bulbous flowers
Of all perennial plants, bulbous plants occupy a special place, since most of them are able to form flowers already in the first year after planting, without any outside help.
The quality of the soil, applied top dressing, and sometimes artificial irrigation in this case practically do not play a role. A similar phenomenon is explained very simply - all the substances necessary for this are already contained in the bulb. Here are photos and names of the most popular garden and indoor bulbous plants.

As such, the concept of "bulbous" in botany does not exist. This word combines several dozen genera of plants cultivated by man, mainly for decorative purposes, with a modified stem - an onion. It's not a root tuber, like potatoes and not a nodule, like legumesused exclusively as nutrient storage. The bulb is not just a repository of “building material”, it is like a miniature plant embryo.

Three types of bulbs in a flower bed
The presence of the bulb is most often characteristic of three families: Lily, Amaryllis and Onion. The former include the well-known lilies and tulips, the latter - daffodils, irises and snowdrops, and the third - the well-known various onions and garlic. Recently, it has been believed that Onions are a subfamily of Amaryllis, but gardeners, as a rule, do not go so deep into botany.

Most primroses are bulbous. Scilla or scilla
The popularity of bulbous plants is due to several important circumstances.. Firstly, it is the possibility of their constant replanting with each new season. Since the plant enters a period of dormancy in winter, its bulb can be easily dug up and transplanted without any fear of damaging the root system.
The second important condition that ensures bulbous popularity is the ability to adjust the time of their growth and flowering within a very wide range (almost the whole year). This process is called forcing; it is very convenient for obtaining flowers of certain plants by a certain date.
The third advantage of the bulbous is their excellent ability for vegetative reproduction., which allows for several years in a row to obtain good quality seed material at no special cost. As a rule, the degeneration of bulbous plants with exclusively vegetative propagation is about 5 to 10 years, which gives a fairly large margin of time when planning their replacement with other crops.

Bulbous in the natural environment. crocuses
Naturally, like any phenomenon, the use of onion bulbs has its drawbacks., which boil down mainly to excessive depletion or even poisoning of the soils in which they are grown without crop rotation for several years.
Currently, there are a huge number of these plants that can decorate both any garden and the interior of any home due to the variety of their colors and shapes. The agricultural technology of most bulbs is quite simple. When growing them, no special skills or even technical means are required.
The greatest laboriousness when working with these plants is the work on their transplantation or storage of some heat-loving species in the winter. The remaining activities on them practically do not require the attention of the gardener.
Most bulbs are tropical or subtropical in origin. Despite this, many plants in our climate feel great outdoors. They endure cold winters at rest, sometimes withstanding frosts down to -30 ° C. Some species (crocuses, snowdrops) can tolerate temperatures down to -10 ... 12 ° C during active vegetation. Consider the most popular types of bulbous plants.

bulbous plants in the garden
- The plant can be grown throughout temperate climates.
- Bulbs are able to grow in the same place for decades without significant degeneration.
- Blooms in late summer - mid-autumn.
- Requires sunny places, in the shade is often susceptible to slugs.
- It is not particularly picky about soils, but likes light and well-drained soils. The acidity of the soil does not matter.
- Plant care is simple and includes only watering during drought; if there is regular natural precipitation, it is forbidden to water the colchicum!
- The plant requires nitrogenous fertilizers; they are applied at the beginning and middle of the season.
- beautiful and large flowers
- flowering time - autumn, which is rare among bulbous
- practically maintenance-free
- the difficulty of growing from seeds when planting new plants, almost six months of stratification
- high toxicity; all parts of the plant are poisonous
- later leads to a deterioration in the quality of the soil and after the colchicum it must be restored
- Another name is giant lilies. The tall stems of the plant can reach up to 1.5 - 3 m in height.
- The plant has huge leaves and flowers: the dimensions of the latter can be up to 25 cm in diameter with a funnel length of up to half a meter.
- This exotic plant blooms only once in a lifetime, after which its bulb is depleted and it dies. However, since in addition to seed propagation, vegetative propagation is also used, it is theoretically possible to form flowers from daughter bulbs every season.
- The formation of flowers occurs in daughter bulbs in the 4th year of life, a plant grown from seeds blooms in 5-6 years.
- Prefers partial shade and slightly acidic soils. It is not demanding in care, it does not need top dressing.
- tall plant with large flowers
- undemanding to care
- blooms once in a lifetime; bulb dies after flowering
- it is difficult to maintain annual flowering, as new daughter bulbs can not form every year
- He is a viper onion or mouse hyacinth. A small plant (growth up to 40 cm), consisting of several leaves and a peduncle.
- It has a strong aroma, used in flower beds or small flower beds.
- Grows in sunny areas, but can be cultivated in partial shade. It is not demanding on soils in terms of composition and acidity. During flowering, abundant watering is required.
