There are a large number of firms, both new and experienced manufacturers, on the septic tank market. But no company is able to compare in terms of the scale of work provided, as well as the range of treatment equipment with the largest manufacturer of TOPOL-ECO Group of Companies. The article describes a complete listing of the work performed, the main range of septic tanks, as well as all the information about the company.

About company

TOPOL-ECO is one of the largest manufacturers engaged in the manufacture and installation of autonomous sewers in Russia and the CIS
The first among all introduced the aeration principle, developed their own types of complex and specialized purification. In addition, both annual and seasonal maintenance of residential and industrial facilities, as well as entire settlements, is regularly carried out. Equipment components and various diagnostic work are also produced.
The company has existed for more than 15 years, during which time over 185 thousand items from the assortment list have been sold and installed. More than 2 million successful completed works throughout the country, as well as working branches in every federal region of the Russian Federation. Each employee undergoes thorough training, a full course of study in order to fully master all the nuances of the specialty, as well as professionally perform duties.
And in the division of the company there are the following enterprises:
- production shops;
- hangar warehouses;
- design and research institute;
- a special department aimed at controlling the quality of production and installation;
- a special department responsible for the quality of materials and logistics;
- a number of departments aimed at developing new technologies;
- center for the production of analyzes in laboratory and practical conditions;
In addition to all this technical list, the state has a news department that collects information in this segment, covering the latest news as related to the achievements of the company, and also in the field as a whole. In addition, a whole block of employees is working on the development of the site, the introduction of accounts in all popular social networks, links to which can be found below.

Where can I buy?

Service list
The ECO-SEPTIC company provides a wide variety of works, both in complex and in individual treatment facilities. Among the list of services there are installation, repair, diagnostic, and other works. In each area, the complete and final completion of the work is guaranteed, backed up by all relevant certificates of compliance with regulations, passed quality checks. Regardless of the seriousness of the problem or the complexity of the task, "ECO-SEPTIC" without hesitation will undertake and bring the matter to the end, which is confirmed by the feedback left.
Individual treatment facilities
- In the range of individual treatment facilities (or IOS), the company provides a number of services that can be used separately or in a complex. At each stage of work, high quality is guaranteed from leading experts. All services can be ordered by phone July through the website, in the "Services" tab.Here is a list of services in the IOS spectrum:
- Call an engineer. In the selection, installation, and subsequent maintenance of the treatment plant, it is important that at all stages the rules and nuances are observed, which are easy to forget or ask not to know. Therefore, anyone can seek a free consultation from experts who can diagnose and advise on all issues.
- Production and installation. Production capabilities, as well as personnel reserve, allow us to quickly, and most importantly, qualitatively satisfy the demand in the market. A full cycle of work is guaranteed, from the preparation of the pit and formwork to the installation of compressors, a complete check of the entire structure.
- Service and maintenance of autonomous sewerage. One of the main advantages of the company is the presence in the regular division of a special service department, which was created to ensure a constant stable workflow of each installed object from the ECO-SEPTIC company. For customers, an annual or seasonal IOS service and repair program is provided.
- Delivery. In addition to the staff of working specialists, there is a large fleet of vehicles with equipment of different sizes, from cargo gazelles to large tractors with cargo platforms, cranes. Delivery is carried out throughout Russia and the CIS.
- Rapid response service. In addition to the customer service, a special emergency service is working around the clock, which is ready at any time to immediately respond to an emergency call. This state deals with any non-standard situations that require immediate attention.
Integrated treatment facilities
- In addition to the individual range of services, an important part of the work of the ECO-SEPTIC company is complex treatment facilities (or KOS). This segment includes all production facilities of various purposes and areas. Specifically for CBS, the following range of services is provided:
- Design and assistance in coordination. The company has its own special department that deals with complex design at production facilities. A full cycle of services is provided for clients, from professional consulting on technical issues to final support to technical expertise and project approval.
- Integrated production and installation. The company is engaged in the mass production of equipment, as well as additional components for production facilities of various sizes. Installation is also carried out according to individual projects.
- Service and maintenance.
- Emergency service. In case of any unforeseen situation, there is an emergency squad that is ready to go around the clock to an emergency call.
- Delivery.

All products of the ECO-SEPTIC company include more than 160 unique positions, most of which are septic tanks for both individual (TOPBIO, TOPAS, TOPAERO, etc.) and complex (TOPGLOBAL, TOPAERO-M / E, TOPAERO-M) purposes . In the "Products" section, you can get acquainted with the full list of all available sections or contact by phone to get advice from leading experts about the range.
Here is a list of the main industries and the popular models of treatment plants available in them:
- plastic cellar.
- KOS.
- KNS;
- UFO;
- Phosphate removal tank.
- cooling baths;
- signaling in case of emergency;
- information notification module;
- additional containers (rectangular, cylindrical).
- lines;
- bells;
- drums;
- ventilation equipment;
- baths;
- protective and cleaning laboratory equipment;
- other add. Equipment.
Next, we consider in more detail the Septic tank "TOPAS-15".
Septic tank "TOPAS-15"
"TOPAS-15" is a stand-alone equipment, one of the leading popular models for IOS. Most often used in suburban, country, residential facilities, as a replacement for the central sewerage system, which are not provided in such areas or function insufficiently.
Works due to natural biological processes, using aerobic microorganisms. This principle makes it possible to efficiently process all pollutants of organic origin. For cleaning, a special technique is used for forced saturation of water with oxygen, which is indicated as an aeration process. Due to this, the water is purified by 98%, observing all SanPiN regulations. After processing, only pure water and sludge remains, without harmful fumes. These products may well be used for technical purposes without harming cultural lands.
The main advantages of this septic tank are:
- complete absence of smell;
- soundproofing;
- high percentage of cleaning;
- strong and reliable connection of all parts;
- high quality materials;
- universal approach to all types of soil;
- quick and easy installation;
- maintenance-free.