A beautiful garden with your own hands: the best ideas for garden design in a private house or cottage | (100+ Photos & Videos)

garden design ideas

The exterior and interior of a private house in the ideal representation is a harmonious environment, closely interconnected with each other and reflecting the views, lifestyle and thoughts of the person living in it.

To achieve such a harmonious coexistence, careful study of every detail of the interior of a country house, a summer residence and the space adjacent to them is required.

The garden design ideas described here will help paint a picture of your backyard, learn a lot about colors and shapes, and also become a springboard for independent creativity.

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Ideas need a foundation

Harmonious composition

Harmonious composition

It is very important to streamline the ideas and fantasies that are hovering in the head. The basis is a detailed project plan, drawn in special designers or on paper. Many people mistakenly think that garden design begins after the construction of the house and other structures.

Not really. In order for the plot to meet all the ideas of the owners and the rules of comfort, it is planned at the design stage of the house.

To do it right, you need:

  • on the terrain plan, mark the segments on which the buildings will stand (house, bathhouse, garage) and there are garden zones: a vegetable garden, pond, barbecue, gazebo, playground, sculptures, brazier, lake and so on
  • mark the location of trees, shrubs and other perennials, taking into account their growth over time
  • mark all engineering systems of the site, including irrigation, lighting, water supply of reservoirs, and so on

Landscaping project for a personal plot

Landscaping project for a personal plot

Something like this should look like a landscape project for a personal plot.

When the design on paper is completed and there is a work plan in hand - it's time to start implementing the plan. And the most interesting thing here is the work on arranging and ennobling the garden. The garden design photos described in the following paragraphs are the result of a careful approach to each stage and professional execution of projects.

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Choice of garden colors

Magnificent blooming garden

Magnificent blooming garden

Color can work wonders. The right color scheme allows you to decorate the most unsightly parts of the garden, make them visually larger or smaller, add volume or raise the vertical.

Gardens in one color are in fashion today: white, blue, scarlet, evergreen and so on. The so-called natural landscapes, in which plants growing in the wild nature of the area are collected, do not lose their relevance.

Interesting landscape gardens, created in the Alpine style, country, classical. Also popular are gardens of continuous flowering, which delight with a riot of colors from April to October. One of them is in the photo below.

A magnificent flowering garden worthy of a royal palace. According to this principle, small areas can also be designed, along the perimeter of which winding paths for walking can be laid out. curly flower beds how flowering zones are separated by a perfect lawn. Such a paradise on earth.

evergreen garden

evergreen garden

In the evergreen garden in the style of minimalism, coniferous plantings are the soloist. Their variety is so great that you can pick up tiny junipers, and fluffy cone-shaped spruce and shrubs resistant to sudden changes in temperature.

Here the composition is created from conifers with contrasting shades of needles from yellow-gold to gray. That is why the coniferous landscape will never be boring.

Landscape in delicate white and pink shades

Landscape in delicate white and pink shades

The landscape in delicate white and pink shades always looks fresh and elegant. This color performance is especially important in small areas. White expands the boundaries, gives volume to the picture and looks great both in the daytime and in the evening. White is versatile and suitable for any style from simple rustic to strict modern.

Garden in lilac-blue shades

Garden in lilac-blue shades

The garden in lilac-blue shades looks very noble. blue hydrangea, bloodroot and other flowering perennial shrubs stand out against the background of green lawn.

The main thing - keep them in good shape with regular haircuts and pruning. You need to trim at least 2 times a year, while maintaining the desired shape.

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Design ideas for individual sections of the garden

Hearth and outdoor cooking area

Hearth and outdoor cooking area

The garden is a single whole, even if it is divided into many small zones. When planning its arrangement, we must not forget that all ideas must be embodied in the same style. How to issue recreation area, living room outdoors, fireplace, garden paths, vegetable beds, open veranda?

