TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work | Rating + Reviews

Construction of modern houses, cottages, saunas, shopping complexes, other buildings cannot be imagined without tiles, which are an important element finishes. It can be ceramic, marble or porcelain stoneware. It is very useful to have a tool like a tile cutter. Consider the best options for tile cutters, we will understand the choice, we will study the advantages

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Types of tile cutters

Mechanical tile cutter

Mechanical tile cutter

tile cutter - a professional tool that is used by tilers and tilers in their work. It is designed for cutting tiles, stone or glass.

There are three types:

  • Mechanical
  • Electric
  • Manual

The work is carried out without difficulty, because when laying the tiles it is necessary to adjust the pattern, create corners and round holes. In addition, you will win in time, and the cuts are even, making the masonry more efficient.

For the easiest choice, we present to compare different types:


mini tile cutter

  • Low price
  • Compact dimensions

  • It takes effort to get a straight cut.
  • There is a possibility of breaking the tile crookedly

2mechanical manual

Mechanical manual tile cutter

  • Light weight, dimensions
  • No network connection required
  • Increased work speed
  • Making curved cuts

  • It's not always possible to cut perfectly straight
  • Material size depends on tool

3manual electric

Manual electric tile cutter

  • Working with large tiles
  • Portability
  • Makes holes in the center of the material
  • compactness

  • With a large amount of work, fatigue may occur due to weight.
  • Experience is required for a straight cut.


stationary tile cutter

  • No length limit
  • Perfect cut quality
  • The presence of a cooling system

  • Impressive dimensions

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The best mechanical tile cutters

Mechanical type of tile cutters

Mechanical type of tile cutters

The mechanical type of tile cutters has a simple principle of operation: the roller passes along the intended strip, and the foot with supports is pressed against the cut. The tile breaks exactly according to the cut made. In this case, an exceptionally sharp fixture will cut without chips. The following models are recommended.

1. BATTIPAV Super Pro 900

BATTIPAV Super Pro 900

BATTIPAV Super Pro 900

1. BATTIPAV Super Pro 900

A remarkable model with an optimal cutting length, which is sufficient to work with most materials. Differs in high-quality assembly, sharp sharpening, after work it is not required to correct edges, stability on any surface. Combined with ceramics or porcelain stoneware.

  • enlarged incision
  • improved edge
  • Durability of operation
  • Comfortable handle

  • Overpriced

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work

Nuova Battipav Super Pro 900

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work | Rating + Reviews

2. RUBI TP-66-S



2. RUBI TP-66-S

One of the best quality tile cutters with a tough, durable construction. It is equipped with a springy table for an instant break of a tile. Ergonomic handle provides comfort even during extended use. Seamlessly cuts ceramic, porcelain stoneware or gres. The kit includes a winning roller.

  • Removable ruler
  • Design reliability
  • Neat cut without chips

  • Price

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work

Professional manual tile cutter Rubi TP 66 S and Rubi TX 700 mitex exhibition

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work | Rating + Reviews

3. ZUBR EXPERT 33195-60

ZUBR EXPERT on bearings 33195-60

ZUBR EXPERT on bearings 33195-60

3. ZUBR EXPERT on bearings 33195-60

Possesses high quality, reliability and optimum cost. Bearings are provided for smooth movement of the carriage. For beginners, this tool will be a great helper. Lightweight, comfortable, compact with a cutting depth of up to 30 mm.

  • Length and depth of cut
  • Low price
  • Quality, reliability

  • Roller may wobble a little.

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work

Tile cutter ZUBR EXPERT on bearings 33195 50

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work | Rating + Reviews

4Gigant TC 800

Gigant TC 800

Gigant TC 800

4Gigant TC 800

This tool has an increased cutting length, high reliability, comfort in operation. Equipped with a ruler with a special stop, which makes it possible to effectively cut tiles. The built-in laser significantly improves performance by making the strip thicker.

  • Rich equipment
  • compactness
  • Affordable price
  • Neat cut

  • Pretty weak base.

