Antirrinum or snapdragon (lat. Antirrhinum) refers to herbaceous plants of the Plantain family. The genus includes more than 50 species of perennial flowers, differing in flowering time, a variety of flower shades and distribution area. In natural conditions, it can be found in warm climates, and is also found in North America. Antirrinum in Greek means "nose-like". Snapdragon is recommended to be grown from seed in home gardens, as with minimal care, you can create incredible compositions in landscape design.

Botanical description
The perennial snapdragon plant in our latitudes is grown as an annual, since many species and varieties are not adapted to our harsh winters and freeze out during severe frosts.
Antirrinum stems simple, numerous. Depending on the species, they can reach different sizes in height. Low-growing varieties barely reach 20 cm in height, and tall ones can be up to 1 meter.

Beautiful antirrinums look favorably against the background of calendula
On pyramidal bushes there are pubescent leaves of a lanceolate, elongated shape. On the leaves, a slight pubescence is clearly visible. It blooms with beautiful flowers of irregular shape. When fully bloomed, the flowers are like an open lion's mouth, hence the name of the plant.

Yellow "mouths" look like the gaping mouth of a proud lion
Thanks to breeding work, not only natural varieties with simple flowers are known, but also with double ones. The white, yellow, pink and bicolor flowers of the cultivated snapdragon are collected in racemose inflorescences. Flowers of wild species are purple, blue and yellow.
The homeland of the plant is North America, it has been cultivated in Russia for many decades. During this time, numerous varieties have been bred that allow you to create a beautiful bright corner in the garden. A pleasant aroma attracts not only butterflies, but also bees.

Myths about the origin of the flower
Ancient Greek legend says that snapdragons first appeared on the lands of Hellas, near the Peloponnese. Here Hercules performed his first feat. In those days, the Nemean lion raged, which was famous for its invulnerability. In an unequal battle, Hercules defeated the Nemean lion.
In honor of the victory over the evil enemy, the goddess Flora presented Hercules with a flower of unearthly beauty, which she called the snapdragon. Until now, in Greece, there is a custom to give the heroes an antirrinum.

Here is such a beautiful antirrinum was presented to the brave Hercules in honor of his victory over the raging Nemean lion
It is believed that snapdragon is a medicinal plant. Infusion and decoction, prepared on the basis of dried parts of the plant, help get rid of shortness of breath, furunculosis, hepatic and renal colic. The tincture helps to tone up and give self-confidence. That is why the snapdragon at all times symbolizes arrogance.

Types and varieties of antirrinum: classification
Among the variety of species, giant, tall, medium-sized, undersized and dwarf species of snapdragons are distinguished.

Snapdragon Rocket (Snapdragon Rocket)
Plants are tall, grow more often in one stem, have a compressed bush shape. Terry, large flowers bloom on long peduncles. Grown mainly in greenhouse conditions for cutting.
Among the varieties can be called: Start, Frontier, Supreme, Rocket, Forcing.

tall plant variety
Large and showy annual plants with a bush height of 65-110 cm. Dense and compact bushes consist of few stems arranged in rank. Snapdragon of this species is characterized by dense inflorescences with large flowers. Tall plants look beautiful in the cut.
medium height
In appearance, these are beautifully flowering, pyramidal, compact bushes, characterized by a plant height of 35-50 cm.. The stems are strongly branched, look very lush.

Pyramidal bushes do not exceed 50 cm in height
However, among the huge variety of varieties, you can choose with different flowering periods and use them to create an interesting composition.

Undersized varieties
Low bushes of plants barely reach 30 cm in height. On the bushes you can count many shoots. In full dissolution, antirrinums look like a round ball. The inflorescences are loose, small, characterized by early and medium flowering.

Miniature snapdragon variety
Miniature varieties reach 15 cm in height. The species is characterized by strong branching bushes. Upon visual inspection, it may seem as if the stems are spreading somewhere. Small flowers bloom on short peduncles.

Growing from seed
To speed up the growing process and get earlier flowering, it is necessary to sow seeds for seedlings. To do this, you need to prepare a container for planting, 2 sieves with large and small cells, a spatula.

plant achene
Selected container or container for growing seedlings the height should not be less than 10 cm. At the bottom of the container, holes must be made for a stack of water.
At the bottom of the container, you need to pour a drainage layer, which can be made from expanded clay, vermiculite, perlite or small pebbles. The next step is to prepare the soil.
The choice of soil for planting
Good seed germination is observed in loose, light soil, which can be purchased at a specialized store or prepared independently. For this, 1 part of soddy land is taken, mixed with the same amount of sand and peat. After mixing, 0.5 parts of humus and 0.3 parts of wood ash are added to the soil.