But how to protect the terrace from bad weather and drafts, where to plant ivy and how to decorate the fence beautifully and at the same time save money? Perfect photos of the design of the garden and the site will help you with this!

Relaxation area and barbecue

open gazebo

open alcove

Hearth and place for cooking outdoors. That's why it's worth planning a recreation area and a barbecue. Here, the hearth is located away from the dining area, so that smoke and strong smells do not interfere with enjoying nature. A separate area for the dining area is a great idea! this is a great place to have a good time.

It is better to place an open gazebo in the farthest corner of the site, surrounded by large-sized ones. This creates a feeling of privacy, isolation and tranquility. wooden gazebo and furniture it gives a pleasant tactile sensation, incomparable with concrete. An alternative to wood on your site is wicker furniture, which looks even more aesthetically pleasing.

Rest zone

Rest zone

An example of the ideal arrangement of a recreation area in the backyard. On one site, 4 mini-zones are built, which allow you to cook food without moving over long distances, warm yourself by the hearth, and dine on a sunny and cloudy day.

Sun loungers, hammocks, swings and cozy chairs in the shade of the orchard

Sun loungers, hammocks, swings and cozy chairs in the shade of the orchard

Sun loungers, hammocks, swings and cozy chairs in the shade of the orchard - very organic, stylish and comfortable. A light canopy will protect from sunlight and light rain, it is convenient to walk on a wooden floor, especially if there are small children at home. This zone for them is a playground for passive games.

Bench and openwork tea table

Bench and openwork tea table

A bench and an openwork tea table - such a recreation area can be arranged near the house on the smallest plot of the garden. Its great advantage is mobility. She can take another place at any time, closed from the wind, sun and even rain.

Nearby, you can think over and place pots and plant new plants in them every season. Thanks to this decoration, the atmosphere here will always be different.

Modern seating area for narrow urban areas

Modern seating area for narrow urban areas

Modern seating area for narrow urban areas. It is located at the very end of the site and is framed by a high vertical fence. To separate the area from the garden itself, a podium was built.

If desired, along the fence can be placed pots and plant climbing vines, so it will turn out to create the feeling of a cozy forest clearing.

Idea for cottages with small plots

Idea for cottages with small plots

Another modern design project. Everything here is simple, concise, functional, in a strict urban style with straight geometric shapes. Only the abundance of plants in the pots completely smoothes the urban look.The idea for cottages with small plots in the city.

Recreation area with benches

Recreation area with benches

For a large garden with a series of walking paths, you can organize several seating areas with benches. Here you can relax, read a book, have conversations and just immerse yourself in your thoughts and contemplation of beauty.

Recreation area adjacent to the back entrance to the house

Recreation area adjacent to the back entrance to the house

Recreation area adjacent to the back entrance to the house - the most popular site planning option. With only a few minutes of free time, you can jump out into the street, fall into your favorite chair and take a deep breath.

You can tell a lot about hosting guests and playing with children here! Gardeners love this layout, since the entire remaining territory is given over to all sorts of green spaces - and this is room for imagination.

Ideas for garden paths

lawn grasses

lawn grasses

Even the most resistant lawn grasses cannot remain perfectly beautiful in heavy traffic areas. So garden paths, scaffolds, paving stones to be! Here the path is paved with slabs, which looks very organic with a paved area for a recreation area. An excellent and rational solution for many styles.

Smooth paths in the garden

Smooth paths in the garden

Smooth paths in the garden are suitable for organizing a pedestrian zone. It's nice to walk through them. blooming flower beds and admire them. Such paths can be combined, made of tiles, wood, saw cuts, pebbles and gravel.

Path on the background of various vegetation

Path on the background of various vegetation

This path creates the effect of aged paving. It looks very beautiful, especially against the backdrop of a variety of lush vegetation.

A modern look at the zoning of the site with the help of paths

A modern look at the zoning of the site with the help of paths

A modern look at the zoning of the site with the help of paths. Their purpose here is to mark the passage to the buildings. Very comfortable and beautiful.

