Perennial lupins: description of the plant, growing from seeds, planting in open ground and caring for them (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

lupins planting and care

The representative of legumes in the flower bed is lupine, this unpretentious flower will delight the eye with bright colors in the background of a common flower bed. It also looks great in single plantings, often used to create a piece of wildlife in the backyard. Planting and caring for it will not require much effort and time, it came to us from the Mediterranean, varieties growing in North America are known. Africa, Europe and Asia.

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Lupins in the Alps

Lupins adorn the slopes of the Alps

Today, according to official information, there are a little more than 200 subspecies of lupine, they differ in:

  • trunk height
  • color of inflorescences
  • kind of leaves
  • life expectancy

But you should not consider lupine only as an ornamental plant, all its parts are used in many areas of human activity:

  • Lupine is classified as green manure; during growth and development, the root system of the flower accumulates a large amount of nitrogen. After dying off, all substances pass into the soil and contribute to the growth of the next crop that will grow in this place.
  • Annual varieties are excellent fodder for animals, the yellow, white and multi-leaved varieties are most appreciated.
  • In the price and seeds of the plant, they are used in fisheries for fattening fish.
  • The pulp and paper industry took lupine straw for its needs.
  • Plant seeds are used in pharmacology and cosmetology.

Parts of some plant species are used in soap making and added to the base material in the manufacture of plastics. Florists and summer residents appreciate lupine for the extraordinary beauty of inflorescences, ease of care and reproduction.

It has been scientifically proven that in terms of nutrients, 1 ton of lupine is equivalent to 20 tons of manure.
Lupins pink

Lupine represents the family in the flowerbed legumes, its appearance resembles a shrub or shrub.

The general description of the stem is as follows:

  • The ground part is represented by a grassy or woody erect stem.
  • Leaves are alternately arranged on the stem, visually resembling a palm with long fingers.
  • The final part of each shoot is a racemose inflorescence with many flowers.

The underground part of the plant is represented by a tap root system, which is what will prevent the plant from multiplying by dividing the bush.

Flower growers divide lupins into annuals and perennials, they will differ in terms of flowering and seed ripening. Growing and caring for plants will be absolutely identical, reproduction too.

Most often, lupine is used by flower growers in multilayer flowerbeds and discounts, the plant is suitable for both classic and modern site design solutions. Sometimes landscape designers with the help of lupine, they create a piece of wild, untouched natural beauty of nature in a certain part of the territory. For contrast, varieties with different colors of inflorescences are taken, but lupine of the same color looks great.

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As already mentioned, there are about 200 subspecies of lupine in the world, but only 10 of them are cultivated. Nowadays, many breeders are working on developing new colors that will differ significantly from existing ones.

field of lupins

field of lupins

In multi-layer plantings, types of standard sizes are used, they look great in a distant view, they are not lost among other plants. Most often, boles reach a height of up to 1m, but this largely depends on the soil.

It is best to choose plants so that they do not have sharp dividing lines, the rows should smoothly transition from one to another. Then your flowerbed will look like a flower bedspread.

There are also dwarf varieties., they are planted near the borders or in order to separate one part of the garden or flower bed from another. Border lupine reaches a height of no more than 20 cm and has many different colors. The methods of growing a flower are completely identical with the cultivation of other species.

Neighborhood in a flower bed is important, it is worthwhile to carefully select lupine neighbors, the surrounding flowers should not be higher than the trunk.

Lupine gets along well with:

These plants will not allow the rhizome to grow, and the nitrogen released by the plant will give enough vitality to its neighbors. Near the lupine, all the listed varieties of flowers will be especially bright.

Next, we will get acquainted with the most popular species that can most often be found in flower beds and gardens:


Lupine Russell

Lupine Roussel

This variety is classified as a perennial, usually the seeds are sold in special stores with a mixture. The team includes boles with different colors of brushes, they can be yellow, white, carmine, pink, blue.

