TOP 20 Best children's laundry detergents: review and recommendations for choosing + Reviews

Children's clothes need to be washed several times more often than clothes for adults. That is why it is important to use a safe and effective detergent. How to choose the best baby washing powder, focusing on real customer reviews and expert recommendations, we will tell in the material.

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What is the difference between baby powder and regular powder

It is impossible to distinguish by external signs means for children's things and ordinary clothes.

It is impossible to distinguish by external signs means for children's things and ordinary clothes.

Most powders after washing are not completely washed out of the fabric even after 3-4 rinses. Residues of hazardous substances penetrate the child's body through the skin and can cause allergic reactions or even poisoning.

The main difference between products for children and adults is the level of toxicity. It can only be tested in laboratory conditions using living cells.

In everyday life, washing powders for children and adults can be distinguished only by indirect signs. Yes, laundry detergent labeled "children", "for children's underwear" contains a lower concentration of surface active substances (surfactants) compared to the usual. It is this component that causes irritation on the skin, remaining in the tissue structure for at least 3-4 days.

In the "adult" product, unlike a good children's product, additives are additionally used for:

  • color retention
  • softening fabrics
  • removing difficult stains
  • easy ironing
  • give a pleasant aroma

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Requirements for a reliable washing powder

Reliable baby laundry detergent should be free of preservatives and fragrances

Reliable tool for children's washing should not contain preservatives and fragrances

A reliable and safe detergent for washing children's clothes must meet the following criteria:

  1. Keep as few ingredients as possible. Additional additives have a negative effect on the skin and health of children

  2. Be hypoallergenic. Such funds are issued with the marks "For newborns" or "From the first days of life"

  3. Do not contain fragrances. Their presence in the composition is easily recognized by the persistent "chemical" smell.

  4. Have a short shelf life. Optimal - 1-3 years, if more, then potentially dangerous preservatives are present in the composition

  5. Contain zeolites or sodium disilicate instead of unsafe phosphates

  6. Contain oxygen bleaching elements such as sodium percarbonate

  7. Incorporate mild enzymes that successfully cope with protein or fat pollution

  8. Wash out as quickly as possible (ideally in one wash) from any type of fabric

Optical brighteners are ultraviolet dyes that only give the appearance of whiteness, but do not affect the structure of the fabric.

The category of important, but not critical, factors when choosing a powder include:

  • economy (washing of children's clothes takes place almost daily)
  • efficiency (the product should wash dried stains, stubborn dirt from fruit and vegetable purees)
  • softness of linen (important for delicate baby skin)

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What components in baby powder should not be

Powder with phosphates will soften water, but it will have a negative effect on the children's bodyPowder with phosphates will soften water, but it will have a negative effect on the children's body

Powder with phosphates will soften the water, but it will have a negative effect on the children's body

The following components of laundry products are considered potentially dangerous for the health of the child, his well-being and immunity:

  1. Phosphates (phosphonates and phosphorites) - elements prevent the formation of scale on the elements of the washing machine, soften hard tap water. At the same time, they cause allergic reactions upon contact with the skin, reduce the protective functions of the body.
  2. Optical brighteners – do not wash out of fabrics even after repeated rinsing
  3. Chlorine. A toxic substance that will inevitably cause allergies on children's skin
  4. Anionic surfactants (A-tensides). Even after the third rinse, up to 10 mg/l of these dangerous components remain in the water.