Illuminated walkway and flower beds

Illuminated walkway and flower beds

Illuminated walkway and flower beds - fabulous experience for the evening. The larger the plot, the more actively plan the lighting and vice versa.

gravel paths

gravel paths

Gravel paths look natural, natural and are inexpensive. They are not slippery, and walking barefoot is good for health. They can be given any shape. It is enough to fill the material on the soil, previously limited by the lawn border. A practical option for any terrain.

Garden Ideas

Beautifully decorated vegetable and berry beds have long been part of the decorative landscape. They harmoniously coexist with flower beds and even decorate separate areas of the garden. To give the garden a well-groomed look, between the beds you can lay the lawn in rolls, fill it with gravel.

An example of how a boxwood hedge, roses on a trellis and neat beds limited by a border are organically combined. Such an idea can be implemented on any personal plot, even the smallest one.

Composition of vegetable crops

Composition of vegetable crops

And this composition of vegetable crops, framed by garden paths can serve as an interesting place for walking. Idea for a summer cottage.

Mini vegetable garden

Mini vegetable garden

Mini vegetable garden in the far corner of the garden - An idea for those who have very little free time. Such a garden requires almost no care - only timely harvesting! Berry bushes complete the picture of a delicious corner.

Road to recreation area

Road to recreation area

The road to the recreation area and barbecue can be decorated not only with flowers, but also with beds with medicinal herbs and vegetables. The two-tier design looks very original. And how convenient it is to cook from fresh products, just collected from the garden!

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Interesting garden design ideas in different styles

Alpine slide

Alpine slide

Alpine hill, rock garden - a classic and a highlight of the backyard landscape. But it can be presented in a variety of shapes and proportions. Here it looks like a stone mountain, generously decorated with undersized perennials, moss, succulents.If there is a lot of meth in the garden, this is a wonderful decorative element, in addition, a high alpine slide protects the site from the wind.

Swimming pool, relaxation area and barbecue

Swimming pool, relaxation area and barbecue

This picture is the ultimate dream of many cottage owners. The swimming pool, relaxation area and barbecue are so harmoniously and compactly designed that you want to get there as soon as possible. An ideal picture for implementation on your site.

Tiered terraced gardens

Tiered terraced gardens

Multi-level terraced gardens - not many can afford such a luxury, but the idea of ​​​​such plots can be repeated on a standard 15 acres.



Ephedra and nothing else - it's not boring - it's very beautiful all year round. Competent selection of plants and maintenance of certain forms of the crown makes this garden natural and unique. Due to the unpretentious varieties of conifers, people who are far from knowledge of botany can afford such a landscape.

Bridge over a pond or dry stream

Bridge over a pond or dry stream

A bridge over a pond or a dry stream - many people dream of this. Such a small architectural form adds volume, texture to the garden and makes walks even more pleasant. The bridge can be made of logs and boards, stone, brick, forged elements. Designers often use it for garden decoration and place it away from buildings.

Topiary haircut

Topiary haircut

Topiary haircut is a fashion trend in landscape design. Thanks to a special method of crown formation, trees and shrubs can be given any shape. Professionals in their field can do the figures of animals and birds, fabulous flowers and other objects.

rock garden

rock garden

The rock garden, so popular in China and Japan, is gradually conquering the gardens of Europe. It is considered low-maintenance, harmonious, conducive to relaxation and philosophy.

Japanese-style stone garden option

Japanese-style stone garden option

Another cozy option for a Japanese-style stone garden. This, but in miniature can be repeated in many areas. The main rule is no bright colors, maximum closeness to nature! Ideally, at the beginning or end of the garden, there is a cozy bench for contemplating the beauty of the stones and the landscape as a whole.

Gorgeous backyard design project

Gorgeous backyard design project

Gorgeous backyard design project. The building is buried in flowers framing the local area, the back entrance and open balconies. It remains only to sit in a chair and admire the riot of natural shades.