Beautiful "slipper" of an annual plant
After one more mixing, the prepared mixture must be sifted through a sieve. First you need to sift through a large sieve. The resulting screenings fill the container over the drainage layer.
Then screening should be carried out using a fine sieve. This part fills the remaining space to the top of the container.
Seed preparation
In the store, various varieties of snapdragon are presented to the attention of the buyer. From a wide variety, you can choose exactly the variety that will meet the required characteristics: plant height, flowering time, number of double or single flowers, humidity requirements and growing conditions.
If the seeds were collected in your own garden or in a flower bed, you need to dry them, put them in a bag and send them to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for storage.. There the seeds will be stored until spring. Thus, the seeds will undergo natural stratification and will be ready for sowing.

Bees love to collect nectar from snapdragons.
Seeds must be disinfected before sowing. To do this, prepare a solution of potassium permanganate in a light pink color. Seeds must lie in the solution for at least 0.5 hours. After the time has elapsed, you need to remove the seed and dry it on a napkin. Only after all the procedures can you start sowing.
Rules for sowing seeds for seedlings
To evenly distribute the seeds over the surface of the soil, they must be mixed in advance with fine dry sand. Small grooves are made in the prepared container with poured soil, with an interval of 2 cm.

Sowing seeds
After sowing the seeds, they need to be lightly that they get the best contact with the ground. A layer of sand and fertile soil should be poured over the seed layer.
After all the work has been done, the seed container should be covered with a film and placed in a well-lit place. Good seed germination is observed at a temperature of +18 °C. From time to time, you need to remove the film shelter and ventilate the plantings. Moisten only after drying the topsoil.
How to care for seedlings
When the seedlings hatch from the seeds, it will be possible to remove the glass or film. You need to remove it gradually, daily increasing the ventilation time by 10-15 minutes.
First, the seedlings develop a root system. The first true leaves develop after 3 weeks from the appearance of the first shoots. When 2 pairs of true leaves are well developed on the snapdragon plant, it is recommended to plant the plantings.

Young seedlings ready to pick
They dive into separate peat cups, cassettes or plastic containers. The diameter of the cup should be within 8 cm.
Such a pick is called intermediate. It allows you to increase the bushiness of plants. To achieve the appearance of many stems, you need to pinch the top in time.
If the pick was carried out in a common container, then after the spreads grow up, it will be necessary to carry out another transplant. The scheme should already be like this: the distance between the seedlings should not be less than 10 cm.

Plants need to provide enough light, good watering
For successful cultivation of seedlings, a temperature of +23 ° C is suitable. Excessive waterlogging of the soil can lead to diseases, such as black leg, so watering should be done only after the topsoil has dried out.
If a plaque of unknown origin is noticeable on the surface of the soil, any rot, urgent processing will be required. To prepare the solution, you need to take 1 liter of water and dissolve 10 drops of Fitosporin in it. After processing, crushed charcoal can be scattered over the surface of the soil.

Transplanting seedlings in open ground
Transplantation of snapdragon seedlings for permanent residence is carried out only after the threat of return frosts has passed. Time may vary for different regions. Approximate time frames: from mid-May to mid-June.

First prepare the ground
For good growth and development of antirrinum, loamy soil with a high sand content is suitable.. In such soil, plants are provided with good air permeability. Sandy soils pass water well, which does not allow the area to swamp. On such soils, plants grow well and do not suffer from diseases of the root system.
In order for flowering to be plentiful and long, you need to add to the soil:
- 1 glass of wood ash per 1 m2
- 3 kg of rotted manure
- 1 kg of peat per 1 m2
- 1 st. l. complex fertilizer for flowers or nitrophoska per 1 meter of plantings
Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to dig up the ground, loosen it. When choosing a place, you need to pay attention to the amount of lighting. Antirrinum will not grow in a dark place. When shading, there will be no flowering or it will be very scarce.
Planting scheme for various varieties of antirrinum:
- low varieties are planted at a distance of 20x20 cm from each other
- between dwarf plants, a distance of 15x15 cm must be observed
- tall ones need to be planted according to the scheme 40x40 cm
- when planting medium varieties between seedlings, you need to leave 30 cm
When planting seedlings, it is better to use the transshipment method so as not to injure the root system. Before transplanting, it is necessary to thoroughly shed the earth in order to maintain the integrity of the earthen coma. It is impossible to deeply bury plants - only to the first (cotyledonous) leaves. After planting, the soil around the plants should be well compacted.