- Requires transplants every 3-4 years, as it depletes the soil. He loves organic fertilizers - they are applied at the beginning and end of the season.
- Very high fertility. It produces several daughter bulbs per year, in addition, it reproduces well by self-sowing.
- unpretentiousness, high fertility
- relatively early flowering
- soil depletion
- due to fertility under favorable conditions and lack of care, it can actually turn into a weed
- Another name is white violet. Outwardly similar to lilies of the valley, however, somewhat larger than them.
- Height - up to 40 cm, and the diameter of the flowers is about 3 cm.
- Likes nutrient-rich moist soils, prefers to grow near water bodies.
- The plant needs fertilizers, primarily phosphorus. Nitrogen, on the contrary, does not tolerate well.
- Requires constant soil moisture.
- The plant can tolerate drought, but it rarely grows above 15 cm.
- It reproduces both by seeds and vegetatively.
- subject to constant and stable watering, it adapts well to the environment, which allows it to be grown in any place, even where such plants have never grown.
- requires constant soil moisture;
- vulnerable to fungal diseases and rodents.
- One of the earliest primroses. Vegetation begins under a layer of snow, and the flowers themselves bloom with the first rays of the March sun.
- Low plants, up to 30 cm in height, with excellent adaptability and unpretentiousness.
- They grow in large groups of 10-20 plants, constantly giving many daughter bulbs.
- They have a huge variety of varieties that differ both in size and color, and in terms of flowering (for example, there are crocuses that bloom in autumn).
- Prefer sunny areas, away from large neighboring plants. They do not grow well in the shade or near trees.
- unpretentiousness
- huge variety of varieties
- early vegetation and flowering in most varieties
- vulnerability to rodents
- inability to grow in shade or partial shade
- plant of the lily family.
- With its appearance it is able to revive any design, since such plants will always be in the spotlight.
- Flowering begins in early spring and lasts until May.
- Inflorescences located on the tops of peduncles can reach up to 25 cm in height.
- The aroma of flowers is pleasant, strong.
- They prefer slightly acidic moist soils, however, they do not tolerate stagnant water well.
- The plant is sensitive to fertilizers applied at the end of the season. For these purposes, humus or compost is ideal.
- beautiful appearance
- long flowering time
- undemanding to soil quality
- a short cycle of vegetative cultivation - after 3 years the plants degenerate
- vulnerability to fungal infections
- One of the most beautiful flowers in the garden. It consists of several leaves of different sizes and thicknesses and one leafless stem.
- Most often, there is only one flower on the peduncle, but there are exceptions. The aroma of daffodil is one of the most pleasant among garden flowers.
- The plant finds the widest application in perfumery, both industrial and amateur.
- The best place to grow is a sunny area on neutral-acid loam.
- Too acidic soils are better to lime.
- Care is standard - constant watering and fertilizing three times per season: autumn, spring (before the start of active growth) and during budding.
- high decorativeness
- relatively easy care
- a short cycle of vegetative cultivation - after 3 years the plants degenerate
- vulnerability to fungal infections
- One of the beautiful early bloomers. Prefer fertile slightly acidic soils. Good drainage is required.
- Hyacinths need a sunny site that is well protected from the wind.
- It is not recommended to plant them next to tall neighbors or plants with a branched root system.
- The plant is demanding to care: constant watering, top dressing and loosening are necessary. Only during the growing season are made from 2 to 4 dressings.
- early flowering
- a large number of varieties, spectacular appearance
- problematic care, require constant attention
- difficult growing conditions
- A plant that has one of the largest varietal and subspecific varieties.
- It differs in different flowering time and its duration.
- The colors of the flowering parts and leaves also have the widest choice.
- Along with roses, they are considered the most common plants in gardens.
- In one place, without deterioration in appearance, they can grow for more than 10 years.
- They are not demanding on soils, but prefer moist and slightly acidic.
- Grows best on loam.
- It can tolerate excessive moisture in the roots for a long time, but it is better not to allow this.
- Organic fertilizers should not be used when growing lilies, as they stimulate the formation of fungus.
- The best fertilizer for lilies is wood ash and granular mineral fertilizers with nitrogen applied in early spring.
- a huge variety of species and varieties
- great look, low maintenance
- vulnerability to fungal infections
- In our climate, it is represented by several species with a height of 15 to 25 cm with gray-green or gray-blue leaves.
- The plant is distinguished by a long dormant period, from which it emerges only at the beginning of autumn, forming a root system by spring and blooming as soon as the snow melts.
- Prefers shaded areas with loose and well-drained soil. However, it needs constant soil moisture.
- In case of too heavy soils, it is necessary to add sand or humus to them.
- In order to increase the population of snowdrops, they need to be fed during flowering with liquid mineral fertilizers and the stems and leaves should be pruned after they have dried right under the root.