5. Encore 600 mm 1/3 3664

Tile cutter with compass Enkor 600 mm 1/3 3664

Tile cutter with compass Enkor 600 mm 1/3 3664

5. Tile cutter with compass Enkor 600 mm 1/3 3664

The tool has advantages, including optimal cost and a ballerina. Such a device cuts round holes in the tile. The porous rubber pad prevents the tiles from slipping.

  • Wide functionality
  • Comfort, ease of use
  • low price
  • ballerina

  • Foot of poor strength
  • Frequent blunting of the incisor

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work

Manual tile cutters Enkor

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work | Rating + Reviews

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The best electric tile cutters

Electric tile cutters

Electric tile cutters

Electric make it possible to perform professional cutting work. They are equipped with a table and legs, which minimizes fatigue during operation. Thanks to the diamond blade and the cooling system, even hard materials are cut.

1. DeWALT D24000

DeWALT D24000

DeWALT D24000

1. DeWALT D24000

Copes with any materials: facing plates, porcelain stoneware, marble, stone. Equipped with powerful motor, water cooling, bevel cutting ability. The maximum tile size is 610 mm.

The design contains special stops that increase the accuracy of cutting without drawing an additional line. Safe working at an angle is ensured by a protective cover that covers the saw blade.

  • Power
  • Perfect cut at any angle
  • Coolability
  • Compatible with many materials

  • High price

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work

DEWALT D24000 Review. Pros and cons. Tile cutting

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work | Rating + Reviews

2. DIAM SPmax-250/1.5

DIAM SPmax-250/1.5

DIAM SPmax-250/1.5

2. DIAM SPmax-250/1.5

It is a reliable tile cutter with a well-thought-out design. It features a powerful motor, a spacious work table, excellent equipment, the presence of tile stops, the ability to cut at angles, and adjust the carriage.

The machine is installed on legs, which ensures comfort during prolonged work. The saw cut depth is 60 mm.

  • Reinforced motor
  • Extended cutting length 900 mm
  • Functionality

  • Light weight
  • Will rust quickly if not properly cared for

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work

Electric tile cutter SPmax-250/1.5

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work | Rating + Reviews





Any tool from this manufacturer can be safely called professional. It comes standard with important options for efficient operation. The pump delivers water to the surface, the flow of liquid can be adjusted.

The model has stops that contribute to the perfect cut. The motor power is 800 W, the kerf size is 40 mm.

  • Water cooling of the cutting point
  • Adjustable water supply
  • Sustainability

  • No ruler

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work

Overview of the tile cutter, only technical points

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work | Rating + Reviews

4. Encore Corvette-464

Anchor Corvette-464

Anchor Corvette-464

4. Encore Corvette-464

Professional model of domestic production. Benefits ensure high-quality efficient work. The machine makes cuts at right angles and other angles. 800 W motor, 2850 rpm spindle speed.

It is completed with a diamond disk and a cooling system, so the strength of the material does not matter. The cutting length is limited by a factor of 500 mm.

  • Affordable price
  • water cooling
  • A light weight
  • Compact dimensions

  • low power
  • Unstable construction

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work

ENCOR Corvette 464 Tile Cutter

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work | Rating + Reviews

5. Fubag MasterLine 6 Star 660

Fubag MasterLine 6 Star 660

Fubag MasterLine 6 Star 660

5. Fubag MasterLine 6 Star 660

Electric model for angular, straight, combined cutting. The cooling system allows the device to work for a long time, extends the life of the mechanisms. The wide surface of a table allows to process dimensional products.

Capable of making straight or angled cuts with considerable accuracy. Collapsible design for easy transportation and storage.

  • High quality build
  • Economy through good performance
  • Reliable connection of body elements
  • Precise tight carriage travel
  • Convenient raising and lowering of the disc

  • The screen is located under the motor
  • The maximum cut can be convex
  • No tile fixing

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work

FUBAG MASTERLINE 6 STAR 660 Electric Tile Cutter Idea Review

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work | Rating + Reviews

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The best manual tile cutters

Manual tile cutter

Manual tile cutter

Manual tile cutters are compact devices that allow you to cut along the entire length. Thanks to its high rotation speed and diamond coating, it can even handle hard boards. Masters distinguish several high-quality models.