The stamp is characterized as follows:

  • upright plant, with a strong trunk
  • reaches a height of 1-1.3 m
  • each brush about 30-40cm
  • Grows best in full sun, tolerates partial shade

Propagated by seeds, sown in open ground in early spring or before winter. The variety does not require special care, weeding, loosening the soil and periodic watering in drought will be enough. For the winter, the stem is subject to pruning, although the variety is considered frost-resistant, but it does not hurt to cover or mulch. Lupine Roussel will also tolerate short droughts, but during the flowering period it is better to slightly increase watering, then the brushes will be brighter and will please the eye a little longer.

A distinctive feature of the variety is that the brushes can be used for cutting, this stimulates the repeated flowering of the bole in July-August. The plant looks great in group plantings, single specimens are also good. Roussel is one of the most nitrogen-containing varieties of garden lupine.

Russell Red Flame

Russell Red Flame

Russell Red Flame

Perennial, characterized by bright, carmine-red tassels looks great against the backdrop of a hedge. Great for group plantings, it will be an excellent distant background for the rest of the flowers of the multi-layered flower bed. This variety will create a spectacular landscape and solo, scarlet brushes look great in any area, and the greenery of the foliage will only emphasize the saturation of the color of the flowers.

The plant is sown according to the rules generally accepted for lupins; with proper work, flowering begins in late May-early June and lasts about a month. Re-flowering is possible subject to the cut rules.

An adult stem has the following characteristics:

  • plant height up to 1 meter
  • flowers collected in a brush occupy about 45 cm on the stem
  • the brush itself is quite dense, has many colors
  • flowers are medium, up to 2 cm each
  • leaves large, finger-shaped

A distinctive feature of the variety is the special fragrantness of flowers, their aroma is delicate, but persistent, especially distributed in the evenings.

Reproduction is best done by seeds, cuttings will not always be able to give the expected result. Seeds purchased in specialized stores will have a high percentage of germination and always guarantee an excellent result in accordance with the color of the brush.


Lupins Governor


This type of lupine has become the basis for breeding many varieties and hybrids for the garden.The resulting stems are distinguished by large flowers, and the brush in which they are collected is denser. The governor is otherwise called multi-leaved, since its stem is covered with many large leaves.

Govrner is classified as a frost-resistant species of lupine, it is used for growing in multi-layered flower beds and long-range borders.

The general characteristics of the trunk are as follows:

  • in height, an adult plant reaches a maximum of 1.4 m;
  • refers to perennials;
  • inflorescence brush can reach 45 cm;
  • flowers are large, tightly pressed to each other;
  • the color of the flowers is blue-white, bright;
  • the trunk blooms for 3-4 weeks, depending on the soil and watering;
  • when cutting the brushes, re-flowering is possible in August;
  • develops better on light soils;
  • tolerates sunny areas, but not against penumbra;
  • the leaves are large, with a slight pubescence on the underside, have a bright green color.

Brushes look great in prefabricated bouquets, but will not stand for long. Governer loves to solo, but it is better to admire him in a flower bed. The species is usually propagated by seeds, but cuttings also give good results.


Lupins Chatelain

Lupin Chatelain

A perennial with the most interesting color is the Chetelain species; the bole will also differ from its relatives in the height of an adult plant. Most often it is used in the middle line of multi-layer rabatok. It is not picky about soils, like all lupins, but it will be better to develop on light, loose soils, without stagnant water.

Sowing in open ground is carried out in accordance with all the rules and recommendations for this variety, seedlings appear under proper conditions in a month, flowering will not be earlier than the second year of life.

Chatelain has the following characteristics:

  • the height of an adult plant reaches a maximum of 90 cm
  • along the stem alternately arranged finger-shaped leaves on high legs
  • brush can reach 35cm
  • The flowers are a nice pinkish white color.
  • each flower is medium sized
  • weak fragrant at flowering

Abundant flowering takes place in June-July, when cutting the brush, the reappearance of peduncles is possible. Some flower growers grow this species as a low hedge that divides the garden into sections.

The secret to growing is keeping the distance between the bushes, it should be at least 20 cm.