Landscape around the house

Landscape around the house

As close to nature as possible. This is evidenced by floor-to-ceiling windows and the natural landscape around the house. Plants are selected in such a way that they are in harmony with those growing in their natural environment. There are no exotics, no extra brightness - everything is muffled and calm, as it should be in the forest!

Carpets and labyrinths from perennial shrubs

Carpets and labyrinths from perennial shrubs

Carpets and labyrinths from perennial shrubs - the fashion for them appeared in England. This is mostly the prerogative of large parks, but some homeowners do such on their plots.

As a main plant other than evergreen boxwood take derain, barberry, thuyu Brabant. They perfectly tolerate a haircut, grow quickly, so a wonderful carpet will be able to please a few years after planting.

The house around the perimeter can be decorated with flower beds

The house around the perimeter can be decorated with flower beds

The house around the perimeter can be decorated with flower beds. This type of garden design requires a lot of care and effort, but it's worth it. How pleasant it is to admire the cheerful colors of flowering plants from every window of the house. When planning such flower beds, the cardinal points and the wind rose are taken into account. Not all plants grow well on the north side and in the shade.


Pond - as a rule, an artificial reservoir created to decorate the garden

It is a whole ecosystem, with selected plants. Reservoirs often attract dragonflies, frogs. The organization of the reservoir is a difficult job, requiring careful choice of location, the absence of large trees nearby and taking into account other nuances. But this work is beautiful result!

Blooming garden without traditional footpaths

Blooming garden without traditional footpaths

Blooming garden without traditional footpaths. Not many decide on this, but it looks great. A lawn of lush greenery frames blooming flower beds and nothing prevents you from running barefoot across it.This idea is only for the backyard of the house, since the front entrance is always highly trafficked.



Arch or pergola – small architectural form, a variant of vertical gardening. It can be both an independent decorative element and a companion.

Arches run through garden paths, decorate seating areas, and are often used in rose gardens to support climbing roses. Such a composition always looks aristocratic, creates visual accents, and is the backdrop for beautiful photographs.



One of the unusual options for presenting the fountain on the site. In general, the movement of water in the garden promotes relaxation and helps to humidify the air, which is good for human health and plant life. The fountain is a system of complex engineering structures, therefore it requires professional work.

Path to front door

Path to front door

When the house is located in the depth of the site, the path to the front door can be beaten as in the photo. After entering the gate, a wonderful picture of well-chosen plants and stone compositions opens up to your eyes. In the evening, directional lamps illuminate the path to the house. The same is at the facade of the house.

Garden in the evening

Garden in the evening

What will the garden look like at night? This should be considered in advance before laying lighting networks. Ideally, you need to use multi-level lighting to create a fabulous environment.

Trunk circles in the shade of trees

Trunk circles in the shade of trees

This idea is for those areas where there are large-sized. According to this principle, you can arrange trunk circles in the shade of trees. Ideal plants for this hosts. The variety of shapes and colors of leaves allows you to create a non-boring carpet that requires almost no maintenance. Plants with white and yellow foliage will enliven a dark corner of the garden.

succulent garden

succulent garden

A modern take on landscape design. Everything is strict, concise, underlined. A decked walkway leads directly to the succulent garden and back into the house. Such a garden requires a minimum of care and watering, calmly tolerates heat and retains its decorative effect for a long period of time.

The best garden landscaping ideas collected from around the world can be the very start that encourages action and the creation of beauty against the backdrop of nature. Get inspired by a selection of beautiful photo projects and real gardens, read useful literature, consult with experts, and your garden will become worthy of a glossy cover!

More cool ideas in the video below.

A beautiful garden with your own hands: the best ideas for garden design in a private house or in the country

? Landscaping - ideas for inspiration

A beautiful garden with your own hands: the best ideas for garden design in a private house or cottage | (100+ Photos & Videos)

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