- one of the earliest blooms
- high decorativeness
- demanding on soil
- the main method of reproduction is self-sowing, which leads to a long period of reproduction (plants obtained from seeds bloom only for 4-5 years)
- It looks like a small palm tree. Flowering in hazel grouse occurs as soon as the snow leaves.
- Two peduncles are usually formed in the bulb, while it is divided into two daughter ones.
- The bulbs are together for a long time, so the increase in their number takes a long time.
- Prefers sunny areas, but can grow in partial shade, does not like shade.
- The soil should be light and loose. In heavy soil, bulb separation may not occur at all.
- Good drainage is a must.
- The plant does not need care. The only thing he needs is watering during a drought.
- Sometimes it is recommended to apply top dressing from complex fertilizers for flowers under the hazel grouse. The first - after flowering, the second - at the end of autumn.
- good appearance
- unpretentiousness in care
- slow growth rate
- vulnerability to fungal infections
- some species need to be dug up for the winter
- One of the most popular plants over the past 300 years.
- It has many varieties, all sizes, flowering periods, shades and aromas.
- It is undemanding to soils, but prefers neutral ones. Relates very well to the abundance of moisture.
- Responds well to top dressing: there can be up to 5 of them in a season: in early spring and late autumn; before, during, and after flowering. Tulips need a whole range of fertilizers - nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus.
- The plant needs proper care: in particular, constant loosening of the soil is necessary.
- Tulips can be perfectly "expelled" by some date - from the new year to March 8. Their dormant period falls on October-November, so they are perfect for all holidays in the second half of winter - the first half of spring in terms of growing time.
- a huge selection of almost all parameters: from color and growth to terry petals and flowering time
- the possibility of a relatively simple "forcing"
- demanding care
- vulnerability to fungi and viruses
- heat-loving species should be dug for storage
- in 4-5 years they poison the soil so much that then it takes at least a year to clean it up
- A plant of small growth, up to 30 cm with a one-year-old, less often a two-year-old bulb.
- The bulbs contain substances traditionally used in folk medicine.
- Also, the plant is one of the earliest honey plants, since it blooms almost simultaneously with the departure of the first bees.
- Prefers acidic soils; loves shade. The soil must be sufficiently nutritious.
- Peat-containing soils are ideal for kandyk. It is a moisture-loving plant, loves frequent watering and top dressing.
- The plant is updated every 5 years, with the same frequency it should be moved to new places in the garden.
- Like most bulbs, it can be propagated by seeds, but flowering occurs after 4-5 years.
- medicinal plant
- honey plant
- demanding on soil
- vulnerable to rodents
- Another name is Scylla. Attractive plant belonging to the Asparagus family. A very decorative look, outwardly similar to a snowdrop, however, having a blue color.
- It is frost-resistant and very disease-resistant flower.
- It has a wide distribution, because it perfectly adapts to external conditions.
- It is not demanding on soils, tolerates both excessive moisture and drought. However, the plant still has certain “preferences” - it reproduces best in shady areas and moist soils.
- Blooming at the blueberry lasts about a week, it begins at the end of April. If about a month before this, the plant is fertilized with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, flowering can be extended by almost 1.5 times.
- attractive appearance
- honey plant
- undemanding to external conditions
- it is rather a cold-loving plant; in the southern regions it does not take root well
- vulnerability to certain viral diseases

home bulb plants
- A plant with large bulbs, 5-7 cm in diameter, native to South America.
- Plant height can reach 1 m: it consists of a peduncle and a pair of leaves. On peduncles there can be from 1 to 6 flowers, depending on the plant variety. But hippeastrum varieties are not just many, but very many - their number exceeds two thousand, and every year more and more new species appear.
- The plant is very decorative: The diameter of the flowers can reach from 5 to 25 cm.
- The main flowering time is spring, however, depending on the variety, this can occur both in February and in April.
- Caring for the plant is quite simple and does not require any special skills from the owner. The main thing is to use a neutral substrate and carry out regular fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.
- The plant needs diffused light, it should be no less than 10 hours a day.
- a huge variety of types and forms, allowing the plant to be used in any design solutions
- the ability to achieve two flowering per year by shortening the dormant period
- some difficulties in transplanting and caring for the bulb in the first pot
- relative difficulty of vegetative propagation
- Outwardly similar to hippeastrum, however, it has a smaller size and a darker color of the vegetative part.
- The flowers are very decorative, however, their flowering time is only a week.
- Flowering time, depending on the species, can begin from April to the end of May.
- During the period of activity, the plant requires a sunny side in the house. May be exposed to direct sunlight for several hours a day. During the dormant period, the plant is generally recommended to be cleaned in a dark, cool room, like a cellar, however, it continues to be watered, but with much less frequency.