Russell mix

Lupine Russell Mix

Russell mix

Perennial Russell has many variegated colors of brushes, most often it is sold in prefabricated mixes of various colors. Cultivation is standard, the species is distinguished among others by high rates of survival even in the most severe environmental conditions. Lupine of this species will easily endure drought, with proper shelter, it will overwinter well and will delight in lush flowering in May.

The best places for growing will be sunny areas of the garden, but partial shade will not affect the trunk. Slightly alkaline and slightly acidic loams will allow the plant to fully show its beauty.

Russell's scores are:

  • the height of an adult bole is about 50-70 cm
  • the brush is quite large, can reach 35 cm
  • flowers have a variety of colors, the most common pink, purple, blue colors
  • the flower is of medium size, fragrant

The view is not suitable for cutting, it is best to admire it in its natural environment. In Flowerbeds, it is better to place them in the middle rows, a small height contributes to the use in discounts.

A feature of the species is the splendor of each brush, so there should be enough space between the plants when planting.


passion lupins


One of the most spectacular types of lupine is called Azart, its flowers are simply magnificent. There are no special difficulties in sowing and further care, everything is according to the standard scenario. A feature of the species is its variegation and splendor of the brush with flowers. Excitement is characterized by:

  • plant can reach 1 m in height
  • brush with flowers takes about 45cm
  • each flower is medium in size, in rare cases it can reach 4 cm
  • the main use of the bole on multi-layered flower beds and borders in the background
  • brushes are not suitable for cutting, they will not be able to please with freshness for a long time, they will quickly begin to fade

Often the species is used near a hedge or to create a colorful carpet in one part of the garden.

Minaret undersized

lupinus polyphyllus minarette

Minaret undersized

A low-growing perennial of the species looks great as a border plant, it is often used specifically to separate sections of the garden or flower beds. The minaret will give preference to fertile soils in an area well lit by the sun. Reproduction by seeds is preferable, but the separation of the kidney along with the root collar has also proven itself well.

The variety looks great in cut form, it stands in vases for a long time. Cultivation is carried out through seedlings or direct sowing in heated soil. Sowing seeds can be carried out in early April or before winter. A cut of inflorescences will stimulate the plant to re-bloom.

It is not difficult to recognize the undersized Minaret:

  • height of an adult plant does not exceed half a meter
  • flower brush can reach 25cm
  • flowering lasts more than a month
  • leaves are green, finger-shaped on the petiole, large
  • it is difficult to tolerate sudden changes in temperature, therefore, when growing, weather conditions should be taken into account

In order for the trunk to grow and develop successfully, the soil should be regularly loosened and weeds removed; among fertilizers, preference is given to superphosphate.


lupinus Rhapsody


The variety belongs to perennials of medium height, excellent for growing on the "bad" soils of the site. It will endure the winter cold in shelter, the summer drought is also not terrible. But stagnant water or flooding in the spring can destroy the bole. Flowering is observed in the second year of life, the flowers have a varied variegated color.

General characteristics are as follows:

  • perennial grows up to a maximum of a meter
  • pyramid-shaped brush has a length of up to 50 cm
  • flowers are large, each up to 3 cm
  • dense inflorescence, flowers are close to each other
  • excellent for cutting, continues to live and smell sweet in water
  • leaves large, emerald

The variety is used in the first year for landscaping, voluminous balls will delight the eye with juicy greenery. In the second year of life, the plant will throw itself into the eyes with variegated tassels of flowers of various colors.


Lupine tree

Lupine tree

Perennial, which differs from other varieties and species in a powerful trunk with a kind of bark. In height, the bole can reach 1.5 meters, under proper conditions, two-meter plants are also found. The flowering period begins in the second year after sowing the seeds, lasting a little more than a month. Usually takes place in July-August, brushes are large, fragrant, flowers can reach 5cm.

In the middle lane, this species does not grow, even with shelter and mulching, it often freezes completely.. The southern regions are great for growing tree lupine.

Some gardeners plant several tree-like lupins with different colors on their plot at once, they look very impressive during the flowering period, but the leaves are no less decorative. Juicy greenery will transform any garden.