1. DeWALT DWC 410



1. DeWALT DWC 410

It is the winner of the manual models rating due to its functionality. The tool will become indispensable for tilers, glaziers, pavers or monument decorators. The tool has a cutting depth adjustment.

Wet cutting prevents the formation of dust, which has a positive effect on safety. The tool is equipped with a powerful engine, runs on mains power. Weighs only 3 kg.

  • Wide range of adjustments
  • Ease of use
  • Convenience and maneuverability during work
  • Availability of water cooling

  • Pretty hard to find 20mm discs

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work

Tile cutter DeWALT DWC410

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work | Rating + Reviews

2. Ryobi LTS180M

Ryobi LTS180M

Ryobi LTS180M

2. Ryobi LTS180M

An excellent battery option that has reliability, mobility and non-volatility. It is equipped with a powerful 18 V motor, easily cuts ceramic, marble, stone slabs, porcelain tiles. The kit includes a diamond disc.

High RPM and a solid edge make for an excellent, clean, chip-free cut line. A locking system is used to quickly change the disc. All elements and control units are provided on the handle, which makes the work much easier.

  • Mobility, maneuverability
  • Light weight
  • budget cost
  • Ergonomics

  • Low battery power

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work

Ryobi ONE+LTS180M Cordless Tile Cutter/Cordless Tool

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work | Rating + Reviews





Compact hand tool for cutting tiles. He easily copes with ceramics, tiles, paving slabs. Increased power, rotation speed make the work more efficient.

The tile cutter allows you to get the perfect edge without chips, its weight is only 3.1 kg. In service, the device is not whimsical due to easy access to the motor brushes.

  • Powerful engine
  • Sufficient cutting ratio (41 mm)
  • Compact and light weight

  • No ability to cut at an angle

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work

Unboxing Grinder-Tile Cutter

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work | Rating + Reviews





High-quality, reliable, durable tile cutter. It does not require an outlet, so you can work in any convenient place, for example, on the street, bus stop, and others.

The tool cuts 1030 mm in length, which is enough. It easily copes with ceramics or porcelain stoneware. The tile cutter weighs only 14.7 kg, and the maximum cutting depth is 15 mm.

  • Extender included
  • High quality cutting wheel
  • The monorail is made of high-strength metal
  • No power connection required
  • Handles a variety of materials

  • Requires effort to work
  • Overcharge

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work

Professional tile cutter BATTIPAV PROFI ALU

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work | Rating + Reviews

5. Montolit Masterpiuma 63P3

Montolit Masterpiuma 63P3

Montolit Masterpiuma 63P3

5. Montolit Masterpiuma 63P3

The tile cutter model is suitable for professionals or amateurs. It will be the best assistant in cutting ceramic, wall, floor or porcelain tiles. A high-quality non-slip handle provides additional comfort, making work easy, accurate, and splinter-free.

Allows you to make a neat and aesthetic cut. The tool is equipped with a wide range of functions and useful additions, such as a ruler, a rotary goniometer, a grease tool, which prevents squeaking and gives durability.

  • Handle support included
  • Light weight and compact
  • Anti-slip handle
  • There is support for dimensional products
  • Roller container included
  • Can cut diagonally

  • It is not always possible to accurately adjust cutting to thickness.

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work

Tile cutter test MONTOLIT Masterpiuma 63P3

TOP 15 Best tile cutters: manual and electric for home and work | Rating + Reviews

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The choice depends on the characteristics of the job. If you are laying tiles professionally, then it is better to purchase all three varieties, the costs will pay off with interest. For occasional work, a good power tool is perfect. For home repairs, a budget manual option will be useful.

Our Rating

5.7 Total Score
The best tile cutter

Feedback from our readers is very important to us. If you do not agree with these ratings, leave your rating in the comments with the reasoning for your choice. Your opinion will be useful to other users.

BATTIPAV Super Pro 900
ZUBR EXPERT 33195-60
Gigant TC 800
Encore 600 mm 1/3 3664
DeWALT D24000
DIAM SPmax-250/1.5
Anchor Corvette-464
Fubag MasterLine 6 Star 660
Ryobi LTS180M
Buyer ratings: 1.67 (3 votes)

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