- The plant, even in adulthood, requires regular transplantation and replacement of the substrate every 1-2 years. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to annually monitor the condition of the bulb for its attack by fungi or viruses.
- a wide variety of forms and subspecies
- relatively easy care
- frequent transplants
- vulnerability to disease
- A plant that has an original appearance due to the coloring of its leaves. There are about eight hundred species. Another name for the plant is hare cabbage.
- The leaves of the plant have a very interesting structure: on a long petiole there are 3 or 4 parts of the leaf lying in the same plane.
- There are also species in which the leaves are divided into 6, 8 or 9 parts.
- A distinctive feature of oxalis is that these leaves can fold during rain or in bright sunlight.
- The plant prefers slightly acidic peatlands with high humidity and partial shade.
- Under favorable conditions, the plant, which is essentially a ground cover, grows rapidly and occupies the entire possible area, so it is recommended to choose a larger pot for it.
- original appearance, high decorative effect
- different positions of the leaves depending on external conditions
- almost complete invulnerability to fungi and viruses, due to the increased content of acid in plant cells
- high propagation rate, actually a weed
- the need for a large container
- The plant is native to equatorial Africa. It has another name - elephant's ear.
- It has large flowers with many stamens.
- Among gemanthus there are species that do not need dormant periods.
- Does not like direct sunlight, prefers partial shade. At rest (if the plant flows into it) it always sheds leaves.
- Does not like sudden changes in temperature during the day, does not tolerate drafts.
- Requires abundant watering and good drainage in a pot.
- Organic fertilizers can destroy the plant, so the use of mineral fertilizers is recommended.
- Transplantation is carried out every 2-3 years, with each new transplant, the pot is selected more and more. The size of the gemanthus bulb can reach 15 cm in diameter.
- attractive appearance
- unpretentiousness in care
- vulnerability to various mites and rot
- A plant of the Amaryllis family, native to Central America. Most of the year is at rest without dropping foliage.
- The period of activity falls on the second half of summer and autumn. At this time, the plant needs abundant watering and a lot of light.
- Possesses flowers of the big size; their diameter can reach up to 20 cm, and the length of the corolla is 10-15 cm.
- From one bulb, 1-2 peduncles are formed, each with 1-6 flowers at the end.
- Flowering lasts about a week, however, since there are several bulbs in the pot and the flowering time of each differs by several days, the total flowering time of the “bush” can be up to 3 weeks.
- The plant is quite demanding on the composition of the soil, watering and applied top dressing during the active period of life.
- The best place for growing rhodofials is a greenhouse or winter garden, since the temperature regime must also be strictly observed, otherwise flowering may not be achieved.
- large flowers of bright color, very beautiful and fragrant
- retains its decorative effect even during dormancy.
- short flowering time
- difficulty in caring for a plant in the active phase
- A variety of hyacinth from the tropics of South Africa.
- Leaf plates have an original spotted color.
- Inflorescences spike-shaped, having up to 20-30 small flowers of white or green color.
- The plant needs top dressing every 10 days with fertilizers for cacti or succulents.
- The plant needs regular transplants due to the rapid growth of roots and bulbs.
- The first three years - annually, then - every three years. In this case, care should be taken, since the bulb is very vulnerable.
- original appearance, not only flowers are decorative, but also leaves;
- unpretentious in content, but requires regular feeding
- propagated in all possible ways - from daughter bulbs and cuttings to seeds.
- vulnerability to ticks and insects
- Difficulties in transplantation before the age of 3 years
- A plant of the Amaryllis family. 1-2 peduncles and several leaves grow from the bulb.
- The number of flowers on the peduncle is from 3 to 9. Their diameter is about 5-6 cm. The flowers are bright and catchy. The aroma is weak, pleasant.
- Flowering occurs from April to June, its duration is about 2 weeks (each of about two dozen flowers opens for 6-7 days with a slight delay).
- After the bulb reaches the age of 3 years, two flowering per year can be achieved.
- The plant loves partial shade and slightly acidic soils.
- Watering should be moderate, however, once a week the plant needs to spray the leaves with water.
- very impressive appearance with a relatively compact size
- mature plants can achieve two blooms per season
- vulnerability to root rot
- the first flowering after transplantation occurs in the second year
Forcing, overexposure, landing
Bulb Flowers Catalog: Description 21 Varieties, for growing outdoors and at home (65 Photos & Videos) + Reviews
Hello ! You didn't write anything for cyclamen
In the section on hemanthus, these three points are: Requires abundant watering and good drainage in a pot. Organic fertilizers can destroy the plant, so the use of mineral fertilizers is recommended. Transplantation is carried out every 2-3 years, with each new transplant, the pot is selected more and more.
made me laugh out loud. This is completely, absolutely, horribly wrong.