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Lupine seeds ripen

Seed ripening

It is not difficult to start any of the varieties of lupine on the site, for this it is enough to choose a suitable place, pick up soil and plant a plant. The very next year after planting, you will be able to admire the flowers and inhale the fragrant aroma of the bole.

The plant is propagated in two ways:

  • sowing seeds
  • separation of the kidney with the root neck

The first one is usually the most effective; from the purchased seeds, exactly the type of lupine that you buy will definitely sprout.

When collecting seeds on your own, you should not have hopes that after sowing you will receive an identical bole. Usually flowers are pollinated and change more and more each time.

Some gardeners practice cuttings, but this method is not always effective. Very often, the cuttings do not take root and simply die without sprouting.Therefore, the most common method is seed, grains are sown either in open ground or seedlings are grown.

seed way

Types of Lupine Seeds

Types of Lupine Seeds

Lupine is perfectly propagated by seed., for this, it is enough just to sow the prepared seeds in the ground, water regularly, and in a month, with proper care, the first shoots will appear.

Germination of lupine seeds is carried out in two ways:

Young lupine in the open field

Young plant outdoors

Sowing in open ground

  • The procedure is carried out in early spring or late autumn, while taking into account the temperature of the soil. So that the seeds do not rot and germinate in the very near future, the soil should warm up to +3 degrees, while excess moisture should leave it, otherwise the lupine will not sprout.
  • The soil is well loosened, weeds, roots, stones are removed. Clay, sand, dolomite flour, mineral fertilizers, ash are added to the future place of residence of lupine, and they are dug up again. Make shallow grooves up to 2 cm deep and sow prepared seeds there. It is advisable to mulch the sowing area with peat.
  • After the emergence of seedlings, they wait for the appearance of a couple of leaves, then, if necessary, thin out the bed or transplant the plants to a permanent place. Adult boles for normal development and full flowering should be at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other. Thicker lupine plantations will not allow boles to bloom normally, the plants will be fragile, not lush.

Lupton seedlings

grown seedlings

Growing seedlings

  • They are carried out in order to plant stronger plants in the ground, which can grow and develop faster. Usually seedlings are sown in containers, the soil for this is prepared from equal parts of soil from the garden, peat and sand. The components are thoroughly mixed, the resulting mixture is filled with containers, watered abundantly and allowed to warm up throughout the day.
  • After that, the prepared seeds are laid out on the surface and the sowing is sprinkled with a thin layer of the same soil or peat. Water again, use glass or film to create a greenhouse effect and place the container in a warm place. Every day, crops are ventilated, watered if necessary.
  • After 10-14 days, the first sprouts will appear on the surface, after which the film or glass must be removed, and the container placed on a sunny window. After the appearance of 2-4 true leaves, lupines are planted in open ground.
  • It is important to prevent overgrowth of lupine, the rod horse system will not take root well in a new place if the plant is not planted at a young age.

At growing seedlings it is worth pre-calculating the timing, usually it takes about three weeks before the transplant period. It is important that the snow has already melted, and the earth has warmed up to the desired temperature.

Before sowing seeds, be sure to treat them. To do this, prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate or soak the grains in fundozol. It is advisable to withstand the seeds for at least a day, so diseases and pests will not harm young shoots.

Reproduction by the kidney

lupins grown in pots

Plants grown in pots

In order to get an identical stem with the exact preservation of all characteristics, it is best to propagate it by separating the basal buds with a piece of the neck. This is usually done in the spring, when the plant is just moving away from wintering.

The subtleties of reproduction are as follows:

  • From the selected bole at the beginning of spring, a piece of the stem with a young shoot is separated with a sharp knife. It is important that the shoot has a piece of the horse's neck, otherwise the formation of roots may not occur.
  • Slices are preferably treated with charcoal., and place the cut stalk in wet sand.
  • Throughout the time it is necessary to observe the irrigation regimemake sure the sand is constantly wet.
  • Under the right conditions, roots will appear in 2-3 weeks, the sprout will begin to actively grow and develop.
It is not necessary to divide the bush for reproduction, the tap root may not survive such stress and the plant will die completely.