The listed elements are poorly washed out of the tissue structure and can lead to:

  • allergic dermatitis
  • metabolic disorders in the cells and tissues of the body
  • dysfunctions in the liver and kidneys

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Top foreign products

Based on the composition of the products, the recommendations of experts and the reviews of people who have been using them for a long time, there is such a rating of reliable foreign powders for baby laundry:


Burti Hygiene (Germany)

In the composition - soap base and brighteners, does not contain phosphates. Hypoallergenic, economical, has a disinfecting effect. It is better to use for white and light-colored linen, as colored clothes can bleach a lot. The cost of a pack weighing 1.1 kg is about 1 thousand rubles

Burti Hygiene

Burti Hygiene


Tide child (USA)

In the composition - extracts of chamomile, medicinal plant - aloe. Suitable for sensitive skin, but for newborns, it is better not to use the product. An economical package weighing 3 kg will cost 300–400 rubles

Tide child

Tide child


babyline (Germany)

One of the best compositions: oxygen bleach and soap base. Washes most of the dirt even in cold water, does not cause reactions on the skin, is economically consumed

The German product Babyline does not contain potentially hazardous components

The German product Babyline does not contain potentially hazardous components


Meine Liebe (Germany)

Does not contain phosphates and chlorine, fragrances. Shows good results when washed in cold water, copes with difficult stains on white and colored children's clothes. Dermatologist approved and wears off slowly even with frequent use

Meine Liebe

Meine Liebe


BioMio (Denmark)

Liquid detergent with natural safe composition. Suitable for baby clothes for newborns and for delicate fabrics of adult clothes. Can be used for hand washing, economical due to high concentration




Amway (USA)

Effectively removes stains with natural enzymes. Rinsed out of the fabric in 1 wash cycle, safe and hypoallergenic. Silicic acid salts in the composition prevent the formation of scale on the elements of the washing machine.



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Domestic funds that have earned trust

Russian manufacturers provide a large selection of products for delicate washing of linen and children's clothing with a safe composition and low price.

Most Popular Products:


eared babysitter ("Neva cosmetics")

Despite the presence of phosphates in the composition, it is suitable for washing things of those babies who do not suffer from allergies. Non-volatile, it washes well and washes even stubborn stains from cereals, juices and fruit purees. The product is more affordable than other means (300 rubles per 2.5 kg)

Eared nanny is one of the most popular laundry detergents with good reviews.

Eared nanny is one of the most popular laundry detergents with good reviews.



The powder is great for allergic children, as it does not contain phosphates and aggressive substances, and for hand washing (it contains aloe vera extract). No strong odor, softens fabrics and dissolves easily in water. The only drawback is that it can only cope with light pollution. A half-kilogram pack will cost 50 rubles





Tobbi Kids (Sterlitamak)

Soap-based baby laundry detergent with soda and mild surfactants. It has the appearance of a white powder with colored granules without a pronounced odor. Whitens fabric, but does not remove dried old stains. A standard pack of 2.5 kg costs about 350 rubles

Tobbi Kids

Tobbi Kids


Umka (Nizhny Novgorod)

Natural soap-based powder with non-ionic surfactants in the composition. Copes with pollution even in cold water, hypoallergenic. Can be used both for washing in the machine and for hand cleaning, gives fabrics softness





Powder for children's clothing based on soap, soda and citric acid. Qualitatively washes stains, has no smell and color. Easy to wash, can be used for hand washing. Cost: from 100 rubles. for 0.5 kg



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Products with a natural composition

The absence of synthetic components in the composition is the main advantage of baby powder. The most reliable organic detergents:


pure water

The product is made in Russia. The main active ingredient is the sodium salts of coconut oil. Contains less than 15% baking soda, less than 5% percarbonate, silicate and sodium citrate. Suitable for washing ordinary clothes. The cost of a package weighing 1 kg is 390 rubles

pure water

pure water


our mother

Russian-made children's soap powder is made from soap shavings, which most carefully interacts with tissues and skin. Contains sodium tallowate, cocoate and sodium palmitate (coconut and palm oils), glycerin, water and titanium dioxide. The product rinses out easily. A pack weighing 0.5 kg costs from 200 rubles

Baby wash products tend to be more expensive than their high surfactant and phosphate counterparts

Baby wash products tend to be more expensive than their high surfactant and phosphate counterparts



