
Metabo SBEV 1300-2

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