For such purposes, side shoots are used after the brush has been cut.At the end of summer, basal rosettes of the plant are used for this method of reproduction.

After propagation in this way, lupine will bloom in the same year at the end of summer.
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Lupins in the yard

Unusual plant will decorate your garden

After planting, during the period of flowering and growth, it is not particularly necessary to take care of lupine. WITHAmo plant is able to produce nutrients, repel many pests. But in order for a garden flower to grow normally and please the eye, it is necessary to help it.

The basic rules for caring for lupine in the garden are as follows:

It is carried out immediately after planting seedlings. Further, the stems can not be watered, but in case of drought during the budding period, you can please the bushes with moisture. The rest of the time, natural moisture will be enough for lupine.
Lupine likes to grow without weeds and on loose soil, which is why it is necessary to regularly carry out work on weeding the area with lupins. Loosening will stimulate the plant to splendor, flowering will be more violent and prolonged.
Regular pruning
In order for the bush to please the eye until the very frost, it is necessary to regularly trim the brushes that have faded. This will not only transform the plant, but also stimulate the bole to bloom again.
top dressing
The plant does not need to be fed, it is a green manure itself. For perennials, it is desirable to add superphosphate or potassium chloride before flowering, so the inflorescences will please the eye longer. In addition, experienced flower growers recommend, after opening the first flowers, pour a tablespoon of ash near each bush.
Most types of garden lupins tolerate the winter cold very well. But still it is worth playing it safe and covering the boles before frost. To avoid freezing, you should carefully choose varieties and species, giving preference to frost-resistant ones that are recommended for your region.

An important point in the care of lupins in the summer during the flowering period is the garter.. Tall brushes are tied to pegs so that a strong wind or a summer downpour does not break the inflorescence.

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Diseases and pests

Lupine is one of the most hardy plants in the garden and flower beds, it can perfectly survive without top dressing and watering.

Lupine is one of the most hardy plants in the garden and flower beds, it can perfectly survive without top dressing and watering.

He is practically not afraid of diseases and pests. But sometimes the plant can still be exposed to certain factors.

Most often, lupine suffers from:

  • aphids
  • weevil
  • germ fly larvae

These parasites simply destroy the inflorescence, the plant does not form seeds, which means that it has nothing to reproduce. You can only fight them chemically, specialized stores will be the best help here.

Powdery mildew and white rot can also spoil the appearance of boles., flowerbeds on swampy soils are especially susceptible to these diseases. There, fungi live best, for their development there is everything necessary. It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely remove the disease in such an area; it is more effective to simply remove diseased plants. To avoid such radical methods, it is worth regularly carrying out prophylaxis; for this, plants are sprayed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or fungicides are used.

If many plants are sick with powdery mildew or white rot, remove them from the site. After that, add lime to the ground and dig the affected area several times.

In addition, sometimes the leaves of lupine bushes turn yellow, this is also not the norm and can destroy the bole.

The main reasons may be:

  • excess organic matter in the soil
  • soil alkalinity
  • lack of moisture

In order to bring the plant back to normal, it is worth taking care of it more carefully, it is possible to carry out liming of the soil, and increase watering.

Equally important is the norm of shelter in the winter., a large amount of covering material can play a cruel joke. In warm winters, harmful bacteria can become active in leaves, sawdust, or just under the film, which later will even lead to the death of the bole.That is why the prevention of fungal diseases should be carried out in early spring, as soon as lupine is opened after wintering, and in early autumn, before the plant is wrapped before wintering.

Perennial lupins: description of the plant, growing from seeds, planting in open ground and caring for them (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

Landing Lupine

Perennial lupins: description of the plant, growing from seeds, planting in open ground and caring for them (50+ Photos & Videos) + Reviews

8.8 Total Score

Lupine is easy to grow in the garden, it does not require special care during the growing season. A large selection of varieties allows you to realize the most unusual ideas of landscape design. The plant looks great both in a multi-layered flower bed among other flowers, and in a single planting. With the help of lupine, you can create a small piece of untouched wildlife on your site. Feedback from our readers is very important to us. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

Ease of maintenance
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