The product for sensitive skin, which can be used for colored and white clothes, is made in Germany. The product is based on organic vegetable oil soap. Among the components are also: soda, silicate, iminodisuccinate, citrate and polyaspartate




garden kids

An environmentally friendly concentrated product with silver ions, which give an additional disinfecting effect. 30% of the product consists of children's natural soap. Washing efficiency is provided by soda and sodium citrate. The cost of packaging in 1.35 kg - from 400 rubles

garden kids

garden kids



Palm and coconut oils in the base of the product provide gentle washing of stains on white and colored children's underwear. The composition of the powder includes plant enzymes. The cost of a pack of 1.2 kg is 370 rubles



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Popular tools that should not be trusted

Despite the popularity and good reviews, it is better to refuse to buy some products for washing children's clothes due to the presence of hazardous components in the composition.

Examples of such washing powders:


The myth is childish

Contains surfactants, enzymes, optical brighteners, fragrances. It has a strong smell, does not remove greasy stains well

TOP 20 Best children's laundry detergents: review and recommendations for choosing + Reviews

The myth is childish



Contrary to the assurances of the manufacturers, the product causes allergic dermatitis. In addition, the product is poorly washed out of tissues, volatile - settles on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system.




Free Time Children

Ingredients: anionic surfactants, optical brighteners, enzymes and fragrance additive. Colored granules in powder leave streaks and are not washed out

Free Time Children

Free Time Children


Spring tenderness

Phosphates in the composition, does not remove stains, forms a lot of foam, is poorly washed out of the fabric

Phosphates in the first place among the components in the composition should alert the consumer: such a product is not suitable for children

Phosphates in the first place among the components in the composition should alert the consumer: such a product is not suitable for children

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Everything that touches the skin of a child should be as safe as possible - this postulate also applies to washing powder. Decisive criteria when buying a laundry detergent: safety and efficiency. Additional characteristics are economical composition and low price.

How to choose a safe baby laundry detergent is described in the video:

TOP 20 Best children's laundry detergents: review and recommendations for choosing + Reviews

VIDEO: Children's washing powders. Which one cleans better

TOP 20 Best children's laundry detergents: review and recommendations for choosing + Reviews

Recommendations for choosing a detergent are given in the plot:

TOP 20 Best children's laundry detergents: review and recommendations for choosing + Reviews

VIDEO: How to wash children's things? Choosing a safe powder / gel

TOP 20 Best children's laundry detergents: review and recommendations for choosing + Reviews

Our Rating

6.3 Total Score
The best baby laundry detergent

Feedback from our readers is very important to us. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Thank you for your participation. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

Burti Hygiene
Tide child
Meine Liebe
eared babysitter
Tobbi Kids (Sterlitamak)
Umka (Nizhny Novgorod)
pure water
our mother
garden kids
The myth is childish
Free Time Children
Spring tenderness
Buyer ratings: 2.75 (4 votes)

  1. My weather sons are allergic, so I took the choice of detergent for washing their things and bed linen very seriously. I carefully studied the compositions so that there were no phosphates and chemical fragrances. As a result, I settled on the German Sodasan. Yes, it's not cheap, but I'm sure it's safe for my children. The powder washes well and does not have a chemical pungent odor. I am satisfied.

    • I didn’t like Sodasan ((Stains remained after him on clothes. Not all, but they remained. I now like 2 powders: Japanese and also Clean & white, it generally has almost all the ingredients of plant origin and even removed the stain from red wine from a snow-white shirt!
      I wash them both adults and children's things!

  2. A year ago, my first child was born - my beloved daughter. For her, I choose the best: both food and clothes. I also meticulously study all the "chemistry". I thought that in Russia there are no washing powders for children's things with a natural composition. But then I found Pure Water in the online store. Ours, domestic, but without surfactants and phosphates. I wash all my daughter's things and even my clothes made of delicate fabrics. Recomend for everybody.

    Leave feedback



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