Yellow "mouths" of snapdragon against the background of blue forget-me-not flowers
This method is used by breeders to develop new varieties. It is possible to plant only if it does not matter which seeds will be collected or there is no need to collect them.

Outdoor care
Snapdragon prefers fertile soil, therefore, before planting seedlings in open ground, it is recommended to add peat, sand, organic fertilizers to the soil. Flowers do not like clay, therefore, by introducing additional substrates, it is necessary to achieve air permeability of the soil.
The site for planting must pass moisture well, otherwise rotting of the root system cannot be avoided.. It is recommended to add humus, leafy soil, black soil to sandy soil. With such soil, everything possible must be done so that the earth retains moisture for at least a short time.

Snapdragon in natural habitat
After the seedling transplanted to a flower bedYou need to give her time to adjust. This will take at least 2 weeks. The signal that the antirrinum has undergone adaptation is a new growth of foliage, the plant begins to start growing. Now you can start feeding the plants.
The first top dressing should be carried out with the use of mineral fertilizers.which can be bought in specialized stores. The content of additional macro- and microelements is welcomed in fertilizers.
Flowering depletes plants, so during this period it is necessary to feed plantings. The stronger the antirrinums, the less they become susceptible to disease. After flowering, faded inflorescences should be removed immediately in order to maximize the flowering period until frost.

Seed collection
After flowering, a seed box is formed, which includes a large number of seeds.. Seeds are black in color, small in size, with a well-marked luster. Visually, they are similar to poppies.

The seed pod is very similar to a human skull
To collect seeds, choose strong plants with beautiful flowers.. Inflorescences can be shortened by 1/3. In place of flowers, a seed box is formed.
The fact that the seeds are ready will be indicated by a change in the color of the box, which will acquire a yellowish tint.After ripening, the seeds are shaken out in a paper bag. Seeds can be dried a little more, put in a plastic bag and sent to the refrigerator for storage.

Medicinal properties. Application in traditional medicine
The inhabitants of the East used the decoction of the plant as an antidote. Mixing a decoction of snapdragon with oil lilies, they applied this mixture on the face. Such a remedy was considered rejuvenating.

Antirrinum Terry (Twinnie Appleblossom)
Snapdragon is not only a flowering plant, thanks to the beneficial substances that make up its composition, it has acquired the status of a medicinal plant that helps with various diseases
Procurement of raw materials

Field snapdragon
- For the preparation of decoctions and infusions, the upper leaf plates and racemose inflorescences are used. It is necessary to harvest raw materials during flowering.
- The collected vegetative parts of the flower are laid out in a thin layer in a dark, well-ventilated area.
- After the raw material dries, it is placed in paper bags or canvas bags for storage.
- From the snapdragon, you can prepare healing ointments, infusions, decoctions.
Traditional medicine recipes
Folk healers have come up with a lot of effective recipes based on snapdragon:
- In the inflammatory process, accompanied by severe pain, gargling with a decoction of snapdragons is carried out.
- To prepare it, take 5 g of dry raw materials and pour 200 ml of boiled water.
- The broth should be boiled for 15 minutes, cool, strain and gargle with it.
- The same remedy can be used to wash inflamed eyes.
- And if taken orally 1 tsp, its action will be laxative and diuretic.
- To prepare a healing ointment, take 2 tbsp. l. crushed dry raw materials (snapdragon flowers), placed in a glass container, pour 1 tbsp. l. 70% alcohol.
- The jar needs to be covered with a lid, wrapped and put in a warm place for 4 hours.
- Then, after the expiration of time, unsalted melted lard (10 tablespoons) is added to this mixture, which is preheated for 2.5 hours in a water bath.
- Everything is mixed and filtered. Ready ointment lubricates problem areas.
- In 1 liter of boiling water, 40 g of herbs should be brewed and taken several times a day.
- Tea is good for 1 day.
In addition, preparations based on medicinal plants are used for the preparation of healing baths, for the treatment of boils in the form of compresses and lotions.
Contraindications for use

Antirrinum red
Cannot be taken with:
- hypertension
- dyspepsia
- cardiovascular diseases
- Pregnancy and lactation are also a contraindication to taking drugs based on snapdragon.

Diseases and pests

Plants that are properly cared for by the owners will almost never be susceptible to diseases.
Despite the fact that the antirrinum is an unpretentious plant, with insufficient care it is affected by pests and diseases.
- The fact that the plant is sick can be recognized by the whitish areas that appear on top of the leaf plates. On the underside of the leaf, you can see a coating of sporangia of white or brown color.
- In order to prevent the disease, thickening of plantings should not be allowed. If the plants are grown in a conservatory or greenhouse, the air humidity must be lowered to prevent nighttime dew. If a lot of plants are planted, it is necessary to organize good ventilation.
- For the treatment of the disease, drugs such as Ridomil Gold, Copper oxychloride are used. Before spraying, it is recommended to cut off all infected foliage.
- An insidious disease that manifests itself on the leaves in the form of sunken light spots. If you look at the sheet from the back, you can see the yellow pads. They soon turn rusty brown.
- Rust spores are spread by the wind. As a result of the disease, the plant loses foliage, withers and dies.
- For treatment, you need to use Topaz, Abiga-Peak, Bordeaux mixture. Before processing, destroy all infected foliage.

The beauty of snapdragon flowers is striking from afar
- When visually inspecting the plant from the upper and lower sides of the leaf, a powdery coating of white color is clearly visible.
- In addition, powdery mildew does not spare other vegetative parts of the plant and also affects flowers. If you remove this plaque by hand, you will notice that the tissues of the snapdragon are colored brown.
- For preventive purposes, resistant varieties should be selected for planting. With a single lesion, you can use biological fungicides. Amerin-B, Fitosporin are effective.
- As a result of the defeat of this disease, the foliage of the plant first acquires a pale green hue, becomes dull. The leaf plate will soon turn yellow and fall off.
- If the plant is dug up, rotten, soft roots can be seen. When examining the root system, the upper shell is easily separated from the core.
- The disease often develops in soil with low acidity. The spores are dispersed by the wind in high humidity.
- For prevention, it is recommended to avoid frequent watering. Better less often, but plentifully. When planting antirrinums, Glyocladin should be added to the soil. You can water the earth with phytosporin dissolved in water.
- The disease spreads mainly to young specimens. When examining plants, the stem at the base becomes brown and thin. Mycelium threads develop under fallen leaves.
- To prevent the disease, young seedlings need to be sprayed with the Rovral chemical preparation.
- When transplanting, seedlings should not be deeply buried. It is also recommended to shed the soil with Gliocladin when planting in the main place.

In landscape design and composition
Snapdragon has been identified with special power since ancient times, therefore, when cutting and arranging a bouquet, florists use it to show the strength of a person. With it, you can complete the composition, using it as an additional element.

In the cut, it can stand up to 2 weeks.
During this time, all the buds bloom, so not yet bloomed specimens are suitable for cutting.. People with allergies can be told that snapdragon does not have an irritating aroma, therefore it does not cause shortness of breath and discomfort.
To create beautiful compositions on the lawn or in the flower bed, you need to carefully consider planting options. Antirrinum stands out beautifully against the background aster and lavators. This applies to dwarf varieties. The compositions are lush and attractive.

Two color design
To undersized varieties in the neighborhood you can pick up marigolds, phloxes, forget-me-nots. When composing a composition, it is important to pay attention to the color scheme so as not to create a too colorful carpet that will repel the eye.
Snapdragon is often used in border design. Looks beautiful as solitary plantings on the lawn. There are also ampelous forms of antirrinum, which can be planted in a hanging planter and decorate balconies and terraces.

planter with antirrinum
In addition, designers use snapdragons to decorate rock gardens, rabatok, flower beds, mixborders. They can plant rockeries. The most suitable partners are sage, kosmeya and marine lobularia.
In our climate, a perennial plant is often grown as an annual. If you still take a chance and try to save the planting until the new season, you will need to cut off the entire above-ground part, pour a layer of mulch and cover it with dry foliage or spruce branches.
VIDEO: How best to sow and how to properly care
Snapdragon: description, types, growing from seeds, planting in open ground and plant care, medicinal properties (85+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews
In our climate, a perennial plant is often grown as an annual.
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